NationStates Jolt Archive

Unanswerd Questions (Serios RP)

15-11-2003, 05:59
Unanswerd Questions


To self: It was dusk....perhaps dawn....I couldnt tell, the fog around this place seemed to block out the sun. I had hopped I would never come here...for even when I was a mear child.....this place haunt my dreams...Its excactly the same as they speak of it in the stories. A small town out in the middle of no ware....ruins of the past.....but what happend here.....nobody knows....Thats why im here, my name is Kurt Legion..something happend here along time ago, what ever it was affected my family....why...I dont know....I came here to solve find my answer.....but I dont even know ware to start

Kurt Legion

He walked from the old gas station on the hill and down to MordinHine

(Ok iv set up the story now every one that comes to MordinHine comes alone, no bodyguards or friends, and why they come is your own reason, this town has drawn several people to it and they all have thier questions looking for answers and for soem reason they have been brought here to find those answers. No one has the same goal, maybe related goal but not same, so lets have fun with this and please be serios)
15-11-2003, 06:05
OOC- Im going to bed so any one who joins please post just about your arrival and either why youv been drawn here or at least a hint as to why your here and check on this in the morning and I should be up and made another or more posts
15-11-2003, 06:23
*tag* OOC: This sounds intresting, but I have to be up in 5 and a half hours, I'll post tomorrow.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 06:24
OOC: Sounds interesting, any details as to what exactly is supposed to be going on? Like, what exactly is in MordinHine? Well anyways, here's my contribution.

IC: Corporal Evan Hunter of the Tundric Defense Forces, or, previously of the Tundric Defense Forces, drove his Iltis jeep through the dense fog, with only a vague sense of direction of this place called MordinHine he had heard about in town. The townsfolk hadn't really been all that enthusiastic about the topic, a few of the older people ran away from Evan when he asked about it.

Bah, there just crazy... Evan thought to himself as he heard a noise he had been dreading, the sound of the engine dieing. "Damnit!" he cursed out loud.

He wasn't surprised though, he had been expecting it, those old Iltis jeeps were piles of junk, this specific one was set to be scrapped, that's why he had stolen it when he went AWOL.

Well, i guess i'm going it on foot now, time to see what this MordinHine place is all about... Evan thought to himself as he got up, grabbed his A-8 assault carbine, pack, and the few other pieces of miscellanious equipment.

Just before he left, he made sure his rifle's safety was off, his flak vest strapped on tight, and his extra magazine pouches in easy reach. He then took a few seconds to look over himself in the Iltis' mirror, "I must be going mad, there can't possible be anything dangerous out here..." he chuckled to himself as he began his trek towards MordinHine.
15-11-2003, 16:09
Kurt found him self in the town, the fog was not as thick but it still lingerd. He moved threw the street, inspecting all the old, dust coverd houses and shops. His first thought was to go to the Jade Resturant, his great grandfather used to run it when the town was "normal". He continued down the street not knowing his way when ahead of him.....he saw a moving figure..

Kurt: Whats that? HEY WHOS THARE!!!

but the figure did not respond but instead it slowly moved towards him. As it got closer Kurt could make out what it was......but before he realized that it wasnt was all ready charging for him.

Kurt quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his Hand Bolter and fired off three shots. The figure let out a blood churning screach that could crack glass if any more high piched and dropped to the ground. Kurt slowly walked up to the thing with his bolter aimed at it.

Kurt: Is it dead?

He kicked it a few times for a response but thare was nothing. He had killed it.

Kurt: Jesus christ something did happen here.....but what....I have to get to the bottum of this....and find out what this thing is...

He continued threw the foggy streets searching for his uncles resturaunt.
15-11-2003, 16:33
Tai walked down the street. With the wind in his hair and the fog swirling around him, he pulled up his coat some more. He wanted an answer, well... he wanted answers. He turned into another ally and carried on walking. Then he started going fster... he didn't know why.... still he got faster.... still no reason. Until he froze... he turned around slowly and the behind him it stood.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 16:49
Evan noticed that the fog was finally starting to thin, he could actually make out large objects at a distance. He could see houses, and he came to a street sign, "Heavenly avenue". Yeah this place is heavenly alright... he chuckled to himself.

He continued his way down the street, then he heard a trio of distant thuds...gunfire perhaps? he thought to himself. Then it was instantly followed by a high pitched scream, it wasn't very loud, as the distance had quieted it a little bit. But it was loud enough to stop Evan in his tracks.

Then the sound of shattering glass brought Evan out of his fright. His training kicked in, he dropped to his right knee, rifle at the shoulder, and spun to face the spot where the sound came from. From out of a broken window on one of the houses, someone emerged and limped towards Evan.

The person's leg was disfigured, and they looked horribly sick, or horribly injured. Both, Evan decided as he got to his feet and started waving, "Hey! Are you okay? What happened?!"

It was only as the figure started charging and got within 50 meters did Evan realize what it was, it wasn't sick, it wasn't injured, it was dead.

"Holy...AH!" he screamed as something came up behind him and attacked him.

His reflexes kicked in, his rifle went soaring backwards, butt smashing into the face of whatever it was that had attacked him. He spun around, and emptied half his magazine into the thing that had attacked him. A high-pitched wail sent shivers up Evan's spine as he spun around again and emptied the rest of his mag into the first figure he spotted. It dropped down 3 feet away from him.

" the name of...God...was that?" he spoke aloud as he tried to regain his breath and stop his heart from pounding.

He walked up to the figure to take a closer look at it, it was dead alright, or, more approriately, was dead again, hopefully for good this time.

Then sudden realization hit him like a tidal wave, he knew why the older people at the previous town had been frightened of him when he asked about MordinHine. The reason was they knew what was here, they knew, and so they feared anything and anyone related to it.

The thought of walking dead make Evan think for a second, if these things got out of MordinHine and into the general populace of whatever nation he was currently in, then the results would be horrific.

He knew what he had to do, finding out what happened at MordinHine had suddenly become a secondary goal, it wasn't all that important now, what was important, was ensuring that it could not spread. Anything in MordinHine that could move had to be put down, no matter what.

"And besides...with my jeep dead, it's not like i can get out of this hellhole" he muttered to himself as he loaded up another magazine and started on his way in the direction of the original scream he had heard.

OOC: Just for my own curiosity, what exactly is the bolter?
15-11-2003, 17:01
OOC: Its Stromatas gun, a hand bolter is basicaly a higpowerd pistol, a Bolter is a Assult rifle, ranged bolter is a sniper rifle, shock bolter is a shotgun etc.. Its just Stromatas name for weapons.

IC: Kurt heard screams in the distance, the only thing he could think of was that things were killing each other....or some one else was here with him. He pressed on to the resturaunt in hopes of finding it but only to turn a corner and find five of those damned things coming towards him.

Kurt: What the hell is going on!

He reached for his hand bolter but realized....he had enough shots to take down two.....wich would leave three...

Kurt: Oh you have got to be kidding me...

he understood why so many feard this town but now he didnt care. He pulled out his hand bolter and took down two of the....things. He quickly made a dash like a football player and smashed threw the other three nocking them off thier feet and kept running....his only hope was to find the resturaunt, shelter, or find who ever else was here. Kurt also prayed while he ran, prayed that those things couldnt run.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 17:17
Evan ran, ran as fast as he could, in the direction of what was obviously gunfire, and more screams. He caught a glimpse of something, or someone running around a corner, he raised his rifle but the person was to fast and disappeared behind a building. He ran down the alley and came face to face with a pair of the things, which he decided to simply call zombies for lack of a better name, and opened fire. Two 3-round bursts tore through the first, while a stream of fire on full auto pushed the other back two feet and sent spiralling to the ground in a splattering of blood.

Then something, a third zombie, charged at him from the side, he was knocked to the side and dropped his rifle. He punched and kicked madly as he drew his pistol from its holster, he got the gun in his hand and pushed it against the zombie's chest.

"Eat lead you dead mother-" his voice was drowned out as he emptied the pistol's clip into the zombie. It was pushed back and onto the ground, it was dead.

Evan holstered his pistol, grabbed his rifle and ran in the direction he saw the figure escape him behind a building. He rounded a corner, and right before him was someone, then a metal object smashed across Evan's head.

He span around, and fell onto his back, unconcious.
15-11-2003, 17:20
The thing standing in front of Tai was, wuite obviously, dead. It let out a scream and all around him a chorus of screams spoke up. Luckily he wasn' there unarmed. He drew an AK-101, and filled the Deryliki with lead. Then he heard it... it was a wail but not one of the dead sort of screeches he was used to round here. It was... a human scream. F@!$ he shouted. Reoading the clip. He darted foward swerving in and out of alley's behind building until he found a man. The screaming had died (pun inteneded) down by now. The man was walking slowly dragging his feet. In his hands he held a rifle "Hey"...
15-11-2003, 17:22
Kurt looked back and saw some one drop to the ground, and looming over him was a zombie with a pipe which had obviosly hit him.

Kurt: damn it...Id better help him before that thing eats him.

He charged and dove into the zombie and nocked it down. Freeing the pipe from its hand kurt landed a blow smashing the zombies skull killing it. He looked at the man who was unconscious.

Kurt: damn I hope you dont wieght much.

He picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and sprinted to the closest building.....god must of been favoring was an old Gun's N Ammo store. He hid inside and laid the man down and watched out the window for any more of the zombies.
15-11-2003, 17:30
Luckily for Tai the man wasn't a zombie... unluckily for him the man thought Tai was. Again Tai squeezed the trigger but this time it was human blood that dripped to the ground. Tai spun round and there was a gun and ammo store. He was about to pulll his trigger at the figure moving inside when the man said...
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 17:35
Evan slowly woke, he was groggy and his head hurt like hell. He looked around at where he was, various weapons and ammo lined the walls and shelves around what was obviously a store, the cash register giving that much away. He looked up and saw a figure watching out the windows.

"Where...where am i?" he asked as he sat up, grabbed his canteen, and poured the rest of its contents into his mouth.

"A Guns N' Ammo store, my name's Kurt, i carried in here when i found you unconcious with a zombie standing over you" the man replied.

"Well in that case, thanks for saving me. I'm corporal Evan Hunter, Tundric Defense Forces...well, more approriately, i was, i sort of went AWOL. wouldn't happen to be hungry would you? I got some MREs in my pack" Evan stated as he looked around the store for his pack, which he couldn't find. So he decided to look around for his rifle, that to, he couldn't find.

"Hey, where's my pack, and where's my rifle...?" Evan asked.

"Out there, where the zombie was, i only grabbed you" Kurt replied.

"Shit" Evan cursed as he stood. He checked to make sure he still had his pistol.

"Looks like I have to go get them then" he stated as he started looking around the store for a suitable gun until he got his rifle back.
15-11-2003, 17:36
Kurt grabbed an old assult bolter of the gun rack (Assult Bolter=M16) and grab several ammo cartridges and loaded it. He discarded the pipe no longer needing it and grabed a combat knife from under the counter. He also found a kevlar vest which he put on and sat by the window and waited for more of those damned things....

Kurt: you can go back for your stuff but I dont think that would be wise. God knows how many of these damn things are out thare....besides how do we know if we are even killing them? Well its obvios I wont be able to stop you from going but what I can do for you is cover you just in case, im pretty sure if I can get on the roof I can cover you on the way back to your stuff.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 17:49
Evan thought on Kurt's words for a few seconds, then replied. "I'm going, i don't know if theres any food around here, and if there is, im not sure i want to eat it, it may have had something to do with what happened. If you can provide cover up until i can grab the rifle and pack, then i can handle the rest." Evan said as he grabbed a shotgun, or 'Shock Bolter', as it read on the side of the gun.

He grabbed a box of shells and put them in a pouch on his vest. He waited for Kurt to get into position, then ran in the direction of his gear. It was only a matter of secons before he heard bursts of fire coming from Kurt's rifle, and he brought his shotgun to his shoulder.

Evan turned a corner and spotted his gear, a quartet of the things were standing around it, a trio of blasts from Evan's shotgun dropped three of the zombies, while the fourth blast went wide. The zombie charged at Evan, but evan flipped the gun over and smashed the zombie across the head with the butt.

Evan stopped, slung the pack onto his back, strapped the shotgun onto the side, and the grabbed the A-8 carbine. Gunfire could still be heard from the direction of the store, and so Evan loaded up another magazine into the gun and started running back.

He got out onto the street and saw what kurt was shooting at, a mob of the things were making their way towards the store, intent on getting themselves some fresh meat.

Evan brought his rifle to his shoulder and emptied the magazine into the mob. He reloaded, then emptied another magazine. He reloaded again, but this time called up to Kurt, "Hold out here in the store, or grab what we can and run?"
15-11-2003, 17:54
Kurt kept empting clips into the mob.

Kurt: Get in the store and grab what ever the hell we can use, If we wait here any long we will become part of this mob!

He continued firing bursts taking down zombies here and there. After he emptyed a clip he ran down inside the shop and grabbed any ammo and weapons or anything he thought was usefull.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 18:03
Evan dashed into the store, and spotted several packs on display, one was considerably larger than his own, so dropped his and grabbed the display one. He transferred over all the necessities into the new pack, while discarding everything and anything he didn't need. He worked fast, time was of the essence.

He grabbed several one handed sub machine guns, or what he assumed were sub machine gunes, and threw them into the pack, found some MREs, and stuffed them in also. He strapped a shotgun to one of the pack, and a sniper rifle onto the other side. He grabbed ammo boxes and stuffed them in also, then closed the pack, then threw it onto his back. It was heavy and uncomfortable, but he need everything he could carry.

He spotted several rather genius contraptions on a shelf, arm and leg strappers, he strapped them onto his arms and legs, and stuffed them full of pistol and SMG clip.

He saw Kurt run in and grab some equipment also. Damn, this stuff is heavy... he thought to himself as he jogged with Kurt and fled from the approaching mob.
15-11-2003, 18:09
The two continued to run threw alleys and streets. The groans and crys of the mob had died down but they could still hear them off in the distance....some ware. They found themselves in a dead end alley and the noise of the mob grew loader once more.

Kurt: Damn if we go back we will have to go threw taht damn mob.

He looked around the alley and found an entrance to the sewers. He looked at evan and then at the direction of wich the mob could be seen slightly.

Kurt: What other choice do we have?
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 18:23
"I hate my life..." Evan muttered as he opened up the sewer entrance and waited for Kurt to go in. He dropped Kurt his pack, then climbed down also. Once inside, he closed the entrance and threw his pack back on.

Evan cursed himself for tossing away the night vision gear he had kept in his other pack. Fortunately, he had kept a flashligtht and some duct tape. He taped the flashlight to the bottom of his carbine's barrel and switched it on.

He stepped down into the sewer water and shuddered. Kurt started off in some direction and Evan followed.

"Kurt, you've saved my life, and I've known you for all of a few minutes, yet i hate you already" he stated as he made his way through the dark, smelly, and disgusting sewer.
15-11-2003, 18:32
Kurt just laughed

Kurt: hahah well Id rather you hate me and be alive then to be dead like those things and love me.

They continued on for what seemed like hours but it was only 30 mins. They came across a service room but when they enterd it it looked like an abandom military base. The power was still on wich was good and the two move threw the base. They found one of the barracks and rested in thare.

Kurt: gee we sure were lucky to find this place...and to think the power here still works.

He looked around and sat down at a table. He found somehting that horrified him and confuesed him


On the table was an opend meal.....still warm and was cooked no to long ago...Niether of them had ate anyhting yet......but on the table was a warm meal. Also on some of the bunks were newer guns and equpiment, Somehting wasnt right here.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 18:40
Evan got up from the bunk he had been lieing. Kurt's yelling had woken him from his relaxation and he intended to find out why he had to get up. He looked over at Kurt, who was staring at a table, then over at the table.

Evan just stared at the meal for several seconds before he finally understood what was scaring Kurt. Everything in MordinHine had been dead, but they had found this base, with working power, new equipment spread on the bunks, and a meal that was still hot sitting on a table.

"Holy hell..." Evan muttered as he heard something in the distance.

Kurt and Evan both grabbed their weapons, held them at the ready facing the door.

"Come in here, hands up, now! Or i swear to god i will go out there and waste anything and everything i see!" Evan yelled as he slowly stepped towards the door.
15-11-2003, 19:03
The door opend and a soldier walked in. He was badly wounded and it was obvious he wasnt going to make it.

Soldier: get out.....get out....he....he....hes coming...

He dropped dead and the two of them stood thier in shock and confuesdment.

Kurt: whos coming?

The sound of loud footsteps could be heard and the sound of metal scarpping against the floor was also herd. Kurt walked out into the hallway and Evan herd him fire several shots.

Kurt: Holy F$@&! what is that thing!

He continuead to fire but the thing kept comming. The guns were no affect.

Kurt: It keeps coming No matter what I hit it with it keeps coming!

The creature beggins to pick up spead and starts to charge them. It wasnt even five minutes they had been there and evan and kurt found themselves with thier stuff running threw the halls. They moved threw quickly, stopping to fire a few shots at it but nothing stopped it, it got faster and was closing in on them. Evan spotted an elevattor and the two bolted for it. Evan got in first but as Kurt ran for it it closed on his arm. Evan struggled to open it but it wouldnt. Kurt screamed threw the door at him not in pain....but in terror.


Evan: IM TRYING!!!!

They struggled to open it more but the create came up behind kurt.


All of a sudden the sound of a blade piercing flesh was herd the the two froze and it was silent. Kurt looked down an say a strange rusted blade coverd in blood sticking threw his stomach.

Evan screamed but the doors closed and the elevator went down. Evan found himself starring off, he tried to work the elevator back up but it was no use.

Evan: Kurt.....

Evan was alone now....and the nightmare began to take its tole.
15-11-2003, 20:18
Tai kept running... as soon as he had heard some rifle shots more of the zombies came. Then a shotgun started firing. Then the shotgun stopped and a carbine started going. After a while it was just the rifle left shooting. He ran to where the noise was coming from but by the time he got there everyone was gone. He went into the guns 'n' ammo shop. He already had some decent kit but there was more than enough here.

On the floor where a pair of night vision googles some weapons and more kit scattered around. He atached a peice of string around the googles and slung them around his neck. From the wall he took two handguns and placed them in his leg holsters. He put on three clip belts and loaded them full of ammo for his G36. After filling his pack with mopre ammo and anything that could ever be possibly usefull.

He set off again tracing some footsteps tht looke much more uniform than the ones the zombies placed. The footsteps stopped at a manhole... Tai dropped down and switched on the night vision. He headed off down until he found a service room. Inside it looked recently used there was luke warm meal on the table and guns on the bunks. AGain he re-checked his equipment stocked some more weponary and guns... he wasn't travelling light.

He left and headed for a lift. Inside the lift there was played inbetween the doors. At the bottom a human finger lay facing inwards. He knew that the person must have been on the outside when his finger got trapped. THat meant there must have been someone inside to close the doors. When he got to the top there was a man sitting beside the door...

"Evan? What the hell are you doing here the last time I saw you you where drunkin a bar on The Canadian Tundra"
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 20:21
OOC: Damn you lol, i made a post at the same time as you lol. Well, heres the new one, and i guess you can ignore that telegram i sent you also now lol. BTW, Stromata, Kazaakisthan, if either of you use messenger send me your emails via telegram so we can figure out a posting order so we dont post stuff at the same time

Evan looked up at Tai, "I'll be damned..." he muttered as he looked up at Tai. He felt he should respond more properly, but the recent events were taking their toll.

The elevator doors closed and it started to descend.

"Kurt...he's dead, this thing, it killed him, we couldn't stop it, i emptied a full rifle load into it, but it did nothing, NOTHING..." Evan mumbled.

"Whoa, Evan, you aren't making any sense, and what are you doing out of the Tundra?" Tai asked.

"I deserted... found my way here in a stolen jeep, it broke down, i walked the rest of the way. I met these...these zombies, these things, killed two... then some more, got knocked out cold, Kurt saved me, then we found our way here...then that...that thing..." Evan muttered.

Tai extended his hand to Evan and helped pull him to his feet. Before they could continue, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Gunfire and voices could be heard from down the left corner as a group of soldiers made their way to the right. They were firing as they went.

"Winters, Farren, hold here, we'll make our way to the stairs and secure that position, then call you up, when you hear us call, double time it to our position. If we don't call after 2 minutes, try the lift!" the commander of the 6 man group yelled as he and three others ran off.

Winters and Farren reloaded their rifles and started firing off rounds on semi-automatic. Their training was excellent, they held their ground even as a horde of zombies engulfed them. They didn't even scream, they just fired until the bitter end.

One of the zombies turned to face Evan and Tai, then a group of zombies followed it and came down the hallway towards them while the rest went after the fleeing soldiers.

Evan regained control of himself, but he was still obviously stressed out, and the zombies provided a perfect opportunity for him to take that stress out. He loaded up another magazine into his rifle and emptied it into the zombies, Tai did the same. He loaded up another magazine, and emptied it. He loaded a third magazine, but this time he set the gun to burst rather than auto and when Tai stopped firing to reload, Evan charged. He fired at, or smashed the zombies with his gun while barreling through them, Tai followed close behind but hadn't managed to reload, so he could only hit the zombies with his rifle.

Once they were through Tai reloaded, and Evan did the same. They came up to another hallway running perpendicular to the one they were in, and followed it down to a large room seperated in two by a large, veritable wall of glass and a door. Behind the glass was an operating room, in it was a young nurse, and a pistol wielding soldier. Another soldier lay on one of the tables, but he was dead.

A dozen zombies pounded on the glass but the glass was bulletproof and thick, so they had no effect. The zombies turned to face Tai and Evan, and charged.

Tai brought his G36 to his shoulder and Evan did likewise with his A-8. They both set their guns to full automatic and let loose. 10 zombies were down when they ran out of ammo and the door flung open, the pistol wielding soldier barged out and dropped the remaining two.

Evan looked over to the soldier, "Thanks for the help, I'm Evan Hunter, this here is Tai."
15-11-2003, 20:31
OOC- Ya i have my own plans dont worry

The soldier looked at Evan.

Soldier: No problem sir...I dont know who you are or why your in such an acursed place but I dont care! As long as your here to help me we will be fine

Quickly they knocked over tables and positioned behind them and waited. The doors opened but no zombie walked threw....It was Kurt

Evan: Hold your fire!

Evan slowly walked up to kurt with his gun aimed at him

Evan: Kurt what the hell is going on I thought you were dead!

Kurt: Dead? just because we got sepereated when we were running from that thing...dosnt mean im dead....Whats wrong with you are you ok?

The soldier and others stood there stupified.
15-11-2003, 20:34
OOC: You left me out again!!!
15-11-2003, 21:08
OOC- Sry! We will say your with evan and the others so thare
15-11-2003, 21:17

Tai walked up behind Evan.
"So who is this jurt person" spoke Tai
"I don't know.." came the reply from Evan
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 21:17
OOC: Check the edited version of my last post, i felt like doing this for the hell of it, the story of what happens those soldiers Evan and Tai saw.

Lieutenant Garred Mctavish emptied the last clip of pistol ammunition he had. The zombies kept coming, him, Johnson, Drew, and Kevin were doomed.

Drew fired off the rest of his SAWs magazine, then loaded up the last magazine he had. God help us... he muttered as he was about to fire again. "Johnson, open that f-ing humvee!" he screamed as Garred came up to him.

"Kevin's gone, you and Johnson get out of here, I'll hold them off" he ordered as he took the SAW and started firing.

Drew looked over to where Kevin had been, he was dead, a group of the things were surrounding him, but Drew couldn't see what they were doing.

Drew drew his pistol and ran up to the humvee that Johnson was trying to open. Drew noticed it was locked, that was why it wouldn't open, so he fired off his pistol with amazing accuracy into it. It shattered and the door swung open, then what they thought had been a dead body inside it seized Johnson and ripped his throat open.

Drew screamed, turned, and came face to face with his lieutenant. But this time half of Garred's face was gone. Drew muttered a quick prayer before blackness engulfed him...
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 21:30
Evan took Tai aside as Kurt talked with the private they had met, who was named Krantz, and the combat medic who Evan had mistaken for a nurse at first, who's name was Alayna.

"I met Kurt in the guns and ammo store, he had carried me in there after i got knocked out by a zombie with a lead pipe. He covered from the rooftop while i grabbed my gear which had been dropped when i was knocked out. That was when we fought a mob of them, there were to many, so we went through the sewers and came across this base. Then something chased us, as i told you before, i was in the elevator, it close on Kurt's hand, i heard him scream, then i must of blacked out for a short while until you came along. I could have sworn he was dead" Evan whispered as he looked back over at Kurt.

"I don't think something is right here..." Tai muttered.

"Neither do i, keep you eye on him and watch my back, same with Krantz and Alayna, if something happened to Kurt, i don't want anyone suffering cause of it. I'll keep an eye on him to, and watch your back also" Evan said as he checked to ensure he had a full load of ammo in his gun, he switched it to auto, and made sure the safety was off.
15-11-2003, 21:31
Tai, Kurt and Evan started off down the hall at pace... stopping only a few times to re-kill lone zombies. Tai handed Evan his night vision goggles.
"You forgot these"
15-11-2003, 21:37
Kurt kept up with them but he all ready knew what was going on, they didnt trust him....but why. He was never killed...or he didnt remember dieing, he remembered running and getting seperated and a loud scream and that was it.

Kurt: Its obvios what we have to do now....we have to get out of here alive.....but we have to make sure that those zombies or things....dont fallow us...

the docture spoke up

Docture: excuse me but I remember helping a man once who said he worked down in the BioLabs three floors down....maybe we should look thare?

Kurt: sounds good lets go....or you can stay here if you want

He walked towards ware the stairs were
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 21:48
OOC: Check my last post, shes a combat medic, named Alayna, for future reference.

Evan watched as Kurt made his way to the stairs. "Hey Kurt, don't worry, i wouldn't dream of leaving you alone in here..." Evan said as Tai went up close to Kurt and followed him down the stairs.

Evan fell to the rear of the small group to talk with Krantz and Alayna. Krantz was holding his shotgun, which Evan had taken from the gun store ealier, at the ready. Alayna had opted for one of the two SMGs Evan had stuffed into his pack.

"Krantz, Alayna, i need to talk with you about Kurt. Something isn't right, i have Tai watching him for now. Me and Kurt were together until we got to the elevator, something chased us, our guns had no effect on it, i got in the elevator first, Kurts hand got stuck in it. Then i heard him scream, i must have blacked out around then. When i woke up, Tai was standing over me, i saw blood around the elevator door, i thought it was Kurt's, but it may have been there from before. Either way, watch him, and don't trust him any more than you have to" Evan warned.

Krantz nodded in acknowledgement, but Alayna started to protest. "Quiet, keep your voice down, Krantz, go take the middle, I'll cover the rear with Alayna for now" Evan commanded. While he wasn't part of the Stromata military, in fact, since he had deserted the TDF, he wasn't part of any military, Krantz still obeyed, likely because he didn't know, and all he saw were the corporal's stripes on Evan's arm.

Evan turned to Alayna, Damn, she's good looking... he thought to himself. He silently cursed himself for thinking about something like that considering his present situation, then let Alayna speak her objections to watching Kurt.
15-11-2003, 21:58
He continued to walk but then stopped at the stairs. He turned and faced them all.

Kurt: I know what your all planning, your going to backstab me. I know not one of you trust me, not a single one of you..I hope the worst of these things find you all and kills you all off slowly one by one and I hope you watch your fellow comrads die. Let us also hope that dosnt happen....for I am human like you all and I to do not want any loses but I will not tolerate betrayel....

Kurt then dashed down the stiars, his footsteps echoing in the halls and he disapeard out of thier site. No one knew ware he was going or why and now the group faced a new for kurt and try to save him for what ever doom he may find....not worry and leave.... find him and kill him in the name of safety....or worse....continue on in fear feeling that kurt may try to kill them...
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 22:06
"Damnit! Kurt! Kurt, wait! KURT!" Evan screamed.

he turned to face the group, Alayna slapped him, well, more accurately, backhanded him. "This is YOUR fault, it's all YOUR fault!" she screamed as she tried to strike him again.

Krantz grabbed her, and Evan stepped backwards away from her. He regained his composture and took charge of the situation. "Alayna, I told you what i saw, now if you saw krantz get killed, then see him later on all fine and dandy, wouldn't you be suspicious?" he asked.

"Well...yeah...I...I guess. I'm sorry, it's just that all this... it's just to much..." Alayna sobbed.

Evan put his hand on her shoulder, "I know..." he muttered.

He stepped back and adressed the small group. "I'm going after him, he saved my life before, I'm going to return the favour. If you decide to come, then make sure you don't hurt him, but if it comes to you or him, make the obvious choice and protect yourself" Evan stated as he turned and went after Kurt.

The rest of the group followed, some, like Tai, were a little doubtful of the choice.
15-11-2003, 22:16
Kurt ran threw several corriders untill he reached what looked like the remains of a bio lab. The room was MASSIVE and destroyed computers and what seemed like giant test tubes shatterd all around. He say bodies of some of the creatures fought was obvios to him now...the military had an experiment going but it all failed. He saw a small storage closet and went in and found himself one of the new BattleSuits and a new high-tech Assult Bloter.....he smiled happily.

Kurt:I know they are comming for me....I dont want to die or kill them....but if i must....

He grabbed the gear and threw it on and continued inspecting the room in search for more answers and to await his comming fate.
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 22:24
Evan was leading the way, the others trailed behind in a long line, occasionally going off to search rooms and quickly sweep through corridors.

"KURT! Kurt, listen to me! I could have sworn i heard you die! That's why i was so suspicious, we weren't planning anything! Kurt, listen to me, please! Your going to get yourself killed if you go off by yourself!" Evan screamed. He felt horrible, the man who had saved his life only earlier that day was running from him, thinking that Evan was going to kill him.

Evan rounded a corner and came up to a massive room, standing in the center was the most frightening sight he had ever seen, an immense metal human looking thing stood before him. It looked like it was some sort of powered armor suit, far beyond anything the Tundra had developed.

"Dear god..." Evan said as his rifle from his hands and fell to the ground. The thing turned to face him, Evan just stood motionless, his hands at his side.
15-11-2003, 22:32
Kurt took a step forward. He hit a button that made the mask come off and go into the suit so his face could be seen.

Kurt: So have you come to kill the betrayer.

He armed the gun and then aimed at Evan.
He fired a shot at evan but missing him on purpose

Kurt: That was a warning will this end?
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 22:42
Evan nearly wet himself when Kurt had fired the warning shot. But now he had regained control over himself and started to speak, "Kurt, i didn't come to kill you, we came to find you, so that you wouldn't get yourself killed. Granted, you seem to have handled yourself quite nicely and if anything you should be looking out for us."

"Don't lie to me... you were going to betray me, I'm not stupid" Kurt said bitterly.

"Look Kurt, we were suspicious, that's all. We had every right to be, when i was in the elevator and that thing was chasing us, i head you scream, i saw blood, you whispered my name then went silent. You don't even have a single mark on you! Yet, i saw blood. Blood, Kurt, doesn't magically appear from nowhere..." Evan pleaded.

Kurt didn't respond at first, Evan could tell he was thinking deeply, all that there was left to do was pray.
15-11-2003, 22:53
Kurt lowerd his gun

Kurt: I just dont understand.....this dont know what happend at the elevator but it wasnt me....we got split up in the hall way....

as kurt continued to speak he stopped and they all herd that horrid sound. It was the sound of heavy steps, and metal...scrapping agianst metal...Kurt turned around and saw it once more....he was back..

Kurt raised his gun and in a crazed bloodlust fired upon it...but it did not stop, he continued to fire untill it was almost upon him. He ran and as he did he yelled to the others.

Kurt: If you truely trust me then run!!! dont stop running! I will meet you in the Bio Labs level 2

he kept running but the monstrocity did not fallow had its sites on evan and his group
The Canadian Tundra
15-11-2003, 23:26
Evan emptied yet another clip into the strange monstrosity that was chasing them. This is getting ridiculous... he thought as he loaded up another magazine. He was fortunate he had grabbed a ton of ammo at the gun store, if he hadn't, he would have been out by now. The bodies of dead soldiers had yielded him a few more magazines, and he reminded himself to say a prayer for God to watch over them as they had inadvertantly saved his life.

He turned and ran down the corridor some more. Krantz kept pouring shells into the beast, and Alayna's SMG was blazing. Tai was loading up another magazine into his rifle.

"Forget, we can't do anything, just run!" Evan yelled.

"Screw it!" Krantz yelled as he dropped his shotgun, he grabbed the sniper rifle off of Evan's pack and cocked the gun.

"Let's see how you take this..." he muttereed, he raised the rifle, looked through the scope, and fired.

The most disgusting sound Evan had ever heard went off as the bullet went straight into the thing's forehead. It dropped backwards and onto its back. It didn't make a noise, or move.

"'s dead" Krantz stated as he smiled with pride.

Then its arms moved, it pushed itself back onto its feet, and started moving again.

Krantz didn't say a word, he just cocked the gun again, and fired. Again, he cocked it, and fired. He fired again, then again. Then the gun was empty. He dropped it and grabbed his pistol, and started firing.

"Krantz its useless!" Evan yelled as Tai started running towards a door that was marked 'stairs'. Krantz wouldn't listen, he kept firing. Alayna raised her SMG and fired.

"Alayna, come on!" Evan screamed. She wouldn't move, he could only drag one of them along. He threw his left arm around Alayna and dragged her as the beast moved up to Krantz and stabbed him.

Tai was holding the door open, Alayna was screaming, Evan turned to squeeze off the rest of his magazine on full auto, hoping, that at least it would slow him down for a split second.

It didn't, so he threw Alayna through the open door, watched as Tai grabbed her and pulled her down the stairs, and he grabbed a pair of grenades off of his vest. He pulled the pins, let go of the stopped, counted to three, then threw them right at the thing's chest and jumped down the first few steps without looking back to see if the grenades actually accomplished anything.

Evan's jumped ended with him rolling down the rest of the first flight. He grabbed the railing and ran down the second flight right behind Tai and Alayna, the explosion of the grenades had deafened him for a few seconds, so he wasn't sure if he could hear the thing following. He once again prayed to God, hoping that the grenades had worked.
15-11-2003, 23:41
Kurt herd the loud explosion and krantz's scream. He shook in terror and hopped for the best. He continued on untill he reach another was smaller then the last huge room but it looked the same except the glass tube were not shatterd and in them floated man kinds of creatures and monstrocities he had never even imagind existed. as he looked over them all he found a Pc that had a message on the screen. He read the message

Message: Log5: We have created several new creatures, our hope is to breed them and controll them. with them they shall be our newest weapon and our most deadliest. Log7: we tested one of the creatures today ina test killed 5 of our guards before we could take it down...these things seem to grow stronger by the day. Log9: opne of the test tubes was found destroyed and the creature with in it gone...we do not worry for we have an entire army and it stands no possible chance agianst us...memos have been sent for every one to be on thier guard though....Log14: THIS WHOLE PLACE IS GOING TO HELL!!! THESE THINGS ARE STRONGER THEN EVER AND THEY ARE BREAKING OUT!!! ALL HUMANITY IS LOST I CAN HEAR THE SCREAMS OF THE GUARDS AND SCIENTISTS BEING SLAUGHTERED!! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!!! Log15: ITS HIM!!! HES HERE!!! HES HERE!!!! ITS HIM!!!!!!!

The message ends at that...kurt looks around the room with horror and for a minute he feels like hes back when it all started, he now had to put the pieces together and it was obvios now....wether or not the others were alive he had one choice....he had to blow up the hole base with the town above it....for the sake of Stromata.....he now only needed to find the security room that had the self destruct program in it
The Canadian Tundra
16-11-2003, 00:06
Evan finally stopped running and took a deep breath. The sounds of the thing were gone now, but without a doubt, the grenades hadn't killed it. Evan had a feeling that nothing short of a nuke would be able to stop it.

He looked over at Tai, and then to Alayna. They were all exhausted, tired, their ammo was running low. The sounds of more of the creatues Evan had dubbed zombies could be heard. They weren't a problem though, they could be dealt with easily enough, it was this thing that was a problem.

They stopped their rest and started off again, they dashed down the corridor and came to a room labelled 'Biolab Communications Center', a group of zombies were pounding on the door. Evan, Tai, and Alayna let loose with their guns, bullets ripped through the zombies until they were all dead.

The door opened, a technician of some sort holding a pistol emerged and looked over at Evan, Tai, and Alayna. "Thank the gods, we thought we were the only ones left!" the tech exclaimed.

"We?" Evan inquired.

"One of the top scientists is in here with me, come in" the technician said as he went back into the room.

The scientist was sitting in a chair leaning back against a wall. He was shocked at all the chaos and destruction that had been occuring. Evan went up to him and started to speak, "What the hell were you people doing down here?".

"We, we were creating a new type of weapon. Well, more like a new sort of soldier that was far more powerful than a grunt with a rifle. Something went wrong though, one of our results escaped, it started killing everybody. It freed a bunch of the failures, the weak, disfigured bodies you've likely seen around the base, they started spreading it to everyone. It wasn't our fault though, something went wrong...we couldn't have known..." the scientist went on.

"No shit something went wrong! Now how the hell do you kill that thing that seems to be invincible?" Evan demanded.

"You can't, well, not unless you can make a big enough explosion to wipe out at least this base, that would do it, but anything short of that would accomplish nothing..." the scientist said.

"We could blow up the reactor, i would have done it myself, but i couldn't get past those things outside by myself" the technician said.

"You know how to blow up the reactor?" Tai asked.

"Yeah, it's easy enough for us technicians who spend all our time working on it and the rest of the base's systems" the technician.

"Good, then we blow up the reactor" Evan said.

The scientist started to speak, "But you can't! The research, we can still-". The scientist was cut off as Evan raised his rifle and fired, the bullet went straight in between the scientist's eyes.

Tai didn't care, Alayna didn't care, but the technician was in shock, "Why did you...?" he asked.

"That as for Winters, Farren, Krantz, and everyone else who's died because of his god forsaken experiment" Evan stated.

"Say, does all this communication equipment still work?" asked Alayna.

"Yeah...why?" the technician asked.

"Ah, we can call Kurt" Evan said, realizing what Alayna was planning.

Evan went over to the communications panel and flicked the 'whole level' switch on. He grabbed the mike and pressed down on the 'talk' button, "Kurt? Kurt can you hear me?"
16-11-2003, 00:28
kurt looked around listening to the voice and found a communication button on the pc and talked back.

Kurt: whos this? Evan? Ware are you!....Your going to blow up the reactor? Good thinking...but what was taht scream?...Kantz is dead....I understand Evan...Ill try to meet up with you at the reactor room...

Kurt turn the button off but as he went to leave something started to type on the pc screen, strange figures and numbers moved all around it but it stopped and it was blank....then something apeard on the screan


Kurt stood thare terrified and he realized what it was that monstrocity....he was playing with him....kurt knew he had to hurry and get to the reactor with Evan tai and the others before he did.
The Canadian Tundra
16-11-2003, 00:48
Evan, Tai, Alayna, and the technician all made their way out of the communications room. The technician was armed with the other SMG which had been in Evan's pack. Together, they rounded a corner and made their way down the main corridor. Then the comm. system came on, and a strange raspy voice filled the air around them, "I know what you are planning, but it will not work, you cannot defeat me, you will soon be mine" the voice rasped.

The comm. switched off again, then the sounds of a mass horde of zombies could be heard. "God help us..." the technician muttered.

Evan, Tai, and Alayna all raised their rifles and started running, the technician soon chased after them as zombies started pouring into the hall. Alayna and the technician fired their SMGs off in small bursts, Evan and Tai fired on semi-auto, to conserve their ammo.

Zombie after zombie fell, but more kept coming. They rounded another corner and fought their way through a small mob of the damned creatures. They finally saw, down at the end of the long corridor, a door with the words 'primary reactor' on it.

At last they found their destination, but it was so far, and the zombies were pouring in. Then the frighteningly familiar sound of heavy steps, and metal scraping against metal filled the hall.

"To blow up the reactor go to the main console and enter the passcode, 19483241, then switch it to overload. It should take about 30 seconds, although a time delay can be set, that requires more work" the technician yelled over the roar of gunfire.

"Okay, whoever makes it first, forget about the others, we'll cover for you while you set it to overload. And by the way, do NOT waste your ammo on that damned thing, save it for the zombies" Evan yelled.
16-11-2003, 01:07
AS they fought they herd the sound of another gun going off. TO the distance was kurt fighting his way to words the group. It took him several mins but he got to the group. He herd that sound....he looked and thare was the monstrocity...him...he turnd and looked at the others

Kurt: GO HURRY!!! I will stay here and take care of him...

They looked at him as if he had gone mad


Kurt: i have to try and slow him down...other wise he will kill us all.

Kurt opend fire at "Him" and then charged inot him and the two engaed in one of the most vicouise melee battles ever
The Canadian Tundra
16-11-2003, 01:25
Evan and group rushed stormed into the reactor room, closed the door, sealed it, and ran to the main console. the technician entered the passcode, but then a group of zombies stormed out from the various rooms. One charged at the technician and killed him before he could fire his SMG.

Evan, Tai, and Alayna all opened fire and the zombies dropped the ground. Evan loaded up his last clip as alayna went to work on setting the reactor to overload.

The door was bashed in, the zombies started pouring in. Evan and Tai opened fire, Tai ran up to the horde and started shooting and smashing every zombie he could.

Tai was finally overrun, Evan's gun clicked as the last magazine of ammo ran dry. He looked over Alayna who had finished her work, the timer went on. She raised her SMG and opened up on the oncoming horde. Evan did likewise with his pistol.

Evan's pistol had only 2 more clips left, and Alayna's SMG was empty. He looked over at the timer, 10 seconds. He switched his pistol into his left hand.

Like hell I'm dieing standing beside a beautiful woman without doing something... he thought to himself as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her. She kissed him back, the timer's audio warning sounded, 5...4...3...
16-11-2003, 01:37
The timer stopped....all the zombies fled the room all of a sudden.....a dark voice was herd..

Him: You fools...I knew this would I alterd the reactor....

The timeer on the reactor jumped up to ten minutes and started counting down

Him dropped the body of kurt before them, yet he was not dead.....he was horribly wounded

Him kicked kurt to shut him up and then spoke

Him: Ten minutes untill this place blows.....hahahahahahhaa....tahts more then enough time to kill you all and escape!!!
The Canadian Tundra
16-11-2003, 03:01
OOC: Damn, i knew i should have finished the countdown and made the reactor go boom lol. I had the perfect ending and everything, heroes are all dead except the two lovers who are kissing as a horde of enemies surround them and the explosion and the world is saved... just out of curiousity, who's side are you on? lol. Just a quick note to avoid confusion, 'him' refers to the invincible thing that has been chasing them around, him with the ' refer to Evan.

IC: Evan and Alayna stopped kissing as the timer jumped up to 10 minutes. "Christ" Evan muttered as he tossed Alayna his pistol and ammo and picked up his rifle. They both fled the room and dashed down the hall to a nearby elevator going down to the the third Biolab level.

Then they heard 'him' chasing after them. Thankfully the elevator doors closed, and the lift went down. Once it reached the bottom, Alayna fired into the control panel to knock it out of commision.

Evan and Alayna raced down the corridor and came across a small group of zombies, Alayna emptied her clip and loaded up the last one, while Evan swung his rifle around like a baseball bat. They pushed their way to a door marked 'armory.

"Thank the gods!" Evan exclaimed as he went to open the door, strangely, it was unlocked.

Evan and Alayna burst their way inside the armory, and then slammed the door closed as the zombies outside started banging on it. They both turend to look at the inside, and discovered why it was unlocked. A slew of dead zombies and soldiers filled the room, blood was everywhere, spare rifles and ammo boxes littered the floor.

Alayna looked in horror at it, Evan simply went over to a box marked '5.56mm x45mm' and started loading rounds into his empty 45 round magazines for his rifle.

After several minutes, a veritable army of zombies had assembled outside the room. Evan strapped a pair of SMGs onto the outside of his upper legs, a new hand bolter was fitted into his holster, and his A-8 was strapped to his pack. In his hands was a large SAW. Several spare ammo boxes were taped to his body. Alayna had an assault rifle in her hands, her own pair of SMGs, and a pistol of her own also.

"It's useless, he's gone, he would have left by now..." Alayna moaned to Evan.

"No, he's here, he had to go to the opposite side of the level above us to use the stairs there, we blew the lift, and the stairs i blew out with my grenades, rubble's blocked it up by now. Besides, he won't leave unless we're dead, he can't risk leaving anyone alive who will know about him and how to stop him" Evan stated.

"That's been bothering me, if your grenades hit him in the chest and did nothing, then how can an exploding reactor killed him if he's far away from it?" Alayna asked.

"Do you know what kind of reactor it is?" Evan asked.

"No... i never really cared, i only worked occasionly in the infirmary, i spent most of my time up on ground level in the barracks with the rest of the infantry..." Alayna said.

"It's a nuclear reactor. An overloaded nuclear reactor causes a nuclear explosion, and only a nuclear explosion has the power to kill him" Evan said as he cocked his SAW and opened the door.

It was not long before more zombies were being ripped to pieces by Alayna's rifle and Evan's SAW. The butchered their way through the horde of zombies when they heard it. Heavy footsteps, and metal scraping against metal, it was 'him'.

They both ran in the direction opposite of the sound, all the while firing and reloading. Pretty soon they found themselves alone in a corridor, 'him' was getting closer.

"He's coming!" Alayna screamed.

Evan grabbed Alayna and turned a corner, there was a lift, it looked like it was heavily armored and would normally be very secure. But the doors were opened, and the slaughtered bodies of 2 dozen soldiers scattered around it. Engraved above the door were the words, "Nuclear bomb shelter".

Evan glanced at a nearby screen, it displayed the time until the reactor went off, 2 minutes 47 seconds. Then 'him' rounded the corner and charged at them.

Evan turned quickly, remembered back to when Krantz knocked 'him' down with the sniper rifle to the head, then he raised his SAW and squeezed the trigger. Nearly 60 rounds tore into the thing's head, sending it spiralling backwards. It was still alive, there was no doubt about that, but it would take at least a few seconds for it to recover and get back up.

"Alayna! activate the lift, hold it open for me! I'll stay here for 30 seconds and keep him down!" Evan screamed as he hastily loaded up his SAW's last ammo box.

'Him' got back up, it started to charge, its arms flew up in front of his face to prevent a repeat assault by Evan. But Evan had a different idea, if 60 rounds to the head would knock it down, then 200 rounds to the chest would do more or less the same thing. He held down the trigger until the gun clicked empty. 'Him' was knocked backwards and onto the ground.

It got back up, Evan dropped the SAW, and grabbed his rifle and ran towards the lift. He spun around and ran backwards, his rifle blazing. He emptied magazine after magazine into 'him' slowing it down.

But not enough, Evan's rifle clicked empty yet again, then the thing lashed out at him with its arm, Evan's rifle moved up into its path, but it was simply batted down. The thing's arm ripped apart Evan's flak vest, tearing the ceramic plates into, and leaving a large gash across Evan's chest, and knocking him down.

Then Alayna came to the rescue, the grenade launched mounted on her rifle fired and the grenade hit 'him' square in the shoulder, sending it spinning back and onto the ground. Evan got up and dashed into the lift, Alayna dropped a grenade just in front of the external control panel, then slammed the internal panel and the doors slid shut.

The lift started down, the grenade went off preventing 'him' from having access to the shelter. Evan looked up at the screen on the inside of the lift, it read 52 seconds until reactor overload. Not enough time for anything to escape outside of the blast radius, but more than enough time for him and Alayna to be safe in the bomb shelter.

The lift stopped and the doors opened up into the bomb shelter. It was big, and well stocked with food, water, blankets, cots, and an ample power supply to ensure fresh oxygen and heating and air conditioning. There was no one in it, the soldiers had been slaughtered before they could activate the lift, and the zombies couldn't operate the panels.

Evan found a chair and sat back in it. Alayna looked over to him and saw the gash across his chest, "Oh my god, it gashed you with its fist?" Alayna asked as she grabbed a nearby medkit and opened it up.

"No, the torn ceramic plate did it, it isn't serious or anything, just near the surface, it isn't really bleeding at all, more like a series of scratches and small cuts" Evan said.

"I'm treating it anyways" Alayna said as she poured a bottle of iodine over it.

Evan grimaced then looked over at a screen on the wall, it read 9 seconds. "Looks like we'll have won in a few seconds" Evan smiled.
16-11-2003, 03:17
An explosion went off and for a good 5 mins they were deaf....but they got thier hearing back and it was all quiet. Alayna walked voer to the door and looked at side the shelter, they were in a giant crater...nothing survived....not far form them laid the char botty of "him" it did not move...and most of its pieces were missing it was dead and thier time to rejoice was now. The fog was seemed to of died off when "he" died to. Alayna went to turn around when she shrieked in horror.

In the distance a figure was moving and due to the no-fog she could make out excaclt who it was kurt......he was alive.....but the final and unanswerd question

The Canadian Tundra
16-11-2003, 03:39
Alayna took several steps back and moved to pick up her rifle. Evan grabbed her hand and looked up at her. "Don't bother, he isn't after us, and if a nuclear explosion didn't kill him, i don't think anything will" Evan said as he held Alayna's hand and they walked over to the doors, he pressed the control panel and it opened.

Kurt came up to them. "Ok Kurt, now it's time to cut the bullshit, who, or more specifically, what, the hell are you? And how in the name of God did you survive THAT?" Evan asked.
16-11-2003, 03:59
He looked at them and smiled, the windstarted to blow, and the fog came back once more. He looked them both over and then spoke.

Kurt: its all done....the experiments...the town...the creatures.....and my brother.....I must thank you....for I knew one day Id have to return and destroy him did it for thare is but only one of us...thare is no better or worse only me....

He smilled one more time and walked off into the fog past the chared body of "Him" who was now identidfied
The Canadian Tundra
16-11-2003, 04:08
OOC: i enjoyed this so much, i'm going to eventually get around to writing a story about it. Oh, and thank you for making such a fun RP, even though its used up the majority of my day lol


The small, 2 door coupe raced along the remote country road as it made its way up towards one of the mansion areas of Stromata where the rich made their homes. The car's destination was Alayna's parents mansion, where Alayna's father, a wealthy businessman controlled his company and resided.

Evan, who was dressed up in his standard arctic fatigues, was driving. Alayna reached over to the car's CD player, and stopped it, she took the CD out and put in one of her own.

"Hey, stop touching my CD player!" Evan chuckled as he tried to put his own CD back in.

"I would, but you have no taste in music...linkin park, who honestly listens to that?!" Alayna exclaimed.

"I do for one, the president of my country for another, and besides, it sure beats the hell out of jennifer lopez" Evan chuckled.

Alayna playfully slapped Evan in the face, but let him put his CD back in the player. It didn't matter much now, they were at her parents' estate.

The car pulled up the long driveway and it came to a stop. A servant came up to it to open the doors, but Evan and Alayna were already stepping out. Alayna's mother and father came down the steps to greet them.

"Oh, Alayna, thank heavens your alright! When we heard about the explosion we were so worried, and then all the army would tell us for 3 months was that you were okay, and would be released once all the debriefings and reports and facts were straightened out. It's good to see that at the very least they gave you a driver, though why he's in those clothes and with that strange patch on his arm i don't understand, afterall, it isn't the Stromatan patch" Alayna's mother rambled on as she ran down the steps leading up in the mansion and gave her daughter a hug.

"Mother, this isn't my driver, he's my..." Alayna paused for a second.

"Your what?" Alayna's father asked.

"Fiancee" Alayna finally said.

"Your...what?!" Alayna's mother exclaimed.

"Well, he's military, so he can't be all that bad... but how could you do something like thise without consulting me?!" Alayna's father said.

"Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm 25 now...i can take care of myself now, and make my own decisions" Alayna stated.

"Yeah, i guess your right. So, you going to explain those patches on your arm, and the fact that your in arctic colours rather then the Stromatan standard?" Alayna's father asked.

"Well, it's because I'm not in the Stromatan military, I'm in the Tundric Defense Forces of the Armed Republic of The Canadian Tundra" Evan stated.

"What?... well you two are going to have a lot of explaining to do, by the way, what's your name son?" Alayna's father asked.

"Evan, lieutenant Evan Hunter" Evan replied.

"How long are you going to be in Stromata for?" Alayna's father asked.

"Well, i was sort of a deserter. After MordinHine, the Stromatan government informed my government of my presence and of what happened. My government was rather pleased with my performance and offered to reinstate me as a lieutenant, i get my own infantry lance and everything. They also gave me a minimum of 3 months here in Stromata, I may be here longer than that if the Stromata government accepts the Tundra's request for an embassy and for a military advisor to be sent to learn from Stromata's military" Evan responded.

"So, you might end up being here for a very long time then?" Alayna's mother asked.

"Yeah, it looks that way" Evan replied.

The Canadian Tundra formally requests an embassy to be setup for relations between our two nations, and for a military advisor to be placed with your military so we can learn from a much larger and more experienced nation.
16-11-2003, 04:15
the request for the two embacies was accepted by the Emperor and the two nations learned much about one another but meanwhile. At Alaynas house the phone rang and her mother answerd it and a voice mysterios to her but knowable to you was herd

Voice: Tell you daughter.....and her boyfriend....thank you for helping me......

Mother: Um ok but who is this?

Voice: dont worry about who I am.....just tell them also......I_AM_WATCHING_YOU

the phone went silent and she hung up and delevierd the message to them.
16-11-2003, 04:18
16-11-2003, 10:34
Noooo.... i missed the end... i was gonna comeback because i had been directly underneath the blast i nthe fall out shelter behind the reactor.