NationStates Jolt Archive

Alty War Escalates--Nasicournia declares war on COW group.

14-11-2003, 03:55
*Several spy planes and stealth recon jets continually patrol the skies around the region of Alcatraz where the nation of Alty currently rests. There are also a few medium-sized naval ships patrolling the coast near the nation of Alty, awaiting further orders from the Commander-In-Chief. The broadcasts in the nation of Alty are suddenly interrupted, and the President of Remlin is seen sitting at his desk in the Presidential Office.*

President: Commonwealth of Alty, you have exactly 13 hours to retreat from this region and never return. We are continuing to monitor your actions. Conflict will commence between us should you choose to ignore these orders. I repeat, Commonwealth of Alty, you have exactly 13 hours to retreat from this region and never return. We are continuing to monitor your actions. Conflict will commence between us should you choose to ignore these orders.

--This is an older post, I just changed the subject line.
*The camera fades out and the broadcasts continue.*
17-11-2003, 20:44
*The Sergeant Major that was put in charge of the trench personnel receives the order from the Brigadier General via walkie-talkie to commence operations.*

Sergeant Major: All infantry to the trenches immediately! The order has been given to prepare for war!

*The enlisted infantry grab their guns and rush into the trenches. They set their guns on top of the barricades in front of the trenches and dig into their positions. Soon after, the Remlian tanks that have been assigned to the initial engagements start up and drive up into a straight line just ten feet in front of and a little to the right of the fortified trenches.*
17-11-2003, 21:09
The commanders of the mighty Alty army survey the scene, seeing the massed armies of remlin and his cronies they order out the big guns.

LT Gen Smith" its time to bring this situation under control"

Capt Jones " i will get the gun ready sir"

The activity levels increase as the soldiers prepare the big gun

LT Gen Smith " Are you ready? , Fire"

The big gun is readied then fired in the direction of remlin and his cronies, whats that written on the side?

"The Ignore Gun"

Well thats the end of that little inconveince!!!! :D
17-11-2003, 21:15
OOC:You choose to ignore a situation that has escalated this far, with at least 6 nations siding against you? Then you have just proven that you are a coward with little to no rping skills.
Pope Hope
18-11-2003, 08:30
OOC: Very bad form, Alty. But why doesn't that surprise me?

22-11-2003, 04:37
i will be sending weapons, but not just from my nation. as we speak, the entire region of trogdordude is sending over a thousand ak-47's, 10 thousand semiauto hand guns of various comanies, and 2 nuclear bombs to the nation of rmlin to be used by their soldiers.

Thank you and good day,
blane J. tallon president of trogdordude
22-11-2003, 04:41
alty I'm going to send 100 guys over with grenades in a rickety old plane so they can commit suicide in your capital :lol: good luck fending them off
22-11-2003, 04:50
IC: Pilot - Runway clear, we're ready for take off
Engine backfires and plane goes up in a huge fireball
OOC: oh darn :cry:
22-11-2003, 04:56
No offense Remlin but you only have 16 posts. I have over 200 and that's still not a lot but I have more expereience than both of you (unless your someones puppet nation). So is Alty invadeing your country? cause if he is where is the post sayin he did?
22-11-2003, 05:04
OOC: ok we're putting another suicide attempt together, this one will consist of a rickety old plane, a wooden plank, a nail, and 2 ex-prisoners. we're going to get 2 people taht have no idea how to fly a plane and fly it over an un suspecting citizen, one will abandon flying the plane, drive the nail into the plank with his big toe, and go jumping out of the plane at the citizen, in that split second he has to hit the citizen before he hits the ground he may hit the citizen, meanwhile the other hobo will fly the plane around in circles hopefully distracting your SAM's or whatever you have, it will continue this till it runs out of fuel

IC: Systems go comrades! Runway clear, get ready for take off
The plane smoothly glided off of the runway and into the air
22-11-2003, 05:23
Camera comes on

"A emergency brodcast has been announced by the president, here he is coming on now."

Camera zooms up to president.

"In light of the recent events we have decided that for the best of both nations we will support Toktun's Edem's attack by sending in a supporting force of 2 Piper Cubs. They will be armed with slingshots with which they will destroy windows, hit innocent pedestrians, shoot down the enemy's biplanes, and distract their SAM's in a valient effort to buy Toktun Edem's paratooper assault time to complete their valient effort."

Camera goes back to reporter

"It is know that the president is sending ex-prisoners too to create a bondship between the other assault force. They will go with a full gas tank and will fight till they run out of fuel."

Reporter continues

"This is BBC signing off, good night."

Commercials come on.
22-11-2003, 16:21
No offense Remlin but you only have 16 posts. I have over 200 and that's still not a lot but I have more expereience than both of you (unless your someones puppet nation). So is Alty invadeing your country? cause if he is where is the post sayin he did?

if he ignores rp we can't do anything about it
22-11-2003, 18:35

I've been on Vacation for less than a Month and the region's at WAR! :shock:

can somebody fill me in please :?
The Order of Reptiles
22-11-2003, 18:40
...No Comment. Well...yes, I do have a comment: This is sad...just sad.
22-11-2003, 18:52
Juress sends the following to aid Pope Hope.

8,000 SAS Troops
10 Carriers
15 Dunfur Cruisers
30 Imagorna Destroyers
40 Su-34s
20 duwnindadompz Subterranial Tanks
40,000 General Infantry
22-11-2003, 23:35
I have allies in Alcatraz, if they are bought into this war so will we
22-11-2003, 23:57
So are you people future, present, medevil, or barbaric tech?
23-11-2003, 00:13
Does Nasicournia request ADN help, or perhaps ZyzoxII help alone?
23-11-2003, 00:26
Does Nasicournia request ADN help, or perhaps ZyzoxII help alone?

OOC:The person's ignoring so it doesn't really matter now