Bored Whana Go To War With Some One
While Mr President Was Sitting Around He Said Oh Well I Have All These Troops And Weapons I Whana Go To War
22-11-2003, 01:31
The Administrations says Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sebecean National Archive (
22-11-2003, 01:31
You do not have to capitalize every word in a sentence. Just letting you know.
In any case, blatant aggression such as this typicaly results in lots of people threatening to annex/destroy you unless you back down.
Go to NS, make an RP, or a wargame.
Or do an alternate reality, or something.
Well. As i'm a bit short on time i'll have to make this quick.
*Nukes are launched at Jimi Jo Bob's nations in their hundereds*
I Declare War On Setian-Sebeceans
I would launch 4 nukes on him and then massicre the survivors with my NBCD Special Forces, but he would probably godmod.
22-11-2003, 01:44
Wow, a sextuple post.
As for Setian, I honestly would expect better from you, seriously, I considered you a [i]GOODp/i] RPer.
I am considering a blockaid on Jimi Jo Bob, and maybe SS.
22-11-2003, 01:54
Wow, a sextuple post.
As for Setian, I honestly would expect better from you, seriously, I considered you a [i]GOODp/i] RPer.
I am considering a blockaid on Jimi Jo Bob, and maybe SS.
Oh come on, its a fun war, hell I'll murder him.
The Sebecean Combined Military Consits of 402 million so, he's gonna get it, check the my National Archive, you'll see.
Sebecean National Archive (
I think that this is the thread you are looking for:
My Army Is 436 mill so sry i will still waste you
22-11-2003, 02:07
My Army Is 436 mill so sry i will still waste you
well thats not throwing in the Dependant Commonwealth of Aclaria, which turns the table, Then my allies, Oh, god, your screwed.
Start To Aim 4 Of My Nuclear Warheads
I'm no longer angry at Jimi Jo Bob.
22-11-2003, 02:18
How about I just nail Jimi from space? It'll be a good test for the new optics on the GOD sats.
22-11-2003, 02:20
How about I just nail Jimi from space? It'll be a good test for the new optics on the GOD sats.
No, Check the RP, I'm already doing planetary bombartment. He's royal screwed.
Well Then I Guess A Coulpe Nuke Launches Are In Order
Send 4 Carrier Task Force Groups To Attack You
And Send 5000000 million troops to attack
22-11-2003, 02:24
Well Then I Guess A Coulpe Nuke Launches Are In Order
Um... My capital is across the gallexy in the Nalanakeri System. I'm gonna toast you.
Begin bombardment, land the troops. Call in more troops. Aim the Frag Cannons. Call in pizza.
Well Then Launch I Guess A Launch Of My First Space Fleet Is Needed
I Am Launching My Nukes How To Your Little Sissy Bombardment Force
22-11-2003, 02:26
Well Then Launch I Guess A Launch Of My First Space Fleet Is Needed
Shoot his ships down as the launch.
22-11-2003, 02:27
Aww; I'd've killed him just for capitalising every word in some of his posts.
22-11-2003, 02:27
I Am Launching My Nukes How To Your Little Sissy Bombardment Force
Adcomm-Flak intercepted them
22-11-2003, 02:27
Would you two please learn to RP?
22-11-2003, 02:28
OK thats it, Send in the Mon Ecliptus, and blast his ass to hell.
i know how just this little shit is god moding
22-11-2003, 02:30
He's not the only one "Well Then Launch I Guess A Launch Of My First Space Fleet Is Needed" - I mean, come on. It's cringingly painful to read.
Everyone, read this so you don't call every RP a GODMOD! (
22-11-2003, 02:31
I'm sorry, was that "Everyone..." aimed at me?
22-11-2003, 02:31
i know how just this little shit is god moding
Hey, I'm not goddmodding, he is, these are the forces I've had.
IC: My Army Gets Ready For An Stupid Space Invastion::
I'm sorry, was that "Everyone..." aimed at me?
No. I'm just tired of everyone shouting GODMOD when it is painfully obvious that it is just a case of a future-tech nation fighting a modern-tech nation.
22-11-2003, 02:34
SS, may i just quote you here:
"Shoot his ships down as the launch." - posting other peoples losses
"Begin bombardment, land the troops. Call in more troops. Aim the Frag Cannons. Call in pizza." - assuming he has no defences
All in all, combined with the puppet-w**king in the other thread, i'd say you in fact were.
::readys my few nukes left::
::Gets Patriot Missle Systems Ready::
::declares a state of emergency telling all to take cover except my troops
::declares a state of emergency telling all to take cover except my troops::
::troops and military protect all major and eccential things in country::
22-11-2003, 02:39
SS, may i just quote you here:
"Shoot his ships down as the launch." - posting other peoples losses
"Begin bombardment, land the troops. Call in more troops. Aim the Frag Cannons. Call in pizza." - assuming he has no defences
All in all, combined with the puppet-w**king in the other thread, i'd say you in fact were.
OOC- First pulling the trigger does not mean I posted his losses, second hte point of planetary bombartment is to take out defenese, and third, those are colonies of me, there not puppets, but provences. And No you may not quote me
IC- Sebecean government wonders what a Patriot Missile will do against a orbital carrier.
22-11-2003, 02:40
But you assumed he had no defences left. Give him a chance to post losses and declare his defences against your troops.
Well if you havent noticed i am being moddern times you are being all cheap with your special plasma ray utonium ultra violet quantom leap torpedo weapon
...[the fighting] is [a] painfully obvious... case of a future-tech nation fighting a modern-tech nation.
[OOC: It's amazing what editing can do.]
IC: Please stop ignoring me and realize that they are in two separate times and that a time portal would be needed for their fighting.
22-11-2003, 02:45
SS, may i just quote you here:
"Shoot his ships down as the launch." - posting other peoples losses
"Begin bombardment, land the troops. Call in more troops. Aim the Frag Cannons. Call in pizza." - assuming he has no defences
All in all, combined with the puppet-w**king in the other thread, i'd say you in fact were.
OOC- First pulling the trigger does not mean I posted his losses, second hte point of planetary bombartment is to take out defenese, and third, those are colonies of me, there not puppets, but provences. And No you may not quote me
IC- Sebecean government wonders what a Patriot Missile will do against a orbital carrier.
How about GBL, SBL, and ABLs? I wonder what they would do against them. Wanna find out?
Well you knocked out 2 of my Minuet men silos you destroyed 3 of my citysbut no one hurt cause they all in sheler
22-11-2003, 02:45
But you assumed he had no defences left. Give him a chance to post losses and declare his defences against your troops.
Calling in troops does not mean I said I took out his defensie, ever heard of Special Forces?
I never said or implied that he had no defensie, i only ask what a Patriot misslie is gonna do against a ship miles and miles up.
Setian-Sebastians, you military DOES NOT include puppets. Using puppets and allies in declarations of military strength is horrible RPing.
OOC.well you never thought what a few ICBMs Could do and i mine utonium so u better watch out
22-11-2003, 02:47
Probably not a lot. But how are you going to land troops without them coming under fire. You can bombard him into dust, but the second you land, your ground forces will come under heavy fire, ditto atmospheric forces.
OOC::sry to act stupid but how is my rpin goin
...[the fighting] is [a] painfully obvious... case of a future-tech nation fighting a modern-tech nation.
...realize that they are in two separate times and that a time portal would be needed for their fighting [becuase one is in the future and one is in the present].
That makes their combat - without an IC roleplaying time portal being discovered - very godmodish.
22-11-2003, 02:48
If you are the player for your 'colonies', then that's effectivly cheating, as they give you an unfair advantage by allowing you to effectivly bypass the normal growth curve.
If I had created a bunch of nations back in december and called them 'provinces' or 'colonies', I could have a population in the trillions; or I could go and create 400 'colony' accounts and instantly double my population for less than an hour's work.
OOC;; and i do have a lot more that you do
22-11-2003, 02:49
OOC: I have partical projection tech, its more effective.
IC: Two prowlers were shot down on a attack run.
...[the fighting] is [a] painfully obvious... case of a future-tech nation fighting a modern-tech nation.
...realize that they are in two separate times and that a time portal would be needed for their fighting [becuase one is in the future and one is in the present].
That makes their combat - without an IC roleplaying time portal being discovered - very godmodish.
[OOC: Don't take any offence. I just love quoting and editing.]
OCC i am tryin to fight his new fangled tech
IC:: I Hand Out LAW Rockets to lots o army guys Come and get me now
IC:: While You do nothing Is Send Up A Coulpe of My finest F-22 to do some CAP over my capital of Jimi Jo Ville
Why do you want to start a war and cause war just join in one to hel someone
like snier country - omz222
or my own problem
I suggust you do not start a war
DGNT is right
22-11-2003, 02:55
Jimi, your RPing is very bare-bones description-wise. But then, so's SS in this case. Try describing the actions of your troops and other forces, rather than just saying 'I do this or that'.
Ok Thanks for the tips
IC:: Riots Start In Capital because of what is thought to be armagadon::
::I Walk Out In Front Of My People And Give A Speach Reasuring That Out Army Can Fend Off These InVaders::
22-11-2003, 03:09
IC: General Hein orders the targeting and fireing on the capital.
Geaneral hein also gives an ultimatum, pay us 5 trillion credits, or face great casualties.
IC:: Well I Dont Think The Will Be Okay ::
::Orders all top gov to go into command bumkers""
IC::Arms All The Rest Of My ICBMs which i have alot cause i make them
Okay, I have been away from the forums for a while, and my pop. has shot up. Its time to crush some warmongers!
22-11-2003, 03:14
Okay, I have been away from the forums for a while, and my pop. has shot up. Its time to crush some warmongers!
Hey, he wanted the war, i just was joking and he declares war on me.
so was i cause u said u wanted to attack
Hmm, oops. This thread seems well into action. I only thought it was one page! :? You seem to be in a nice little battle right now, so Ill leave you. Anyway, this would be quite a waste of troops.
IC:: Riots Start In Capital because of what is thought to be armagadon::
::I Walk Out In Front Of My People And Give A Speach Reasuring That Out Army Can Fend Off These InVaders::
Let me show you an example of a good roleplay (it was a sum-up post that was summing up a civil-war; it was ending a subplot in another thread) done by me (surprise, surprise). It took me an hour just to plan it and a half hour to write it, but it is sweet:
Source (
Final Chapter in Cultist Story (Must Read!)
The cultist guard was gunned down by on of the Elite Special Forces. His security card was taken out of his lifeless body.
"I think we found our solution," commented the soldier. He walked over and slid the card down the slit. The elevator opened. The sixteen men crowded into the fairly large elevator. One of them pressed the button labeled -10 (saying "I think this is where they are!") and the elevator desended into the depths of the bunker....
When they reached the bottom, the doors opened. The twelve soldiers and the four crew scattered in scout/protective formation while President Michael looked around the room.
There was a sudden laugh. All sixteen of them turned their heads to the center of the large, darkened room, where at the far end against the wall, barely visable through the mist (produced by mist machines; the cultist leader did this for a creepy effect on those who visited him) and sitting on a throne of bones, was the Supreme Commander. "I have been waiting for you," he said.
At the lift of a finger, the cultist leader had twenty men come from hidden side-rooms. The fifteen Nanakaland soldiers and the President started shooting all over the room. The cultists fired back. The final result was that all of the cultists and five of the soldiers (one gunner, four Elite Special Forces) died. Considering the situation, the Nanakaland soldiers acted fast and efficient (they are the best trained in the nation). That was nothing to be surprised about as these were some of the best of the Elite Speical Forces; the highest ranking and trained Nanakaland field soldiers.
The cultist leader just laughed even harder and pushed a button on his throne. The far wall flipped and the cultist leader was gone. The remaining Nanakaland men left the bunker. There, they were greated by a helicopter and its crew, that had fled from Fort Freedom.
After the helicopter was boarded, they turned around and shot a Bunker Buster Missile at the bunker. The whole structure colapsed. Then, the helicopter took off for Nanakapolis.
The brainwashed cultist members came to their senses and the revolt stopped. There must have been something in the bunker that was controling them. All of the higher ranking cultist leaders (who weren't brainwashed) were rounded up. The planes were stopped halfway to Feline. The assasins in the Vatican were killed.
"What happened to the cultist leader?" you may ask. The truth is that the cultist leader escaped the bunker right before it was destroyed. He was caught fleeing Nanakaland by boat. His arrest would have never happened if it wasn't for Belem, who provided the Supreme Commander's real name.
The helicopter that rescued the President and his brave soldiers would have never been there if it wasn't for UMH's attacks on AA guns.
No cultists were left on the street. They were either de-brainwashed or, if not brainwashed in the first place, arrested. Many cultists, however, were killed before the issue was resolved.
However, the story is not yet over. Nanakaland's issue may be solved (for the moment), but the overall issue is not solved (After all, the cultists were a subplot in Feline's thread. The actual thread is not over until Feline says so.).
[OOC: Nanaka Forest does not border any nation. Nanaka Forest is on the east end of the nation and is surounded on all sides, except by the west, by swamplands and wastelands. It is possible, however, for people to get lost in the borderlands and wind up in Nanaka Forest.]
22-11-2003, 03:17
OOC: Jimi Jo Bob- eat this. *pushes button to fire on Jimi Jo Bob's capital*
22-11-2003, 03:19
Sebecean Government is getting board, and moves all forces back to the Nalanakeri system.