NationStates Jolt Archive

Metal Gear Ray (Warning many pics)

16-11-2003, 21:14

Metal Gear Ray
Hieght: 200 feet
Wieght: 10 tons
Speed: When running: 50 mph start and 100 mph at max speed
Speed: When swimming 200 mph
Armor: Made out of Adamantium, Titanium, Steel, and coated with a strong yet thin coating of water proof plastic to prevent rust
Weapons: Two Chaingun imputs on each arm, hellfire launcher on back wihc is fitted with 1000 mini-rockets (can cover an area as wide as a mile around) and one High-Powerd Plasma Beam inside the mouth or head under the pilot chamber.
Pilot room: 1
Co-Pilot: None
Passanger/CargoBay: None
Class: Amphibos/Land Assult Mech
Radar: Stromata Blitz1Unit v2.5 (Can detect anything from air to land to water 5 miles away)
Stealth: Stromata DisapearoInPut v2.9 (Is practicaly invisible while under while *NOTE: Stealth for this model is strictly for under water, Practicaly Useless on land*)
Fuel Required for it to run: Same fuel you wound use for jetplanes flying internationaly *NOTE: Comes with two tanks, one for fuel and secound for when first empties, never go on a mission with only on tank full*)

OVER ALL PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION: The Metal Gear Ray is designed for amphibos and land warefare, it was also designed as a way to detect subs and any other sea craft, this mech is also designed for taking out artillery, tanks, and infintry. The HellFire launch on its back is designed for bombardment and clearing out large areas of enemies wether it be a battle field full of soldiers or an enemy fortress. *NOTE: This thing is not invincible like all mechs, one to many rockets can put one out of commision but infantry fire is useless, we also suggest not sending this up against more then two mechs or other wise it can easily be taken out.*

Price: Due to the amount of time it takes to build an effecient one and due to the difficulty we charge one billion each and we will not sell more then five to a nation
16-11-2003, 21:21
OOC that is an awesome game
16-11-2003, 21:25
OOC: I know but im trying to sell something here lol