La Bay Vs The Federal Union!!!!!
War has been declared between La Bay and The Federal Union Over A Big Dissagrement!
O.O.C (This war is only between La Bay & The Federal Union - Sorry)
However If La Bay Needs Help The Nation Will Choose An Ally! (anyone who joins in will just be ignored :( sorry tho)
NEWS FLASH!: Today 3000 paratroopers landed in the federal union's capatal also a trade embargo has been set at the fedarl union main docks, 4 battle ships have been attacking the federal unions coasts, today 25 heavily armoued tanks also arrived in the ferderal union and also 15 MH-53E Sea Dragon Helicopters another 3000 marines also arrived at the federal union and are pushing there way through the nations main citys
no-one exactly kno's what this dissagrement was about but it must of been pretty big as this is the most la bay has ever sent out to war
rumors going around say this is related to the terrorist bombings but la bayers are still confused about the fact that these allys are fighting so far 6000 troops are attacking the ferderal union and another 2000 are on there way but at this moment in time the federal union have shown no response to the war its as if they dont care if they are took over!!!
today it was said that nations who feel they must get involved can do so
Whats the "big disagreement"?
24-11-2003, 00:49
War has been declared between La Bay and The Federal Union Over A Big Dissagrement!
O.O.C (This war is only between La Bay & The Federal Union - Sorry)
However If La Bay Needs Help The Nation Will Choose An Ally! (anyone who joins in will just be ignored :( sorry tho)
NEWS FLASH!: Today 3000 paratroopers landed in the federal union's capatal also a trade embargo has been set at the fedarl union main docks, 4 battle ships have been attacking the federal unions coasts, today 25 heavily armoued tanks also arrived in the ferderal union and also 15 MH-53E Sea Dragon Helicopters another 3000 marines also arrived at the federal union and are pushing there way through the nations main citys
no-one exactly kno's what this dissagrement was about but it must of been pretty big as this is the most la bay has ever sent out to war
rumors going around say this is related to the terrorist bombings but la bayers are still confused about the fact that these allys are fighting so far 6000 troops are attacking the ferderal union and another 2000 are on there way but at this moment in time the federal union have shown no response to the war its as if they dont care if they are took over!!!
Does this Federal Union even exist? I looked for it, and it wasn't there...
How did you manage fly 3000 paratroopers into their nations capital? Were all their Anti-air men asleep?
maybe its a civil war type thing
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 01:35
LA BAY ! Im 5 times as ig as you have more milltary and better tech not to metion lots of allies Your going donw delcareing waro n me !
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 01:36
Stupid double post .
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 01:36
La bay i just targetd your capial with stalites and icbms one move in to my captial and your dead ! buy the way my milltary is swarming your contry . :lol:
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 01:37
And la bay your an idiot ! i see no evdicne of your troops near my citys all my milltary are destroying your troos as we speek and my citzens are trined in war buy the way thoes satiles just destored 3 of your citys with missles and ion beams .
Unum Veritas
24-11-2003, 01:40
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 01:43
Ohh la bay buy the way you inchreant rock you I have over 750,000 troops statoned in my contry witch are respnnd to your febel attack and my navy has cursed your ships we have 25 battle ships 10 cruisers 13 air craft carriers and 13 subs attacking your little force . not to metion i JUST NUKED your Captial ! With an ICBM
24-11-2003, 01:49
The Foreign Status has entered this war and are swarming the nation of Fedral Union. You have 15 RL Minutes to retract your troops from La bay before we start our actual attack. By the way, Im assigned to protect La bay by Dark terror, otherwise Id be helping Fedral Union destroy the n00bish nation of La bay.
24-11-2003, 01:49
The Foreign Status has entered this war and are swarming the nation of Fedral Union. You have 15 RL Minutes to retract your troops from La bay before we start our actual attack. By the way, Im assigned to protect La bay by Dark terror, otherwise Id be helping Fedral Union destroy the n00bish nation of La bay.
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 01:55
Dear Jaxusism i have just attacked your captial with 3 nukeclar missles and my partical cannon staites have just destoryed most of your troops also my bombers and fighters are destroying your troops! :lol: ohh buy the way Jaxusism Your capital has be destoryed . not to metion 5 other of your citys . :lol:
24-11-2003, 02:00
1stly, your godmodding. It'd take you months to get your stuff NEAR my nation. 2ndly, Im WAY bigger than you. I could've taken down all your stuff easy. 3rd, you cant say "I just destroyed your capital" and all that fucking crap. You have to RP it. You dont HAVE nuclear missiles! I go by the 1 month rule. I ignore any nuclear stuff from nations under 1 month old. So have a nice day. Our troops have started an attack east of your city. RP this, not say "I destroyed you troops." If you read the stickies you'd know that the OPPOSITION chooses what happens as long as they are fair.
Glorious Humanity
24-11-2003, 02:03
OOC: This is entertaining. While completely ridiculous and silly, surely no one can deny the entertainment value of a n00b war.
We're not getting involved. Just consider this a tag so we can come back later to watch the fun.
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 02:03
fOR GET YOU I DONT WANT TO RP . first off im nto in this second off my nation was not destoryed and 3 off if you have read the damn
NATCO forum you would know you will be destoryed buy orbital plat forummsand -
Statistics for the Pacific Class Flagship series
Mass: 3,059,4611 Metric Tons
Crew: 4700 - Evacuation limit 50000
Armament: 30 Type X1 Phaser, 10 Gatling (pulse) Phasers, Total output 20,000TerraWatts
Four torpedo tubes (2x aft 2x fore), 900 complement of Quantum and Anti-matter (selection) torpedos, 350 Phased Plasma Torpedos.
Defense Systems: Standard Type X shield system plus deflectors. Total capacity 1,886,500 TeraJoules
Reinforced Duranium/tritanium double hull plus 540mm of High Density Armour
Advanced level Structural Integrity Field
Type M2 Warp Core Max Speed Warp 9.995
3 Proposed constructions: USS PACIFIC (flag), USS NEW YORK, USS YAMATO
Back to top
thoe are what we have NOW Im out of this stupid game im goveing my own natio now so please try to rp with out me lol My contry was never destoryed.
24-11-2003, 02:07
OOC: This is entertaining. While completely ridiculous and silly, surely no one can deny the entertainment value of a n00b war.
We're not getting involved. Just consider this a tag so we can come back later to watch the fun.
OOC: Agreed.
This should be rather amusing.
24-11-2003, 02:11
Glorious and Militanar, Im not a n00b. The Fedral Union, you dont have any orbital platforms. Im ignoring your nation from here on. Have a nice day.
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 02:33
Gladly i would be ignored all right htis is over no one won im out of the rp withdrawing . ill be on my way with my intact nation and army .
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 02:33
Gladly i wStupid forum it makes me post 3 times just to make me vewi my messges sorry about that .
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 02:34
Gladly i would be ignored all right htis is over no one won im out of the rp withdrawing . ill be on my way with my intact nation and army .
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 02:35
Gladly i would be ignored all right htis is over no one won im out of the rp withdrawing . ill be on my way with my intact nation and army .
The Order of Reptiles
24-11-2003, 02:40
Wow, quadruple post.
Damn, guess I missed the popcorn. At least neither of these guys succeeded in doing much harm.
La bay i just targetd your capial with stalites and icbms one move in to my captial and your dead ! buy the way my milltary is swarming your contry . :lol: hold on your 16 and u cant even spell right! hehehe
La bay aims a massive missile which deystroys all of the federal unions military and planes etc.
we took a picture of the missle being fired o what does that say on the side
THE IGNORE MISSILE!!! this war is over u cant even Rp properly your godmoding cya! i have a more important war where im helping ally :wink:
if u have 2 godmode everything theres noooo point :roll:
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 00:21
60,000 Marines march into Fedral Union capital with the intent on defending their allied nation from the aggresive invaders. The Marines are backed up by 120 Mobile SAM Batteries, 5 Sea Harriers and 15 Tornado Fighter Bombers.
5 Nuclear Powered Submarines have been dispatched to defend the coastal areas of the Fedral union.
SDI defenses have been stepped up to full alert.
The Federation of Neo Yamato declares that no nation will threaten the Fedreal Union and activates the NATCO alliance activating its alliances with neighboring nations.
Unltimatum: Mutual recession of troops from both nations and non interference measures to be taken. Or, cease of ALL hostilities for all offending nations.
A man in black stands on the back of a fishing trowler.
Man: This will be trouble. <turns to driver of the boat>
The driver turns to him, he looks just like the man in black both with barcodes on the back of their heads.
Driver: We must report this to The Agency. <starts the boat and heads out to sea>
This is hillaryous.
Nov. 2 nation: "Nov 10 nation i'm 5 times as large as you ad btw I justnueked! Ur capitle! With an ICMNB! and u cant lanch any at me cuz I got ! orbital defesn platfurm! ad i invdea u wit 750000 men! and im ntoagodmaddyting! see I'm a nov2 naiton andgotstarshipz wit warpspede and phaserz! when nations 100 times older that me! don't! So i'm goveringina my own natio! lol. :lol: ignore me!"
60,000 Marines march into Fedral Union capital with the intent on defending their allied nation from the aggresive invaders. The Marines are backed up by 120 Mobile SAM Batteries, 5 Sea Harriers and 15 Tornado Fighter Bombers.
5 Nuclear Powered Submarines have been dispatched to defend the coastal areas of the Fedral union.
SDI defenses have been stepped up to full alert.
The Federation of Neo Yamato declares that no nation will threaten the Fedreal Union and activates the NATCO alliance activating its alliances with neighboring nations.
Unltimatum: Mutual recession of troops from both nations and non interference measures to be taken. Or, cease of ALL hostilities for all offending nations.
Perhaps I should get involved? Perhaps I should aid La Bay? think about that, godmodders.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 03:24
Lol your just a bunch of bullies Im Gathering. over 950,000 troops 13 battle ships 17 cruiseres 250 tanks 100 attack hellcopors 50 F-22'S AND 4 carriers to defnd my nation. So dont try to pull any stunts i have power full allies that will help me i have my ICBMS hot to !
Lol your just a bunch of bullies Im gathes over 950,000 troops 13 battle ships 17 cruiseres 250 tanks 100 attack hellcopors 50 F-22'S AND 4 carriers to defnd my nation. So dont try to pull any stunts i have power full allies that will help me i have my ICBMS hot to !
You have powerful allies? I could defeat you with the Eagle Alliance alone.
Aquilla, TrippyHippys, Wuzzonoa, Grebenesia, and the Arterian River are only 5 nations of this alliance. And each could crush you with their little toe.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 03:35
Dont push ... Your not in the postion of makeing threats .. you will be deafeted . my nations citzen will risist you to the bitter end .. im deploying over 3 million naitinol gurds men and 1,000 tanks and 900 f -16 all over my nation to prevent any one from comeing near it any one seen will be shot down . or attacked instatnly .unless your my allies.
Dont push ... Your not in the postion of makeing threats .. you will be deafeted . my nations citzen will risist you to the bitter end .. im deploying over 3 million naitinol gurds men and 1,000 tanks and 900 f -16 all over my nation to prevent any one from comeing near it any one seen will be shot down . or attacked instatnly .unless your my allies.
Hmm. Maybe invading you is a bad idea.
Psst! Want some ICBM's? We can give you 500! for free! They're modified to bypass orbital defense platforms and have x10 explosive power!
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 03:42
We have ground SDI as well .. any way Just dont try to invade me ..
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 03:46
Ok I know what you mean buy giveing them to me you mean lunch them as soon as those things come at me they will be destoryed ..
Im not an idiot .
Central Facehuggeria
26-11-2003, 03:50
In an official response to this crisis, I ask that all your nations stop fighting and try to work your differences out peacefully. I offer Central Facehuggerian territory as neutral territory for negotiations. -Cpl. Facehugger, Primier of the USSCF.
*OOC* I tried, as my membership in AWAN demanded, my hands are clean.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 03:54
I would be glad to Thank you .. we shall start this summt once evry one agrees but for now i have togo in 8 mins real time .. ill be on tormow.
Wow he actually showed some sense in his brain!
State of war on Fedral Union: Initiated.
Central Facehuggeria
26-11-2003, 03:57
Why are you attacking him? He has agreed to a confrence to attempt to reconcile your differences!
Edit: The peace summit will start tommorow. Just name a time.
Why are you attacking him? He has agreed to a confrence to attempt to reconcile your differences!
Cease fire: Initiated until conference ends.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 03:58
Ok my gorund SDI just elimnated your incomeing missels ... any more like that and they will be shot down Im dispatching more of my troops . over 500,00 more and 770 F-22 also 15 more battle ships 10 more cruisres for now evry one good night we will contunie this tomrow.
26-11-2003, 03:58
I applaud Aquilla! Bravo! I hope you win this war! I might help later on... Maybe...
26-11-2003, 03:59
Aquilla, resume fire! And check your TGs. G2G for 2nite, c ya!
Central Facehuggeria
26-11-2003, 04:00
Please gentlemen, is there no way we can resolve this disagreement without bloodshed?
If you two are still willing to talk, I will start a thread tommorow.
Ok my gorund SDI just elimnated your incomeing missels ... any more like that and they will be shot down Im dispatching more of my troops . over 500,00 more and 770 F-22 also 15 more battle ships 10 more cruisres for now evry one good night we will contunie this tomrow.
Whoa d00d. I didn't even fire anything!
And if I did, there is no way you could intercept 500 of them moving at rapid speed. Face it, you could only shoot down two or three at best. And even then you'd have the problem of them exploding in midair and spreading fallout all over your region. And you are NOT in space. My nation was 4 MONTHS OLD RL before I got into space.
I am interested in why La bay did this, but TFU godmodded so much that I have to undertake the mantle of the AAFMI. (Aquillans against false military information). Under the laws of the AAFMI the leaders of TFU could be sent to jail for up to 20 years.
As for the conference, what is there to discuss? Either TFU allows Aquilla to take over the government temporarily and weed out corruption and lying military chiefs, or they are Dead.
Central Facehuggeria
26-11-2003, 04:13
It seems that you are unwilling to compromise then...
OOC: Oh well, Can't say I didn't try. :)
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 14:53
Aquilla Dont make me laguf .
You wouldint dare come near my nation with theammout of milltary i have defnding it . Buy the way Sooner or later you will be crushed . Stop bullieing people around . Thats all i have to say ohh p ive dispached 100,000 more troops and 1000 mech infintry units ..not to metion 10 more F-16's
right, time to put a stop to this war, it's pointless, don't make me smack down all of you just stop this!
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 15:00
This all started becuse la bay got angry becuse i wasint replying right way on msn messger so he declared war on me then got his allies invloed .. I want peace . I just want to be left alone . :?
all right then withdraw your forces, if he doesn't do the same, he'll loose them
imported_Rebel Grots
26-11-2003, 15:03
I do not mean to be rude or anything, but this is
This entire thread is pointless
obviously the fed. union can't RP, and therefore armed conflict will not work. It's simple, don't post. :wink:
So long, I ain't coming back to this one.....
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 15:04
ok all my troops ships and equipment that are over at his nation have been withdrawn to my nation and region .
good, now when he replies inform him that you are under my protection
ooc: I think, more likely, he declared war on you because he couldn't understand a single word you have written. I don't believe I have ever seen more atrocious spelling or grammar in my life. In fact, I think I will join the alliance against you for that very reason :)
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 15:07
Thank you for the help i mutch apprichate this . if thares any thing you need just ask . 8)
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 17:58
Another bully
The Dominion of Tenebricosis
Received: 3 minutes ago To the Idiotic Dictator of the Fedral Union,
Your lack of formality has prompted the first invasion of your feeble nation. We have shipped 2000 troops to liberated outlying cities surrounding your capital. Please surrender in the name of your people.
Rerek Gordonovich
The Tenebri Premier
OOC: Listen up, dung-head. Typing fast is no reason for misspelling. Especially on this game. You don't need to type fast. And also, if you're going to rp, DON'T make any references to the real world. You are a horrible rper, but this might be fun. :x
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 18:02
In that response to that response of our responses (Uhh Yeah). I must point out that that is exactly what I have said. Stop fighting and withdraw. if it comes to war I will fight it here in my home regin that I founded. I will not step aside while people surround my region and my allies.
(OOC: SDI defense is not Godmoding, have you seen how many nations DO have this? A nations Military is equal to 2.5% of its population. My military is comepletely withint it's boundaries to ship troops in. After all, a nation defending its home is ten times more powerful than a nation away from it. I have ben RPing for years, this is nothing new here. To be called a godmoder among a forum full of inexperienced children playing war games that actually have no knowledge of war is actually insulting. This of course is not a reflection on all present.)
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:05
You going to have to tellgram that guy he thinks he has troops in my citys i doubt that hes a small nation .
Even if he has troops on the way Ive already inficted heavy casultys along the cost and in the air . and in the south of my nation ware most of the fighting is happeing.
the f union has chose to ally with me so prepare for battle
btw La Bay, if you attack my nation or anoy me prepare to be wiped off the face of this earth.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:07
Thank you varry much :) I really apprechaite this guys of thares any ting you need just ask.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:14
No problem
Now to waite for those bullies to reply .
btw La Bay, if you attack my nation or anoy me prepare to be wiped off the face of this earth.
no one is touching anyone this has to end
my men have 'dug in' 20 miles from the boarder of the f union's. we are suffering heavy attacks but we seem to be all right.
rockets fly throught the air crashing and burning. all day the news reporter can smell the burning metal from the destroyed tank hulls and from gun shells. "i can heare the pop of gun fire in the distence" exclamed the reporter crouched on the muddy ground of the trenchers trying not to be hit with bullets or shrapnal.
he walks along the trencges and the camera man pops his head up from the dug out. his head explodes like a mellon. the camera falls to the floor blood covered all you can see is the ground and peoples feed the reporter picks the camera up. he holds it up so people can see the battle feild. all you can see is fog and nasty bogs filled with dead bodies and sunken tank hulls.
"this is what has happened soo far, there is death after death, explosion after explosion".
he heares a rattle on the floor behind him. he turns around a d there is a grenade. he runs like hell and trips in the mud. the camera goes down in the mud. all you hear is an explosion but all you see is the brown wartery mud stuck to the camera.
the reporter is alive. he wipes the mud off the lense and says "that was a bit close and a bit scary".
he lifts the camera up, and there you see a tank driving towards it. then a thud. a red large object ploughs through the side of it and tares it apart. he is shocked but covers for shelter whilst shrapnal falls from the sky like rain.
he walks up the trencehes and spots a ddead guy on the floor. it was not a allied soldier it was part of the fith core of La Bay second company. the reporter bends over and picks up the mand gun and slings it over his sholder.
he finds a troop on the floor, he is from the second marine core, he has a bullet hole through his lungs. he is still alive and says something to the reporter "i shal always fight for my countray in life and in death. heaven of hell."
the reporter calls for a medic and the man shuts his eyes and stops panting. he is dead.
tune in next time for the next episode.
you know what this is? it's stopping, now!
btw La Bay, if you attack my nation or anoy me prepare to be wiped off the face of this earth.
no one is touching anyone this has to end
why dose every war haved to be stopped ffs im getting annoyed of these peace keepers
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:37
Hey im sending in 1 million natinol gurds men witch have buy the way been drafated from my pop witch is 85 million.
im sending in 250 f16 and 300 tanks plus an addtinol 50 F-22's
i think direct militaristic intervention is in order
i think direct militaristic intervention is in order
let it be betwen me f union and la bay
ok :tantrum:
not a one of you has the resources to mobilize, train or equip multi million man armies
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:47
Well la bay might be briging in its allies ..
Lol your just a bunch of bullies Im Gathering. over 950,000 troops 13 battle ships 17 cruiseres 250 tanks 100 attack hellcopors 50 F-22'S AND 4 carriers to defnd my nation. So dont try to pull any stunts i have power full allies that will help me i have my ICBMS hot to ! and dont 4get u r a lonely little geek who wets the bed! remember i seen what u look like and i can tell wat peeps like u love 2 do
hint: ewwww its not rite!
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:56
I think we can beat la bay . I have some terams for surrender like la bay could be ocupied buy both our troops and devided up in to a colny for both of us .
Hey im sending in 1 million natinol gurds men witch have buy the way been drafated from my pop witch is 85 million.
im sending in 250 f16 and 300 tanks plus an addtinol 50 F-22's wow look everybody :roll: a geek hu cant spell and he even has a home tutor i 4got all bout this war so y dont everyone go some where else
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:57
Thare is no need for your childesh insults I will not respond to them yull just make your self look like an idiot .
I think we can beat la bay . I have some terams for surrender like la bay could be ocupied buy both our troops and devided up in to a colny for both of us . no thanx my people dont wanna be jolly little no bodys they aint in to stuff like bey blade or star trek like u! my nation is perfect i ignored all this years ago :roll:
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 18:59
No la bay you broguht down the wrath of servral contrys ..
Even tho you claim to ignore me you sill have other contrys on you becuse you attacked me and i thank my allies .
Thare is no need for your childesh insults I will not respond to them yull just make your self look like an idiot .
look im 15 i actually have mates and u still cant spell leave the forum thing if u aint gonna spell rite ok
his some online tutoring
1st its childish
2nd its you'll
and 3rd get a life this is the 1st time i been on in 2days i think so get of your spotty a** and go buy ya self a life u billy no mates
No la bay you broguht down the wrath of servral contrys ..
Even tho you claim to ignore me you sill have other contrys on you becuse you attacked me and i thank my allies . o rite yea i 4got u mean the people that hant seen u yet u do no its bad luck 2 break a mirror anyway i had enough of wastin my time wit u now run along all of u and get some extra spelling homework federal union
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:07
I cant even under stand you use proper english. you sound like a street person. :roll:
Thare is no need for your childesh insults I will not respond to them yull just make your self look like an idiot .
look im 15 i actually have mates and u still cant spell leave the forum thing if u aint gonna spell rite ok
his some online tutoring
1st its childish
2nd its you'll
and 3rd get a life this is the 1st time i been on in 2days i think so get of your spotty a** and go buy ya self a life u billy no mates
piss off you fagot he dose have mates and a decent life but to make it better he dosnt need you.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:11
Im confused was that directed towrds me or la bay ?.
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 19:11
OOC: La Bay... All I see is you taking shots at someone. Take it easy before I inform a mod of your actions. YOU are the one who parachuted troops into the capital totally ignoring the fact that any nation would have anti air support, an miraculously your tanks appeared on the nations... how exaclty did you cross the sea, those tanks have oars?
Before you even think about RPing this war I suggest you take into consideration your childish insults that I have seen my 7 year old brother come out with. If you continue to blatently insult my friends then I will fire the ignore cannon at you and report you to the moderators.
Neo Yamato Nuclear Submarines target enemy submaines from the safety of the deep ocean while Military supplies are taken over land to UOGS troops and Fedral defenders. The supplies include field equipment and weapons. Anti-Aircraft defense batteries.
Meanwhile the 60,000 marines have arrived to reinforce the battered trenches where the UOGS is valiantly holding their own.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:16
Neo im sending in 5 tirdents 2 air craft carriers and 7 sea kings to support your subs .
26-11-2003, 19:17
You both are stupid. War settled. No one wins.
La bay : You have no reason for war, you fool.
Fedral Union : You dont know how to spell, talk, RP, and you godmod a whole lot. A WHOLE LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You both are stupid. War settled. No one wins.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:21
Jaxusism im ingnoreing you .
Im sending in 15 air domnace fighters and 14 F-22's to patrol the area around the traeches .
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 19:23
I agree with Jaxusism, both La Bay and Fedral Union should act as if this forum thread had bnever taken place. I suggest people learn grammar, punctuation and etiquette before Role Playing a war.
26-11-2003, 19:25
Do you have records of where you bought these weapons, Fed? IM SURE you didnt manufacter them yourself!
Thanks Neo.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:25
I did manufacher them .
Plus my allies helped me wink wink we delvop these wepons.
26-11-2003, 19:32
Heh... Did you hear that? HE manufactered them! WHO ELSE IS LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY AT THIS???
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:39
Any way if labay stops attacking me i wont go over thare and crush them like a bug with my allies help.
im just ignoring this jax man
26-11-2003, 19:48
Why are you ignoring me? Cause I know how to play this game correctly?
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 19:50
Ok like i said im going to fly 5 F-22'S from my air feilds in the foot hill'a to the fornt along with 3 a-10's acompanying them .
Groud troops over 150,000 of them are marching quickly with 1000 mechinfintry units from milltary bace in the east down to the south .
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 20:03
OOC: The OFFICIAL population count for the United Kingdom is 58.8 million. Now if you take a look at the Fedral Union who has in excess of 80 Million why does its military quantity seem so ridiculous. We all know that time is faster in RP time, so why can't he have made those troops himself. Surely countries don't divulge true statistics of their military to everyone. Especially their enemies. I agree though that RPers should stick to their intruments of war and not change them from one post next to anothers.
It has been frequently thrown about that a nation's military should be 2.5% of its population. As long as military units don't suddenly appear and actually have to move across soil to get to their destination there shouln'dt be a problem.
With at least 80 Million population, that means theat the Fedral Union has at least 2 million soldiers at its disposal. With training facilities that his natino has, along with my own which we have both agree to mutually use he would have no reason to not train thiese soldiers. We have spent lots of money to bring these militaries to their great standard.
My nation in particular has focussed on Defence rather than offense. Meaning that it will naturally have an advantage when defending its home lands.
The Federation of Neo Yamato awaits words of the battles progress.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 20:11
Lisen up the near buy milltart bace at my capital has dispatched 1000 troops to my city . along with hummers equpied aa with missels and modle anti air raft battiers also moveing in are 250 mech infintry units.
part 2
he runs to a corner, a herritic jumps in the trenches and yels something the news reporter turns around drops the camera and fires at the man. he drops down dead the reporter picks the camera up and moves on.
he meets up with whats left of first bitallion, they spare him a few bullets.
then a rumble in the ground shakes the soldier as they see 5 tanks heading towards them and about 20 men.
the 20 men jumpdown in the trench, they run to the allies and start shooting. the repurter kneels down and drops the camera pointing at the 20 hritics. all of the first bitallion open fire but miss as the ground shakes.
then a roar in the sky thunders passed and there is someting dropping from the sky it demplishes the 20 men running in the trenches and a tank.
then gunfire flys over head. this is not enemy fire. it came from behind them, who is it they look through a parescope and see sixth bitallion charging letting bullets fly.
the back up is here! screamed some of the troops. about seven rockits fly over and pummel the tanks into the ground. all day the men feel good that ammo, rations and support is there.
by night every one gets into their night vision goggles and lay mines and defences in the battered and crated no mans land.
by morning there is nothing. nothing? they say "is the war over?" every one thinks it is. but them a clunk of artilary fire from in the distance flys over and wipes out over 200 men. then 5 tanks just blow up in the sky.
the war isnt over iits only just begun.
stay tuneed for the next episode
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 20:23
UOGS Im sending you 4 F-22s from my air baces down south to cover you .
Im also marching 1000 marines up from the bace near the south eastern.
250 mech infintry units are also going along with them .
Im confused was that directed towrds me or la bay ?. most probably u cos i have a life and its way betta than sittin in front of a computer 24/7 playing games in a fantasy world thinkin that u can go and god mode everyone and wateva u sed i 4got ugos isit? wateva look i dont appreciate geeks gangin up on me cos it dont happen around here i tell u wot if your so good i'd love 4 u to come round 2 where i live i would kick the livin s*** out of u and r u sure u should be swearin ur mummy dearest mite not be happy!
UOGS Im sending you 4 F-22s from my air baces down south to cover you .
Im also marching 1000 marines up from the bace near the south eastern.
250 mech infintry units are also going along with them . u do realize im just ignorin u lot cos ur all in a day dream im not fighting this war no more duh! :roll:
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 20:28
La bay please act like your age thare no need for insults if you want to fight send troops over to get mowed down buy my contry ok.. lol fine run with your tlsbetween your legs as for your allies they will get trown back from me and my allies reigon also .
:? Ay yay ay....(I kill you with big finishing move I kill you real bad teeheehee....nuklear bomb! tee hee!....yeah right) all need very special help. And I mean SPECIAL help.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 20:55
Que ? are you talking to me ?
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 20:55
La Bay, if you are going to ignore poeple then igniore them and don't keep on popping your head out of your shell to tell those people you are ignoreing every five minutes that you are actually ignoring them. You may be ignoreing them, but they are not ignoring you. This war can be RP'd without you.
Although without you, it makes for an easy victory.
IC: The Federation of Neo Yamato is rallying 50,000 paratrooper to go on emergency standby. Two high altitude bombers took off from Neo Yamato Central and are en route to the frontier, escorted by three Tomcat Superiority fighters.
The 60,000 troops have snet word that they have engaged the enemy and supplies have been distributed to the soldiers. Meanwhile civilian humanitarian workers are assisting to remove civilians from the zone of conflict and are helping to look after the wounded.
Morale in Neo Yamato has risen drastically as the movement of the offending army was stopped in it's tracks. Armour production is running at an all time high and weapons are literally flowing out of the factories.
Satellite imagery shows that two Neo Yamato submarines have begun to launch cruise missiles at the enemy lines.
Neo Yamato seals its borders in response to the war in the Fedral Union. This not an action against its faithful allies but an attempt to stop enemy spies from infiltating sensitive military facilities.
The NYSC (Neo Yamato Special Core) has been activated in response to threat of war. The Core's purpose is the last but one line of defense. Meanwhile 100,000 troups have been kept in reserve for an attack on Neo Yamato. At present that leaves well over 100,000 troops that can be shipped over to any combat status.
These troops include Comando units, Marine units all trained in all terrain combat; heavy Tanks; mobile infantry and air support. neo yamato has a small naval force and limited air ranges, but through tradeing and high research levels we have ammassed a high level of technology.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 20:58
hey Neo Yamato do you need any mech infitry? i have over 750,000 at milltary baces around my capital and other parts of my nation ..
Neo Yamato
26-11-2003, 21:02
Negative. Keep your soldier for defending your own nation. It is not my land that is occupied at the moment.
No war has entered my my country yet.
The Fedral Union
26-11-2003, 21:04
all right but maby we culd test the mech infitry on the counter attack ? they are the most advaced battle vcehical and those new pladian tanks that have been in stock pile in milltary bunker under my capital.
Dateline - Chyrsaestos!
Today 4 men ran through the streets. Three seemed to be insulting the fourth, and the fourth using foul language. They yelled about invading one another and ignoring and about godmodding, a term from the popular Aquillan internet game Ragin' Gates ( Several people tried to stop them but the men shook them off and continued yelling. Police arrived, and it was found that the four men were escaped from the insane asylum. Their asylum names were as follows: The Fedral Union, UOGS, Neo Yamato, and La bay. These men, because of their militaristic delusions, are now being kept in extra padded cells. This is Petey Janstrd, KCHR radio.
OOC: And if you don't get the hint, guys, QUIT IT. The next godmod/insult I see will be reported to the mods. And this has been ALL godmodding.
The Fedral Union
27-11-2003, 04:28
Im not in the mood any more iwant this war to end its probly over so i think we should move on ok guys ?
Im not in the mood any more iwant this war to end its probly over so i think we should move on ok guys ?
"As he was dragged off to the asylum, The Fedral Union muttered something about not being in the mood for this and how he wanted for it to be over."
Glad you got the hint.
Neo Yamato
27-11-2003, 22:18
Hey Aquilla... Your fly is undone... The Mods won't do a thing. Read my posts I have only told truth.
Neo Yamato hereby denounces its alliance with The Federal Union. The borders are closed and all deals are suspended.
Reason: The Fedral Union became power hungry (God Moding) before fleeing the region when questioned taking their shadow, the UGOS with them.
Neo Yamato. You were the best but you were still stretching things. "A nation's military is equal to 2.5% of his population." Only if you're a psycotic dictatorship. In RL the democratic nation with the highest %tage is South Korea at 0.91%. And regarding SDI, I don't think any RL nation has it...and here, only big nations do. Fedral Union and especially you would have too low of a techlevel to have one.
Neo Yamato
28-11-2003, 14:48
Perhaps, if it were just me and Fedral Union. However that alliance is over. The Federation of Neo Yamatois beginning anew.
As for the 2.5% thing. Then I apologise, I was only going by what I was passed as information in these forums. Alas I am still but a n00b have mercy on my/thy soul.
*Straps 'L' plates to his head and wanders off*
The Fedral Union
28-11-2003, 15:32
Well any way this whole war is over ...
Neo Yamato
29-11-2003, 14:16
I know the war is over.
Take a look around, nobody is fighting. Just talking civilly.
And now for an Announcement:
NATCO has merged with ICEF (International Coalotion for the Exposition of Force). It has the same ideals but a much larger support base. I have been announced as its Vice-Chairman. This organisation objective is to eliminate Terrorism and make the world a safer place to live in.
United Hiigarans
29-11-2003, 14:47
La Bay, if you are going to ignore poeple then igniore them and don't keep on popping your head out of your shell to tell those people you are ignoreing every five minutes that you are actually ignoring them. You may be ignoreing them, but they are not ignoring you. This war can be RP'd without you.
Although without you, it makes for an easy victory.
IC: The Federation of Neo Yamato is rallying 50,000 paratrooper to go on emergency standby. Two high altitude bombers took off from Neo Yamato Central and are en route to the frontier, escorted by three Tomcat Superiority fighters.
The 60,000 troops have snet word that they have engaged the enemy and supplies have been distributed to the soldiers. Meanwhile civilian humanitarian workers are assisting to remove civilians from the zone of conflict and are helping to look after the wounded.
Morale in Neo Yamato has risen drastically as the movement of the offending army was stopped in it's tracks. Armour production is running at an all time high and weapons are literally flowing out of the factories.
Satellite imagery shows that two Neo Yamato submarines have begun to launch cruise missiles at the enemy lines.
Neo Yamato seals its borders in response to the war in the Fedral Union. This not an action against its faithful allies but an attempt to stop enemy spies from infiltating sensitive military facilities.
The NYSC (Neo Yamato Special Core) has been activated in response to threat of war. The Core's purpose is the last but one line of defense. Meanwhile 100,000 troups have been kept in reserve for an attack on Neo Yamato. At present that leaves well over 100,000 troops that can be shipped over to any combat status.
These troops include Comando units, Marine units all trained in all terrain combat; heavy Tanks; mobile infantry and air support. neo yamato has a small naval force and limited air ranges, but through tradeing and high research levels we have ammassed a high level of technology.
Unfortunately for you,you cannot RP the war without him,unless there are other nations invading nd he is simply dropping out.You cannot post his losses for him,magically invade his cities without him doing anything,or nuking his capital and claiming you have assimilated the enter senate,president and cabinet.It simply dosen't work that way.