Working Class revolt
News Report two hours ago...
-This is the I.W.B.C. INC. (Imperial World Broadcasting Center INC.)
with late breaking news early this morning "The Grand Leader" ordered the barcoding of everyone. This is said to be the result of the growing crime rate. Unfortunately, the leader of the recent Uranium mine workers strike said shortly after hearing this "This is another attempt to control us."
Of course these are obvious lies by a terrorist who would crash are economy. Still he has manged to brainwash a small percent of urban poor. Luckly our superior forces were able to peaceable subdue most. They have been sent to a peaceful reeducation facility. Unfortunately, the terrorist leader escaped forcing the state to put his family under house arrest. We plead to the world community to help find and arrest this international fiend.
We now return you to your regularly regulated show "Behold our Grand Leader".
23-11-2003, 14:28
Official Mapalgetian Foreign Affairs Statement
We will harbor either the leader of this strike or any of the other escaped strikers, as we believe in the right of the worker to form a union. These actions are not acceptable, and something only a terrorist nation would commit.
Bridgetownian Foregin Minster Statment
It was inevitable that the Idealistic Terrorist Government of Mapalgetia would aide these men's communist ideas on breaking up the U.N. and attack hard working capitalistic nations. There by sending world economy into implosion. I must also report that the men going through reeducation have admitted to being brandwashed by the strike leader to suicde bomb tourist locations, but had been stoped before hand. Why would Mapalgetia support mass murdering loons.
23-11-2003, 14:56
We do not support the bombing of civilians, but we also do not support the crushing of labor unions. Why would they form a union if they were not being worked too hard? Answer me this, Bridgetownia.
We believe the "admission" was the only way for the prisoners to get some respite from being tortured and has no bearing on reality.
23-11-2003, 15:02
A good point, although one we might not believe. After all, no sane person would be idiotic enough to bring down the world's wrath by torturing non-violent protestors, would they?
well, their press releases show a large ammount of...let us say.... their own interpretations of reality.
Bridgetownian Foregin Minster Statment
We would never torture another human being that would be most illogical for our empire's economy. And we belive trying to aviod interfere in the economy. The strike ended with the employers firing unproductively armed and violent crime elements who were scaring our uranium mineing business and public safety. Along with the fact that their had been no labor union to begin with just the terrorist organization which was going to be stopped with the next peice of legislature to hopefully end our high crime rate problem.
Late breaking report
-This is the I.W.B.C. INC. (Imperial World Broadcasting Center INC.)
At 10:38 AM Bridgetownia S.W.A.T. members enetered a warehouse were it was found that the leader of the terrorist group along with his staff were found in postion of 200 lbs of C-4 from a nation of unknown origin. The subjects were about to take cynide tablets to avoid trail. They will be tried for 17 counts of 1st degree homicde, Terrorist actions, and TREASON of the people and the State.
Now back to the stock market.
:shock: The ones that escaped out the back got caught by me The Confederacy of Cheyanne, because out the back door is a teleporter that puts them in my nation's jail house. :lol: :lol: :lol: Just kidding, Spongebob Rocks!!!! 8) Bridgetownia is weird :D
News of Court Results
-This is the I.W.B.C. INC. (Imperial World Broadcasting Center INC.)
The news that the world has been waiting for.The court headed by a jury of employed peers has found the afore mentioned terrorists to be guilty as charged and will be taken to the proper facility where they will be executed inaccordace with Bridgetownian Law. Upon hearing this the terrorist leader's wife had a heartattack and died. The infant children will be adopted by The Grand Leader and his wife after the father's execution at midnight. :arrow: Five U.N. delegates are said to be present at the execution to make certain it is carried through without outside interferance of Cirdanistan and Mapalgetia!!!!
Liberated Asia
23-11-2003, 23:55
-Dispatch to Leader of Bridgetownia-
I the Leader of Liberated Asia would like to come to witness the execution of this horrific terrorist that you have been plagued with... If you will allow me to join you for the execution then please give me directions from your nearest airfield, and the exact GPS co-ordinates. I thank you in advance for your what should be acceptance.
The Newly Elected leader of Liberated Asia,
Ivan Kaminsky
Bridgetownian Foregin Minster Statment
In reasponse to Ivan Kaminsky's request the directions for the viewing are to fly into Bridgetownian airspace when you come in range you will be talked down to a private airstrip. Upon landing you will be escorted in a Armoredvehicle to a palace until time for the veiwing of the execution. At that time you will be blindfolded ( To insure the confidentiality of the location) and be escorted to the veiwing. Upon compleation they will be taken back to the airstrip and head back to thier highly respected nations. NOTE: Only U.N. members allowed to veiw, especially Cirdanistan and Mapalgetia as long as they don't try to stop it.
Liberated Asia
24-11-2003, 00:46
Offical government Dispatch,
In that case we'll send a Video camera for you to record the event for us, as we are not fond of our Leader being blind folded. We are paranoid and we will of course not send him without knowing EXACTLY where he is... If we can't know exactly where hten we will not come.
Hey when the execution starts can I bring the BEER & Hotdogs. Wait I forgot to get the marshmellows :oops: . Do you got any in your place :D .
Bridgetownian Foregin Minster Statment
First of all Cheyanne is not a member of the U.N. . Second we only expect represenitives of the U.N. not the nation leaders. Thank you for allowing us to clean up this misunderstanding.
Ok I can't come to the execution :cry: , but do you still have those marshmellows :?: :D
We will send a (low-level) member of our UN delegation to witness the event, then.
News of Execution
-This is the I.W.B.C. INC. (Imperial World Broadcasting Center INC.)
We are just outside of the West Palace where as of a few hours ago began filling with repersentatves from U.N. Nations a waiting to be escourted to the veiwing of the terrorist's execution, The terrorist who not long ago led a general strike on Bridgetownian Uranium Mines demanding the workers owership of the mines and the lives of their corparte owners. The Cirdanistan's repersentatve is in attendance but refuses to comment as of yet and Mapalgetia's repersentatve is no where to be found. Wait I believe, Yes, the armoredvehicles which will take them to the scene are pulling into the palace's driveway and Palace Guardsmen are handing blindfolds to the leaving repersentatves. We also see The Grand Leader heading to the heliport. Back to you at the station.