War Declared on World Wide Panic
USSSS High command has declared war on the region of World Wide Panic, and all who choose to ally themselves with it. USSSS is tired of their consistent molesting of our allies ( the iron curtain of kriegor ) and their disrespect of gay people, their views on communism, support of democracy, and other things...
The region of The New USSR , which USSSS belongs to, has pledged men, machines and weaponry in this war. Any Communist forces willing to help their comrades all help is extremely appreciated.
20-11-2003, 19:47
the Kihamerian government frowns on this action,we will not support either side right now,but we may be forced to take military action.
Message from the Halls of Justice----
We wish to Know more about the 'Felonys' that World Wide Panic has caused, if it Just For their disrespect of gay people, then that is No Grounds for a War(OOC: Even Though i hate Homophobics) We Will not allow a war for Such Meager Resons.
End Message----
20-11-2003, 19:51
the armies of kriegorgrad are fully behind this push, all of those within the iron curtain of kriegor will march upon the weak states of world wide panic, our tanks grand guns will pummel they're cities to rubble, the flag of kriegor will be raised proud and high over the smoking remains of world wide panic,in particuar intellisland will be targetted.
kriegos death korp
Message from the Halls of Justice----
To:Kriegorgrad & SovietSnails
This is a Final Warning Justify Your Reasons of we shall Mobilize Evopia's Troops. ( http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=85059&highlight= ) And if Need Be involve the IADF ( http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=90316&highlight=credonia )
End Message----
Ok , maybe not war. More like... investigation , retaliation, mission , whatever you want to call it - this is not a total war called on - soon USSS 1st and 2nd companies of mechanised infantry will be patrolling WWP borders, investigating WWP sitees, the like. If we are attacked i cannot say what will happen.
we have reason to believe WWP spies are running 'espionage' missions against our nuclear capacity ( not much currently, ) and also that a WWP spy has caused the meltdown at Karavia Nuclear Plant. This killed many people, radiated the surrounding land, and destroyed the city of Karavia.
Our Reconnaisance helicopters have spotted WWP artillery ( from Pinksi Russia) setting up on the border of recently conquered land ( clearly in the name of USSSS). As the nation grieves the loss of Karavian lives and materiel, the government plans retaliation.
20-11-2003, 20:03
Ok , maybe not war. More like... investigation , retaliation, mission , whatever you want to call it - this is not a total war called on - soon USSS 1st and 2nd companies of mechanised infantry will be patrolling WWP borders, investigating WWP sitees, the like. If we are attacked i cannot say what will happen.
we have reason to believe WWP spies are running 'espionage' missions against our nuclear capacity ( not much currently, ) and also that a WWP spy has caused the meltdown at Karavia Nuclear Plant. This killed many people, radiated the surrounding land, and destroyed the city of Karavia.
Our Reconnaisance helicopters have spotted WWP artillery ( from Pinksi Russia) setting up on the border of recently conquered land ( clearly in the name of USSSS). As the nation grieves the loss of Karavian lives and materiel, the government plans retaliation.
OOC:what tech level are you ?
OOC : not so sure um... not so far future. ( space travel too
These demands must be met for USSSS Military to withdraw
1. Public Apology for the families of the dead Karavians -
2. 300 million dollars in compensation
3. withdrawal of WWP forces near Ukanigrad
4. Withdrawal of spies in USSSS and New USSR
These apologies must be made by the head of state of each country inside WWP.
However, we cannot vouch for the withdrawal of the Iron Curtains' ( Kriegorgrad) forces, and if it comes to total war we will have to help them.
Yours Hatefully
USSSS Foreign Minister and military general - Jiak Harraffod
And what exactly are you fighting this war with.
SovietSnails Gross Domestic Product
Population: 6,000,000
Civil Rights: Rare
Economy: Imploded
GDP per Capita: $100
GDP: $600,000,000
National Budget: $43,304,400
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.44%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 20%
Military Budget: $8,660,880
Enough for:
0 F-15Es, or...
0 Su-34s, or...
0 F-16s, or...
0 MiG 29s, or...
2 M1A2 Abrams, or...
2 T-90s, or...
14,779 M-16s, or...
28,869 AK47s
Even if i set the budget spent on military to 100. (nobody would ever do this the average is 3.2%)
SovietSnails Gross Domestic Product
Population: 6,000,000
Civil Rights: Rare
Economy: Imploded
GDP per Capita: $100
GDP: $600,000,000
National Budget: $43,304,400
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 7.22%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 100%
Military Budget: $43,304,400
Enough for:
1 F-15Es, or...
2 Su-34s, or...
2 F-16s, or...
3 MiG 29s, or...
10 M1A2 Abrams, or...
14 T-90s, or...
73,898 M-16s, or...
144,348 AK47s
1st Company roster:
1st platoon - 10 ak 74 assault rifles
command unit -
commander Ijak -
9 other platoons - each armed wiht 18 ak-74 assault rifles, a flamethrower, and an RPG-7
10 APC's,
5 Hummers
2nd company roster :
1st Company roster:
1st platoon - 10 ak 74 assault rifles
command unit -
commander Ijak -
9 other platoons - each armed wiht 18 ak-74 assault rifles, a flamethrower, and an RPG-7
10 APC's,
5 hummers
USSSS military currently may be small , but i will not withdraw until demands are met.
I have at my disposal -
(sorry - slightly unrealistic for the amount of cash i have...)
10 cruise missiles
an atom bomb
( Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Arms Manufacturing.
, the government happens to be 'in the know'. )
OOC: Launches 464549857149515689147658173647896e498146 anti-godmod super-uber-leet-cannot-be-destroyed-by-anything planes
20-11-2003, 20:56
leave us alone, this our war, not yours, we do not need you to solve our problems for us!
I (the current ruler of Yidishiville) request a cease fire on this war immmediately.
My main reason is.....the war is killing my cheese exports buisiness(im in WWP)Iweas a nation do not want any war as it could destroy the natural beauty of the region WWP.
I thank you and I would like as much support as possible for my proposal
I (the current ruler of Yidishiville) request a cease fire on this war immmediately.
My main reason is.....the war is killing my cheese exports buisiness(im in WWP)Iweas a nation do not want any war as it could destroy the natural beauty of the region WWP.
I thank you and I would like as much support as possible for my proposal
The Democratic States of Parlim are to remian neutral in this conflict, but would like to remind the USSSS and Kriegorgrad that they are two very small nations, and either of you having WMD is impossible. Also, you two are taking on seven other nations, and neither of you have a real military to speak of. We suggest you rethink this campaign.
I fight this conflict for the dead bodies of Karavia - not for blood, oil ( :roll: ) or whatever...
20-11-2003, 21:05
OOC: Launches 464549857149515689147658173647896e498146 anti-godmod super-uber-leet-cannot-be-destroyed-by-anything planes
Shut up. This looks like an OOC war between friends.
(ammo sold for £900 a round
1st Company roster:
1st platoon - 10 ak 74 assault rifles
command unit -
commander Ijak -
9 other platoons - each armed wiht 18 ak-74 assault rifles, a flamethrower, and an RPG-7
10 APC's,
5 Hummers
2nd company roster :
1st Company roster:
1st platoon - 10 ak 74 assault rifles
command unit -
commander Ijak -
9 other platoons - each armed wiht 18 ak-74 assault rifles, a flamethrower, and an RPG-7
10 APC's,
5 hummers
In other words, you're attacking with about 2000 troops. How is this going to take over a single nation of even 5 million people, much less 7 nations? And atom bombs take a LOT longer than one day to build.
Thunderstraat :D
but also he destroyed Karavia...
And also we are not taking seven nations.
We are taking on 3
Two of the members of WWP have 2 nations,
the other guy has one, and there is another one that doesnt exist.
The iron curtain has 5 nations the New USSR has 2.
1st Company roster:
1st platoon - 10 ak 74 assault rifles
command unit -
commander Ijak -
9 other platoons - each armed wiht 18 ak-74 assault rifles, a flamethrower, and an RPG-7
10 APC's,
5 Hummers
2nd company roster :
1st Company roster:
1st platoon - 10 ak 74 assault rifles
command unit -
commander Ijak -
9 other platoons - each armed wiht 18 ak-74 assault rifles, a flamethrower, and an RPG-7
10 APC's,
5 hummers
In other words, you're attacking with about 2000 troops. How is this going to take over a single nation of even 5 million people, much less 7 nations? And atom bombs take a LOT longer than one day to build.
um... no
its about.....
500 troops
CRACK trained troops...
and if you actually read how we have cruise missiles and atom bombs...
Black Market isn't an excuse. A young nation like yourself WON'T have WMDs. Period. Many middle-size nations don't even have them, so a two day old one isn't.
500? JUST 500? It doesn't matter if they're crack trained, they aren't going to made a DENT in other nations. You don't even have aircraft, or tanks. 500 troops are NOT going to get far.
20-11-2003, 21:23
thunder has the idea, so everyone else just piss off, this is a war between people who know each other, it has nothing to do with you lot, so stop preteneding to be REAL goverment leaders and leave us alone!
20-11-2003, 21:23
thunder has the idea, so everyone else just piss off, this is a war between people who know each other, it has nothing to do with you lot, so stop preteneding to be REAL goverment leaders and leave us alone!
sort some stuff out:
OOC : under some consideration i ave changed my battle plans
IC :
It has been found the WMD's found on the black market have no launch systems , no detonation systems, and the cases are made with plastic :shock:
as well as 1st and 2nd company crack troops, the 5th battalion intends to reinforce.
10,000 light infantry, armed with AK 47s and some light anti-tank weaponrry.
A company of T-72's, funded by The Colony of UOGS
(50 tanks)
Anyone willing to lend air support will be thanked ( and paid hopefully)
After days of argument, the congress in Dras-Leona, Parlim decided to send a peace-keeping force to the Iron Curtain.
After days of argument, the congress in Dras-Leona, Parlim decided to send a peace-keeping force to the Iron Curtain.
Ganymerica wishes to make it clear that they remain neutral in this conflict. However, as a move of support for our allies, and as an act of trying to secure world peace, the Congress of Ganymerica has on the request of the president decided to send ammunition and equipment to supply our Parlimian brethren in their quest of world peace.
Specifically, should Parlim choose to accept,
We offer to lend:
5 M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
1 M1A1 Abrams
2 H3 Sea-King Helicopters
1 Apache Attack Helicopter
1 Fully Equipped 10-bed Mobile Hospital
We also offer to pay 50% of Parlim's expenses of this mission.
We accept, the troops have been dispatched.
21-11-2003, 00:42
wow, i actually wasted 4 minutes of my life reading this thread. That's 4 minutes I will never get back... :cry: :cry:
The Fedral Union
21-11-2003, 02:43
Lol you people are funny .
aw shut it you goddamn losers...
1st and 2nd company mechanised divisions have moved 1000 miles already into the heart of Karavia. Unfortunately, 5th battalion has moved to help the war in ukraine.
For USSSS troops to retreat from WWP, these demands must be met.
1. A public apology for the dead Karavians
2. 250,000,000 dollars for compensation
3. 25 tonnes of Yiddish cheese
4. Withdrawal of all WWP spies
5. Withdrawal of all Pinski Russian artillery from our borders
1. New USSR bombers spill 400,000,000 litres of blood
2. We take the 250,000,000 dollars and 25 tonnes of yiddish cheese
3. We bomb yiddish cheese factories and manufactories
4. We destroy the Pinksi Russian artillery
Choose either----
1. You're demanding an apology for people you've killed?
2. I doubt many of those nations even HAVE 250,000,000.
3. 25 Tones of cheese? Cheese stinks, and the smell will attract all manner of animals.
4. Even in peace times, most countries still have spies.
5. That might happen
6. So yo're going to have your bombers drop blood on them? Or, are you going to kill a whole lot of people, then measure up their combined blood until it reaches 400,000,000? Funny thing though, his entire population does have 400,000,000 litres of blood.
7. See 2 & 3
8. Won't get anymore cheese then, will you?
9. That would probably happen, though I think you might run out of ammo in the proccess.
Now where'd I put that peacekeeping force...?
Black Market isn't an excuse. A young nation like yourself WON'T have WMDs. Period. Many middle-size nations don't even have them, so a two day old one isn't.
500? JUST 500? It doesn't matter if they're crack trained, they aren't going to made a DENT in other nations. You don't even have aircraft, or tanks. 500 troops are NOT going to get far.
my mate has been playing this game agers and has desided to quit and has left all his food womd army and more to us(me and snale)
WWP has accepted the apologies and the cheese offering, but has sent 400 light infantry into the new USSR s region and aircraft into our air space whilst dissed loads of things so we have gone back to war and dont want anything just utter anialation of WWP. rest in peace this is gonna be blood shead and we will win!!!! :twisted:
21-11-2003, 18:10
only the people who have been in the iron curtain of kriegor, the new ussr and world wide panic before the date 21st of november may participate in this forum, i have spoken to the creator of the thread, this a is a nation fued! so the rest of you saddos posts are void! thank you very much for your time :)
21-11-2003, 18:32
Kriegorgrad Gross Domestic Product
Population: 16,000,000
Civil Rights: Unheard Of
Economy: Very Strong
GDP per Capita: $14,812
GDP: $236,992,000,000
National Budget: $35,793,475,989
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.51%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $3,579,347,599
Enough for:
115 F-15Es, or...
178 Su-34s, or...
190 F-16s, or...
325 MiG 29s, or...
832 M1A2 Abrams, or...
1,193 T-90s, or...
6,108,101 M-16s, or...
11,931,158 AK47s
I've decided to buy:
5,965,579 ak47's
29 F15E's
298 T-90 battle tanks.
Kriegorgrad Gross Domestic Product
Population: 16,000,000
Civil Rights: Unheard Of
Economy: Very Strong
GDP per Capita: $14,812
GDP: $236,992,000,000
National Budget: $35,793,475,989
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.51%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $3,579,347,599
Enough for:
115 F-15Es, or...
178 Su-34s, or...
190 F-16s, or...
325 MiG 29s, or...
832 M1A2 Abrams, or...
1,193 T-90s, or...
6,108,101 M-16s, or...
11,931,158 AK47s
I've decided to buy:
5,965,579 ak47's
29 F15E's
298 T-90 battle tanks.
nice one! but what dose gdp stand for??
and how do you get all the info
Kriegos military Gross Domestic Product
Population: 12,000,000
Civil Rights: Good
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,131
GDP: $145,572,000,000
National Budget: $36,342,128,383
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 2.5%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $3,634,212,838
Enough for:
116 F-15Es, or...
181 Su-34s, or...
193 F-16s, or...
330 MiG 29s, or...
845 M1A2 Abrams, or...
1,211 T-90s, or...
6,201,728 M-16s, or...
12,114,042 AK47s
but I'm gonna buy this!
3100864 m16's
96 F-16 aircraft
My last name ( soviet snails ) was not the one wanted, so i made a new nation , and assuming i can say everything happened in this one that happened in the old one ? EG. soviet snails doesnt exist anymore ( will expire soon) so therefore eveything that was in soviet snails ( cept money and stuff like that ) is still there ? it doesnt really make a difference because USSSS is only 2 days old and this is only 1 day old.
So shall we continue ?
USSSP News !
1st and 2nd companies , 4th battalion PIR have found Pinksi Russian artillery and destroyed it in a fierce fire-fight ( sounds like godmoding but it isnt )
USSSP losses =
2 APC's , 1st company.
45 light infantry, 4th platoon, 1st company.
Sadly commander Ijak was lost in battle, killed by a Pinski Russian grenade.
WWP losses =
5 MLRS Systems.
100 enginners dead.
50 captured.
The USSSP have retreated back 500 miles and are waiting for Iron Curtain assistance.
let me take the 50 prissoners and putt them in my coscript camp, so we can brain wash them for us and use in war effort.
the place of conscript camp: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2169806#2169806
when ready i will join ok? 8)
Anybody that disregards communism shall be struch with the iron fist of Martacoin. We shall reinforce the ways of Therocrcy and dominate the world. Martacoin allies with the communist ways of Robinland shall rule the earth and take all of our capitolist rivals and distroy them.
Anybody that disregards communism shall be struch with the iron fist of Martacoin. We shall reinforce the ways of Therocrcy and dominate the world. Martacoin allies with the communist ways of Robinland shall rule the earth and take all of our capitolist rivals and distroy them.
this war is for people who know each other at school so bog off!!!
21-11-2003, 21:46
you can join regardless of what UOGS said, cos ur not trying to stop it so ya can play :D
My last name ( soviet snails ) was not the one wanted, so i made a new nation , and assuming i can say everything happened in this one that happened in the old one ? EG. soviet snails doesnt exist anymore ( will expire soon) so therefore eveything that was in soviet snails ( cept money and stuff like that ) is still there ? it doesnt really make a difference because USSSS is only 2 days old and this is only 1 day old.
So shall we continue ?
USSSP News !
1st and 2nd companies , 4th battalion PIR have found Pinksi Russian artillery and destroyed it in a fierce fire-fight ( sounds like godmoding but it isnt )
USSSP losses =
2 APC's , 1st company.
45 light infantry, 4th platoon, 1st company.
Sadly commander Ijak was lost in battle, killed by a Pinski Russian grenade.
WWP losses =
5 MLRS Systems.
100 enginners dead.
50 captured.
The USSSP have retreated back 500 miles and are waiting for Iron Curtain assistance.
Ingore everything in this post.
My last name ( soviet snails ) was not the one wanted, so i made a new nation , and assuming i can say everything happened in this one that happened in the old one ? EG. soviet snails doesnt exist anymore ( will expire soon) so therefore eveything that was in soviet snails ( cept money and stuff like that ) is still there ? it doesnt really make a difference because USSSS is only 2 days old and this is only 1 day old.
So shall we continue ?
USSSP News !
1st and 2nd companies , 4th battalion PIR have found Pinksi Russian artillery and destroyed it in a fierce fire-fight ( sounds like godmoding but it isnt )
USSSP losses =
2 APC's , 1st company.
45 light infantry, 4th platoon, 1st company.
Sadly commander Ijak was lost in battle, killed by a Pinski Russian grenade.
WWP losses =
5 MLRS Systems.
100 enginners dead.
50 captured.
The USSSP have retreated back 500 miles and are waiting for Iron Curtain assistance.
Ingore everything in this post.
you can join regardless of what UOGS said, cos ur not trying to stop it so ya can play :D
ok then sorry i thought you said olnly people in our regions will be in this.nevermind sorry :?
UOGS Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Reasonable
GDP per Capita: $7,928
GDP: $142,704,000,000
National Budget: $24,793,091,178
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 0.87%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 5%
Military Budget: $1,239,654,559
Enough for:
39 F-15Es, or...
61 Su-34s, or...
65 F-16s, or...
112 MiG 29s, or...
288 M1A2 Abrams, or...
413 T-90s, or...
2,115,451 M-16s, or...
4,132,181 AK47s
weapons i got:
3000 AR-1
600 Mgu-1
but getting lots more soon
world wide panic is gay lets attack
World wide panic this is outr plan if you do not agree within 24 hours we will destroy and crush your contry
We are attacking, 1st and 2nd companies have retreated to New USSR border and are waiting for Coalition support. My B-52s i ordered should arrive soon :lol: ) YidishVille has signed the contract and his given us the cheese. Now we wait for Pinksi Russia and Intellisville to give us 170 million dollars.
( All coalition forces : who wants cheese ! )
Could any Coalition forces move their forces up ? We would be best to use mechanised infantry, as it is a long way to WWP.
PRUSN Foreign Minister and General, Jiak Harraffod
I am attacking with my two nations of Malelover or gay boys and The rebulic of jipes we are equit with AUGS and M16 and more heavey weapory and im shore my gay boys will like to get stuck in and my jipes will tear and steel from your cities and they are all hipped up with drugs
Prusn we will renforce you with a total of 250,000 troops we have a total of 750,000 troops is neaded and our armoured battatilon is ready. There are still 5 million people at home who want to surport in any way i will elist children over 10 if they realy want
Her Royal Majesty The Queen of All Damned must ask both sides of this conflict to reconsider their decision - war results in a loss of life as well as damage to economy and landscape, which is unpleasent and possibly irrepairable. However, if either side is forced to defend itself against the attck of enemy forces, their decision to do so is justified by the fact that there is no other choice.
Thank you for your interest, All Damned, but the PRUSN military and government have decided. After the loss of Karavian and its powerplant, if WWP does not surrender we will have to attack.
Her magesty of all dammed will get her butt kicked if she gets in the way
I would Prusn can decide wat he wants. we have some of there men and we will tourcher them if the demands aren't meet:
1. A puplic apollogy for wat they said
2. Drugs
3. Cheese
4. a helicopter
5. Nukes
6. £100 million in pennys
7. A doughnut factory
8. New weaponry
9. More Cheese
10. And no more calling gay (im acually not gay and i say gay alot)
I am assuming WWP has no nukes they are only 3-4 days old. And they probably dont have helicopters either.
thats there problem if they dont have them
If any one interferes they will be attack we have the ssurport of sevall countries :
The Rogue Nation of Halo Grunts
The Republic of Jipes (me)
The Protectorate of Kriegorgrad Corporate Police State
The Confederacy of Kriegos military
The Emirate of Kriegos spies
The Community of Malelovers or gayboys (me)
The Republic of Pocket jockeys Inoffensive
The Armed Republic of SAW OFF SHOTGUN
The Republic of Terrorist army 1
The Confederacy of The kriegos death korp
The People's Republic of United Soviet Nations
The Free Land of Yayaps
The Armed Republic of Old USSR
The Colony of UOGS Corrupt Dictatorship
The United Socialist States of SovietSnails
The People's Republic of United Soviet Nations
Reasons for war:
1. calling us gay
2. calling me childesh
3. disrepting gay people
4. grassing on ash :evil:
5. to senisible ur ment to hav fun!!!!!!!!!
6. need cheese
7. Adicted to drugs more room to grow them
8. They give in to our contracts
9. want a war
10. need weapons and land
22-11-2003, 16:43
Kriegorgrad Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Unheard Of
Economy: Very Strong
GDP per Capita: $14,528
GDP: $261,504,000,000
National Budget: $39,050,356,612
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 4.48%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 30%
Military Budget: $11,715,106,984
Enough for:
376 F-15Es, or...
585 Su-34s, or...
623 F-16s, or...
1,065 MiG 29s, or...
2,724 M1A2 Abrams, or...
3,905 T-90s, or...
19,991,650 M-16s, or...
39,050,356 AK47s
I’m going to get:
976 T90’s
9, 762, 589 ak47’s
4, 997, 912 m-16’s
155 F-16’s
Kriegos military Gross Domestic Product
Population: 14,000,000
Civil Rights: Good
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,852
GDP: $179,928,000,000
National Budget: $46,359,394,110
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 7.73%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 30%
Military Budget: $13,907,818,233
Enough for:
447 F-15Es, or...
695 Su-34s, or...
739 F-16s, or...
1,264 MiG 29s, or...
3,234 M1A2 Abrams, or...
4,635 T-90s, or...
23,733,478 M-16s, or...
46,359,394 AK47’s
But I’m going to get:
1159 T-90’s
23,179,697 ak47’s
11,866,739 M-16’s
316 MiG 29’s
If your wondering why my guns were cheaper it is because my country has a black market in arms manafacture, so take that any nerds who do the math!
I am very willing to help. i have a big army and national service.
I will send hardware over at your request. :idea:
Falconry your help will be gladly accepted.
Come on Iron Curtain, im waiting for your attack ?
My troops are getting, bored, so i brought in some more.
USNNAF ( United Soviet Nations National Air Force ) Currently involved in Task Force : Retaliation and Operation : Payback time.
Alpha squadron:
6 F15E Fighters
10 F16 Fighters
Bravo Squadron:
6 F15E Fighters
10 F16 Fighters
Charlie Squadron
20 Mig-29's
10 Su-34's
Delta Squadron
15 Mig 29's
9 Su-34's
Ground Unit Involved In Task Force: Retaliation and Operation: Payback Time
Elements of the 20th Army.
3rd Battalion
10000 Light infantry wielding AK-47's
4th Battalion
10000 Light infantry wielding AK-47's
2nd Battalion
10000 Light infantry wielding AK-47s
1st Battallion paratroopers
10 planes M-10 Converted Paradrop planes
500 infantry, wielding M16's
5 Jeeps
7th Battalion armoured company
500 T-90s (partly boought with money from UOGS' conscript camp (hes my ally he wired me 1 000 000 )
Totally :
12 F-15Es, 19 Su-34s, 20 F-16s, 35 MiG 29s.
1st Battalion, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Battalion 4th Battalion, And 5th Battalion Companies 1 and 2, 7th Battalion armoured company.
In total, 30000 light infantry, 500 T-90s, 100 APC's and 5 Jeeps, 1500 assorted Personnel.
unfortunately 6th battalion is away and cannot be used in the invasion.
Thats ALOT of my budget money i hope this war works well.
look below it is a guide to me(wwp stands no chance) :evil:
UOGS Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Reasonable
GDP per Capita: $7,928
GDP: $142,704,000,000
National Budget: $24,793,091,178
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 0.87%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 5%
Military Budget: $1,239,654,559
Enough for:
39 F-15Es, or...
61 Su-34s, or...
65 F-16s, or...
112 MiG 29s, or...
288 M1A2 Abrams, or...
413 T-90s, or...
2,115,451 M-16s, or...
4,132,181 AK47s
103000 AR-1
5600 Mgu-1
10000 AT-1(APILAS)
4000 AGS-17
200 EVE S.A.M.S
1000 Eve Para
1000 Eve SPW Model
2000 Evopian Heavy Tanks
200 Benelli M1 tactical/entry shotgun
200 Benelli M3 Super 90
200 Benelli M4 Super 90
200 Mossberg 500
200 Remington 870 - tactical entry version.
500 Saiga 12
500 H&K MP5A2
200 MP5-N
800 MP5-SD3
500 Colt Model 635 submachinegun
300 Ingram MAC-11
400 H&K UMP45
600 FNP90
300 Bizon
100 M16A3
200 M4/M203
400 M4A1 Masterkey
200 H&K G36
100 H&K G3-A4
500 Steyr Aug
200 FAMAS G2
100 FN2000
100 H&K G-11
100 Vector CR-21
500 AK-107
200 M60 MG
100 FN Mk 48
200 Barrett M82A1
100 M98A1 Javelin ATGM
100 M136/AT4
20000 M3 "Carl Gustav" 84mm Recoiless Rifle
100 M72 LAW
100 M47 Dragon ATGM
100 Predator SRAW (Short Range Assault Weapon)
200 FIM92 Stinger
100 M220 TOW (ground launcher)
100 M252 81mm Mortar
5000 Flashbang grenade
the armies of kriegorgrad are fully behind this push, all of those within the iron curtain of kriegor will march upon the weak states of world wide panic, our tanks grand guns will pummel they're cities to rubble, the flag of kriegor will be raised proud and high over the smoking remains of world wide panic,in particuar intellisland will be targetted.
kriegos death korp
holy f***
such drastic actions
i will have no part in this warmongering
youre acting like a barbaric warlord
the iron curtain of kriegor will march upon the weak states of world wide panic
um yea if thier "weak"
then why do they pose a threat to you?
i think you just want an excuse to show off your fancy weapons
i will have no part in this
the armies of kriegorgrad are fully behind this push, all of those within the iron curtain of kriegor will march upon the weak states of world wide panic, our tanks grand guns will pummel they're cities to rubble, the flag of kriegor will be raised proud and high over the smoking remains of world wide panic,in particuar intellisland will be targetted.
kriegos death korp
holy f***
such drastic actions
i will have no part in this warmongering
youre acting like a barbaric warlord
the iron curtain of kriegor will march upon the weak states of world wide panic
um yea if thier "weak"
then why do they pose a threat to you?
i think you just want an excuse to show off your fancy weapons
i will have no part in this
this is a war between friends and we are all mad dictators and war lords and we have had enough of wwp so we will rip it off this earth in one chunk!!!! :twisted:
Kriegorgrad Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Unheard Of
Economy: Very Strong
GDP per Capita: $14,528
GDP: $261,504,000,000
National Budget: $39,050,356,612
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 4.48%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 30%
Military Budget: $11,715,106,984
Enough for:
376 F-15Es, or...
585 Su-34s, or...
623 F-16s, or...
1,065 MiG 29s, or...
2,724 M1A2 Abrams, or...
3,905 T-90s, or...
19,991,650 M-16s, or...
39,050,356 AK47s
I’m going to get:
976 T90’s
9, 762, 589 ak47’s
4, 997, 912 m-16’s
155 F-16’s
1000 emperor heavy battle tanks from Austin west tech corp. in texas and florida.
500 inferno self propelled cannons once again Austin west tech corp.
Includes Vehicles and equipment for completely outfitting:
1 Division HQ, 1 Signal Bn, 1 Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Bn, 1 Divisional Band, 1 MP Company, 1 Division Aviation Support Bn, 1 Chemical Warfare Company
3 Combat Brigade (total of 5 Mechanized Infantry Bn & 4 Armored Bn)
1 Artillery Brigade (3 SPG Bn & 1 MLRS Bn)
1 Aviation Brigade (2 Attack Helicopter Bn, 1 Support Helicopter Bn, & 1 Armored & Air Cavalry Squadron)
1 Engineer Brigade (3 Combat Engineer Bn)
1 Air Defense Brigade (2 Forward Air Defense Bn, 1 Medium Air Defense Bn)
1 Support Brigade (1 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medical Bn)
1 Intel & Electronic Warfare Bn
Total Personnel: 18,600
Major Equipment:
259xIron Cheetah Export MBT
290xMist Lynx Export IFV
41xMist Lynx Export CFV
54xM2001A1 Crusader SPG
18xM270A1 MLRS
60xM121 Self-Propelled Mortar
39xMist Lynx Export FISTV
37xKodiak Armored Breaching Vehicle (IC Chassis)
18xM946 Combat Engineering Vehicle (IC Chassis)
72xM9 Armored Combat Earthmover
69xM88A2 Hercules Armored Recovery Vehicle
12xM93A1 Fox NBC Recon Vehicle
36xMist Lynx Linebacker Export FAADV
18xAvenger FAADV
18xCLAWS Air Defense Vehicle
18xHUMRAAM (on modified HAWK launcher)
24xAH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter
32xUH-60L Black Hawk Utility Helicopter
16xOH-58D Kiowa Recon/Light Attack Helicopter
5xEH-60 Quick Fix EW Helicopter
Assorted trucks, HMMWVs, CPVs, M113 variants, etc.
Armory complete with 10,000xG36A5 Assault Rifle, 2500xNeostead Combat Shotgun, 600xM-29 OICW, 200xMSG-90 DMR, 72xM40A1 Sniper Rifle, 18xM82A1 Heavy Sniper Rifle, 6xIWS-2000 Anti-Materiel Rifle, 600xM249A3 SAW/LMG, 300xMG-3 GPMG, 50xM2HB HMG, 50xMk.19 AGL, 75xJavelin Infantry ATGM launcher, 300xStinger Launcher, 1250xM136 AT4 LAW, 12,000xCougar Pistol, 5000xMP-7 PDW
Complete equipment for infantry, including BDUs, NBC protection gear, and 900 Land Warrior Systems (1 squad per infantry platoon).
Major Equipment:
317xIron Cheetah Export MBT
232xMist Lynx Export IFV
41xMist Lynx Export CFV
54xM2001A1 Crusader SPG
18xM270A1 MLRS
60xM121 Self-Propelled Mortar
39xMist Lynx Export FISTV
37xKodiak Armored Breaching Vehicle (IC Chassis)
18xM946 Combat Engineering Vehicle (IC Chassis)
72xM9 Armored Combat Earthmover
69xM88A2 Hercules Armored Recovery Vehicle
12xM93A1 Fox NBC Recon Vehicle
36xMist Lynx Linebacker Export FAADV
18xAvenger FAADV
18xCLAWS Air Defense Vehicle
18xHUMRAAM (on modified HAWK launcher)
24xAH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter
32xUH-60L Black Hawk Utility Helicopter
16xOH-58D Kiowa Recon/Light Attack Helicopter
5xEH-60 Quick Fix EW Helicopter
Assorted trucks, HMMWVs, CPVs, M113 variants, etc.
Armory complete with 8000xG36A5 Assault Rifle, 2000xNeostead Combat Shotgun, 500xM-29 OICW, 200xMSG-90 DMR, 72xM40A1 Sniper Rifle, 18xM82A1 Heavy Sniper Rifle, 6xIWS-2000 Anti-Materiel Rifle, 500xM249A3 SAW/LMG, 250xMG-3 GPMG, 50xM2HB HMG, 30xMk.19 AGL, 50xJavelin Infantry ATGM launcher, 300xStinger Launcher, 1000xM136 AT4 LAW, 12,000xCougar Pistol, 5000xMP-7 PDW
Complete equipment for infantry, including BDUs, NBC protection gear, and 900 Land Warrior Systems (1 squad per infantry platoon).
Kriegos military Gross Domestic Product
Population: 14,000,000
Civil Rights: Good
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,852
GDP: $179,928,000,000
National Budget: $46,359,394,110
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 7.73%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 30%
Military Budget: $13,907,818,233
Enough for:
447 F-15Es, or...
695 Su-34s, or...
739 F-16s, or...
1,264 MiG 29s, or...
3,234 M1A2 Abrams, or...
4,635 T-90s, or...
23,733,478 M-16s, or...
46,359,394 AK47’s
But I’ve got:
1159 T-90’s
23,179,697 ak47’s
11,866,739 M-16’s
316 MiG 29’s
10000 G11’s
5000 H&k G36's
1500 FN2000's
5000 Vector CR-21's
1000 super heavy emperor battle tanks
500 CF-7 Artillery Units
1500 overload tanks
Includes Vehicles and equipment for completely outfitting:
1 Division HQ, 1 Signal Bn, 1 Intelligence/Electronic Warfare Bn, 1 Divisional Band, 1 MP Company, 1 Division Aviation Support Bn, 1 Chemical Warfare Company
3 Combat Brigade (total of 5 Mechanized Infantry Bn & 4 Armored Bn)
1 Artillery Brigade (3 SPG Bn & 1 MLRS Bn)
1 Aviation Brigade (2 Attack Helicopter Bn, 1 Support Helicopter Bn, & 1 Armored & Air Cavalry Squadron)
1 Engineer Brigade (3 Combat Engineer Bn)
1 Air Defense Brigade (2 Forward Air Defense Bn, 1 Medium Air Defense Bn)
1 Support Brigade (1 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medical Bn)
1 Intel & Electronic Warfare Bn
Total Personnel: 18,600
Major Equipment:
259xIron Cheetah Export MBT
290xMist Lynx Export IFV
41xMist Lynx Export CFV
54xM2001A1 Crusader SPG
18xM270A1 MLRS
60xM121 Self-Propelled Mortar
39xMist Lynx Export FISTV
37xKodiak Armored Breaching Vehicle (IC Chassis)
18xM946 Combat Engineering Vehicle (IC Chassis)
72xM9 Armored Combat Earthmover
69xM88A2 Hercules Armored Recovery Vehicle
12xM93A1 Fox NBC Recon Vehicle
36xMist Lynx Linebacker Export FAADV
18xAvenger FAADV
18xCLAWS Air Defense Vehicle
18xHUMRAAM (on modified HAWK launcher)
24xAH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter
32xUH-60L Black Hawk Utility Helicopter
16xOH-58D Kiowa Recon/Light Attack Helicopter
5xEH-60 Quick Fix EW Helicopter
Assorted trucks, HMMWVs, CPVs, M113 variants, etc.
Armory complete with 10,000xG36A5 Assault Rifle, 2500xNeostead Combat Shotgun, 600xM-29 OICW, 200xMSG-90 DMR, 72xM40A1 Sniper Rifle, 18xM82A1 Heavy Sniper Rifle, 6xIWS-2000 Anti-Materiel Rifle, 600xM249A3 SAW/LMG, 300xMG-3 GPMG, 50xM2HB HMG, 50xMk.19 AGL, 75xJavelin Infantry ATGM launcher, 300xStinger Launcher, 1250xM136 AT4 LAW, 12,000xCougar Pistol, 5000xMP-7 PDW
Complete equipment for infantry, including BDUs, NBC protection gear, and 900 Land Warrior Systems (1 squad per infantry platoon).
Major Equipment:
317xIron Cheetah Export MBT
232xMist Lynx Export IFV
41xMist Lynx Export CFV
54xM2001A1 Crusader SPG
18xM270A1 MLRS
60xM121 Self-Propelled Mortar
39xMist Lynx Export FISTV
37xKodiak Armored Breaching Vehicle (IC Chassis)
18xM946 Combat Engineering Vehicle (IC Chassis)
72xM9 Armored Combat Earthmover
69xM88A2 Hercules Armored Recovery Vehicle
12xM93A1 Fox NBC Recon Vehicle
36xMist Lynx Linebacker Export FAADV
18xAvenger FAADV
18xCLAWS Air Defense Vehicle
18xHUMRAAM (on modified HAWK launcher)
24xAH-64D Apache Attack Helicopter
32xUH-60L Black Hawk Utility Helicopter
16xOH-58D Kiowa Recon/Light Attack Helicopter
5xEH-60 Quick Fix EW Helicopter
Assorted trucks, HMMWVs, CPVs, M113 variants, etc.
Armory complete with 8000xG36A5 Assault Rifle, 2000xNeostead Combat Shotgun, 500xM-29 OICW, 200xMSG-90 DMR, 72xM40A1 Sniper Rifle, 18xM82A1 Heavy Sniper Rifle, 6xIWS-2000 Anti-Materiel Rifle, 500xM249A3 SAW/LMG, 250xMG-3 GPMG, 50xM2HB HMG, 30xMk.19 AGL, 50xJavelin Infantry ATGM launcher, 300xStinger Launcher, 1000xM136 AT4 LAW, 12,000xCougar Pistol, 5000xMP-7 PDW
Complete equipment for infantry, including BDUs, NBC protection gear, and 900 Land Warrior Systems (1 squad per infantry platoon).
23-11-2003, 01:29
23-11-2003, 01:30
my troops have passed the boarder and destroyed lots of towns, we have killed every one but not the children. i have putt the children in my conscript camp to be trained for our team. we can now see the capital and we are holding possition until my air raids have stopped in intelisland. the raids have destroyed the main palaces and at least one fith of place is now rubble and ash. Orkermidies has been wounded and gaz is not dead we push the struggle into the capital later today.
Today squadrons Alpha through Delta , PRUSNNAF have launched raids on major Pinksi Russian airfields, casualties were little, but one Su-34 was shot down. Elements of the 20th army division advanced on the left flank, cutting round edges that the UOGS and Kriegos military did not take. Tanks from the 7th division rumbled across WWP territory, engaging Scorched earth policy. Farms and small market towns alike have been razed to the ground, and the 20th army still advances. Little resistance has been met.
23-11-2003, 14:27
OOC: UOGS, do you even know what ambush means? 'cos if you did you'd know you can't "ambush" towns like that, you can't ambush towns at all ffs, anyway, you cant make enemy children into your own soldiers, they'll rebel at like 17, people dont forget their parents dying dumbass, more importantly: john my entire military is mechanized and even then they're not at the capital yet so how the hell could your footsloggers already be there? btw you've fucked this whole thing up, it could've been a really cool siege but then you go and teleport you gay lil soldiers in there and godmod, ffs.........so im not gonna even act like that post happened because it should'nt have. :evil:
The armies of kriegorgrad have begun to encounter resistance as it pushes towards the capital, trenches constructed by intellisland troopers have, kriegos military have dug in and are waiting for the ketzok artillery regiment, the 31st armour and the death korp to reinforce the kriegos line and hopfully break the intellisland one, also kriegorgrad has set up a minor airbase in enemy terroritory and soon F-16's will dominate the sky, but they'll need to wary as it has been speculated that the walls of the intellisland capital have covered with flak anti-aircraft guns, it has been easy going until kriegos encountered the first trench line, it's expected to be hell at the capital...........
OOC: UOGS, do you even know what ambush means? 'cos if you did you'd know you can't "ambush" towns like that, you can't ambush towns at all ffs, anyway, you cant make enemy children into your own soldiers, they'll rebel at like 17, people dont forget their parents dying dumbass, more importantly: john my entire military is mechanized and even then they're not at the capital yet so how the hell could your footsloggers already be there? btw you've f--- this whole thing up, it could've been a really cool siege but then you go and teleport you gay lil soldiers in there and godmod, ffs.........so im not gonna even act like that post happened because it should'nt have. :evil:
The armies of kriegorgrad have begun to encounter resistance as it pushes towards the capital, trenches constructed by intellisland troopers have, kriegos military have dug in and are waiting for the ketzok artillery regiment, the 31st armour and the death korp to reinforce the kriegos line and hopfully break the intellisland one, also kriegorgrad has set up a minor airbase in enemy terroritory and soon F-16's will dominate the sky, but they'll need to wary as it has been speculated that the walls of the intellisland capital have covered with flak anti-aircraft guns, it has been easy going until kriegos encountered the first trench line, it's expected to be hell at the capital...........
well im so sorry cas im using ambush too much in my conscript camp any way i will wipe out most of the capital with my 12000 bomber. and i have wiped out lots of villagers and i am neare the capital.
my air raids are over in the capital
losses=136 bombers
11974 bombers made it out
my tank devision of 16000 heavy tanks have breached the boarders but our artillaries have blown up huge amounts of enemies. my troops are raling behind and my helicopters are storming in the center and taking large buildings but they are pinned down and are waiting for all backup.
total casualties 2543 men
124 tanks
6 helicopters
2 artilaries
136 bombers
If i am not given logical Reasoning behind this War i will take it before the United Nations and have them interfer and if they dont me and my Region will because this is a senseless war
And a god-modded one, at that.
I have a problem imagining a small country with a "Reasonable" economy maintaining 12,000 bombers and 16,000 tanks.
You DO know that the US doesn't even have 12,000 bombers, right? It has the largest airforce in the RL world, plus an economy twice yours, UOGS.
and besides if you wanna have a god-moded war thats all the more reason for larger and more powerful states like the 103 nations in my region to help slaughter your pitiful nations while ur attacking other nations
We are doing this war good reasons if you want me to right them down (there on page 3 or 4) this is our personnal war anyway we would woop your ass so get lost. Sticks and stones will break my bones but your words will never hert me. lol.
Presedent Jipe and Field Mashall Gray Lord
Whoop... my... ass...
Look, bucko, the combined population of "the iron curtain of kriegor" is just ten million more than my ONE nation. Not to mention my allies, and I have enough of those. To top it all off, your nations mostly have 'lower' economy levels.
reasons my ass more like excuses, your all pitiful god-moding is one thing, attacking a basically defenseless country is just cowardly, in a real war id win cause i am a Strategest not a coward
United Hiigarans
23-11-2003, 16:35
-Official Transmission<TO>All Nations in Contest With World Wide Panic
Cease these senseless acts,else we get involved.Pull off of WWP soil.You have been warned.
23-11-2003, 17:22
First off : This is NOT godmodding ( or im not anyway) secondly
WWP sabotaged a Karavian power plant and caused a meltdown, killing any and every Karavian citizen. They are not defenceless ( they juts dont want to reply or havent got round to it ) at any rate ill TG everyone in WWP with this topics URL.
I've never said they were defenseless, but it IS god-modding (not on your part).
Perfect example:
"my air raids are over in the capital
losses=136 bombers
11974 bombers made it out
my tank devision of 16000 heavy tanks have breached the boarders but our artillaries have blown up huge amounts of enemies. my troops are raling behind and my helicopters are storming in the center and taking large buildings but they are pinned down and are waiting for all backup.
total casualties 2543 men
124 tanks
6 helicopters
2 artilaries
136 bombers"
23-11-2003, 17:51
ok, kriegorgrad is going to war but that stupid dickhead UOGS is godmodding, and you're right, how the hell could a shitty nation like his have 12000 bombers! you need like 10 men per bomber! ffs and he's so dumb at grammer, now im not a nerd at grammer, quite the opposite but HOW THE FUCK DO YOU AMBUSH A TOWN? "the town was moving in the forest and then 100000000000 UOGS tanks come out a blowed it up" p.s i did the blowed up thing on purpose, i know its blew up :P
23-11-2003, 17:57
also all you little saddos who want to be real leaders: fcuk off, this is a war between friends but i do admit that the stupid UOGS godmodding sux, I mean come on 120000 bombers! ffs.
anyway though read through all the posts and you'll see that your posts dont count except for those who been in world wide panic, the iron curtain of kriegor and the new ussr since before the 21st of november....
kriegos military are beginning to suffer losses as the intellisland troopers are'nt giving up, it seems that the ketzok artillery regiment has been ambushed, the emperor battle tanks and kriegos death korp have thus far kept the convoy safe but even the death korp are beggining to buckle, however at the front line 50 miles from intellisland capital, casualties are beggining to tell, the intellisland artillery has chewn up 3 layers of trenchline but the kriegos are holding firm, the 27th mechanised infantry should be arriving soon to help hold the trench, also the 15th armoured brigade should be arriving to also help reinforce the failing trenches, kriegos death korp are being called up for the main push into the city which is expected to cause heavy causalties.
The exact casualty list so far is:
713 7th kriegos military troopers, only about 300 remain
1034 34th kriegos military soldiers, only about 500 still live
2168 23rd kriegos military troopers, only 832 still live
117 1st kriegos death korp of 500
113 emperor battle tanks out of a 1000
413 17th kriegos death korp out of 1500
37 inferno cannons of the ketzok (who are lucky to be protected by the kriegos death korp and emperor's)
213 72nd armoured regiment out of 500
23-11-2003, 18:01
kreig im not god moding how could i be your the one who is how could you buy 30 billion tanks in such a short period of time and you dont have a buissnes
wtf are you on about? my nation spends 30% of its money on war, of course i can afford it, I've checked and i got the stuff from a package shop! stupid retard, also i'm stuck 50 miles out whereas you're nuking the city! stupid dickhead.....
I've never said they were defenseless, but it IS god-modding (not on your part).
Perfect example:
"my air raids are over in the capital
losses=136 bombers
11974 bombers made it out
my tank devision of 16000 heavy tanks have breached the boarders but our artillaries have blown up huge amounts of enemies. my troops are raling behind and my helicopters are storming in the center and taking large buildings but they are pinned down and are waiting for all backup.
total casualties 2543 men
124 tanks
6 helicopters
2 artilaries
136 bombers"
that is not godmoding cus i do have all that because i bought them all with people(in them)and i have a job which can pay 2 times as much as what is there
my men in the senter got destroyed, most of my hellicopters are down, and at least 3500 planes are wiped out
and i am 89miles from the bearder and i am being bushed back every now and then
Oh, please. Your entire national budget couldn't affoard to buy all of those, much less get ammo and maintain them.
You ARE god-modding.
Oh, please. Your entire national budget couldn't affoard to buy all of those, much less get ammo and maintain them.
You ARE god-modding.
im not
1. i got loads of money off a mate
2.i got a job which gets loads of money
3.income from my nation
23-11-2003, 18:45
his "income" is black market troutfishing, apparently people teligram him and ask for trout, they pay him and they get trout........or so he says
all people of mine in center about 115 lost transmition death unknown suvivers unknown
154 helicopters shot down
235 bombers destroyed
most of army back 84 miles from boarder 245 tanks destroyed about 9045 confirmed deaths 340 suspected deaths but unknown so far
dont listen to me cas about the trout i was just thing a bit to extreem sorry :cry:
23-11-2003, 18:50
The 20th army is pushing into WWP. General Jiak Harraffod has created a countdown in miles until they reach the capital.
Countdown : 7542 miles
It is said the 1st battalion Paratroopers have dropped into the capital, in a vain attempt to reinforce UOGS soldiers. However, this drop was badly planned. The plan was.
250 paradrop near UOGS forces
250 on Perimeter with jeeps and so and such.
The plan went as following. Our recorder in the reinforcement team sent back his camera readings before he was killed.
*Camera pans round plane*
"Are you ready to kick some ass marines ?"
*in unison* "SIR YES SIR"
*marines stand up and hook up*
*the aircraft is pounded by flak, the camera looks out the viewport, and sees a plane get hit by flak and explode.
"holy crap thats Charlie company !"
"cmon green light ..."
*Camera watches troopers pile out as captain turns to cameraman*
"ok sir, jump and then ill go after you"
*camera is pointed down and can occasionally see the reporters shoe. It can hear his pants and the background noises of gunshots and explosions*
* there is a sporadic burst of gunfire and blood splatters the screen*
"man down, man down"
*finally the camera looks up and points at the captain.*
"ok sir, we'll hold em off here and you get back to Delta company"
"ok" the reporter grumbles
* a soldier leans round a corner to fire and after a burst of fire, his head is turned to mushy brain and gore. The reporter seems to take this as his cue and runs off. The camera is wavering, and occasionaly it looks up to see a white helicopter with UOGS markings explode. It turns another corner and looks into a room. Several wounded men lie on a table, bleeding. Orderlies rush around tending to the men. " Where is Delta company" the reporter asks."Just round the corner, but theres a crossroads. You take the left, then round another backalley. There should be an HMG post and some dead WWP soldiers. round that corner is Delta team and the whole command base for this area"
The reporter mumbles something and keeps running. He reaches the crossroads when a USSH black hawk hovers over a building to the west of Delta team. It starts to rappel some soldiers, when an RPG smashes into the tail. The already dropped soldiers begin to scatter, and the ones rappeling where crushed under the chopper. The explosion makes a hole in the building and the surviving troops fall down and are either gunned down or died of the fall. Several soldiers with an RPG and some AUG's run out, cheering. They point their guns at the reporter and at this poiunt the camera falls to the ground. It lies pointing at the soldiers. They are clearing marked as UOGS and are talking superiorly at the reporter.
" who are you asshole"
the reporter mumbles some things about Omega company USSH,
"oh yea, how do we know"
he shows them his dogtags, and one of them shouts at him, but the camera is in too bad condition to hear it. He picks it back up after some talking and shows the soldiers to Delta unit. When the reporter arrives he interviews Commander Rio.
"well, our boys are gettin pretty hammered, but we're doin ok. We havent had sight of any UOGS yet, we think they are about 1 mile downtown. Im trying to link all our forces to this position. We've definately realised that there are only us, Delta team , if they are still alive, Bravo and Alpha teams. There are no sights of Foxtrot company and they havent contacted us yet. If we dont link up here in a couple of hours then im afraid we will have to explain situation to HQ and try and fight our way into downtown. We have currently 30 soldiers here, with M16s and FN minimis' Its not good, and its not getting better. "
The camera is turned off*
Tune in next time for this reportters report !
it is now known only 113 USSH soldiers are still alive. The 250 are trying to fight their way into the capital to rescue them, but attempts are vain. Already 43 have been lost and 2 jeeps.
The Federation of La Bay Does not approve of war espically if its just about homo's no one deserves to die because of a fruit loop for this we will take strong military action if this gets out of hand!
Although La bay had nothing to do with this war yesterday i has begun to get out of hand says President Conor (of la bay) earlier today 300 marines split up into groups of 25 entered the capital today from different angles 2 transport plane manged to fly over the capital and drop off the 4 tanks between them unfortunally both planes were deystroyed but luckily just after the drop do so far 1 whole marine group has been killed and another 2 groups injured President Conor only had to say this.....
Until this war is over we will be fighting! all today all i see back in la bay is kids running around with toy guns and all these wars are encoruging them so until this is over we will be fighting!
23-11-2003, 19:16
Fighting us ? You ass La you will get your ass wupped major if you bring just that in...
23-11-2003, 19:16
Fighting us ? You ass La you will get your ass wupped major if you bring just that in...
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
la bay is part of a new group called the
U.N.E.O.D wich includes la bay / dark terror / federal union / coreworlds
and a few more
lets put it this way if i was attacked these nations would come beat the living crap out of u there are more nations in the U.N.E.O.D but i cannot remember all of them.
Anyway we are mostly stationed in the capital all we are doing there is trying to saty alive and make sure this war does not go way out of hand
and if u invade us i should just let u know i already have 2 major nations armys in my nation for protection rite now do not shoot at us we will not return fire simple
sorry i clicked to many times
ok we'll go around you and still demolish them we dont shoot you you dont shoot us either way we will destroy WWP
23-11-2003, 19:57
Ok whatever La, but why is this your war anyway ? You will just lose more men and more troops...
hmmm yea i figured but i want some of my men to be there for when this war ends oh yea and how old do u have to be to be on this site and play?
23-11-2003, 20:02
You dont have to be any age, but you cant just act like a 4 year old. ( And if this is what your building up to thats just sad :? )
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 20:05
All right La Bay you need help ill send some 10 ships 1 5 tanks and over 2500 troops over to suport this endevour .
Today 1500 marines were dropped into the capital
A very good question was asked aswell:
NEWS REPORTER:If u are not sending your men in to do some damage and hope to end this war quicker what are you doing?
PRESIDENT:I am sending my men in because i know eventually if this war does not stop women and children may be used although it is hopefully unlikely i have sent my men in as substitutes so women and children will not be used in this war.
hehehe ur funny not! and how did u get such a big population if ur nation was only founded yesterday? and thank u to my ally (The Federal Union)
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 20:12
No problm la bay . ill help you any time :)
hehehe ur funny not! and how did u get such a big population if ur nation was only founded yesterday? and thank u to my ally (The Federal Union)
his account is months old i think atleast january this year. he got it rearectered yesterday. because you can do that if you know what it is called and the password
23-11-2003, 20:27
NEWSREEL: the ketzok artillery arrived earlier today and for unknown reason targetted a specific part of the wall and blew it apart, yet the trenches of intellisland are still intact and no real push has been made so far.............
NEWSREEL: It appears Kriegorgrad has met an agreement with intellisland, all kriegos forces are pulling back to kreigorgrad, the war is oddly............over.
zerigor looked around his black hawk, another 9 men packed into the chopper, he looked out and saw another 9 choppers, he lent out of the chopper and craned his neck earthward to a sprawling metropolis, the black landed 30 clicks north of the centre of the city, the blackhawk; in unison, came to an abrupt halt, soldiers quickly began to rappel before the blackhawks once again disspeared into the night......
Zerigor shouldered his G11 as his engineer planted some charges on the roof of the building they had landed on, they quickly clipped hooks onto chimneys and such as the charges blew, they roped through the roof, chimneys holding firm as each soldier gave a heavy *thud* when they landed, two guards rushed into the room to recieve ammo in the face, blood splashing the walls, the soldiers fell limp, zangor and chermul rushed forward to grab them before they made the loud *thud* on the floor that a dead body could make, but the sound of the G11's firing brought men coming anyway, 3 more dead bodies, the men did'nt bother to grab them before they fell, zerigor wandered for a second how the other ten squads we going........."it does'nt matter" he thought, "he just needed to plant the bombs", "this is one of ten major factories that will stunt the enemies production capablities", his mind snapped into reality from the relived memory of the briefing, other squads in other cities were doing the same too, "small squads of kriegos death korp will enter via sewage systems and plant bombs, this will cause minor earthquakes in the cities" his mind replayed the briefing until it was drummed into him but now that it was he could'nt stop thinking about it! His engineer was busy planting bombs here and there, "key structural points" his engineer kept on pointing out; not that Zerigor knew anything about those, his mind was just focused on the mission, "last one" his engineer called out; a little too loudly, the soldiers began to run up to the top level of the building, 3 men jumped around a corner after them and shouldered their weaponry and sprayed, before he shouldered his G11 and then gun one of them who charged at him, the body skidded and landed at Zerigors feet, he ripped off his dogtags and shoved them into his pocket before the other two men shot at the kriegos death korp; a stray shot caught Zerigor's leg, he heard gunfire and screams before blacking out...........
Zerigor awoke in his blackhawk to see his men staring glumly at the floor, two of his men were comatose, his mind wandered back to the briefing again "kriegos death korp omega, delta, alpha and kriegoso squads will take down the nuclear capability, bombs will be planted in all silos, this plan is full proof, but of course we will still have to take care of their military" he thought of the commander's words before fumbling through his pocket and found the dogtags he'd retrieved from the fallen soldier, he read and they said "cpl. kreson, a prou-*obscured by blood*- of the UOGS military", Zerigor reflected on what he had just done as a series of flashes momentarily illuminated the blackhawk, he peer out the side of the helicopter to see explosions erupt all over the city, explosions conflicted with pitch black night, buildings collapsed as roads fell under the explosions in the sewers, as the blackhawk began to fly out into the countryside back to kriegorgrad; he noticed that there were patches of ground on fire, he knew full well that these were silos for warheads and the like. He smiled. The kriegos death korp has never failed in their duty and that record was'nt shamed tonight.
23-11-2003, 20:27
wasnt made yesterday, it has been resurrected from about 300 days ago.
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 20:28
Im sending some air strikes on he enmmies watch for F -22's
Thanks for lettin me kno that and erm Federal union tell ur pilots to retreat i think the war is over and even if it int it seems to becoming to an end :)
News: Later today choppers flew in to collect what was left of la bays marines sent in 1800 was the full amount sent in and 1674 are the amount going back home today all tanks were deystroyed or were not worth brining back luckily only 201 labay marines had minor injurys.
la bay would like to thank the federal union for helping out and saving quite a few la bayers lives
but they say ur account is automatically closed if u do not log on within 28days
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 20:44
All right .. Hey do you need a peace eeping foce in thare i would be glad to put one up and also to help with recustrction .
23-11-2003, 20:52
* the reporter is shaking uncontrollably, obviously affecting the camera. He hadnt seen war before, and little did he know he was about to die.
"GO GO GO !" The squad ran across the street. An HMG gunned all of them down. A screaming noise screeched across the sky. The camera panned upwards, to see 3 F-22's strafe a building. The USSH soldiers inside were 'gibbed' (Exploded) instantly. Dead bodies were everywhere. The reporter was running now, and turned the corner. A tank rumbled down. He went the other way, and saw 3 USSH jeeps and a hummer drive down.
"hop on, we'll give you a lift. We're gettin the hell outta here"
The reporter hopped on a jeep, and it rolled down the street. The gunner turned round to face the camera. The first and, probably the last real sentence he said was ' hi mum, cya soon !'
A tank turned the corner. "SHIT ! TUrn tURN TURN GODDAMNIT !" the driver swerved to the right, as the gunner fired madly with his M2. The tank fired, an explosion blinded the camera for a bit, then when it was visible again, the jeep was turning crazily, the gunner had his face smashed through the windscreen. Amazingly, he got back up, and manned his gun again. He was muttering uncontrollably, when the driver took a sharp turn. He'd gone into a wrong turn. A barricade lay ahead. The gunner on it fired his HMG, the bullets punctured the engine , and was about to fire again to destroy it when the barricade exploded. The camera turns to face the hummer, which has a cheering gunner waving on top.
"here we go", the driver shouted. They could see the outside of the city, the Kriegos military withdrawing.
"what the hell ? Theyre running "
the camera watches the tanks rumble away miles away. " wahoo ! Were gone !"
The gunner picked up the radio
"they could all hear what was being said"
"this is the federal union, all USSH forces stand down or you will be destroyed."
"the bloody hell with that !" the driver booted the engine in forwards, and the convoy rolled on.
The camera watched the back of the convoy.
"Oh crap !!!!" a missile flew down and smashed into the hummer, it exploded, destroying the jeep behind it. Another missile smashed into the other jeep, sending it flying into a wall.The camera turned back on the reporter. Tears were streaming down his face. A message to my wife and kids , i love them ! This is Mark Jianon reporting LIVE from the WWP capital, there is no more USSH resistance, its all destroyed, everyone is dead !! He turned the camera up to the sky, a missile flew down and exploded*
after several days of heavy fighting, the SecretService have discovered the Karavian power plant was not destroyed by WWP spies ! it was actually destroyed by General Jeert Hailan , military advisor from the UOGS. Its was all a plan, to get us too attack !
The premier hereby apologises for the deaths of WWP soldiers and civilians.
Our losses :
The whole of 1st battalion, companys 1 through 6 have been utterly annihalated.
5 Su-34's have been shot down over WWP capital, in a tradeoff for 1 F-22 ( OOC : if thats ok fedral union )
23-11-2003, 20:52
do you think we stopped because of you? hell no i stopped because im going to war with someone else! we could've countered your 1500 marines easily, the aircraft could be countered, no offence but we were'nt really scared of you, btw it's just kriegorgrad that stopped, I dunno bout the rest of us! :roll:
23-11-2003, 20:52
do you think we stopped because of you? hell no i stopped because im going to war with someone else! we could've countered your 1500 marines easily, the aircraft could be countered, no offence but we were'nt really scared of you, btw it's just kriegorgrad that stopped, I dunno bout the rest of us! :roll:
23-11-2003, 20:52
do you think we stopped because of you? hell no i stopped because im going to war with someone else! we could've countered your 1500 marines easily, the aircraft could be countered, no offence but we were'nt really scared of you, btw it's just kriegorgrad that stopped, I dunno bout the rest of us! :roll:
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 20:54
Lisen with me backing la bay up you could have never stoped us .. If this war were draging oni would send about 2000 more troops and 45 more tanks in not the metion 2 air craft carriers .
Sorry to interupt your blatent and annoying crap roleplaying-warmongering. but why are you all making your national ststs up. Kreigos military posting one which said his economy was very strong. BUt his econonmy is:
Population: 8,000,000
Civil Rights: Good
Economy: Reasonable
GDP per Capita: $7,500
GDP: $60,000,000,000
National Budget: $11,894,760,000
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 21:24
Lol this is my GDP so any way I think we eed a peace keeping force in hear ..
The Fedral Union Gross Domestic Product
Population: 68,000,000
Civil Rights: Excellent
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,500
GDP: $850,000,000,000
National Budget: $242,887,500,000
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 10%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 35%
Military Budget: $85,010,625,000
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 21:30
so any way I think we need a peace keeping force in hear ..
And also people to contribute money to re build ill contrubite $1,000,00 to re build
23-11-2003, 21:34
Sorry to interupt your blatent and annoying crap roleplaying-warmongering. but why are you all making your national ststs up. Kreigos military posting one which said his economy was very strong. BUt his econonmy is:
Population: 8,000,000
Civil Rights: Good
Economy: Reasonable
GDP per Capita: $7,500
GDP: $60,000,000,000
National Budget: $11,894,760,000
dickhead, its called economy changing, btw get a life outside of nationstates, you need one
after several days of heavy fighting, the SecretService have discovered the Karavian power plant was not destroyed by WWP spies ! it was actually destroyed by General Jeert Hailan , military advisor from the UOGS. Its was all a plan, to get us too attack !
The premier hereby apologises for the deaths of WWP soldiers and civilians.
Our losses :
The whole of 1st battalion, companys 1 through 6 have been utterly annihalated.
5 Su-34's have been shot down over WWP capital, in a tradeoff for 1 F-22 ( OOC : if thats ok fedral union )
it wasnt some one from UOGS it was salan from the old USSR he was too drunk and fell in a reactor.
If i had another life outside of nation states i would be very glad. As it would give me 2 different lives outside of nationstates.
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 22:25
LOLOL :lol:
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 22:34
THats more than ok UOGS :)
THats more than ok UOGS :)
what are you on about? :?
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 23:00
Nvm ... lol so what now
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!! :roll: Look at all the n00bs playing war!
the war is now over so why post that? :tantrum:
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 23:05
WTF!? :x You want a war come on in will kick your sorry *** . Lol
WTF!? :x You want a war come on in will kick your sorry *** . Lol
i dont want a war what did i do that made you say that :?: or are you talking about the other guy?
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 23:08
Not you the other person .. the one said that we were noobs :shock:
Not you the other person .. the one said that we were noobs :shock:
ok then we will all go to war with him he stands no chance!!! :twisted:
just bring it motha ******
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 23:12
The Fedral Union
23-11-2003, 23:25
Lol Yep h wants to dare us on that ? :x
24-11-2003, 00:15
yea lets swamp that scumbag! NOOBS UNITE!! :P :P :P
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 00:21
This frouem is slow .
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 00:23
The Federation of La bay Has declared war on my nation who will stand with me to destory his ! : :x this is his telgram :
The Federation of La bay
u have 1 (ns)day (5mins) 2 prepare for war my nation is invadin u cos were bored and we could do with some extra land so get ready
The Fedral Union
24-11-2003, 00:43
Ill be back at 7 :30 guys tellgram me if you want to help fight this guy off
ok so i am right in thinking this war is over ok?
so .... urmmm good?
can i establish a trade route just that Yidish cheese is swamping my country and *need* to get it out help me plz?
25-11-2003, 22:47
alright, and ok, by the way , if WWP on its own ( without allies ) thinks it had a chance , then :
Hogsweat Gross Domestic Product
Population: 922,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Powerhouse
GDP per Capita: $25,471
GDP: $23,484,262,000,000
National Budget: $7,320,741,461,699
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 3.12%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $732,074,146,170
Enough for:
23,539 F-15Es, or...
36,603 Su-34s, or...
38,940 F-16s, or...
66,552 MiG 29s, or...
170,249 M1A2 Abrams, or...
244,024 T-90s, or...
1,249,273,286 M-16s, or...
2,440,247,153 AK47s
And, none of the WWP have an economy over weak, and civil rights over some.
So about this cheese trade...
How about I give you : 20,000 AK's for
20,000 tonnes of cheese :shock: :D
And who sent you that telegram about invading cuz he was bored ?
we want (i):
1) cheese
2)million pounds in pennys
3) helicopter
4)a puplic apollogie
5)More Cheese
7)Your Hair
8) horse
9) More Cheese
10) grass
we want (i):
1) cheese
2)million pounds in pennys
3) helicopter
4)a puplic apollogie
5)More Cheese
7)Your Hair
8) horse
9) More Cheese
10) grass
i dont know what you mean
26-11-2003, 14:12
wtf are u on about, anyway kriegos death korp will blow your weak country apart! DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR!
26-11-2003, 17:25
And UOGS, how do you intend to pay for all these weapons you have/claimed to have bought ?
With this :
UOGS Gross Domestic Product
Population: 16,468,296
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Weak
GDP per Capita: $2,781
GDP: $45,798,331,176
National Budget: $5,717,255,937
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.25%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $571,725,594
Enough for:
18 F-15Es, or...
28 Su-34s, or...
30 F-16s, or...
51 MiG 29s, or...
132 M1A2 Abrams, or...
190 T-90s, or...
975,640 M-16s, or...
1,905,751 AK47s
I dont think so...
back to this again................. :roll:
26-11-2003, 22:18
Well, the war is over, and USSH troops are returning home as heroes ( even though the greatest resistance they met was a company of Yidish marines ). Ceremonies are being held for the dead members of 1st Battalion.
26-11-2003, 22:29
And UOGS, how do you intend to pay for all these weapons you have/claimed to have bought ?
With this :
UOGS Gross Domestic Product
Population: 16,468,296
Civil Rights: Below Average
Economy: Weak
GDP per Capita: $2,781
GDP: $45,798,331,176
National Budget: $5,717,255,937
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 1.25%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 10%
Military Budget: $571,725,594
Enough for:
18 F-15Es, or...
28 Su-34s, or...
30 F-16s, or...
51 MiG 29s, or...
132 M1A2 Abrams, or...
190 T-90s, or...
975,640 M-16s, or...
1,905,751 AK47s
I dont think so...
How do you work this out? I'd be interested in how the economic powerhouse of Mordenkainens' military is looking considering I spend hardly any money on anything except education.
I cannot beleive that we made a war. my friend, (Livesland) Has instructions to create a large force to crush anything that damages WWP.
If you wish to send spies, you WILL BE CRUSHED. If any of you in the reigon of the Iron curtain of kreigorgrad wishes to become neutral, just post it on this forum. We are in full support of everone's right to defend their reigon and we support them. we also wish to make it known that we are in positions to show what we are made of.
Yeah, sure, you could say we have a nation of Backstabbers, but we have trained or animals to sneak in and sabotage anything of worth.
Intellisland Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Struggling
GDP per Capita: $1,276
GDP: $22,968,000,000
National Budget: $2,324,944,817
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 3.54%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 35%
Military Budget: $813,730,686
Enough for:
26 F-15Es, or...
40 Su-34s, or...
43 F-16s, or...
73 MiG 29s, or...
189 M1A2 Abrams, or...
271 T-90s, or...
1,388,618 M-16s, or...
2,712,435 AK47s
I don't think anyone wants to attack anymore.
Intellisland Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Struggling
GDP per Capita: $1,276
GDP: $22,968,000,000
National Budget: $2,324,944,817
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 3.54%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 35%
Military Budget: $813,730,686
Enough for:
26 F-15Es, or...
40 Su-34s, or...
43 F-16s, or...
73 MiG 29s, or...
189 M1A2 Abrams, or...
271 T-90s, or...
1,388,618 M-16s, or...
2,712,435 AK47s
I don't think anyone wants to attack anymore.
Intellisland Gross Domestic Product
Population: 18,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Struggling
GDP per Capita: $1,276
GDP: $22,968,000,000
National Budget: $2,324,944,817
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 3.54%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 35%
Military Budget: $813,730,686
Enough for:
26 F-15Es, or...
40 Su-34s, or...
43 F-16s, or...
73 MiG 29s, or...
189 M1A2 Abrams, or...
271 T-90s, or...
1,388,618 M-16s, or...
2,712,435 AK47s
I don't think anyone wants to attack anymore.
United Hiigarans
27-11-2003, 16:32
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh god this is too much! :lol: N00b war that lasted for more than three pages.
28-11-2003, 18:13
Wow Intellisland im REALLY scared....
Firstly - everyone who has posted on this forum ( except UOGS ) has a higher military might than you
Secondly - im not stupid I know you own Livesland
Thirdly - Noone is scared of Livesland either. Or for that matter anything inside WWP.
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Struggling
GDP per Capita: $1,276
Military Budget: $813,730,686
In other words, TINY.
28-11-2003, 18:24
I cannot beleive that we made a war. my friend, (Livesland) Has instructions to create a large force to crush anything that damages WWP.
If you wish to send spies, you WILL BE CRUSHED. If any of you in the reigon of the Iron curtain of kreigorgrad wishes to become neutral, just post it on this forum. We are in full support of everone's right to defend their reigon and we support them. we also wish to make it known that we are in positions to show what we are made of.
Yeah, sure, you could say we have a nation of Backstabbers, but we have trained or animals to sneak in and sabotage anything of worth.
Livesland is weak. I already have spies in WWP, and if you havent noticed, the war has ended ( i thought you were intelligent ? ) And the Russians tried your tactic in WWII, and it failed. The dogs blew up the russians tanks. And if you say you have replicas of our equipment to train with, i dont think so. The USSH has 10 nuclear weapons ( given ) aimed at major WWP capitals. THey are ready to be launched in at least half an hour. And dont say YOU have nukes, or NDD ( nuclear detection and deterence ) bases, your population is only 10 million. ( obviously not a big nation ).
04-12-2003, 19:16
Earlier this day kriegor has re-declared war on intellisland, the mechanized infantry of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd kriegos deathkorp crossed the border earlier today!
OOC: this is kriegorgrads military might:
Kriegorgrad Gross Domestic Product
Population: 440,000,000
Civil Rights: Few
Economy: Good
GDP per Capita: $10,037
GDP: $4,416,280,000,000
National Budget: $702,615,418,972
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 4.77%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 30%
Military Budget: $210,784,625,692
Enough for:
6,777 F-15Es, or...
10,539 Su-34s, or...
11,211 F-16s, or...
19,162 MiG 29s, or...
49,019 M1A2 Abrams, or...
70,261 T-90s, or...
359,700,726 M-16s, or...
702,615,418 AK47s