Return of Government, Begining of CIVIL WAR with Rebels.
**OOC: feel free to join us on either of the 3 "groups" but my expectations are that the monarchists will fail as they are weak.
The rebels offer oil and tresure to anyone who will help them, The monarchy says nothing, and the government says they will form alliances with nations and help in their times of need as soon as they are returned to power. Also no armies more than 1,000,000, and no more than 2 people supporting each group unless in extremly small numbers(100,000max).That is all.**
Ohh yeah, no godmoding/n00bs, nukes or future tech.
The nation of Nothing is left expelled its government several years ago, for no apparent reason
Their replacement was to bring back the monarchy.
Now, The government has returned to find that terrorist groups threaten the capital.
The Rebels have taken many towns and cities and are forcing the people to work as slaves for them to pay for their greedy lives and wild parties.
They have now made their way to the capital (called “left not right”, due to their mistrust of right wing party’s) and are attacking the now mobilised (after several weeks of doing nothing) Imperial army. Unfortunately for the people of left not right the rebels outnumber the monarchists 3:1. The sheer numbers if nothing will win the war, unless the government who has enough support from the “one government republican army”(from now on called the republican army, or RPB for short).
The government has been fortunate to have the naval shipyards of the North Navy available as well as many military ships (such as 5nimitz class ships, 4 Tarawas and a load of escorts’ etc) as well as having lots of money from sales of oil etc.
The rebels have estimated 1million troops with a small navy of 1nimitz class aircraft carrier and escorts with around 30 FAC-10s (fast attack craft) from Buckaro (OOC: copy righted, TG him if interested in the FAC-10)
*Artillery firering in background*
This is……reportin………..ot right…..rebels……monarch……….. feat……….massacr…
Were sorry to have to stop that broadca…
General turns off Radio.
Hmmm…. We shall have to deploy our forces to the capital, send the 1st,2nd,4th and 7th battalions to Nordia and secure positions, send them in the 1st and 2nd battle groups(4tarawas and 4 nimitz with escorts),
And have the 3rd attack the enemy fleets.
Keep me updated.
Yes sir!!!
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