Unobtanium Discovered in Taka
Takian News Network
Neo Kyoto
Takian scientists stumbled upon a rather facinating discovery the other day when they discovered a previously unknown element. The leader of the Project was unavailible for comment but was quoted as refering to the element as "Unobtanium" due to its ability to exert theoreticaly unobtainable forces, or non-gravitational pulls, rather than the push that energy ussualy exerts. Though no plans are in the works as of yet for the use of this Unobtanium, it is expected that the military will be most interesetd in experimentation.
dude, dont rip off 'the core'
24-11-2003, 06:27
Bomfy's OOC $0.02
My question is, why would you want to rip off The Core? It was a terrible movie that never deserved to see the light of day.
as true as that is, dont act like u came up with the idea
Accualy The Core ripped off a good deal of previous science fiction books, unobtanium has been around a lot longer than The Core was. I haven't seen the movie, but from what I've heard, its a great B movie. . . unforutnalty the people making it didn't realize it was a B movie. . . sucks to be them.
"What do you mean, 'Unobtanable force'?"
"well its really quite interesting, you see rather than exerting force it exerts an anti force. Thermaly it su. . . ."
"don't give me a text book explaination, what the hell does it do?"
"well, watch" a scientist walks over to the table, and takes a temperature reading from the block. "as you can see, when it is inert, it is at room temperature, but. . . " He strikes a match and puts the burning head against the top of the block. A blast of steam goes up, extingishing the match and creating a thin layer of ice around the top of the block.
"what the hell?"
"thats what we said the first time. . . instead of warming up, the block accuarly cools. . ."
"How does it do this?"
"well. . .we don't know, it shouldn't .. . what we have here shouldn't exist at all. . . Infact, this violates every law of physics. . ."
"They used to say FTL would violate the laws of physics, but its been done more times than I can count, so reguardless, it does exist, and we have it."
"does it do anything else?"
"accualy, yes, its a perfect insulator, just a molecul. . . "
"get on with it, I dont have all day. . ."
"right sir" The man moves over, grabbing a laser cutter and turns it to the block turning it on. A red dot flickers onto the unobtanium, but as the scientist turns the power up, it fades untill it can't be seen.
"what? are you telling me that this thing is completly imune to laser cutters?"
"no sir, if anything its accualy more susseptable, its just that its not releacing heat and scattering photons, its absorbing them"
"look where the dot was"
"right, its gone"
"not exactly, there is a shadow, the block is being cut, but isn't releacing ANY stray photons. . . they are being absorbed, both frm the laser and from the ambient atmospher."
"so how does this help us? we can't use this to produce energy"
"but we can use it to create anti-energy"
"I don't follow your drift"
"you will see soon enough sir."
OOC: I already know some nations that satire that film by using Unobtanium as a sort of powerful Adermantite. I mean come on, they called it unobtanium! They didn't even bother coming up with a name for it, then as the movie progresses you notice how much worse it's grasp of physics get. The magic metal not only can survive core temperatures but also goes on to power the ship at the end by converting the heat into electricity.
Plus it can be woven into the fabic of your suit!!!1!!1!! You can make transparent plates with it too, after all, how did they survive getting out of the vehicle?
Meh... dumb film with the best material known to man, I bet even adamantium (sp) couldn't hold a candle to it...
Unobtanium is a super strong material often used in Science Fiction novels. References to it under various names may be found in Spinnerette, Ringworld, and Space Viking.
The super-strength of unobtanium is achieved by strengthening the inter-atomic bonds; these bonds are strengthened using the very strong nuclear force, which is mediated by Bogons. It is well known (see the article in the Scientific American for details) that high temperature superconductivity is mediated by Anyons, which can exist in two space but not three space. Similarly, Bogons can exist in one space but not in 2 or 3 space.
Unobtanium filaments are crystal tubes enclosing a one dimensional space. The effect is achieved by first inducing superconductivity in a planar space and then continuously deforming the crystal plane enclosure into a crystal tube. When one dimensionality is achieved the superconducting current breaks symmetry to split into a gravitational component and a very strong nuclear force component. The very strong nuclear force component strengthens the filament along the longitudital direction and the gravitational component binds the crystalline matrix to the filament.
Unobtanium should not be excessively stressed. When an unobtainum filament is stressed the resistence of the very strong nuclear force component strengthens the gravitational component. If the stress is sufficient the filament collapses into a black hole string which explodes via the Hawking effect.
But can you carve jello figurenes out of it? That is the true test if an elements coolness after all.
24-11-2003, 12:53
Here here, Rotovia!
Saddly three scientists were killed today when they tried to carve Jello figurines from a block of unobtanium. This followed information from Rotovia as to how to determine its "coolness" factor.
imported_Foolish Pesants
24-11-2003, 22:59
As we are(A Moutainous country), Foolish Pesants has long had control of Unobtainium. This magical substance was long ago discovered within active volcanoes(the only place warm enough for it to be pliable). We have found that this mysterious substance has whatever properties we want it too. Then again we have only really found one good use for it which is *Classified*. And yes it does make a great jello figurines, though this is highly dangerous, we don't know why since we don't try it, Much.
Lord Reilock Coratha
24-11-2003, 23:26
OOC: "The Core" was such a bad movie that even considering it makes me mad. The movie plot was one thing, but the complete ignoring of any real science... I watched it at the dollar theatre with a friend (after seeing another movie) and when they taped the nuclear fuel rods to the last nuke to make it "bigger" we both actually yelled at the screen.
Anyway, the nickname for titanium used to be unobtanium, in certain circles, because although objects like titanium bicycles existed, and were great, the lack of titanium (before US Air Force began buying so much of it) and difficulty in forming it, made actually getting those things impossible. Now my dad actually has a titanium bike, and it weighs about 10 pounds. Pretty cool :)
IC: A USSS "scientist" began his experiments with a small sample of "unobtanium" purified at great cost and risk. Seeking to figure out some useful qualities very quickly, he drew a gun and fired into the pile of dark material.
According to it's "anti-matter" properties, the scientist was not surprised when the mass exploded into a nuclear explosion.
Premier Iblis shot from his bed, sweat pouring down his face. "That damn dream again!"
Facinating, we would like to bargin with you to unlock the secret of carving Jello figurines from Unobtainum, as recent attempts have lead the the death of three major scientists when it unexpectedly exploded. We are currently using the cooling properties of Unobtainum to make Snocones, and hope to supply the entirty of PRoxima with cheap, delicious sno cones. Other uses for this, including possible use by the Takian Skiing industry are being looked at, and of course, the military is looking at it for a possible preserving agent. the only problem thus far is that it tends to freeze what it is against to nearly absoulte zero.
25-11-2003, 00:01
Unobtainium- n. 1. Any substance which has all of the properties that you need to get the job done, but is unobtainable. 2. A substance from Hacker mythology that always has just the right properties for the job you need done.
I dunno what you're scientists found, but it definitely wasn't unobtainium.
-Council of Science
hmm, in that case, we simply need a new name for it, a three meter block will be delivered to any nation that can name this element.
Takatainum because of the finder who posted his findings FIRST
Hmm, Takatainum, I like the ring to that, any more submissions?
Hmm, Takatainum, I like the ring to that, any more submissions?
Taknuim I don't know I'm just saying the first thing that comes into my mind :P
Rotonium, 'cos we came up with the jelly idea :D
Maybe Taka should call every jelly sculpture Rotonture. :P
13/10/03[/i]]I would be most interested in such a development in personal lighting, since our current weapons, made from the finest unobtainum, cannot realistically illuminate our warriors in a cool and dramatic style.
Lord Reilock Coratha
Here's the proof. (
While I admit, Taka was the first person to openly discuss their finding of this material, FP has meantioned the substance prior to these finding.
I don't mention this so that he can name the sustance, only to quash rumours that FP is simply copying Taka. You can call it what you like but I'm pretty sure FP is going to continue to call it Unobtanium seeing as Unobtanium will never be found...
I defend him because he is from my region and I've got to stick up for fellow urbanites.
OOC: And I know him RL too. He's using it as a joke, it isn't used to gain an advantage or anything... I hope
Then call it um.. Intainitainum
Let's call it Illogitanium
Yea, lets. It makes sense.
I'm not going to claim this is all my idea, Unobtainum, or a material with the properties you need has been around since the early days of science fiction, I'm simply setting up a backup plan.
"I use magnetic fields to emulate gravity"
"so you don't use computers then?"
"um, they are unobotanium magnets, they just work"
:D mostly because I'm a soc major, and I don't belive one needs be a physics major in order to roleplay.
imported_Foolish Pesants
25-11-2003, 15:21
Personally, I claimed Unobtanium because it's stupidly funny, you'd never get away with blindly claiming it can actually DO somthing useful since people would quash it as a godmod or somthing. Also given what it's supposed to be able to do the only real way to get it would to be to use Unobtanium tools to mine it. But then, how would you gety the tools to mine it to make the tools in the first place? Actually if you want to change the name to Takatainum, then go for it,(I could probably get away with claiming it's used for more than Sporks that way)I just find the idea of this super material backfiring since it has unreal ammounts of special properties. Say for example, an Unobtanium(Takatainum) jockstrap that converts heat into electricity(OUCH!)
accualy, the cooling properties are all I need it for right now, so I don't think people will be upset provided I don't use it for a godmodding principle. I could be wrong, but since when does one need a degree in physics to be a good roleplaying? ah well, I'm setting the stage with this post anyways, and I have yet to hear anyone scream Godmod *and I've got a large frozen trout for the first person who says it
imported_Foolish Pesants
26-11-2003, 14:04
Sure enough, next time i'll post my outragous claims on the boards rather than simply mentioning them to my freinds as a joking remark. Since were on the realms of what monolithicly dangerous things were going to be claiming Unobtanium(Takatainum), for i'll list the things im gonna use it for here(But I DID post it somewhere, Honest!);
1.Sporks(King of eating utensils)
2.Swords(Superhard sharpend lumps)
:twisted: 3.Heat resistant plates for orbital launches&Re-entries(Less chance of it exploding, melting)
Unobtainum (Takatainium) Sporks? egad, you could rule the world with enough of them, as for the jock straps, considering it converts heat to cold, I would assume you would freeze your balls off. . . literaly :shock:
Taka I have a proposition for you.
intersting, we will certianly look into this.
intersting, we will certianly look into this.
There seems to be alot of skeptisism about this, we, need to further prove the bomb useful.
Jorge Gautier
Arms Coordinate