11-11-2003, 16:07
WinTrees Country Information
Population: 74,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,500
GDP: $925,000,000,000
National Budget: $183,965,850,000
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 5.37%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 27%
Military Budget: $49,670,779,500
WinTrees Defence Force
Army: 126,000 Personal
Navy: 7,650 Personnal (Sea)
15,000 Personnal (Land)
Air Force: 8,100 Personnal (Air)
13,800 Personnal (Land)
Intelligence Services: 6,000 Personnal (OTBs)
Space Agency 10,800 Personnal
Total: 311,550 Personnal
Queens Infantry Division
- 1st (Royal) Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 1st Infantry Brigade HQ
- 1st Guards Regiment
- 2nd Guards Regiment
- 3rd Guards Regiment
- 5th Signals Regiment
- 2nd (East Buryne) Engineer Regiment
- 1st (Royal) Mobile Artillery
- B Squadron Royal Army Medical
- A Squadron Royal Military Police
- 2nd Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade HQ
- 4th Guards Regiment
- 5th (Hampcourt) Infantry Regiment
- 6th (Petoria) Infantry Regiment
- 7th (Highland) Infantry Regiment
- 9th Queens Own Gurkha Rifles
- 2nd Mobile Artillery
- 1st Signals Regiment
- 1st Guards Engineer Regiment
- A Squadron Royal Army Medical
- C Squadron Royal Military Police
- 3rd Infantry Brigade
- 3rd Infantry Brigade HQ
- 10th (Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 11th (South Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 12th (Central Petoria) Infantry Regiment
- 13th (Central Riing) Infantry Regiment
- 5th Guards Regiment
- 3rd Mobile Artilley
- 14th (South Hampcourt) Infantry Regiment
- 15th (North Hampcourt) Infantry Regiment
- V Squadron Royal Army Medical
- V Squadron Royal Military Police
- 16th Signals Regiment
- 17th Engineer Regiment
- 5th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Infantry Brigade HQ
- 16th (North) Infantry Regiment
- 17th (North) Infantry Regiment
- 18th (North) Infantry Regiment
- 4th Mobile Artilley
- 5th Mobile Aritlley
- 4th Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
- 4th Infantry Brigade HQ
- 60th Gurkha Rifles
- 45th (North Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 97th (South Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 19th (West Petoria) Infantry Regiment
- 10th (Royal Gurkha) Infantry Regiment
- 21st Mobile Artillery
- 3rd Signals Regiment
- 3rd (Buryne) Engineer Regiment
- C Squadron Royal Army Medical
- B Squadron Royal Military Police
1st Conscript Infantry Division
- 1st Consript Brigade
- 1st Consript Brigade HQ
- 1st Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 4th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 5th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 6th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 7th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 8th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 9th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 10th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 1st Conscript Medical Regiment
- 1st Conscript Engineer Regiment
- 1st Conscript Signals Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Military Police
- 3rd Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 4th Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 2nd Consript Brigade
- 2nd Consript Brigade HQ
- 11th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 12th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 13th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 14th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 15th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 16th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 17th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 18th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 19th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 20th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Medical Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Engineer Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Signals Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Military Police
- 1st Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 3rd Consript Brigade
- 3rd Consript Brigade HQ
- 21st Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 22nd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 23rd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 24th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 25th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 26th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 27th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 28th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 29th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 30th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Medical Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Engineer Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Signals Regiment
- 4th Conscript Military Police
- 3rd Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 4th Conscript Logistics Regiment
1st Airborne Division
- 15th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 15th Parachute Infantry Brigade HQ
- 1st Parachute Regiment
- 2nd Parachute Regiment
- 3rd Parachute Regiment
- 4th Gurkha Parachute Regiment
- D Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- D Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- 8th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
- 10th (Airborne) Signals Regiment
- 17th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 17th Parachute Ifantry Brigade HQ
- 5th Parachute Regiment
- 6th Parachute Regiment
- 7th Parachute Regiment
- 8th Parachute Regiment
- J Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- J Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- 12th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
- 15th (Airborne) Signals Regiment
- 18th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 18th Parachute Ifantry Brigade HQ
- 9th Parachute Regiment
- 10th Parachute Regiment
- 11th Parachute Regiment
- 14th Parachute Regiment
- H Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- H Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- 22th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
- 95th (Airborne) Signals Regiment
- 16th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
- 16th Parachute Infantry Brigade HQ
- 41st Parachute Regiment
- 22nd Parachute Regiment
- 12th Parachute Regiment
- 14th Parachute Regiment
- E Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- G Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- C Squadron (Airborne) 10th Signals
3rd Armoured Division
- 5th (Royal) Armoured Brigade (Regular)
- 5th Armoured Brigade HQ
- 1st Battalion, Kings Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 1st Battalion, Queens Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 3rd Battalion, Kings Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 3rd Battalion, Queens Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 1st Armoured Reconnaissance battalion (FT-4)
- 5th (Mechanised) Engineer Regiment
- 9th (Mechanised) Signals Regiment
- E Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Military Police
- F Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Army Medical
- 7th Armoured Brigade
- 6th Armoured Brigade HQ
- 1st Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 3rd Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 4th Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 2nd Armoured Reconnaissance battalion (FT-4)
- 15th (Mechanised) Engineer Regiment
- 19th (Mechanised) Signals Regiment
- K Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Military Police
- K Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Army Medical
- 6th Armoured Brigade (Territorial)
- 6th Armoured Brigade HQ
- 2nd Battalion, Kings Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, Queens Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 3rd Armoured Reconnaissance battalion (FT-4)
- T Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Military Police
- M Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Army Medical
- B Squadron 9th (Mechanised) Signals Regiment
- B Squadron 5th (Mechanised) Engineer Regiment
5th Special Operations Division
- 10th Special Operations Brigade (Regular)
- 10th Special Operations Brigade HQ
- 1st Special Air Service
- 2nd Special boat Service
- 3rd Gurkha (Airborne) Ranger Regiment
- 4th Special Operations Regiment
- 5th Special Operations Regiment
- 6th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 1st Special Operations Signals Regiment
- 1st Special Operations Engineer Regiment
- Z Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Military Police
- Z Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Army Medical
- 1st Royal Army Air Regiment
- 11th Special Operations Brigade
- 11th Special Operations Brigade HQ
- 3rd Special Air Service
- 4th Special Boat Service
- 7th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 8th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 9th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 6th Special Operations Regiment
- 7th Special Operations Regiment
- 9th Special Operations Regiment
- V Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Military Police
- V Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Army Medical
- 2nd Special Operations Signals Regiment
- 2nd Special Operations Signals Regiment
- 20th Special Operations Brigade (Territorial)
- 20th Special Operations Brigade HQ
- 8th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 9th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 10th (special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 11th Special Air Service Reserves
- 12th Special Boat Service Reserves
101st Logistics Brigade
- 101st Logistics Brigade HQ
- 9th (West Hampcourt) Logistics Regiment
- 10th (East Hampcourt) Logistics Regiment
- 11th (North Widdley) Logistics Regiment
- 122nd (Airborne) Logistics Regiment
- 123rd (Airborne) Logistics Regiment
- 124th (Airborne) Logistics Regiment
- 125th Logistics Regiment
- 126th Logistics Regiment
- 127th Logistics Regiment
- 128th Logistics Regiment
6th Royal Army Medical Brigade
- 6th Royal Army Medical Brigade HQ
- 2nd Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 3rd Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 4th Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 5th (Chemical) Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 6th (Bio Toxins) Royal Army Medical Regiment
1st (North) Fleet
- H.M.S Hampcourt (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Stead (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S King John (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Frogger (Type 231 Battleship)
- H.M.S Widdley (Type 231 BattleshiP)
- H.M.S Buryne (Type 231 BattleShip)
- H.M.S Sabre (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Scimitar (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Broadsword (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S News (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Stick (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Pilot (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Watchkeeper (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Blazer (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Brawl (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
- H.M.S Brown (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Brick (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Flame (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Fire (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Flick (Type 232 Destoryer)
2nd (South) Fleet
- H.M.S Echo (Type 233 Battleship)
- H.M.S Grind (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Miles (Tpye 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Buck (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Castle (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Mine (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Castic (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Williams (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Panther (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.s Warlord (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Bright (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Stream (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Doorn (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Night (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Drain (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Wolf (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
- H.M.S Alpha (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
3rd (East) Fleet
- H.M.S Learned (Type 235 Trainer)
- H.M.S Known (Type 235 Trainer)
4th (West) Fleet
- H.M.S Watchful (Type 236 Fast Patrol Boat)
- H.M.S Eagle (Type 236 Fast Patrol Boat)
- H.M.S Swallow (Type 236 Fast Patrol Boat)
- H.M.S Spacer (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Duty (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Honor (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Silence (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Dread (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Dark (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Naught (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Powerful (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
- H.M.S Fist (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
5th (Reserves) Fleet
- Made up of the WinTrees Merchant
Fleet in time of war.
6th (Special Operations) Marine Division
- 6th (special Operations) Division HQ
- 1st Marine Ranger Regiment
- 2nd Marine Ranger Regiment
- 2nd Special Operations Regiment
- 3rd Special Operations Regiment
7th (Marines) Marine Division
- 7th (Marine) Division HQ
- 1st Marine Brigade
- 1st Marine Brigade HQ
- 1st Marine Regiment
- 2nd Marine Regiment
- 3rd Marine Regiment
- 4th Marine Regiment
- 5th Marine Regiment
- 6th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 7th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 13th Marine Logistics Regiment
- 1st (Naval) Support Group
- 1st Special Operations Boat Squadron
- 2nd Marine Brigade
- 2nd Marine Brigade HQ
- 10th Marine Regiment
- 11th Marine Regiment
- 12th Marine Regiment
- 15th Marine Regiment
- 16th Marine Regiment
- 8th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 9th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 14th Marine Logistics Regiment
- 2nd (Naval) Support Group
- 2nd Special Operations Boat Squadron
Air Force
1st (Fighter) Air Command
- 1st (Fighter) Command HQ
- 1st Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 2nd Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 3rd Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 5th Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 6th Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 13th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 14th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 15th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 16th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 17th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 7th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 8th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 9th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 18th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 19th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 20th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 10th (Special Operations) Fighter Squadron
- 11th (Air Controller) Squadron (Sentrys)
- 12th (Air Controller) Squadron (Sentrys)
2nd (Bomber) Air Command
- 2nd (Bomber) Command HQ
- 1st Bomber Squadron (B52)
- 2nd Bomber Squadron (B52)
3rd (Transport) Air Command
- 3rd (Transport) Command HQ
- 1st Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 2nd Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 6th Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 7th Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 8th Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 3rd Transport Squadron (Hercules C-5)
- 4th Transport Squadron (Hercules C-5)
- 5th Transport Squadron (Hercules C-5)
4th (Helicopter) Air Command
- 4th (Helicopter) Command HQ
- 1st Helicopter squadron (Lynx)
- 2nd Helicopter squadron (Lynx)
- 3rd Helicopter squadron (Lynx)
- 4th (Reconnaissance) Helicopter squadron (Gazelle)
- 5th (Reconnaissance) Helicopter squadron (Gazelle)
- 6th (Attack) Helicopter Squadron (Apache)
- 7th (Attack) Helicopter Squadron (Apache)
- 8th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 9th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 10th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 11th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 18th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 19th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 20th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 12th (Special Operations) Helicopter Squadron
- 13th (special Operations) Helicopter Squadron
- 14th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
- 15th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
- 16th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
- 17th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
5th (Land) Air Command
- 5th (Land) Command HQ
- 1st Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 2nd Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 3rd Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 4th Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 1st Air Force Military Police Regiment
- 1st Air Force Signals Regiment
- 1st Air Force Controllers Regiment
- 2nd Air Force Controllers Regiment
- 1st Air Force Engineers Regiment
- 2nd Air Force Enginners Regiment
- 1st Air Medical Regiment
- 1st Air (Airborne) Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Air (Airborne) Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Air Infantry Regiment
- 4th Air Infantry Regiment
6th (Special Operations) Air Command
- 6th (Special Operations) Command
- 1st Special Operations Regiment
- 1st Gurkha Fliers Regiment
- 2nd (Special operations) Air Medical Regiment
- 1st (Reconnaissance) Squadron (E-3 Spy Planes)
- 2nd (Reconnaissance) Squadron (E-3 Spy Planes)
- 3rd (Reconnaissance) Squadron (E-3 Spy Planes)
Intelligence Services
- Military Intelligence Internal (MII)
- Military Intelligence Internal HQ
- 6th Special Operations Regiment
- 7th Special Operations Regiment
- 1st (HQ) Intelligence Regiment
- 2nd (North) Intelligence Regiment
- 3rd (South) Intelligence Regiment
- 1st Intelligence Police Regiment
- 2nd Intelligence Police Regiment
- 3rd Intelligence Police Regiment
- Military Intelligence External (MIE)
- Military Intelligence External HQ
- 9th Special Operations Regiment
- 10th Special Operations Regiment
- 11th Special Operations Regiment
- 4th (HQ) Intelligence Regiment
- 5th (Field) Intelligence Regiment
- 6th (Field) Intelligence Regiment
- 1st Civil Reconnaissance Group
- 2nd Civil Reconnaissance Group
- Phoenix Group
- Phoenix Group HQ
- A Squadron
- B Squadron
- C Squadron
- D Squadron
Space Agency
- Wintrees StarStream Project
- 1st (StarStream) Research and Development Group
- 2nd (New tech) Research and Development Group
- 1st (Space) Marines Regiment
- H.M.S StarStream
- Atmosphere Skimming Craft Project
- 3rd (Atmosphere tech) Research and Development Group
- 1st (Space) Drop Marines Regiment (D-21 Drop Pods)
- 1st (Space) Transport Squadron (D-30)
- Wintrees Mech Project
- 4th (Mech) Research and Development Group
- 2nd (Space) Marines Regiment (A-1 Mechs)
- Wintrees Shuttle Project
- 5th (Shuttle) research and Development Group
- 2nd (Space) transport Squadron (D-10 Shuttle)
- Wintrees Fighter Project
- 6th (Fighter) Research and Development Group
- 3rd (Space) Fighter squadron (D-40)
- Chemical Weapons Project
- 7th (Chemical) Research and Development Group
- Space Station Project
- 8th (Space) Research and Development Group
- 9th (Space) Research and Development Group
- 3rd (Space) Marines Regiment
- 4th (space) Marines Regiment
- Use of EVE OF DOOM space station.
- H.M.S Victory space station construction project
- 10 TMX shuttles
- 4 D-10 Shuttles
Military Bases (Not all Declared)
Hampcourt Barracks
- 3rd Infantry Brigade
- 5th Infantry Brigade
- 4th Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
- Military Intelligence External (MIE)
Hampcourt Air Base
- 1st (Fighter) Air Command
- 2nd (Bomber) Air Command
- 3rd (Transport) Air Command
- 5th (Land) Command
- 6th (Special Operations) Air Command
Guards Barracks
- 1st (Royal) Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 5th (Royal) Armoured Brigade (Regular)
- Military Intelligence Internal (MII)
Riding Barracks
- 7th Armoured Brigade
- 6th Armoured Brigade (Territorial)
Petoria Naval Base
- 7th (Marines) Marine Division
- 6th (Special Operations) Marine Division
Widdley Barracks
- 101st Logistics Brigade
- 6th Royal Army Medical Brigade
Buryne Barracks
- 17th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 18th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 10th Special Operations Brigade (Regular)
- 11th Special Operations Brigade
- 20th Special Operations Brigade (Territorial)
- Phoenix Group
Buryne Air Base
- 4th (Helicopter) Air Command
Hedge Barracks
- 15th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 16th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
New Nepal
New Nepal Barracks
- 1st Consript Brigade
- 2nd Consript Brigade
- 3rd Consript Brigade
Population: 74,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,500
GDP: $925,000,000,000
National Budget: $183,965,850,000
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 5.37%
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 27%
Military Budget: $49,670,779,500
WinTrees Defence Force
Army: 126,000 Personal
Navy: 7,650 Personnal (Sea)
15,000 Personnal (Land)
Air Force: 8,100 Personnal (Air)
13,800 Personnal (Land)
Intelligence Services: 6,000 Personnal (OTBs)
Space Agency 10,800 Personnal
Total: 311,550 Personnal
Queens Infantry Division
- 1st (Royal) Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 1st Infantry Brigade HQ
- 1st Guards Regiment
- 2nd Guards Regiment
- 3rd Guards Regiment
- 5th Signals Regiment
- 2nd (East Buryne) Engineer Regiment
- 1st (Royal) Mobile Artillery
- B Squadron Royal Army Medical
- A Squadron Royal Military Police
- 2nd Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade HQ
- 4th Guards Regiment
- 5th (Hampcourt) Infantry Regiment
- 6th (Petoria) Infantry Regiment
- 7th (Highland) Infantry Regiment
- 9th Queens Own Gurkha Rifles
- 2nd Mobile Artillery
- 1st Signals Regiment
- 1st Guards Engineer Regiment
- A Squadron Royal Army Medical
- C Squadron Royal Military Police
- 3rd Infantry Brigade
- 3rd Infantry Brigade HQ
- 10th (Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 11th (South Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 12th (Central Petoria) Infantry Regiment
- 13th (Central Riing) Infantry Regiment
- 5th Guards Regiment
- 3rd Mobile Artilley
- 14th (South Hampcourt) Infantry Regiment
- 15th (North Hampcourt) Infantry Regiment
- V Squadron Royal Army Medical
- V Squadron Royal Military Police
- 16th Signals Regiment
- 17th Engineer Regiment
- 5th Infantry Brigade
- 5th Infantry Brigade HQ
- 16th (North) Infantry Regiment
- 17th (North) Infantry Regiment
- 18th (North) Infantry Regiment
- 4th Mobile Artilley
- 5th Mobile Aritlley
- 4th Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
- 4th Infantry Brigade HQ
- 60th Gurkha Rifles
- 45th (North Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 97th (South Riding) Infantry Regiment
- 19th (West Petoria) Infantry Regiment
- 10th (Royal Gurkha) Infantry Regiment
- 21st Mobile Artillery
- 3rd Signals Regiment
- 3rd (Buryne) Engineer Regiment
- C Squadron Royal Army Medical
- B Squadron Royal Military Police
1st Conscript Infantry Division
- 1st Consript Brigade
- 1st Consript Brigade HQ
- 1st Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 4th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 5th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 6th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 7th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 8th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 9th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 10th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 1st Conscript Medical Regiment
- 1st Conscript Engineer Regiment
- 1st Conscript Signals Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Military Police
- 3rd Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 4th Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 2nd Consript Brigade
- 2nd Consript Brigade HQ
- 11th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 12th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 13th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 14th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 15th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 16th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 17th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 18th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 19th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 20th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Medical Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Engineer Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Signals Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Military Police
- 1st Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 2nd Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 3rd Consript Brigade
- 3rd Consript Brigade HQ
- 21st Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 22nd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 23rd Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 24th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 25th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 26th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 27th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 28th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 29th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 30th Conscript Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Medical Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Engineer Regiment
- 3rd Conscript Signals Regiment
- 4th Conscript Military Police
- 3rd Conscript Logistics Regiment
- 4th Conscript Logistics Regiment
1st Airborne Division
- 15th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 15th Parachute Infantry Brigade HQ
- 1st Parachute Regiment
- 2nd Parachute Regiment
- 3rd Parachute Regiment
- 4th Gurkha Parachute Regiment
- D Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- D Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- 8th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
- 10th (Airborne) Signals Regiment
- 17th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 17th Parachute Ifantry Brigade HQ
- 5th Parachute Regiment
- 6th Parachute Regiment
- 7th Parachute Regiment
- 8th Parachute Regiment
- J Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- J Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- 12th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
- 15th (Airborne) Signals Regiment
- 18th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 18th Parachute Ifantry Brigade HQ
- 9th Parachute Regiment
- 10th Parachute Regiment
- 11th Parachute Regiment
- 14th Parachute Regiment
- H Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- H Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- 22th (Airborne) Engineer Regiment
- 95th (Airborne) Signals Regiment
- 16th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
- 16th Parachute Infantry Brigade HQ
- 41st Parachute Regiment
- 22nd Parachute Regiment
- 12th Parachute Regiment
- 14th Parachute Regiment
- E Squadron (Airborne) Royal Army Medical
- G Squadron (Airborne) Royal Military Police
- C Squadron (Airborne) 10th Signals
3rd Armoured Division
- 5th (Royal) Armoured Brigade (Regular)
- 5th Armoured Brigade HQ
- 1st Battalion, Kings Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 1st Battalion, Queens Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 3rd Battalion, Kings Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 3rd Battalion, Queens Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 1st Armoured Reconnaissance battalion (FT-4)
- 5th (Mechanised) Engineer Regiment
- 9th (Mechanised) Signals Regiment
- E Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Military Police
- F Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Army Medical
- 7th Armoured Brigade
- 6th Armoured Brigade HQ
- 1st Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 3rd Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 4th Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment
- 2nd Armoured Reconnaissance battalion (FT-4)
- 15th (Mechanised) Engineer Regiment
- 19th (Mechanised) Signals Regiment
- K Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Military Police
- K Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Army Medical
- 6th Armoured Brigade (Territorial)
- 6th Armoured Brigade HQ
- 2nd Battalion, Kings Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 2nd Battalion, Queens Hussars Armoured Regiment
- 3rd Armoured Reconnaissance battalion (FT-4)
- T Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Military Police
- M Squadron (Mechanised) Royal Army Medical
- B Squadron 9th (Mechanised) Signals Regiment
- B Squadron 5th (Mechanised) Engineer Regiment
5th Special Operations Division
- 10th Special Operations Brigade (Regular)
- 10th Special Operations Brigade HQ
- 1st Special Air Service
- 2nd Special boat Service
- 3rd Gurkha (Airborne) Ranger Regiment
- 4th Special Operations Regiment
- 5th Special Operations Regiment
- 6th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 1st Special Operations Signals Regiment
- 1st Special Operations Engineer Regiment
- Z Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Military Police
- Z Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Army Medical
- 1st Royal Army Air Regiment
- 11th Special Operations Brigade
- 11th Special Operations Brigade HQ
- 3rd Special Air Service
- 4th Special Boat Service
- 7th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 8th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 9th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 6th Special Operations Regiment
- 7th Special Operations Regiment
- 9th Special Operations Regiment
- V Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Military Police
- V Squadron (Special Operations) Royal Army Medical
- 2nd Special Operations Signals Regiment
- 2nd Special Operations Signals Regiment
- 20th Special Operations Brigade (Territorial)
- 20th Special Operations Brigade HQ
- 8th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 9th (Special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 10th (special Operations) Ranger Regiment
- 11th Special Air Service Reserves
- 12th Special Boat Service Reserves
101st Logistics Brigade
- 101st Logistics Brigade HQ
- 9th (West Hampcourt) Logistics Regiment
- 10th (East Hampcourt) Logistics Regiment
- 11th (North Widdley) Logistics Regiment
- 122nd (Airborne) Logistics Regiment
- 123rd (Airborne) Logistics Regiment
- 124th (Airborne) Logistics Regiment
- 125th Logistics Regiment
- 126th Logistics Regiment
- 127th Logistics Regiment
- 128th Logistics Regiment
6th Royal Army Medical Brigade
- 6th Royal Army Medical Brigade HQ
- 2nd Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 3rd Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 4th Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 5th (Chemical) Royal Army Medical Regiment
- 6th (Bio Toxins) Royal Army Medical Regiment
1st (North) Fleet
- H.M.S Hampcourt (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Stead (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S King John (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Frogger (Type 231 Battleship)
- H.M.S Widdley (Type 231 BattleshiP)
- H.M.S Buryne (Type 231 BattleShip)
- H.M.S Sabre (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Scimitar (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Broadsword (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S News (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Stick (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Pilot (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Watchkeeper (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Blazer (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Brawl (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
- H.M.S Brown (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Brick (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Flame (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Fire (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Flick (Type 232 Destoryer)
2nd (South) Fleet
- H.M.S Echo (Type 233 Battleship)
- H.M.S Grind (Type 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Miles (Tpye 234 Aircraft Carrier)
- H.M.S Buck (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Castle (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Mine (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Castic (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Williams (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Panther (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.s Warlord (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Bright (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Stream (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Doorn (Type 232 Destoryer)
- H.M.S Night (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Drain (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Wolf (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
- H.M.S Alpha (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
3rd (East) Fleet
- H.M.S Learned (Type 235 Trainer)
- H.M.S Known (Type 235 Trainer)
4th (West) Fleet
- H.M.S Watchful (Type 236 Fast Patrol Boat)
- H.M.S Eagle (Type 236 Fast Patrol Boat)
- H.M.S Swallow (Type 236 Fast Patrol Boat)
- H.M.S Spacer (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Duty (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Honor (Type 230 Landing Ship)
- H.M.S Silence (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Dread (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Dark (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Naught (Type 222 Hunter Killer Submarine)
- H.M.S Powerful (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
- H.M.S Fist (Type 221 Land Attack Submarine)
5th (Reserves) Fleet
- Made up of the WinTrees Merchant
Fleet in time of war.
6th (Special Operations) Marine Division
- 6th (special Operations) Division HQ
- 1st Marine Ranger Regiment
- 2nd Marine Ranger Regiment
- 2nd Special Operations Regiment
- 3rd Special Operations Regiment
7th (Marines) Marine Division
- 7th (Marine) Division HQ
- 1st Marine Brigade
- 1st Marine Brigade HQ
- 1st Marine Regiment
- 2nd Marine Regiment
- 3rd Marine Regiment
- 4th Marine Regiment
- 5th Marine Regiment
- 6th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 7th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 13th Marine Logistics Regiment
- 1st (Naval) Support Group
- 1st Special Operations Boat Squadron
- 2nd Marine Brigade
- 2nd Marine Brigade HQ
- 10th Marine Regiment
- 11th Marine Regiment
- 12th Marine Regiment
- 15th Marine Regiment
- 16th Marine Regiment
- 8th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 9th Marine Reconnaissance Regiment
- 14th Marine Logistics Regiment
- 2nd (Naval) Support Group
- 2nd Special Operations Boat Squadron
Air Force
1st (Fighter) Air Command
- 1st (Fighter) Command HQ
- 1st Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 2nd Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 3rd Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 5th Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 6th Fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 13th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 14th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 15th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 16th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 17th fighter Squadron (EuroFighters)
- 7th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 8th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 9th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 18th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 19th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 20th (Naval Service) Fighter Squadron (Joint Strike Fighters)
- 10th (Special Operations) Fighter Squadron
- 11th (Air Controller) Squadron (Sentrys)
- 12th (Air Controller) Squadron (Sentrys)
2nd (Bomber) Air Command
- 2nd (Bomber) Command HQ
- 1st Bomber Squadron (B52)
- 2nd Bomber Squadron (B52)
3rd (Transport) Air Command
- 3rd (Transport) Command HQ
- 1st Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 2nd Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 6th Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 7th Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 8th Transport Squadron (Globemaster C-17)
- 3rd Transport Squadron (Hercules C-5)
- 4th Transport Squadron (Hercules C-5)
- 5th Transport Squadron (Hercules C-5)
4th (Helicopter) Air Command
- 4th (Helicopter) Command HQ
- 1st Helicopter squadron (Lynx)
- 2nd Helicopter squadron (Lynx)
- 3rd Helicopter squadron (Lynx)
- 4th (Reconnaissance) Helicopter squadron (Gazelle)
- 5th (Reconnaissance) Helicopter squadron (Gazelle)
- 6th (Attack) Helicopter Squadron (Apache)
- 7th (Attack) Helicopter Squadron (Apache)
- 8th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 9th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 10th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 11th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 18th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 19th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 20th (Transport) Helicopter Squadron (Chinook)
- 12th (Special Operations) Helicopter Squadron
- 13th (special Operations) Helicopter Squadron
- 14th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
- 15th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
- 16th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
- 17th (Naval Service) Helicopter Squadron (Merlin)
5th (Land) Air Command
- 5th (Land) Command HQ
- 1st Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 2nd Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 3rd Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 4th Air Defence Regiment (Patriot)
- 1st Air Force Military Police Regiment
- 1st Air Force Signals Regiment
- 1st Air Force Controllers Regiment
- 2nd Air Force Controllers Regiment
- 1st Air Force Engineers Regiment
- 2nd Air Force Enginners Regiment
- 1st Air Medical Regiment
- 1st Air (Airborne) Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Air (Airborne) Infantry Regiment
- 3rd Air Infantry Regiment
- 4th Air Infantry Regiment
6th (Special Operations) Air Command
- 6th (Special Operations) Command
- 1st Special Operations Regiment
- 1st Gurkha Fliers Regiment
- 2nd (Special operations) Air Medical Regiment
- 1st (Reconnaissance) Squadron (E-3 Spy Planes)
- 2nd (Reconnaissance) Squadron (E-3 Spy Planes)
- 3rd (Reconnaissance) Squadron (E-3 Spy Planes)
Intelligence Services
- Military Intelligence Internal (MII)
- Military Intelligence Internal HQ
- 6th Special Operations Regiment
- 7th Special Operations Regiment
- 1st (HQ) Intelligence Regiment
- 2nd (North) Intelligence Regiment
- 3rd (South) Intelligence Regiment
- 1st Intelligence Police Regiment
- 2nd Intelligence Police Regiment
- 3rd Intelligence Police Regiment
- Military Intelligence External (MIE)
- Military Intelligence External HQ
- 9th Special Operations Regiment
- 10th Special Operations Regiment
- 11th Special Operations Regiment
- 4th (HQ) Intelligence Regiment
- 5th (Field) Intelligence Regiment
- 6th (Field) Intelligence Regiment
- 1st Civil Reconnaissance Group
- 2nd Civil Reconnaissance Group
- Phoenix Group
- Phoenix Group HQ
- A Squadron
- B Squadron
- C Squadron
- D Squadron
Space Agency
- Wintrees StarStream Project
- 1st (StarStream) Research and Development Group
- 2nd (New tech) Research and Development Group
- 1st (Space) Marines Regiment
- H.M.S StarStream
- Atmosphere Skimming Craft Project
- 3rd (Atmosphere tech) Research and Development Group
- 1st (Space) Drop Marines Regiment (D-21 Drop Pods)
- 1st (Space) Transport Squadron (D-30)
- Wintrees Mech Project
- 4th (Mech) Research and Development Group
- 2nd (Space) Marines Regiment (A-1 Mechs)
- Wintrees Shuttle Project
- 5th (Shuttle) research and Development Group
- 2nd (Space) transport Squadron (D-10 Shuttle)
- Wintrees Fighter Project
- 6th (Fighter) Research and Development Group
- 3rd (Space) Fighter squadron (D-40)
- Chemical Weapons Project
- 7th (Chemical) Research and Development Group
- Space Station Project
- 8th (Space) Research and Development Group
- 9th (Space) Research and Development Group
- 3rd (Space) Marines Regiment
- 4th (space) Marines Regiment
- Use of EVE OF DOOM space station.
- H.M.S Victory space station construction project
- 10 TMX shuttles
- 4 D-10 Shuttles
Military Bases (Not all Declared)
Hampcourt Barracks
- 3rd Infantry Brigade
- 5th Infantry Brigade
- 4th Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
- Military Intelligence External (MIE)
Hampcourt Air Base
- 1st (Fighter) Air Command
- 2nd (Bomber) Air Command
- 3rd (Transport) Air Command
- 5th (Land) Command
- 6th (Special Operations) Air Command
Guards Barracks
- 1st (Royal) Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 5th (Royal) Armoured Brigade (Regular)
- Military Intelligence Internal (MII)
Riding Barracks
- 7th Armoured Brigade
- 6th Armoured Brigade (Territorial)
Petoria Naval Base
- 7th (Marines) Marine Division
- 6th (Special Operations) Marine Division
Widdley Barracks
- 101st Logistics Brigade
- 6th Royal Army Medical Brigade
Buryne Barracks
- 17th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 18th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 10th Special Operations Brigade (Regular)
- 11th Special Operations Brigade
- 20th Special Operations Brigade (Territorial)
- Phoenix Group
Buryne Air Base
- 4th (Helicopter) Air Command
Hedge Barracks
- 15th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Regular)
- 16th Parachute Infantry Brigade (Territorial)
New Nepal
New Nepal Barracks
- 1st Consript Brigade
- 2nd Consript Brigade
- 3rd Consript Brigade