NationStates Jolt Archive

Agrat Declares its Independence

12-11-2003, 06:25
-AP News Wire-

---------------Nov 11th 2003----------------
Following intense pressure from opposition parties, military defections, and increasingly aggressive PLA (People's Liberation Army) movments. self-appointed Argrat president Stojov Hosk has resigned after offically dissolving the nation's government. Katja party leader Silas Vash has assumed leadership of Agrat until a new governing body and constitution is drawn up.

The Katja party has indicated that a representative democracy will be implemented in the forthcomming months, with elections to come as soon as possible. In the meantime a temporary governing body has assumed the day to day operations of the country. Katja officials are confident that all of the island states will remain under the Argrat flag and have indicated that a several long disputed territories will request annexation once the new government is recongnized by surrounding counties and/or the UN.

Vash has has petitioned the UN and asked surrounding nations in the South Pacific to provide security while the new government stabilizes.

OOC First time doin RP... so forgive my n00bness...
Aztec National League
12-11-2003, 06:41
The United Socialist States of The Aztec National League welcome your nation to NationStates. We too are a relativly new nation (in RL, 1 1/2 months old). May peace and prosperity be cast upon your nation.

-High Chief Quetzalcoatl

(OOC: Do not feel worried about being a nOOb, you haven't presented your self as being one. Just do not Godmod or agrivate anyone else (by using child labor, slavery or making fun of any other nation, IC or OOC) and you'll be just fine. Infact, if I were you, I would try to begin to form relationships (trade or diplomatic, not military yet) with as many nations as you can)
12-11-2003, 06:45
The Peoples Republic of Sethesh also gives its best wishes, we extend our hand in friendship and wish you good luck and Prosperity for your nation

Chairman Xander Filnan
12-11-2003, 18:01
The People's Republic of Spyr welcomes Agrat's new administration, and its people, to the international community. As a penninsular nation within the north pacific, we are only a moderate distance from your nation, and thus look forward to the possible opening of trade and diplomatic ties between our two nations.

Cecil Wang
Minister of Diplomacy
People's Republic of Spyr (
12-11-2003, 18:19
Poingly, in its tradtionally odd fashion of presenting strange gifts to countrys for weird reasons, sends a care package of homemade brownies, a Halmark Card, and some fun party favors in celebration!