CNEA begins liberation of Somalia
The Corporate Council has decided today to take what has made our nation great to our Somalian brothers. Our industrialization will return glory to our neighbor to the east. At Nairobi, 10,000 militia and 40 Vickers Mk3 tanks were seen moving towards the border. We would gratefully accept any help in saving this nation from it's anarchy.
Nairobi Militia before mobiliztion.
Has TNEA explored other options besides violent invasion towards ending the crisis in Somalia? We severely doubt that military action will do any good; even if your force doesn't get brutalized in the crossfire between warring militias, the deeply entrenched clan loyalties of the Somali people will still exist even if they are pacified. We highly doubt any of them will be very receptive to foreign invasion, and feel that said civil war will only restart itself in the form of clan-based anti TNEA counterinsurgencies. We must urge The New East Africa to try other options, such as disarmament agreements and general amnesties for former fighters, before embarking on what could very well be a disatrous military exercise.
As far as I know, in the real world, Somalia has no centralized government... so it isn't so much liberation as much as conquering.
That would be an extremely hard task. Somalians are extremely vigilant and could stop at nothing to repel invasions.
Ill stop yall here. Sniper country owns Somalia.
We come only to stop the warlords from ruining this great country. If we can bring Somalia back into the modern world, we can make it a respected nation once more. The militia are only to protect us from the clansmen. Our first movements will be toward Jamaame and Chisimayu, where we have found little resistance. We have Mil-8 helicopters delivering food in order to gain the locals trust.
We also have many Somali refugees in our naiton, and we can use these to better gain Somali trust, already we have them in villages throughout the nation, speaking of the wonderful life a TNEA citizen lives compared to Somalian one. We do not expect to have to deal with the clans before we enter the Mogadishu.
Our mission is simple- To make Somalia a rich land, and show it's people the oppurtunities of a modern nation.
Listen pall, Sniper will turn you into gelly, so just don't try, and if you by some miracle win a alnd hungry nation like myself will just march in a take the laand from you.
OOC-There are multiple people who claim European nations, right? So NS must have different "timelines" or something. I'm running on one in a 2020 tech setting, where Somalia is unconquered. So play along, or leave.
n00b vs. big powerfu lcountry war
n00b vs. big powerfu lcountry war
OOC-Somalia? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough*. 'scuse me, Somalia is hardly big or powerful, just a bunch of clansmen with AKs starving the people actually worth a damn to death.
And speaking of n00b vs. big nation wars, you gotten your a__ smacked in them with about every nation you've made. So RP, or leave.
New Empire
11-11-2003, 14:23
n00b vs. big powerfu lcountry war
And speaking of n00b vs. big nation wars, you gotten your a__ smacked in them with about every nation you've made. So RP, or leave.
OOC-Ohh, someone's been lurking I see? Anyway, I'll grant your wish. But damn you for taking Kenya...
Upon hearing this news, the 33rd Marine Force Recon unit was mobilized to the Eithiopian border, where a staging area was quickly set up. Current forces moving toward the staging area, designated Sierra Bravo Alpha-
3 Companies of MFR
186th SOAR
24 M/CV-16 Transports
12 A/OV-14 Assault/Recon Helicopters
Multiple light armored and wheeled utility vehicles
We call upon CTNEA to use peaceful force, and let Somalia remain independent.
It sickens us to see the rich and powerful nations act like this. Somalia starves and rots like a corpse, and you do nothing. Nothing at all, and you bask in your glory. But the minute we try to help bring this nation into the 21st Century, you stand up and talk like you own this nation. A nation cries for help when they starve, you do nothing. A nation gets a new oppurtunity to return to wealth, you scream for our death. Do you want to hold Somalia down? Do you fear Africa moving back into power? Is that the purpose of these actions?
Corporate Council.
The BTR-60 drove through, with well armed and protected soldiers flanking it. These were the National Brigade soldiers, outfitted by corporations, but controlled by all of them. Their NEAR-3 Automatic Rifles, in 6.22 caliber, looked very intimidating with their black bullpup design. A technical was seen on the move toward the column as it made it's way through the town, and the BTR commander picked up his megaphone and spoke in Somali
"We are here to save your people. Lay down your arms. We mean no harm toward the great people of Somalia."
The technical responded with a poorly aimed burst of .50 fire from it's NSV-12.7 "Utes". The soldiers quickly hit the dirt, as a Corporal squeezed of a 3 round burst, reflex sight aimed at the gunner's head, which responded by bursting like a ripe fruit. The Corporal grimaced as the rest of the squad returned fire, ripping the Technical and it's unlucky occupants to shreds with the Squad's SS77.
11-11-2003, 14:43
We honestly would not take on Sniper Country and his allies. Please reconsider this invasion.
We honestly would not take on Sniper Country and his allies. Please reconsider this invasion.
OOC-There are multiple people who claim European nations, right? So NS must have different "timelines" or something. I'm running on one in a 2020 tech setting, where Somalia is unconquered. So play along, or leave.
Did you read that post? No, you you didn't.
Like I said, play along or leave.
11-11-2003, 15:04
We honestly would not take on Sniper Country and his allies. Please reconsider this invasion.
OOC-There are multiple people who claim European nations, right? So NS must have different "timelines" or something. I'm running on one in a 2020 tech setting, where Somalia is unconquered. So play along, or leave.
Did you read that post? No, you you didn't.
Like I said, play along or leave.
Oops, I'm good at reading forums at the top or near bottom. Must have scrolled past the centre.
Oops, I'm good at reading forums at the top or near bottom. Must have scrolled past the centre.
OOC-No problem... But is there anyone else that wants to participate RP wise?
New Empire
11-11-2003, 17:46
It sickens us to see the rich and powerful nations act like this. Somalia starves and rots like a corpse, and you do nothing. Nothing at all, and you bask in your glory. But the minute we try to help bring this nation into the 21st Century, you stand up and talk like you own this nation. A nation cries for help when they starve, you do nothing. A nation gets a new oppurtunity to return to wealth, you scream for our death. Do you want to hold Somalia down? Do you fear Africa moving back into power? Is that the purpose of these actions?
Corporate Council.
Abseloutely not. We know these actions will only reignite the violence that has ousted the UN. Once more, we urge you to withdraw combat forces. Perhaps it is not your place to determine their future.
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We honestly would not take on Sniper Country and his allies. Please reconsider this invasion.
OOC-There are multiple people who claim European nations, right? So NS must have different "timelines" or something. I'm running on one in a 2020 tech setting, where Somalia is unconquered. So play along, or leave.
Did you read that post? No, you you didn't.
Like I said, play along or leave.
OOC-How many times must I quote this... Grrr... Don't tell me you control Kenya, too, because that's where my nation is. I was hoping I could have an interesting gureilla warfare/Black Hawk Down style RP, with each side scrambling to recruit locals to fight for them, etc, peacekeeping, etc. Not an outright war... Maybe I should botch this and head for Uganda or Tanzania, but no wait, you people just own Africa.
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Chellis would love to send units from the third air support into somalia... If sniper country wouldnt mind, we would like to give our troops some practice in african area fighting, as mozambique could come under attack at any time, really...
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Chellis gladly accepts this, and the 3rd air support is being prepared. Operation bases will most likely be set up at marka, for its defensive properties.
The 3rd air support is a very fast acting artillery squadren. With multitudes of H-2 helicopters,large numbers of Mo-12 Anti-Aircraft guns, many Mo-13 Huguenot cannons, Mo-17 Calvine cannons, and a large number of G6 Nebelwherfer troopers, they are one of the greatest defensive divisions in the world.