School children taken hostage.
It was 12:30 in the afternoon as a group of unknown terroists creaped through the vents of Robertina primery school on the edge of Tanka. They crept through the air vents 69 of them with AK47's and silanced pistols. They had been waiting for 10 hours for this. They began to take aim and the teachers and then they fired.
Robert looked up from his maths and saw a dark figure in an air vent. Before he could shout a warning the figure had fired, hit Mr Richards in the cheast and dropped down on the speechless class. With a teamate he foreced the children to line up in a long line. They tied them up and then shot 2 in 10 of them in front of there fellow pupils. They threw the corpes out of the windows. And then herded every pupil inside one classroom and hung banners out of the windows saying "WE DEMAND £9,000,000 POUNDS IN CASH AND SAFE CONDUCT!
They sat back and waited
As you can see my freinds, it is a graive sitution, we cannot approch the building and so far four children are dead (The siege has gone on for 2 hours) We have the place surrounded but what can we do. They do have 597 prisoners in there which they can massicare at any point
24-11-2003, 21:33
Offical respsonse from the Crookfur Foreign office
Oh dear, it appears that despite your oh so enlightened dictatorship and massively unsustainable armed forces you can't keep your population under control. We feel sorrow for the loss of childrens lives that will likely result from your bungled attempts to resolve this situation.
Offical respsonse from the Crookfur Foreign office
Oh dear, it appears that despite your oh so enlightened dictatorship and massively unsustainable armed forces you can't keep your population under control. We feel sorrow for the loss of childrens lives that will likely result from your bungled attempts to resolve this situation.
What can I do, they are Religious extremists who want me to put Islam as the nations offical religion (Currantly we have no offical religion we find that it is best to let people worship freely.) We are trying to nogotiate but it may not work
Sorry can't delete so I have posted right one below
Offical respsonse from the Crookfur Foreign office
Oh dear, it appears that despite your oh so enlightened dictatorship and massively unsustainable armed forces you can't keep your population under control. We feel sorrow for the loss of childrens lives that will likely result from your bungled attempts to resolve this situation.
What can I do, they are Religious extremists who want me to put Islam as the nations offical religion (Currantly we have no offical religion we find that it is best to let people worship freely.) We are trying to nogotiate but it may not work.
OCC: I make one mistake and you throw it back at me. I admit I was Godmoding at that time but I have cut back on my armed forces (500,000 men, 2,000 tanks and a large intelligance and elites network) can't you let me have a break?
Independent Hitmen
24-11-2003, 21:51
The United States of Independent Hitmen's elite delta team 5 and its equipment can be in your country in 12hours if required. From then on it would be 4 hours before a rescue operation could be attempted. We await your reply.
Secretary of State Roberts.
OOC:Transports are in the air and heading for you so as to cut down a delay if you accept.
There demand is very resonable and i fear they have another motive apart from the money, wouldn't it be easier and safer for the childrens live's to pay the ransom?
John Candles
Prime minister of Sanni
never give into terroist u do that then they wont stop till they have control of ur goverment.
we can send in a group of 5 clonetroopers that are trianed in hostage takeovers. they can be sent to u right away and be ther with in 45mins of dropship take off.
external affers
24-11-2003, 22:14
OOC: ggrrr i had a really cool post but the forum ate it!!!!
Anyway on the FM post, well you can hardly expect the gentlemen at the ministry to refrain from a dig at a nation who isn't on the "people we really quite like" list.
from the Crookfur Joint Security Services Offices
our official advice is stand firm, never negotiate, get good intel and if that doesn't work, keep playing ranbow 6 games and SWAT 3 until you live and breath the matra of breach, bang and clear.
OOC: ggrrr i had a really cool post but the forum ate it!!!!
Anyway on the FM post, well you can hardly expect the gentlemen at the ministry to refrain from a dig at a nation who isn't on the "people we really quite like" list.
from the Crookfur Joint Security Services Offices
our official advice is stand firm, never negotiate, get good intel and if that doesn't work, keep playing ranbow 6 games and SWAT 3 until you live and breath the matra of breach, bang and clear.
Hm rainbow six, tasty :P
I believe we need to negotiate with them. Get them to hold off on killing any more of the children while we talk. And sending in a strike team at this point may be the worst option. Preparing the team and having them on stand-by may be wise, but only be sent in if absolutely necessary. I believe this can be settled peacefully, without more bloodshed.
If you wish to negotiate, my negotiators are standing by. We await your response.
Glorious Humanity
24-11-2003, 22:21
The Federation of Glorious Humanity offers our heartfelt condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives. We intend to offer more than word support, however. A team from our special counter-terrorist unit, the Human Angels, has been scrambled and is already in the air. They will arrive in four hours. Because of the urgency of the situation, they were scrambled without inquiring first. If you choose to refuse the help they shall turn around and head home, but if you are willing to accept our offer, they will be bringing a negotiator to try to reason with the criminals, and a team of soldiers if the terrorists won't listen.
Mark Albert
Federation of Glorious Humanity
our best negotiater he will be on call if u need him he is dispached with the Clonetroopers.
ooc:Bit overkill on the amount of spec ops groups being sent in ey?
Ic:We argee with the nation of Terran highlands, and believe with the amount of children involed, if these terrorists are organised, they could well exucute whole classes as your team's make a single mistake.
24-11-2003, 22:52
IC: any terrorist with any brains woudl relise that they are in a lose/lose situation, thier actions up until this point have condemed them utterly, no nation can relistically let these people go.
the ideal situation would be to get them out of the biulding and on thier way apparent safety before taking them.
Of course the really eveil way to resolve this is to blow the whole school up and blame it on the terrorists...
200metres isn't that far for an assault team (if you have soem ramming vehciles or soemthing) and there are always other ways in. If they have congragted the hostages in one place then the job gets easier...
mmmm well i say storm the place and kill the scum
24-11-2003, 23:27
Perhaps a team of highly trained ninjas will do? We will also be sending a negotiator (Jedi, otherwise normal if you say so) to hopefully resolve this terrible situation. They are on their way as we speak.
Ryan Walter, Secretary of State.
I'm sending a diplomat, he himself is a devout Muslim (about a 4th of my population is Islamic), he wishes to speak to the terrorists
*helo lands in aust, diplomat would like to be taken to the school*
i say we should go with what doctor dudes say!
Crime should be totaly unknown! :idea:
imported_Rebel Grots
25-11-2003, 00:21
Comrades, we must negotiate with the terrorists. Have you not learned from the cinema incident in Tchetchenia? It was only a miracle that prevented the bombs on the seats from being set off while the police stormed the building. This is a very delicate situation, and it cannot be solved by warmongering *cough, corpsac, cough*
Though reble grots is too far away to offer immideiate assistance, we can only advice and warn you. These terrorists are , as said, in a no-win situation. Killing all the students with a number of suicide bombs is a likely plan, you have been warned, proceed with caution.
imported_Rebel Grots
25-11-2003, 00:21
Comrades, we must negotiate with the terrorists. Have you not learned from the cinema incident in Tchetchenia? It was only a miracle that prevented the bombs on the seats from being set off while the police stormed the building. This is a very delicate situation, and it cannot be solved by warmongering *cough, corpsac, cough*
Though rebel grots is too far away to offer immideiate assistance, we can only advice and warn you. These terrorists are , as said, in a no-win situation. Killing all the students with a number of suicide bombs is a likely plan, you have been warned, proceed with caution.
*holding a Karan up in the air and preaching out muslim verses, the diplomat slowly approaches the school*
*just outside school door, diplomat asks for premission to enter the school*
Comrades, we must negotiate with the terrorists. Have you not learned from the cinema incident in Tchetchenia? It was only a miracle that prevented the bombs on the seats from being set off while the police stormed the building. This is a very delicate situation, and it cannot be solved by warmongering *cough, corpsac, cough*
Though rebel grots is too far away to offer immideiate assistance, we can only advice and warn you. These terrorists are , as said, in a no-win situation. Killing all the students with a number of suicide bombs is a likely plan, you have been warned, proceed with caution.
we take offence to this comment we are not warmongering just incressing hostilatys.
simple storm the building when all elces fails send in one team from the back one from the sides roof and front, tear gas the school, smoke grades and flash bangs, movein mob up. simple tho many atime people do this there is a 32% civilan kills
*diplomat hears no response, so he enters the school*
OOC: i'm not going to continue my posts till somebody else gets in here nevermind, im continuing
Glorious Humanity
25-11-2003, 01:21
"He's in," Captain Max Patterson said softly, watching the Muslim diplomat enter the school building through a pair of high powered binoculars. Behind him, the Human Angels team was relaxing. Privates Louis Anderson and Greg MacArthur were playing checkers using a small travel set, Corporal Theresa Jones was reading a magazine, and Private First Class Sergio Malone was dozing in a chair. The Glorious Humanity diplomat, Lacey Millhouse, had gone to join the negotiation teams closer to the school.
The Human Angels were in an office building nearly two hundred yards from the school. The building had five floors, and the commandos were on the fifth one, where they could see the school easily. Patterson had been on watch for an hour. Despite the threats and previous murders, the terrorists did not appear to have continued their atrocities. To the best of their knowledge, the terrorists were not even aware the Angels were here. From the airport they had moved in an unmarked car to this area, then stashed the car two blocks away and went on foot through back alleys to the building they were now in. Now they were waiting to see if the diplomat got anywhere.
Patterson briefly glanced up at the sky. Dusk was coming on, he gauged only an hour or two left of daylight. If diplomacy failed, the Angels would move in under cover of night to rescue the children. Until it was fully dark though, there wasn't much they could do but sit and watch, and hope they didn't hear any gunshots that would suggest the terrorists had resumed killing people.
*the diplomat continued, holding the karan and speaking muslim chants, with every step he anticipated that last moment...*
*finally he approached the room where the hostages were being held*
*the diplomat knocked twice on the door before entering, when he entered he saw "it".* "men, we must talk"
"you are the victim of the A-cop"
*the terrorists looked at him confused*
*the diplomat ripped off his jacket revealing explosives strapped to his chest*
"ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!" *the "diplomat" detonated the explosives*
Danislavko watched the news in dis belief "I sent a diplomat to discuss peace terms and the terrorists commit suicide! I should have seen this coming!"
*danislavko heard a knock at the door* I told them to not disturb for the next few hours Danislavko thought to himself. "Come in" Danislavko replied, on the other side of the door Danislavko saw what he precieved to be a KGB agent. "Yes?" "I have a package for you" the agent replied
"bring it here" *the agent walked smoothly over to the dictator's desk, and quickly drew from the package a GSH-18 pistol and fired one shot through the chin and through Danislavko's head* Yes, our dear "president" could not handle the guilty concious and has chosen to relieve the people of his anarchic curse the agent thought as he laid the gun down in Danislavko's hand and left the room
Glorious Humanity
25-11-2003, 01:50
Patterson didn't even need to shout "Explosion!" because the entire team jerked to attention as the dull rumble of the blast reached their ears. All their relaxed postures gone in an instant, the team was grabbing weapons and setting their gear. Within seconds, they were on their feet and ready.
Patterson checked the sky and swore. At least an hour till nightfall. Nonetheless, he gave the orders, and his team began moving out, deploying closer to the school in the deepening darkness.
KGB agent (witness to Danislavko's suicide), Public speech :
Dear people of Toktun Edem, Danislavko has chosen this path for a reason! He knew that his way of governing was corrupt and wrong, yet you have become dependent on him. Here is his death note *agent reads Danislavko's "death note"* "My actions taken should improve the well being of our state, if they are to follow this course of action: Remove this imperialistic government and replace it with a communist one, deal with any person that may oppress this decision. Toktun Edem will surely be one of the greatest nations this world has seen, Sign Danislavko"
*crowd cheers*
OOC: glorious humanity are you going to post something?
Is this another A Corp attack?
*The Emissary steps up to the podium. Cameras flash as the occupants of the press room gaze upon him. The TV camera before him activates.*
"Nations of the world. A very grave occurence has happened upon us this night. The nation of Toktun Edem sent its own terrorist into an already extreme hostage situation, thus resulting in the deaths of many, most importantly the children we were here to save. Therefore, it is without delay that we, the Federation of Terran Highlands, declare Toktun Edem a hostile terrorist nation."
terran highlands, your young nation does not want to entangle itself in a conflict with A-corp
Canadien Bacon
25-11-2003, 03:13
Following the terrorist attacks on the innocent children of Aust, Canadien Bacon has pledged it's support to Aust and any other country ready and willing to fight terrorism. We may have left the UN, but we will not stand for the cowardice of these scumbags, and will support the UN's actions on this matter.
Glorious Humanity
25-11-2003, 03:16
OOC: Had to go offline for a couple hours, back now.
IC: Darkness had fallen several hours ago. All around, it was quiet. Fifty yards from the school building, one could see the flickering lights from police cars. Nothing was happening anymore. No one was doing anything more since the explosion. No one was prepared to do anything.
No one that is, except the Human Angels.
The team was now crouched behind a dumpster, checking their weapons one last time and watching the back door of the school's main administration building, where they intended to begin the silent attack. Patterson was watching the LCD display on his watch, marking the minutes, waiting for four AM.
Finally, the minute hand clicked over. Four in the morning. The time when the terrorists would be least prepared to meet any resistance. Many would likely be sleeping, and the posted guards would be sleepy and looking forward to the ends of their shifts. The Human Angels had been resting since eleven PM, they were fresh and alert, going up against people who would be anything but.
Each team member was wearing a combat blacksuit, with black Spectra armor underneath, black boots, and black webgear. Black gloves covered their hands, and black masks their faces. They were shadows among shadows. Each team member had an MP5SD silenced assault rifle, a silenced Glock 17 for a sidearm, a combat knife, and two flashbangs and two tear gas grenades each. Night-vision goggles rested on their foreheads.
Patterson held up one hand, and there was a soft rustle as his team drew up and tensed to move. Then, he pointed forward, already starting to move. Behind him, his team started moving as well, their rubber-soled boots making no noise on the concrete. They were six panthers on the prowl.
Not to detract from your RP Glorious but:
[size=4]NEW MONTREAL TIMES[size]
Counsel mobilizes reserves
(New Montreal) Meeting at the Halls of the People, the Holy Counsel has issued a statement condemning the A-Corp Attack and offering any assistance needed to aid and abet the rescue effort using any necessary means (OOC those of you with training in Diplomatic doublespeak know that "this means we are giving permission to our soldiers to blast their way into or out of any situation")
The Counsel also passed a bill calling up 6-month reserves for homeland service so that the regular army can be placed on standby to ship out. They also approved a bill granting the Patriarch full authority over the army as is standard procedure in times of war. A bill already in place giving the Patriarch authority to deploy units to Upper and Lower Bigtopia was renewed firmly placing New Montreal States on a war footing.
The Minister of Defense met with the Ambassador of Nanakaland and stated his hopes that "they could stand together against insurgency once again".
Security tightened
(New Antioch) Immediately after the announcement that New Montreal States was taking an active stance in the stand against A Corp, security tightned all throughout the land.
Guards have been deployed and more have been recruited across the land. A proviso in the bill giving the Patriarch full command of the army included funding for extra security at schools and hospitals. 99% of schools across the nation have petitioned for funding, afraid that A Corp will target them next. Metal detectors and guard dogs have been placed in some of the larger schools, and in some of the richer private schools that can afford the expense.
"Bottom line?" asked Theodore Mintus, headminster of Antioch Renault High School, "We're as ready as we can be. Terrorism will always be there but stopping it starts here." he said pointing towards his new pistol in his holster.
new montreal states, your actions are most noble, perhaps i can send a diplomat and we can settle this dispute?
Sign, anonymous from Toktun Edem
i am just the new leader of a new nation but with all the help and resources you have perhaps you could get enough sharp shooter pointing into the place and take them all out with one swift action. again im but a new leader and i have no xperience but i hop ei can help in any way possible.
Glorious Humanity
25-11-2003, 06:51
There was one guard at the door, a single sleepy-looking gunman standing in the pool of light cast by a small bulb over the door. He was very, very bored, and very tired.
A sudden rustle in the decorative bushes on the left drew his attention. Curious, and eager for something to take his mind off the boredom, the guard turned to investigate. The bushes rustled again, and the man turned fully to face them and started to take a step forward.
He didn't even finish the first step before the butt of a rifle slammed into the back of his head.
Paterson finished his swing as Malone leaped forward to catch the unconcious man before he could hit the ground. Jones came out of the bushes as Malone stripped the unconcious man of his belt and a handkerchief. Efficiently they trussed up him up, tying his hands and feet all together in a bundle behind his back, and stuffing the handkerchief in his mouth as a gag. Then they dragged him into the bushes to conceal him. Patterson gave a curt signal to the other three team members out in the darkness, and seconds later the whole group was assembled in front of the door.
"Check it," the Captain said is a whisper. Jones moved forward, withdrawing a long, thin fiberoptic from a hidden pocket of her suit. Kneeling by the door, she slipped one end under the door frame, and peered into the eyepiece at the other end. She watched for a moment, manipulating the camera back and forth, then held up one hand, her thumb and first finger extended in a gun shape. Terrorists on the other side. Next she held up three fingers. Three terrorists, likely heavily armed. There was no way the squad could take them out the way they'd punched out the guard at the door.
Patterson nodded, pointed at himself and Malone, then pointed at the door. They would breach the room first. Then he pointed at Anderson, indicating he would cover them. The other three would hang back in reserve, just in case.
Malone put his hand on the doorknob, his other hand on his rifle's trigger. Patterson held up one hand with all his fingers extended, then lowered one finger at a time, silently counting down from five. At zero he closed his hand into a fist and nodded.
The breach was perfect. Malone turned the knob, then threw his shoulder into the door, banging it open as wide as it would go. He noted as he raced in that there were actually four terrorists, the fourth being behind a desk and thus out of sight of the fiberoptic. As he moved, Malone ducked and rolled forward a couple feet, giving Patterson a clear shot over him as the other man charged in behind him. Patterson took it, and before the terrorists could even find the triggers on their weapons two of them were on the ground bleeding. The third, standing near a doorway marked "NURSE'S OFFICE" brought his weapon, a Uzi, up but never got a shot off, as Malone finished his roll and came up on one knee, targeting and firing. The gunman slammed into the office door and slid down it.
The last man, the one in the chair, tried to rise, but Anderson already had him. Standing in the doorway, the commando double-tapped the terrorist in the head, dropping him heavily back into the desk chair, which rolled back a foot from the landing.
The rest of the team stormed into the room, and at a series of curt hand signals from Patterson they spread out to check the rest of the area. Besides the nurse's office, there were two other doors, one marked "PRINCIPAL" and the other leading to a hallway of generic offices. A few seconds later the floor was confirmed as clear.
"Anything interesting?" Patterson asked when the team met up in the office hallway.
"Found the principal in his office," Jones replied. "They blew his head off."
Patterson just nodded. "Alright, let's find those kids."
25-11-2003, 13:22
wait, I'm confused. Didn't the school already get blown up by A-Corp and Toktun Edem? Why is Glorious HUmanity raiding the school?
OOC: YES IT WAS BLOWN UP (i have no idea what he thinks he's doing...)
CorpSac clonetroopers stand around waiting for news, they new what had happened. then Genral Hun came up to them.
"did it go to plan genral?" a clonetooper sead. "no thos dam fools terrorist blow the place up dam it. we never got our man in this Cell would have been the key. anyway for u orders. U are to report the Aust Gernral he will give u futher orders. also u are to report to me on the damage of the school"
"YES SIR" they shouted
Hun walk off he new CorpSac Intarnal afffiars will be pissed and he need to know what realy happened. the plan was simple send him in talk to the terrorest and they would join CorpSac. but no they died, did someone know our plans..but how. this distured hun alot.
Robert stood over his Rifle staring at the building in dis-balive. He had seen right portion of the building blown into smitherines, and then heard the announce ment that Aust was at war with Toktun Edem for the attrocotys. Now it appeared that the explosion had not reached the left side where the children were held and now he saw muzzal flare and the sounds of gunfire coming from the building as the Human Angles stormed through.
His own son was in there, Robert son of Robert. This would be his best chance the terrorists would be off guard from the explosian and the gunfire. He led his team of 10 ASS forward for death or glory.
Arkania looks at the world news and hears about the kidnapping in Aust and that several people have been killed and they dont know if the kids are alive after the massive esplosion.
Arkania rushes to his phone and starts making calls and calls robert the leader of aust "sir i saw the report on the news i have my 3 special force's G-Lynx choppers on their way with my Navy Seal team, they are under your command till they get back home, i know from past experiance's that you have a son, sir i hope for you hes alright"
CorpSac will if u want commit 250,000 Infentry units to help with any war started by this incedant and 2nd Armored and 32nd Artillary Corps.
Genral Hun waited around seeing the fire fight from th ASS and the rest of the terrorists, he wondered were the Clonetroopers in that battle our were they not trusted.
he waited for the gun fight to end, he wanted to speak to the commander of this task force. not know who it was and not a single person telling him what was goin on. then the Clonetroopers walk up behind him. "sir seems that Aust might be at war" the trooper with the Black sholder pads sead.
"with who" genral Hun ask.
"no idea...are we to stay or leave" The trooper sead
"no we stay u never know we might be wanted here" the genral sead "u never know. so what has there commander made u do?"
"crowd control us made for this sort of thing and we get Crowd control" the Trooper sead in disapontment.
"Commander incomming transmisson sir for intranal affiars" a trooper behind him sead
Genral hun knew this was it something he didnt want to confront but y did they want to speak to the clone commander and not him...he wont know.
Arkania looks at the world news and hears about the kidnapping in Aust and that several people have been killed and they dont know if the kids are alive after the massive esplosion.
Arkania rushes to his phone and starts making calls and calls robert the leader of aust "sir i saw the report on the news i have my 3 special force's G-Lynx choppers on their way with my Navy Seal team, they are under your command till they get back home, i know from past experiance's that you have a son, sir i hope for you hes alright"
thank you luckerly my son is at the moment at another school.
Robert peered in through the windows, he knew that this was the main hall and that was where the kids were kept. The firefight was still going on. He looked in.
There wer 12 terrorists in the middle of the room, one was raping a girl the others standing around him and aiming guns at the pupils. Near the door 10 more terrorists were clusted firing there weapons and taking cover from bullits that flew down the passageway. About 45 pupils lay dead near the door including his son. He aimed his pistol at the terrorist who was raping the girls head as his men took up fireing persitions. They fired then in one movement took out there rifles. Someone threw a smoke grenade and he pulled down his thermal visor. He ignored the children or the rapidly cooling figures of dead guards near the girl and aimed at the terrorist near the doorway. they were turning and firing wildly. He aimed and using short sharp bursts cut them down. They fell wounded and dead to the floor. The smoke cleared and even as the Human Angles arrived and his men took up defensive porsitions he ran over to the body of his son.
The boys face was horrificly burnt and his legs were blown off but still he lived. The boy looked up at his farther and tryed to say something he failed and then as the life slipped away from his blood stained face smiled as though something important had been achived. The man closed his sons eyes and whispered a prayer to his soul then he got up emptyed a magazine in fustration at a dead terrorist and barked out orders. "Get those bodys out of here and the kids. I want a full report on damage and any CCTV camras. His men did as he said, he breathed a vow of revenge that the people who did this would suffer torment and death, especcanlly those fools at Toktum Edum, who had caused his sons death. He walked off to find some scum to kill.....
5 days later.
King Theoden sat with his advisers in the war room of the imperial palice he had manged to monover troops to attack Toktum Edum, 60,000 troops stood in place with 1,000 tanks, 200 bombers returned from bomming raids, "Attack" he ordered.
The newly promoted generl Robert Stevenson stood as troops poured into enermy terratory, his son would be avenged...
you can't attack me without a good reason, and besides, if you would read carefully you would realize my government didn't cause this event, it was done by a secret organization, attacking me would give the entire organization a reason to attack you, and besides you can't just have your military "pour accross my boarder", you have to put them into position first and what not, what you're doing is called god modding :wink:
25-11-2003, 22:57
And just plowing ahead with this without Aust Rping the terrorist reaction or the behavior of his command units on the ground towards your emissary wasn't?
if you noticed, he never posted a thing, i am, ok? and besides, i think what happened with the terrorist was very possible, and somewhat likely, if he wants to fire his ignore cannon then he can, but i won't mine :D
25-11-2003, 23:25
Perhaps he didn't post because he wasn't online?
The action was perhaps likely but consider this:
Your emissary suddenly arrives, the local commander is unlikely to trust anyone without direct authorisation and brealing through a security cordon is a good way to get shot, at 200m's the terrorists are liekly to open fire as thier demands state (at 200m do you think you could tell the Quran from another book?, they have AK47s, not PSG1s) and if you haven't been anounced by the local control then they could view the act as an attack.
just issues that would need adressing.
you can't attack me without a good reason, and besides, if you would read carefully you would realize my government didn't cause this event, it was done by a secret organization, attacking me would give the entire organization a reason to attack you, and besides you can't just have your military "pour accross my boarder", you have to put them into position first and what not, what you're doing is called god modding :wink:
1 he/she does have good reson think of it like this: all he know is that ur man walked in then BANG so all people will think it was his fualt. the Goverment Blames urs
2. if u notice his/her post says 5 days later that just about the right time to get some Armed force along ur border maby not all so they can poor into ur nation.
3. he/she does not know it was an organization
IC: the clonetroopers had left Austs Nation, the 250,000 troops were reday to Set off to war 5000 of witch were clonetroopers of the Elite CorpSac forces, the armored div and Artillary Div were preparing all they were waiting for was comfirm from the CEO.
All the CEO was waiting for was Aust to accept his offer of help till then he couldnt do anything.
OOC: He can't do all of those actions in ONE POST (he has to do it in choronlogical order as it happens!), what he's doing is called god modding, and by attacking me you are blaming my citizens, whom had nothing to do with it, and yes he/she could have known it was an organization because my diplomat stated that they were the victim of the A-corp, and my president obviously had nothing to do with it because he was outraged by the event, and did you note the way he died?...
Public Speaker of Toktun Edem:
"The nation of Toktun Edem has changed it's course, we are headed toward a much better Motherland!" *crowd cheers* "The imperialistic ways of life that were inforced upon you and the dictator ruler that struck terror into your hearts is gone! and for the best! our nation will now follow the principles of a Marxist nation!" *crowd cheers* "However, recent events have caused a geat pain for us. Dear Nation of Austa and all that support your war on the Motherland, please reconsider. Our military will not take any action to repel your attack, there is no need for this fight..."
OOC:1. u sead:
"you are the victim of the A-cop"
*the terrorists looked at him confused*
*the diplomat ripped off his jacket revealing explosives strapped to his chest*
"ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!" *the "diplomat" detonated the explosives*
As ur diplomat was inside the school in real life people outside could not hear u so no one would know it was A-corp. so u goverment would be blamed
2). in an earlyer post is stated there was a state of war on u, and then heard the announce ment that Aust was at war with Toktun Edem for the attrocotys
im not going to ignore aust, nor will i defend myself
OOC: what do you mean by that?
I am sorry, but I cannot withdraw now, I demand that if I am to withdraw you must,
1) Plurge all members of A-Corp from the society and send 200 of them to Aust for death,
2) Pay £500,000 in compensation and an equal amount to the victims famillies which will be privatly nogotiated,
3) Reveiw your arrangements with your nogaotiators and cheak them.
1) The diplomat would have been surched before he could enter the zone around the building.
2) The terrorists would have fired at him as soon as he came in range.
Just wanted to point that out.
aust, either we pretend none of this ever happened, or we pick up from where the kids were killed, you chose
Sorry you think that I was Godmoding by putting to things in one post, I declared war on you in another post and the it was 5 days later when I moved me to you boarders, I have now penertrated 20 KM into your country are you going to accept my offer or not
Sorry you think that I was Godmoding by putting to things in one post, I declared war on you in another post and the it was 5 days later when I moved me to you boarders, I have now penertrated 20 KM into your country are you going to accept my offer or not
im ignoring you because you aren't being reasonable
In a house recently raided by Ruenland officials, we discovered future plans of another hostage takeover of another school for tomorrow, but the owners of the house were arrested and are now under our custidty, but we will not hand them over to Aust until we are given something in return.
-Advisor to Emperor Randy Rifkin
That is the most homo post i have ever seen in my entire life. We want something in return! haha
imported_Rebel Grots
26-11-2003, 23:31
Ah warned you, ah warned you! But did you lissen? Oh no, it's just an 'armless little bunny isn't it?
-monty python and the holy grail-
Now, now comrades. Can we please be reasonable? This can be settled without throwing the word "godmodder" around. Everyone makes mistakes (yes, even superhuman beings and gods like Totkdum Edem).
Why does one of you have to be right? Is it really impossible to setel for a compromise? This reminds me of nursery school, "My troops are in your country!", "No, they haven't even been mobilised!" "Yes they have!", "No they haven't!","Have too!", "Have not!", "Yes!", "No!", "Yes!", "No!"
Can we please stop behaving like 5 year olds?
(and stop toting ingore cannons?) :wink:
ok he kills every citizen in my country, how does that sound :lol: yeah....
That is the most homo post i have ever seen in my entire life. We want something in return! haha
thank you
Glorious Humanity
27-11-2003, 07:16
OOC: Toktun Edem, you hijacked the RP. Your bombing changed the story direction and sent it spinning off in a way I don't think Aust had planned. As the RP creator, he could have simply ignored the entire bombing, and my posts and yours following it. But since he's a nice guy, he played on it, and kept the story moving. Thus, since it was your "diplomat" that caused the blast, your country is in hot water for it. Whether the diplomat was actually acting on his government's orders or not is irrelevant. This is one of the hazards of international politics, the country has to face the music for the actions of its officials, whether those actions were ordered or not. This is why most countries only entrust delicate foreign matters to people who have proven competance and loyalty. If according to your story your country truly did not order the bombing, perhaps they need to do more thorough background and loyalty checks on their diplomats. Meanwhile, you have to deal with the repercussions of the diplomat's actions.
IC: Five days later found the Human Angels team back in Glorious Humanity, drilling for their next mission if one came. Patterson had had them running ragged ever since the school standoff ended, trying to make sure the flaws that had marred their last operation would be remedied for next time.
Meanwhile, President Mark Albert was once again in the War Room with his generals, and once again the subject of debate was whether or not Glorious Humanity could support a war effort. Albert was really starting to hate the talks that went on in here.
Herbert Ablegard, General of the Army, was speaking. "As before, the bulk of our ground forces are available. We've got a couple thousand grunts helping the new IA government hold down their fort, but otherwise the Army is sitting on their hands. On the other hand, if that situation explodes we may have to commit more troops there."
"Same with the airforce," Florence Washington, the Air Force leader, spoke up. "Three thousand planes are involved with the Emirates crisis, but the bulk of our air power is free."
"Good," Albert looked at Allean Hanoway. "Navy?"
"No go, I'm afraid," she replied. "Quite a bit of naval power is involved in the Emirates, and what's not out there should probably stay here."
"I see," he nodded. "Well, we shouldn't need too much. Toktun Edem has already said they don't want to fight, so if a decent sized force makes threatening noises they should be willing to talk this out. How's Aust's invasion?"
"Meeting little to no resistance," Harry Wilkes, General of Military Intelligence, answered. "Apparantly Toktun Edem is making good on their word not to resist."
"Should be ready to talk soon then," Albert noted. "Good. He stood and stretched. "This meeting is dismissed. I have some orders to give and a message to send."
The Federation of Glorious Humanity sends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the horrible terrorist action in Aust. Furthermore, we are sending 5 million mancoins to assist in rebuilding and aiding the bereaved and the victims who survived the ordeal.
Mark Albert
Federation of Glorious Humanity
OOC: I'd of given them counterfit money, gave them a helicopter with a bomb attached, and blew it up as soon as they left. 8)
CorpSac is sending 2billion Cr to ur nation for the familys and rebuilding.
imported_Rebel Grots
27-11-2003, 13:23
Allright Toktum Edem, maybe the five-day post was a mistake. But you could have responded in a better way! eg. "five days ago our military recieved disturbing reports about military buildup near the border." or " Five days had passed, and the mobilisation was finished, the so and so many troops were ready to face the invasion." There were a lot of options , why did you have to go for this one?
"OMG. you godmodder, n00b ********(censured) *ignore*" Why??????
Cornal Peter Treeby stood in the middle of a burning village 24KM from the boarders, his soldures were victorius, slaughtering the men and taking the rounding up the Women and children who had fled to avoid the slave cages. For 3 days they had marched facing no risistance. He stood and watched as the females and children were locked in the cages. Why wern't the enermy risisting?
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
Aust, if you need anything, the nuclear holocaust that is Yurka, will be glad to assist you! We still have some of that Virus left. It keeps spreading! In fact, we no longer even have the cure, so the farther we move this from our shores the better! What do you say?
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
Aust, if you need anything, the nuclear holocaust that is Yurka, will be glad to assist you! We still have some of that Virus left. It keeps spreading! In fact, we no longer even have the cure, so the farther we move this from our shores the better! What do you say?Well until this n00b stops ignoring me I can't do anything
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
Aust, if you need anything, the nuclear holocaust that is Yurka, will be glad to assist you! We still have some of that Virus left. It keeps spreading! In fact, we no longer even have the cure, so the farther we move this from our shores the better! What do you say?Well until this n00b stops ignoring me I can't do anything
Sorry to hear that, but remember, the offer is always open.
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
Aust, if you need anything, the nuclear holocaust that is Yurka, will be glad to assist you! We still have some of that Virus left. It keeps spreading! In fact, we no longer even have the cure, so the farther we move this from our shores the better! What do you say?Well until this n00b stops ignoring me I can't do anything
Sorry to hear that, but remember, the offer is always open.
I know have you decided about GDODAD yet the threads open on Nationstates to join.
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
Aust, if you need anything, the nuclear holocaust that is Yurka, will be glad to assist you! We still have some of that Virus left. It keeps spreading! In fact, we no longer even have the cure, so the farther we move this from our shores the better! What do you say?Well until this n00b stops ignoring me I can't do anything
Sorry to hear that, but remember, the offer is always open.
I know have you decided about GDODAD yet the threads open on Nationstates to join.
Nah, i don't really think so. A bit of those nations don't match Yurka's views.
i am ignoring these posts ^^^ sorry aust, that means nothing to me
OOC:How can you ignore them you hijack a good RP by detonationg a bomb in the school and now you ignore the conosquinces of your actions.
Aust, if you need anything, the nuclear holocaust that is Yurka, will be glad to assist you! We still have some of that Virus left. It keeps spreading! In fact, we no longer even have the cure, so the farther we move this from our shores the better! What do you say?Well until this n00b stops ignoring me I can't do anything
Sorry to hear that, but remember, the offer is always open.
I know have you decided about GDODAD yet the threads open on Nationstates to join.
Nah, i don't really think so. A bit of those nations don't match Yurka's views.
Well if you think like that, do you need any help?
07-01-2004, 15:04
OOC: I thought this was gonna be good, but I guess that I'm a bit late... Oh, well, life goes on.
OOC: Out of curiousity I was wondering exactly how the other nations knew that the explosion was caused by the diplomat from Toktun Edem.
Reading through the posts suggests no evidence of reasons why or how they could have known that he cause the explosion. It would have required them to be able to somehow see into the room (in which case a contingent of snipers could have dealt with the terrorist threat with little hassle) or hear into it (no where did I see it written that the diplomat was wearing a 'wire' or other survellience equipment or that the school's classroom contained any such thing). Without proof therefore would it not be a little premature to blame another country rather than the openly hostile and evident terrorist threat, at least before a thorough investigation had taken place?
I've probably missed something somewhere along the line though but was otherwise wondering if someone could clarify this for me.
have your snipers kill the children, thus ending the terrorists negotiating leverage... then kill them
Do NOT negotiate with terrorists. Handling a problem in this way will only encourage more terrorist acts throughout the world.
Ruthless Slaughter
27-06-2004, 00:44
I can contribute a 20-man sweeper team of 20 with MP-5s and tear gas at the school momentarily. All you have to do is debrief them when they get there and I garuntee they'll do their job without fail.