Froggyliciousness proposes deal with CoreWorlds.
16-11-2003, 19:26
The supreme chancellor of Froggyliciousness, Keiran Halcyon, has proposed a joint Froggyliciousness/CoreWorlds storefront. It will have blasters and other weaponry, and all the powerful spacecraft produced by Phr0g Corp, located in Frogzyummi, Froggyworld. He is waiting for a response by CoreWorlds.
16-11-2003, 19:38
OOC: So your playing Corran's granddad? cool. My father might have met him once or twice.
I view this proposition as very much to both our nations' advantage, and as such, will accept this fine joint storefront deal.
-President John Chris
if you guys had cheap space gear, i would be interested. i need a big fleet, but don't really want to spend alot of money on it.
what tech are you? If your preasent want to make toegether a joint storefront?
16-11-2003, 19:46
We're modern, but heading towards future with small arms. Dunno about Froggy, though.
16-11-2003, 20:20
We're about near-future.
so want to make a joint storefront?