Civil War broken out in Cubba!!!!!! (Serouse RP)
Today at 9:am a Srongly armed Terroist group called the Cubban Liberation Front ( CLF ) have launched attacks all over cubba to try to take over the goverment. They are saying that they are fed up with the dictatorship and want to make it a communist state.
They say that the original leader Dictator Ramash has been sappressing and klilling the communists in the nation and it has gone far enough.
Dictator Ramash replied by saying he would never let those commie pigs take over the nation he is worked so hard to build in his image.
Dictator Ramash to the World-
Fellow leaders in the world, we are asking for all non communist nations to please help us in this war against these unruley pigs.
I no that our military is quit large but they have taken over key military bases and have inprisoned most of my men. i need other countries supportr to keep my country.
Dictator Ramash is stunned to find out that no one will help his nation.
he is very dissapointed in a world where Cubbian troops have helped save the world.
Urgent message from Dictator Ramash to the World-
I need the help of the world............they are all over th.........need help.
If this Dictator can not defend his country, then the Empire of Tokoshie would gladly help. You can not have to many allies. What do you wish of our mighty army?
From: Lord Toronaga
i need you to send a relief force to aid my weakend army. right now im havig a draft to replenish it but the CLF is taken over important areas in the country that i need to build up my army.
the CLF army consists of
2 million soldiers
100 T-34 medium tanks
200 T-20 light tanks
85 hummers with .50 cals and TOW
my remaining reminants of my army are
3 million troops
200 Tiger V tanks
100 Jagepanther III
95 hummers .50 and TOW
but my country is in a state of alert so im building more war materials.
Of what magnitude do you need of the relief aid? Just send me the numbers of how many and I'll send you the troops, and any needed supplies.
Supreme Ruler of Tokoshie Lord Toronaga
24-11-2003, 18:58
Swirrhirr offers a division of our Spec Ops forces, and a battalion of our SPARTACUS soldiers. Also, we lend out out T-117 Thoenix tanks(my own revolutionary design) and a flight of R-17 Wraiths. Please repsond if you need anymore help, thanks.
i need u just to take over some of the import military bases so i can rebuild my army. i need a bit more fire power to do this.
Very Thanklfully,
Dictator Ramash
thank you for your support. i will post if i need any more.
Your only request? Very well, the army of Tokoshie will assest you in what you require. Extra firepower will be provided.
i was also saying that i need some of your best men to retake some of the important military bases so i can rebuild my military. if you do that than i will be able to crush this uprising.
24-11-2003, 19:05
We have been informed by Swirrhirr that you are in need of assitance. We loan you fifty of our Y-69 cruisers(lasers and rockets, with pulse lasers), fifty Phantom VI tanks, and our Drac footsoldiers. May Takhisis be with you against these terrorists.
thank you all for your support. i will be back in about 45 minutes. until than you may post as you will.
That was understood. Infact, I will pick my best men and generals to assest you, personally. This act of reballion (that's what it is right) must be stopped. In Tokoshie, reballion is punishable only be death, unless of course, the ones rebaling win. But you will have my support.
Supreme Ruler of Tokoshie, Lord Toronaga
We are on stand by, awaiting orders from Cubba, as told we should be our allies Swirrhirr and Clanicka.
i give the orders to move with all haste to my country. may god speed.
Okay, Jhera Noctus' army was coordinated ahead of this moment, precisly to be ready for this moment. Our army is being moved out to Cubba to secure military installments from the terrorists, but no structures will be destroyed in taking these strategic locations.
cubban forces have started to surrond the military base Deerhill. time until siege 15 min.
Cubban Forces in attack
- 250,000 cubban guard.
- 25 tiger V
- 15 jagepanther III
- 30 hummers
-10 w/ TOW
-20 w/ .50
General Patton to Major Stick
General- Major commense attack
Major- Yes sir!
General- Remember give no mercy to those psychos in there.
Major- yes sir!!
General Patton turns with a smile on his face,
these commies are going to meet the fist of the glorous cubban guard.
First National Television of Belarus 1515
Minsk Special Police have anounced the detention of 4 members of the CLF in the south of the city at a Communist Party Rally. The Communist Party of Belarus which has 5 MPs has condemed the arrests accusing the government of being a pupper of Cuban Capitalists.
The Foreign Minsiter of the Commonwealth of Belarussian States says "these arests are proof that Terrorism is not acceptible in this day and age and that Belarussians are comited to ending International Terrorism"
It is believed that the crisis in Cuba may be added to the agenda of the Minsk Summit later this month. It is not believed that the Cuban Government wishes to attend the conference.
The Tokoshie army is in Cubba and ready for their first order.
"we are now under you control sire, and if you need us to die, we will die for you" --soldiers of Tokoshie.
i want all joint military forces to meet at the military base Deerhill. My plan is to have an offense from there. i am moving 1 million men there. 75 tiger V 60 jage panther III and 100 hummers 75 .50 25 tow.
please post the troops you will be sending to the base. it is in the south east sector of the country.
29-11-2003, 15:50
We are currently moving our T-117 Thoenix tanks, R-17 Wraiths, SPARTACUS footsoldiers, and our division of Spec Ops to the military base Deerhill.