Children of the Flag
12-11-2003, 01:12
(Mostly why I'm doing this is so I can have this for RP or such in the future.)
The Children of the Flag are an elite strike force employed by Athamasha. They can take out any target, no matter how large or small, anywhere in the world at any time. Through coordination with the extensive ICBM system of Athamasha, they can call down nuclear strikes. Their members are elected from birth by a genetic study of all foeti in the Community. By the time they are seventeen years old, they can take out nearly any person in one-to-one combat, armed or not. CotF are not allowed to hold political office or own property, their lives are given over to the Community. They are our first line of defense and offense and while their numbers may be few their danger is extreme.
Liberi Vexilli.
Power, Fealty, Community
12-11-2003, 01:17
OOC: Reminds me of the Ender's Game series, not to mention the anime movie AKIRA, both which involve children under military experimentation...
12-11-2003, 01:25
OOC: Well, sort of... although unlike Ender's Game they enter active duty when they're twenty-two and are used in personal, surgical manoeuvres instead of commanding troops.
12-11-2003, 01:36
Ah, therein lies the difference. Still, it's kinda cool, though some nations might object at the use of children for military purposes, but we don't, as some of our ally, Konoha's ninjas are 10 and already they can kick serious butt. Our own Jedi students can kick butt too, and thus the reason why crime is low in our nations.
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-11-2003, 01:47
Ah, therein lies the difference. Still, it's kinda cool, though some nations might object at the use of children for military purposes, but we don't, as some of our ally, Konoha's ninjas are 10 and already they can kick serious butt. Our own Jedi students can kick butt too, and thus the reason why crime is low in our nations.
I have a problem with children in the military. LRR children, the very few there are (Most LRR citizens are immigrants and have very long lifespans) are nurtured from birth in the most caring manner. Everyone gets a free education, and free college tuition so long as they pass an entrance exam, which they have unlimited tries for. But there's also the fact that a lot of LRR children are with their parents in the shipping industry. Those are some reasons that crime is low. Another is the fact that rock music (Old stuff, like CSNY and David Bowe) is very popular and everyone starts their own band. But military education for children is just wrong. It is like making killer robots, not exposing them to anything beyond killing. It is just not a good strategy.
12-11-2003, 01:56
All regular children get free education and health care. It's just those most genetically fit get this special education and health care.
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-11-2003, 01:58
All regular children get free education and health care. It's just those most genetically fit get this special education and health care.
Well, yeah, but you are kind of curtailing their free will. For example, there are plenty of the few LRR children who are genetically fit for a life like that. Most grow up to where the most combat they see is the battle of the bands at the local high school.
12-11-2003, 02:16
We're not a free-will kinda place. A free kinda place, but not a free-will kinda place.
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-11-2003, 02:21
We're not a free-will kinda place. A free kinda place, but not a free-will kinda place.
That makes little sense. Free will=Free
Freedom of conscience is the first step to physical freedom.
12-11-2003, 02:33
"Free Will" is the power to mold your own life according to the way you choose, nearly completely indepedantly of outside factors.
Freedom is the ability to say, print, watch, own, etc without the government putting you in jail.
Lord Edward
12-11-2003, 02:37
OOC: Cough he read the Halo books too cough...
IC: I was thinking of starting up the same thing. That way military would cost much less... Right now the High Dominion Guard invites people at fairly young ages to join and start in the program, but it isn't forced.
Lord Edward
12-11-2003, 02:37
OOC: Cough he read the Halo books too cough...
IC: I was thinking of starting up the same thing. That way military would cost much less... Right now the High Dominion Guard invites people at fairly young ages to join and start in the program, but it isn't forced.
12-11-2003, 03:10
Halo books? Erhm... what are you talking about?
Our defense consists of a only a few divisions, the CotF, and an assload of ICBMs. It works, trust me. No one is going to attack someone who can turn your country into glass.
OOC: Reminds me of the Ender's Game series, not to mention the anime movie AKIRA, both which involve children under military experimentation...
OOC:I'm sorry if this is a little off topic, but why the hell did Katsuhiro Otomo
cut so much out of the books in transition to the movie? I do actually know why mainly because most audiences aren't going to be willing to sit through a movie more than 2 or 3 hours long. Oh well. . .
IC:We are with LRR on this. We do not support nor condone the use of children in the military.
Cornelius Ikvanov
Secretary of War
12-11-2003, 03:53
OOC: Never been a big fan of Anime but I've heard that Akira is pretty bad... guess you disagree.
IC: The Office of the Minister of War would like to state that the CotF are not typically deployed until they reach the age of twenty-two or so.
12-11-2003, 04:04
OOC: Well, the graphics are pretty good, but the main complaints are that it's pretty violent, and it's hard to understand (not to me). Personally, the level of violence isn't really much more than you hear on the news, or in a PG-13 movie. There's blood, yes, but most people can take it. Loved how powerful the Akira kid really is. Can create a nuclear bomb effect and a wormhole to another universe. You know that Tetsuo, the kid who goes on a psychic killing spree, destroyed a orbitial laser cannon? That's power! 8)
IC: We have little objection to your policies, but still are concerned that wars might affect the children's minds, if you are invaded.
12-11-2003, 04:07
Wars will affect the minds of any person if their country is invaded.
12-11-2003, 04:09
True. Sad, really, but that's the reality of life...
13-11-2003, 00:00
So, as you can see, the CotF is a perfectly harmless military augmentation program... it frees up money for hospitals and schools and whatnot.
Lunatic Retard Robots
13-11-2003, 00:53
Wars will affect the minds of any person if their country is invaded.
The best defense is to make no enemies.
13-11-2003, 00:56
Wars will affect the minds of any person if their country is invaded.
The best defense is to make no enemies.
A nation will always have enemies, in the form of terrorists, godmodding n00b nations or imperialist nations looking for leibenstraum(sp?) or slaves to use for their own purposes.
13-11-2003, 03:41
Wars will affect the minds of any person if their country is invaded.
The best defense is to make no enemies.
We don't have any enemies. Our isolationist philosophy has worked pretty well so far.
Wars will affect the minds of any person if their country is invaded.
The best defense is to make no enemies.
A nation will always have enemies, in the form of terrorists, godmodding n00b nations or imperialist nations looking for Lebensraum or slaves to use for their own purposes.
OOC:your welcome
IC:Then do not own slaves, try to be as liberal with your policies as you can and be in alliances to ward off the threat of imperialist nations.
13-11-2003, 03:47
Wars will affect the minds of any person if their country is invaded.
The best defense is to make no enemies.
A nation will always have enemies, in the form of terrorists, godmodding n00b nations or imperialist nations looking for Lebensraum or slaves to use for their own purposes.
OOC:your welcome
IC:Then do not own slaves, try to be as liberal with your policies as you can and be in alliances to ward off the threat of imperialist nations.
And have a way to glass any target in the world at any time.
23-11-2003, 18:25
I'm going to use this for RPs soon, so I'm gonna bump this up so it doesn't get deleted.
Lunatic Retard Robots
23-11-2003, 21:58
I have a way to glass any target in the world. Its called Trans-Mars Destroyer/Frigate group 1. Of course, not that I ever would. I use it mainly to defend mars and people and countries living on mars.