Napoleonic RP (Signup on other thread, Semi-Closed)
Here is the thread for the Napoleonic RP.
Maropian Coast
16-11-2003, 16:12
ooc: perfect... 1800 right?
Paris, 1800
Napoleon looked out the window, looking at the streets of Paris below. He knew tonight he would be leaving for Italy, for Austria had declared war with France while Napoleon was in Egypt. The young general, First Consul of France, was now poised to start the war, leading 35,000 men into Italy. They would go through the mountain passes, and surprise the Austrian armies as Hannibal had done to the Romans. Napoleon grew restless with anticipation. This would be one of his great victories. Austria would be brought to its knees.
"Consul Bonaparte, your horse awaits."
"Merci, monseuir. I leave now for Italy."
"Yes, Consul Bonaparte."
The British set sail for spain ships full of soilder.The we have built fortress along the south coast of England and castles where built all over briten ready for someone to invade.Every man went to war.
The nation of Hanover doubles its Armies strength and strengthens forts on its boarders.
Maropian Coast
16-11-2003, 16:20
The British set sail for spain ships full of soilder.The we have built fortress along the south coast of England and castles where built all over briten ready for someone to invade.Every man went to war.
ooc: Wait, there was never conscription in England... and this is before Trafalger. You've defeated me at the Nile by now, but I still have a combined Franco-Spanish fleet. Wait for me to destroy the Austrians. Then the naval war can commence.
Meanwhile, you make a lot of deals and give alot of money to people to go to war with me.
King Frederick William III sat firmly on his throne, and soon he decided to do something to expand his territory. Napoleon had risen to Power in France, and something had to be done to stop Napoleon from becoming too powerful in Europe. Now, King Frederick William summoned a messenger to his court.
"I want you to sent a message to Napoleon, tell him that he must surrender power and disarm, or face the Prussian Army. Also, send an Emmisary to Hanover. I want their support in this war." The king said.
The message was subsequently heard by Visiting Marshall Heinrich Uberstaut, the commander of A small Corps of Prussian Troops nearest to Napoeon. He jumped up on his horse and galloped off along side the rider heading to Napoleon. He began chatting with the messenger as they rode.
"If Napoleon does attack, It will come through straight. The German States mixed up in there will definately wage war against him, but if he comes in straight to Hanover, then he will politically mess with his own forces the least, that is where he will come."
Maropian Coast
16-11-2003, 16:29
Galloping out of Paris, Napoleon was stopped by a messanger. He recived a letter telling of Prussian demands. Napoleon laughed. He hadn't "risen to power" yet, being merely First Consul of the French Republic. But it gave him ideas. Perhaps he would like to be Emperor of the French. No, Emperor of Europe! He saw his forces marching through Brandenburg Gate. He saw the French marching past the Tower of London. He saw his men marching over the Danube in Austria. He saw them at the Cathedrals of Rome. He even saw them passing by the onion domed cathedrals of Moscow. France would expand Rebulicanism throughout Europe. He grew to pity the monarchs who were about to fall.
The Goverment offical repersenting the King met with the emmisary early in the morning, after a few hours of talks both parties had forged an alliance, to defend Hanover and strike back at France if she does so attack.
The Hanoverian Army, made up of 30 Infantry Regiments and 11 Cavalry Regiments (OOC: Real troop figures for the time) put to the field on the western boarder of the country.
The Order of Reptiles
16-11-2003, 17:49
Let it be known....MY GOD I HATE THESE DAMN FORUMS. Thats gotta be a record for the most posts deleted while still in the typing process.
Anyway, on with the OOC:
First, am I correct in assuming that this RP is not historically correct, can and will differ from history as we know it?
Second, whats this about a Franco-Spain fleet? My knowledge of the Napoleonic era is poor, so I'm afraid that you'll have to clarify on that.
Also, I don't know the Spanish King's name from that era, so I'll invent. Actually...I don't know very much about Spain, so excuse
On with the IC:
King Eladio Ortega IX tightened his hand into a fist, pounding it upon the mahogony table beside his throne. All was not well in the world, France was moving out, Britain preparing for an invasion, even the Hanoverians were preparing for war. And in the middle of all this, Spain and Portugal continued to farm, purposely oblivious of the troubles.
"Minister! Why is my country ignorant of these troubles? Why is the army not prepared? WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU DOING YOU JOB?"
He practically screamed the last line, pounding the table again, splintering it. He winced in pain, cursing himself for that outburst. And aid rushed up, removing the table from the King's range. Another stepped up, checking the king for injury. The king waved them away, seething with rage.
The Minister hesitantly approached the king, stammering his excuses, which numbered in the dozens.
"I don't want excuses, damn you! I want an explanation!"
"Y...your highness...the peasants wouldn't take well to such news. Surely you wouldn't want to cause mass chaos by letting this news out? Spain is hardly prepared for a war right now, funding for the army is at an all-time low. We have little more than a few boys and old men, a majority of our regular army is tending to their crops. It IS harvest time, as I'm sure you're aware."
"I don't like your tone. Very well, we must prepare Spain for the growing hostilities"
"Conscription? Surely you can't be serious! Morale would be low enough, but conscription..."
"Conscription appears to be our only option right now. We have weapons enough, for sure. We just need men to take them into battle. And we need those men as soon as humanly possible."
"V...very well....I'll have messengers sent immediately"
The king grunted, waving away the Minister. He was a useless waste of a title, why had his father liked him so much? Most likely, it was because the man was crafty, and quick to buy drinks. He'd be relieved from office as soon as the troubles died down.
If there was a Spain left....
The regular army had 135,000 men. 85,000 of those were on leave for the harvest. A further 21,000 were on one year service terms. That left a mere 29,000 to guard both Spain and Portugal, and to invade, if need be. If they could last through the harvest, things would be better, but the harvest season lasted another three months. The fleet was always "somewhere", but never where Spain needed it.
A conscription could save Spain, or break it.
The King called out to an aide, demanding a letter be drafted, and a mounted messenger readied.
"Send a message to France, ask them what they intend to do. I fear that this will lead to war for Spain, we do not want to be caught unawares"
OOC: Meh, that was purely invention. Methinks a good idea would be to go and read up on this.