NationStates Jolt Archive

Rising Again (open RPG)

Az el
13-11-2003, 01:07
This is a thread about my country, Az el SSR. However, anyone can contribute (and I heartily encourage it if you will stick to my storyline).

The Sea of Azov is home to Russia's only southern warm water port, Kerch. At the fall of the USSR some 13 years ago, supporters of the "old way of doing things" quietly moved to a small ostrog located on the small sea's north western shore, in Ukraine.
This small body was not comprised of the topmost KGB intelligensia, but rather, the hidden members, those that the world had never glanced in the newspaper's print. These shadow men had been the real source of, let's say inspiration, behind Kruschev's infamous "shoe" speech.
Officially, these members were not given a name at all, no government papers, no triplicate, ID, only "Comrade ---". Within this collective, the men referred to each other using famouse Russian Soviets, and even other non-Russian Communist leader's names, as the group silently grew.
The ostrog was now the unofficial "Kremlin" of this small body. The governing body consisted of 39 men, who had no nation to govern, only the 6 million loyalists within Mother Russia.
Putin had been a deft move. Although they only had 6 million adherants, a large-sounding number, but actually rather small, considering that their target, Russia, had 145 million citizens. But that made their election of Putin all the more deft. It had been hard. A quiet assassination here, a "bad" vodka there, a freak accident. Slowly, the powers that be had been intimidated sufficiently, and Putin won.
He was an old friend of this ostrog, a listening ear in Muscovy.
And suddenly, the tides began to flow the Bolshevik red once again...
Putin had consolidated the 25 internal republics and umpteen other internal "things" into seven governing realms. Putin really was brillint, you did have to hand it to him.
And the greatest victory of all: 10,000 new members to that great and glorious party of the Red! Praise be to Lenin! The tides were turning.
And so, on that fateful day, the governing body code named Az(ov) el(ectorate) began its second phase: making sure the tide kept coming...
Az el
19-11-2003, 21:44
"click, click, click..." the sharp steps of black leather boots sounded on the marble floor. "Comrade!" a clean -shaven man dressed in KGB regalia snapped to attention.
"Report!" snapped a man who was obviously a high-ranking officer.
Both wore the regulation steel-grey uniformes with deep red accent pips. They had officers hats emblazoned with the brass relief of the KGB sword insignia.
However, there was something...more. Yes they were definitely in the element of high-tech. They had ear bugs and an air about them.
The junior officer punched a slotted button on something he had on his wrist, hidden beneath the cuff. A white wall nearby flickered quickly to life, showing a high-definition map.
Electronic green Cyrrilic letters were beeping on points.
"The information you requested, sir."
"Tell them to start the countdown unto two seconds before the end of his address. Sync it with this information, commrad!"
"May Lenin's name live forever!"
19-11-2003, 21:51
In another wing of the building, where a large banquet was being held, was Russia's current leader. Underneath one of the tables, a little device started blinking with a red light on it.

"This is the new age, Russia has moved out of the shadow of communism and has been changed for the better." exclaimed the president. All the people present began to clap happily, except for a man in the back of the room by a door.

Vlad whispered into his earpiece, "If this doesnt work, you know what will have to be done, right?"

Sergey responded, "Yes, of course I do. You will have to kill the president yourself."
Az el
19-11-2003, 21:53
Around the world, viewers were tunining in to the CNN Nightly, the BBC, and their other affliates. Tonight was Putin's address. The screen showed a slightly strained Putin, who was acting rather excited about something. His Russian started, then the translater: "People of our Motherland..." He started by giving the wonderful history, if somewhat abridged, of the Russians. Then he said, "And tonight, tonight is history! For tonight we come to announce a resolution!" He paused, his hands sliding along the wooden podium. "Tonight, we become one, we become great, we become true Russians once again." His eyes scanned the audience in earnest, alighting on a pitiful-looking mother. "Mother, no longer will you hunger. Young people, you will excel in all education that you desire; men, workers, you will all have jobs. For tonight I am here to announce that the Party of Lenin has gained the majority once again!" Cheers, the crowd went insane. A band started playing. "And...I will be your comrad to lead you to this wonderful existence!" More cheers...the broadcast cut to commentary.

Through the night, rockets shot toward their targets unnoticed...
19-11-2003, 22:11
Putin was nervous, he feared something was going to happen here to tonight besides his speech. He adjusted his tie, and began to speak fluent Russian once again, facing the crowd before him.

......In a van outside the building where Putin was giving his speech......

"What are you waiting for? Activate the explosive!" Valery demanded.

"I'm trying," Sergey said smacking the control roughly. "It isnt responding, I dont know what's wrong!"

Back inside, Vlad taps his earpiece to recieve an incoming message. "Vlad! Vlad! Can you hear me? Plan A has failed, repeat, plan A has failed. Go to plan B now!" Valery practically screamed.

"Affirmative, I will do it for the glory of Mother Russia," Vlad said. "Для Матери Россия и Ленина!" or, translated in english, "For Mother Russia and Lenin!"

He lurched out of his position by the door, pushing and shoving through the crowd, forcing people to scatter. He ran up, jumped through the air at Putin, his knife poised to go into Putin's heart....

Meanwhile, the camera man caught all this on TV.
Az el
19-11-2003, 22:17
Awesome, Swirrhirr, I like it!
Machek Ivanova glanced up at the terminal. The light winked blue, and he touched the message button. He heard the voice: "Exiecute Stalin ZT4!"
Machek rammed the "All hands on deck" switch. The claxon rang. He heard his voice crack over the intercom: "Stalin ZT4, execute!" Then all went silent. The propellers, whose plans had been eased off of Clinton from the US for some easily donated campaign cash, whirred silently. The fleet was like a hardened wolfpack, lean, voracious for a slaughter of unsuspecting lambs. Machek smiled.

NATO Missile Defense Station 4Ma, Aleutian Island chain, 2010 hours, 13 seconds.
Bill Peck looked at the monitor. The two dots suprised him so much that he swallowed the gulp of coffee. "Hey Greg, check this out!" Greg looked up placidly, leaned over to glance at the dark green screen.
"Oh, you freakin' Cold War Vet, those are just test rockets launched from Kzakhstan--been on the NASA booklists for monthes now. Forget it."
"OK, if you say."
Just then the power winked off.
A satellite streaming video of the Berring Sea captured the nighttime image of various lights in the Aleutian string suddenly shutting off.
Then the video stopped as the first rocket rammed into it and detonated itself silently in the vaccuum of space.
Az el
19-11-2003, 22:17
Awesome, Swirrhirr, I like it!
Machek Ivanova glanced up at the terminal. The light winked blue, and he touched the message button. He heard the voice: "Exiecute Stalin ZT4!"
Machek rammed the "All hands on deck" switch. The claxon rang. He heard his voice crack over the intercom: "Stalin ZT4, execute!" Then all went silent. The propellers, whose plans had been eased off of Clinton from the US for some easily donated campaign cash, whirred silently. The fleet was like a hardened wolfpack, lean, voracious for a slaughter of unsuspecting lambs. Machek smiled.

NATO Missile Defense Station 4Ma, Aleutian Island chain, 2010 hours, 13 seconds.
Bill Peck looked at the monitor. The two dots suprised him so much that he swallowed the gulp of coffee. "Hey Greg, check this out!" Greg looked up placidly, leaned over to glance at the dark green screen.
"Oh, you freakin' Cold War Vet, those are just test rockets launched from Kazakhstan--been on the NASA booklists for months now. Forget it."
"OK, if you say."
Just then the power winked off.
A satellite streaming video of the Berring Sea captured the nighttime image of various lights in the Aleutian string suddenly shutting off.
Then the video stopped as the first rocket rammed into it and detonated itself silently in the vaccuum of space.