Important Message to the Nation of Dar-Kavryn:
Soviet China II
21-11-2003, 08:54
This is an important message:
You will surrender your forces to our powers immediatly. If you do not, we reserve the right to invade your nation.
Our reason:
Dar-Kavryn has been sending threatening PM messages to our nation. Now we are taking military action.
Soviet China II
21-11-2003, 08:59
Here is two messages he sent us:
1. We will invade your nation when we grow stronger
2. I am going to gather an alliance to help me destroy your socialist powers! We will reign over you!
Soviet China II
21-11-2003, 09:02
We encourage other nations to help us.
Having witnessed events in your nation regarding the execution of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, we feel it necessary to warn you that should you attack, we will attack you.
Here is two messages he sent us:
1. We will invade your nation when we grow stronger
2. I am going to gather an alliance to help me destroy your socialist powers! We will reign over you!
What?? Blatant and shameless lies!! This is an outrage!
The people and ruler of Dar-Kavryn bear no enmity towards socialism. It seems, however, that Soviet China II has an irrational and baseless hatred of us....
Despite this vicious slander, I will make no attempt to gather an alliance and attack Soviet China II. However, I now ask for assistance if said nation, which seems to be under the control of a hallucinating madman, decides to attack me.
-The King of Dar-Kavryn
OOC: Even if I was to threaten Soviet China II, I would not use this country for it. Dar-Kavryn is neither my most militant nor my most capitalist nation.
Oh, by the way...
We will never surrender!!!
OOC: Any invaders are subject to the nature of my setting. I am also subject to these rules, of course. (The Island is ruled by a literally all-powerfull king, who can even control the weather and the trees. Dar-Kavryn is not.) However, this includes large deposits of Viridium, a green mineral that is disruptive to technology. In most of the nation, even gunpowder does not function properly. This gives certain of my non-human forces a distinct advantage over ordinary armies, no matter how advanced they are. This factor, of course, is only useful for defense- but an attacker will take heavier losses than pure numbers would make one expect.
IC: Most of my people are not agressive, but we will fight till our last breath if attacked.
-The King of Dar-Kavryn
"You enter our caves, and we will kill you. That is simple, yes?"
-A shadowdancer (picture a skeletal-looking creature about eight feet tall, carrying a large sword.)
21-11-2003, 12:50
OOC: Oops, Kharrol is one of my other nations. I thought I was logged on as this one. Sorry.
IC: How convenient- I was just offered the opportunity to build a wall around my kingdom. It was intended to be an immigration issue... but a wall should be useful if I am attacked, as well.
-Taryd, King of Dar-Kavryn
Soviet China II
24-11-2003, 06:42
Here is two messages he sent us:
1. We will invade your nation when we grow stronger
2. I am going to gather an alliance to help me destroy your socialist powers! We will reign over you!
What?? Blatant and shameless lies!! This is an outrage!
The people and ruler of Dar-Kavryn bear no enmity towards socialism. It seems, however, that Soviet China II has an irrational and baseless hatred of us....
Despite this vicious slander, I will make no attempt to gather an alliance and attack Soviet China II. However, I now ask for assistance if said nation, which seems to be under the control of a hallucinating madman, decides to attack me.
-The King of Dar-Kavryn
OOC: Even if I was to threaten Soviet China II, I would not use this country for it. Dar-Kavryn is neither my most militant nor my most capitalist nation.
I recieved 1 extra message the other day:
"If you continue with this I will destroy you. Declare that your comments were lies now! Or face the wrath of my people!"
I deny that we would make all this up! Why would we just make something up like this? It just doesnt make any sense!
Soviet China II
24-11-2003, 07:08
Our great leader is currently being replaced because he almost brought our great nation to destruction. We apoligise and a new leader will be replacing him. We are withdrawing our forces
24-11-2003, 07:49
Our great leader is currently being replaced because he almost brought our great nation to destruction. We apoligise and a new leader will be replacing him. We are withdrawing our forces
Beware, enemies of Dar-Kavryn!
Our power grows... already those who threaten us learn fear!