NationStates Jolt Archive


08-11-2003, 23:52
My nation the Empire of MIKE AUSTIN 27 has created a new higher elite soldier training camp. Like my other camp (camp Alpha) camp ZUES is for only the extreme most undefied prepared individuals. Camp Zues teaches your commando everything camp ALPHA does but it also prepares them to operate under any situation or circumstances with amazing preformences beyond any regular or even advance soldiers limmits. Camp ZUES lasts 15 years but is very well worth it. We took a accomplished commando from the nation of G Corp against one of the commandos that finnished my training camp and compared they're skills and abillities. Here they are. Z = Camp Zues commando and G = G Corps commando. 1 mile run time; Z = 3.12 min, G = 4.35 min. 5 mile run;Z = 17.23 min, G = 25.05 min. Hand to hand combat skills; Z = 10 out of 10, G = 8 out of 10. Weopondry skills; Z = 10 out of 10, G = 7.5 out of 10. Piloting (47 different vehicles); Z = 9.5 out of 10, G = 7 out of 10. Stealth; Z = 10 out of 10, G = 7.5 out of 10. Weight lifting (benching 10 reps). Z = 562 pounds, G = 375 pounds. Clearly by the results of the tests my training camp is far better than any other one. Unlike Camp ALPHA all of your men will either finnish or be rejected from the camp if they don't meet the requirements. Money will be refunded.


10 Commandos= 3,000,000 USD's
20 Commandos= 5,500,000 USD's
50 Commandos= 12,000,000 USD's
100 Commandos= 24,000,000 USD's
I understand how high the price is but these commandos are expensive to train. 4 out of 5 nations said that it was very well worth it.