Nukes for sale!!! (cheap)
19-11-2003, 19:53
i have:
1,000 ICBMs
5,000 chemical warheads
20 bio heads
and 2000 a-bombs
illl take any price
19-11-2003, 20:08
i will buy 4 million of everything, at 10 dollars a package. money will be recieved upon confirmation.
any price eh...the dictatorship of Ptersia will buy 5000 chemical warheads for $50.00
The Holy Konstantinian Empire will buy 2,000 a-bombs and 500 ICBM for 100 USD.
19-11-2003, 20:48
i have:
1,000 ICBMs
5,000 chemical warheads
20 bio heads
and 2000 a-bombs
illl take any price
We may be interested in offering a rather large bid proven that these weapons are ligit.
1. Did you maufacture these weapons youself?
2. Were these weapons purchased?
3. Were these weapons given to you?
4. If purchased, by whom?
Sorry for all the questions, but we make it policy to investigate all our weapon sources to the fullest extent. Before we offer a bid, we would like clarafication on the following issues:
1. If these weapons were manufactured by your government, I'm sure you poured billions of dollars into the research and development of these weapons. Thus, meaning you have taxed your people and have funded, what appears to be, a now "defunct" program.
2. What course of action is your government preparing to take when your citizens find out that the government is literly "flushing" billions of dollars down the toilet?
3. Can your government provide documentation to support the procurements of any material or technology related to these weapons? If so, we would like to see it.
4. As it is evident that you desire to rid your nation of these weapons, as you state: "I'll take any price." What steps will your nation take towards economic recovery? (OOC: Selling this many weapons of this type, at "any price", will surely bankrupt your nation)
We thank you in advance and also remind you that we are prepared to bid a signifigent amount of money in order to secure these weapons.
M. Uganda
19-11-2003, 20:49
I'l take all thats left of the stock for £5
I will take ten of everything
Great Mateo
19-11-2003, 21:55
i will buy 4 million of everything, at 10 dollars a package. money will be recieved upon confirmation.
any price eh...the dictatorship of Ptersia will buy 5000 chemical warheads for $50.00
The Holy Konstantinian Empire will buy 2,000 a-bombs and 500 ICBM for 100 USD.
First off, you're too young, secondly, you can expect just about anyone to either ignore you or not recognize those purchases.
5 ICBMs for *calculates* 25 billion should be enough, no?
You were created yesterday. If you could even afford that your nation needs ways of maintaining them, dropping/launching them, and means of transportation.
President Arthur Kurlej 2nd Term
Vote For Me On Election Day!
Xiang Gang
19-11-2003, 22:27
We will buy 20 nuclear war heads. We will pay 2 000 000 US$ per nuclear warhead.
19-11-2003, 23:24
OOC: Hmmm, I'm getting the impression that these are mearly "cardboard" tubes packed with explosives :lol:
20-11-2003, 13:13
i have:
1,000 ICBMs
5,000 chemical warheads
20 bio heads
and 2000 a-bombs
illl take any price
FAO: Minister Of Defence
As a country interested wishing to defend its Prussian East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, these weapons would be rather useful. However as it stands before we embark on such a purchase several more facts need to be made clear, namily does the Command and Controll facility come with these weapons or will we have to develpoe these to accomidate the new weapons. Also are you supplying the means of delivery ie B52's or SLBM's with mobile base ie a sub.
Yours Diplomatically,
Kaizer Matt the Ace CiC Army,Navy, Airforce, Special Forces. VC
We will take:
500 ICBM's $500 ea.
250 chemical warheads $500 ea.
10 bio heads $500 ea.
1000 a-bombs $500 ea.
~money wired~
the young nation of Asker would like to buy 5 ICBM`s, no questions asked for 50 000 000 000 USD. IF we can test blow one up in the sea for free. :twisted:
i would like 536 a bombs at 1253 each
Ozymandias IV
20-11-2003, 14:00
The Republic of Ozymandias IV condems the actions of Petsburg as it pursues a nuclear program.
It has long been our position that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has a destabilising effect on the NS world's nations. And we are saddened to hear of another nation-state subscribing to the doctrine of 'mutually assured destruction'.
Further we are appalled at Petsburg's selling such weapons on the world market.
We respectfully urge Petsburg to halt its research into WMD construction and apply your scientific efforts to other areas.
Merek III
Ozymandias IV
20-11-2003, 14:42
The Republic of Ozymandias IV condems the actions of Petsburg as it pursues a nuclear program.
It has long been our position that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has a destabilising effect on the NS world's nations. And we are saddened to hear of another nation-state subscribing to the doctrine of 'mutually assured destruction'.
Further we are appalled at Petsburg's selling such weapons on the world market.
We respectfully urge Petsburg to halt its research into WMD construction and apply your scientific efforts to other areas.
Merek III
Ozymandias IV
FAO The Republic of Ozymandias Foreign Sectary
Dear Sir,
The Holy Empire of ImperlisticPrussia and her African Co-prosperity Sphere, and soon to be allies think you unwise to succumb to the failings of the MAD theory. I would most humbly direct you to the work of a Mr Kenneth Waltz who most clearly advocates and proves the validity of a deterrence policy such as this. The policy clearly proves that the proliferation of Nuclear weapons decreases the chance of conventional wars and wars between nuclear states as the cost in material terms is so high as to produce a sobering effect on all powers. Henceforth we shall be continuing our R& D program. There will be an announcement shortly re this. There is another Post Re our modest defence orientated biological weapons program, which we believe is necessary to ensure peace, stability democracy and capitalism in the region, as well as to tend with a growing insurgency threat on our borders.
Kaiser Matt the Ace, CiC, Army, Navy, Air Force, Special Forces, Chief Diplomat, and Foreign and Domestic Policy Specilialst. VC (Victoria Cross, for outstanding bravery in the face of overwhelming firepower.)
Ozymandias IV
20-11-2003, 17:39
FAO The Republic of Ozymandias Foreign Sectary
Dear Sir,
The Holy Empire of ImperlisticPrussia and her African Co-prosperity Sphere, and soon to be allies think you unwise to succumb to the failings of the MAD theory. I would most humbly direct you to the work of a Mr Kenneth Waltz who most clearly advocates and proves the validity of a deterrence policy such as this. The policy clearly proves that the proliferation of Nuclear weapons decreases the chance of conventional wars and wars between nuclear states as the cost in material terms is so high as to produce a sobering effect on all powers. Henceforth we shall be continuing our R& D program. There will be an announcement shortly re this. There is another Post Re our modest defence orientated biological weapons program, which we believe is necessary to ensure peace, stability democracy and capitalism in the region, as well as to tend with a growing insurgency threat on our borders.
Kaiser Matt the Ace, CiC, Army, Navy, Air Force, Special Forces, Chief Diplomat, and Foreign and Domestic Policy Specilialst. VC (Victoria Cross, for outstanding bravery in the face of overwhelming firepower.)
TO: Kaiser Matt the Ace
FROM: Republic of Ozymandias IV SecState Merek III
While we are sure that Mr Waltz is an entertaining speaker/author, we would respectfully point out the sheer number of nuclear powers in the NS world and their constant willingness to utilize WMDs at the drop of a hat.
Further, recent terrorist activities ( in the Elite Legions of The Unreal Soldiers confirms our worst fears:
That the proliferation of WMDs and their sale on the world market will lead to more and more such tragic events.
While we are confident that your current administration will develop and deploy WMDs in a responsible manner. We continue to worry that the unstability exhibited by the NS world's nation-states will eventually lead to a worldwide catastrophe.
[quote="Petsburg"]i have:
500 ICBMs
1,000 chemical warheads
10 bio heads
ill take 50 chemical warheads 1000 each?
Great Mateo
20-11-2003, 21:47
OOC: Ok, I tried to be nice about it. What the hell is with all the n00b nations in here trying to buy WMD? It's pretty much pointless, as most people still consider you too young by about a month or so to have them\deliver them\maintain them. Go ahead and waste your money, it will be for nothing, because any attempt to use them or any mention of them will just get you called a godmodding n00b.
OOC- short and sweet, Great Mateo, short andsweet. If you want to see the second biggest godmoder Dirtbuim.
Da Dominion of Alpha Kaus Australis vill have EVERTHING JU GOT, JA?
will that be cash, or check?
OOC- You've just been created today and you want to get everything? This is kinda funny but in a godmodding way.
i will buy 4 million of everything, at 10 dollars a package. money will be recieved upon confirmation.
any price eh...the dictatorship of Ptersia will buy 5000 chemical warheads for $50.00
The Holy Konstantinian Empire will buy 2,000 a-bombs and 500 ICBM for 100 USD.
First off, you're too young, secondly, you can expect just about anyone to either ignore you or not recognize those purchases.
lol i was jk
I will take everything you have for: $50,000.00