Vegetarian Punishment in Griffindon
It has come to my attention that the vegetarian activists in Griffindon must be punished. They will all be sentenced to the death penalty. They will have their throats slashed on conveyer lines and then be cooked and served to the Griffinian farm animals.
Vegetarians are nothing but annoying pests that complain and believe the world should revolve around them. This pest must be erradicated immediately.
Think about it this way: cow vs. broccoli. If you've ever seen a cow, you'll see it's a very big, strong animal with nasty, brutal horns. If one of those things wanted it could maul you, flatten you and kill you without even thinking twice. Heck, they smell so bad that they have another natural defense there. The fact is, if a cow wants to, it can defend itself. It's not a humans fault that they don't and that harvesting beef is easy.
However, what about broccoli? Have you ever seen broccoli defend itself (other than tasting bad)? I haven't. Broccoli just sits there in the ground waiting for some heartless vegetarian to come and butcher it. Broccoli is a living thing, what gives us the right to senselessly murder it for food purposes?
For this reason, all vegetarian activists in Griffindon are now subject to being senselessly murdered for food purposes.
Supreme Chancellor Griffin
OOC: I'm sorry if this offends any vegetarians. I don't really have a problem with vegetarians, I just need to vent. I'll be repealing this act right away.
It's just that several vegetarians at school are really starting to get annoying and they're having their way. Several of the things I mentioned up there are true about them. It's driving me crazy. I could go into all the problems they're causing, but I won't right now.
But again, I don't have a problem against vegetarians as a whole. Just the few at school that are being jerks and I needed to vent. Please don't take me seriously.
The Resi Corporation
05-11-2003, 09:32
((OOC: Don't slice them open, that's too gruesome. Instead, we recommend inflicting ironic punishment, like force-feeding them meat :P
And of course, I don't have a grudge against vegans/vegitarians, I'm just giving tips on RPing))
06-11-2003, 00:49
How about tieing activists to trees and have them charged by screaming bulls? Either that or sentence them to community service at a farm.
[OOC: Even though I highly unrecomend punishing vegitarians, death gets them killed too quickly. Why not sentence them to work in a meat processing factory for all of their life?
Oh and that is just a tip. Both my NationStates nation and myself aren't against vegitarians.]
The Resi Corporation
06-11-2003, 01:54
[OOC: Even though I highly unrecomend punishing vegitarians, death gets them killed too quickly. Why not sentence them to work in a meat processing factory for all of their life?]((OOC: Not a smart idea. Placing them in such a plant makes it too easy for them to poison the meat and make a political statement by doing so. I know a certain nation that would be more than happy to do so...))
The Resi Corporation
06-11-2003, 01:55
[OOC: Even though I highly unrecomend punishing vegitarians, death gets them killed too quickly. Why not sentence them to work in a meat processing factory for all of their life?]((OOC: Not a smart idea. Placing them in such a plant makes it too easy for them to poison the meat and make a political statement by doing so. I know a certain nation that would be more than happy to do so...))
Wow. Such brilliant nations!
08-11-2003, 03:50
We salute the steps taken by this nation to purge our gene pools of worthless malnourished herbivores. AS humans were designed to eat meat. vegetarianism costs our health care industry and is not only illegal in our country but incredibly unhealthy. that and you WILL starve if you do not eat beef in Tannelorn,
Soviet Haaregrad
08-11-2003, 04:04
OOC: Why not send them to a distant island and starve them until they are forced to commit cannibalism? How ironic.
OOC: Why not send them to a distant island and starve them until they are forced to commit cannibalism? How ironic.
Good golly I love the way your mind works!
08-11-2003, 07:00
It has come to my attention that the vegetarian activists in Griffindon must be punished. They will all be sentenced to the death penalty. They will have their throats slashed on conveyer lines and then be cooked and served to the Griffinian farm animals.
Vegetarians are nothing but annoying pests that complain and believe the world should revolve around them. This pest must be erradicated immediately.
Think about it this way: cow vs. broccoli. If you've ever seen a cow, you'll see it's a very big, strong animal with nasty, brutal horns. If one of those things wanted it could maul you, flatten you and kill you without even thinking twice. Heck, they smell so bad that they have another natural defense there. The fact is, if a cow wants to, it can defend itself. It's not a humans fault that they don't and that harvesting beef is easy.
However, what about broccoli? Have you ever seen broccoli defend itself (other than tasting bad)? I haven't. Broccoli just sits there in the ground waiting for some heartless vegetarian to come and butcher it. Broccoli is a living thing, what gives us the right to senselessly murder it for food purposes?
For this reason, all vegetarian activists in Griffindon are now subject to being senselessly murdered for food purposes.
Supreme Chancellor Griffin
Telegram to Griffindon from Layarteb
Good job STOP We support your effort STOP Keep it up STOP
Soviet Haaregrad
08-11-2003, 07:15
OOC: Why not send them to a distant island and starve them until they are forced to commit cannibalism? How ironic.
Good golly I love the way your mind works!
What can I say, I must have been a facsist dictator in another lifetime...