Invest in a moon colony!
I am creating a new region, called "Moon colony I". It will be a wonderful military advantage, to be able to attack with missiles, and not be in danger of destruction by nations that arn't space-capable. Of coarse this will cost money, so I am imposing a $1 billion entry cost, (all of wich will be spent on bettering Moon colonyI) but the military and regional votings (to decide what to do with the region, posted on the forum) far outweigh the intial cost! If you don't join now, the cost will double at the end of the week (sunday at noon), and if you are afraid that only a few nations have joined, don't be, for more will gion soon. And plus, I almost forgot to tell you, ther will be a strong regional military (space capable). So goin now!
please respond, so I can begin devolpment on the region.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
25-11-2003, 03:03
Forwarded for comment -
TO: Tairahiti military strategy dept
FROM: Tairawhiti dept of sci/tech
The reknown professor Gankin has advised us that the threat of missle strikes from the orbitting moon is negligible. Barring the development of some form of "faster than light drive" the missles would take days to travel from the moon and likely could be interceptted within orbit. Thus it is the sci/tech dept's opinion that the money be invested back into the fabled "Cow catapult" defense initiative.
North Germania
25-11-2003, 03:23
Thus it is the sci/tech dept's opinion that the money be invested back into the fabled "Cow catapult" defense initiative.
I also will make sure that there is a stare wars laser defense system, providing there be enough :) wise :) investors.
25-11-2003, 04:17
TO: Leader/M-Pire nation
FROM: Tairahiti military strategy dept
The Tairawhiti MSD is most intruiged about this "Stare wars" technology. Since we saw "The lord of the rings" we too have been most taken with the character of Sauron and feel that a giant eye ominously hovering over the horizon would be of enormous military benefit. however our efforts so far have only brought about the disaster of causing thousands of cosplay geeks with big beards to roam across our magnificent plains. If we could tempt you with our reasearch into the aerodynamic qualities of large bovine objects would you please let us know.
Thank you,
General Henk Henkson
25-11-2003, 04:19
Froggyliciousness is interested in this Stare Wars system. If it was implemented, it would be a useful tool in the Staring Contest category in warfare. We would give 1.00 USD to construct a giant eye.
25-11-2003, 04:20
TO: Leader/M-Pire nation
FROM: Tairahiti military strategy dept
The Tairawhiti MSD is most intruiged about this "Stare wars" technology. Since we saw "The lord of the rings" we too have been most taken with the character of Sauron and feel that a giant eye ominously hovering over the horizon would be of enormous military benefit. however our efforts so far have only brought about the disaster of causing thousands of cosplay geeks with big beards to roam across our magnificent plains. If we could tempt you with our reasearch into the aerodynamic qualities of large bovine objects would you please let us know.
Thank you,
General Henk Henkson
We have Nuclear Cows...
25-11-2003, 04:30
TO: Leader/Free Land of Froggyliciousness
FROM: Director/Tairawhiti agricultural and pastoral dept
Brother I feel your pain, until a recent audit our cows were found to be unusually radioactive as well. This had the unexpected benefit of discouraging the entrance of McDonalds and Burger king franchises, but all this was outweighed by the un-nerving habit of the cows using their new superpowers for EVIL (TM). We reccomend investing in lead supplies to build a bunker that their X-ray vision cannot penetrate so you may plan how to counter this threat.
25-11-2003, 17:46
TO: Leader/Free Land of Froggyliciousness
FROM: Director/Tairawhiti agricultural and pastoral dept
Brother I feel your pain, until a recent audit our cows were found to be unusually radioactive as well. This had the unexpected benefit of discouraging the entrance of McDonalds and Burger king franchises, but all this was outweighed by the un-nerving habit of the cows using their new superpowers for EVIL (TM). We reccomend investing in lead supplies to build a bunker that their X-ray vision cannot penetrate so you may plan how to counter this threat.
No actually, we designed them as weapons. We drop them on other nations and they act like nukes without the cost of the outer covering.
~Supreme Chancellor Lance Johnson
I now realize that I have made a spelling error :( in my last reply, stare wars was meant to be :shock: star wars :shock:.
p.s. there will be no giant eye :( .
26-11-2003, 00:09
I now realize that I have made a spelling error :( in my last reply, stare wars was meant to be :shock: star wars :shock:.
p.s. there will be no giant eye :( .
...Such a pity, a giant eyeball would have made us rich beyond all imagination in my country....
We have Nuclear Cows...
Do you have any left for sale?
There is no limit as to what amount of money the Democratic Republic of Ganymerica would pay to add another cow species to our zoo.