Slaves For Sale
What a detestable act. If you are reading this, then maybe you should reconsider your foreign policies. I don't care about what other people do with their people, but let me point out that slavery is wrong.
EDIT: And you were tricked if you clicked here! It doesn't matter if you came here to buy slaves or condem slavery. You still have detestable foreign policies. War over slavery is hardly worth it.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
What if you easily guessed this was a trick and were reaidng it to see what it was?
The Eastern Bloc
22-11-2003, 04:21
Traiden looks at the note and scratches his head. "Jeez... I'm just a little bored and I get accused of starting war with Slaver nations just for looking at this thing?" He shrugged and asked his servant to file it under "V" for "Very funny."
22-11-2003, 04:21
Okay, little too forceful with your views.
Be a pacifist all you want, but sometimes the only way to solve things is with force, and the periodic showing of it.
22-11-2003, 04:21
What a detestable act. If you are reading this, then maybe you should reconsider your foreign policies. I don't care about what other people do with their people, but let me point out that slavery is wrong.
EDIT: And you were tricked if you clicked here! It doesn't matter if you came here to buy slaves or condem slavery. You still have detestable foreign policies. War over slavery is hardly worth it.
Condeming slavery doesn't equal war, ya know.
Okay, little too forceful with your views.
Be a pacifist all you want, but sometimes the only way to solve things is with force, and the periodic showing of it.
And sometimes, as Nianancio and Fluffywuffy will testify, the force will leave you down 120 ships due to air and submarine attack!
23-11-2003, 04:00
Down 120 ships? I haven't lost 120 ships...
BTW, there's no "n" before the "c" in "Nianacio".
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Down 120 ships? I haven't lost 120 ships...
BTW, there's no "n" before the "c" in "Nianacio".
You lost 20, Fluffywuffy lost 100.
What if I clicked here to see who was going to do either of the detestable acts?
What if I just clicked here to check your inventory? :lol:
23-11-2003, 04:49
Ah, yes, I remember one time I went to war against a slave nation. It happened to be my puppet, and I wanted to go to war for the fun of it, but never the less the puppet made "allies," who bombed me mercilessly and killed millions of urban civilians.
Had me worried - thought you were selling off PoWs from the Bigtopia campaigns...
The POWs were released when hostilities ended. That's Nanakaland's policy.