The USSF requires Foriegn aid
ooc:This is Modern Tech (2003)
IC:Urgent message from Chancellor Roberts to all nations hearing this:
"The United Socialist States of Fulovit has been plunged into civil war. the Rebels, led by a college student named simply Patrick, seem to be revolting against our government on the grounds that we failed to put the first Fulovitan into space. That man, Manuel Lawrence, is only alive today because he landed in the soft chalk of an old quarry in his capsule after the FR-4 "Victory" Rocket blew up on the launchpad. Lawrence landed in the old Quarry ouside a dorm in the Fulovit Institue of Technology, angering students. Mow the rebels have spread their Anarchist beliefs all over the Country. We need help, the national Militia has been raised but it is not enugh. WE NEED YOUR HELP!"
We are willing to give any help we can.
We are willing to give any help we can.
We need some riot police to stop the rioting and looting in the Capital of Huerstown. The port is open for troops. We also need some airborne units or just transports to send our grounded troops to a besieged armory deep in the mountains.
Got ya. We are now sending riot police, troops, and HoverCraft transports.
Got ya. We are now sending riot police, troops, and HoverCraft transports.
Your help is greatly appreciated
Caladan Prime
01-11-2003, 03:55
I'll send some riot police equipped with Swiss SG550 assault rifles to keep order. If that's what you want.
I'll send some riot police equipped with Swiss SG550 assault rifles to keep order. If that's what you want.
That will do, thank you, you will all be rewarded for the upkeep of our nation.
I will help with whatever I can
I will help with whatever I can
Thank You
01-11-2003, 12:46
Credonia, if allowed, is willing to send in 3,000 MP's from its 1st Army Infantry Division
I am proud to announce that, as of this morning, the rebels have been stopped in the major cities by riot police and foriegn aid workers.
Our cities are safe, but many armed militias in our countryside are holding out in barns and cabins, these people must be stopped if our nation is to continue. We will need airborne help if we are to bring the rebels to justice. Patrick, the college ringleader, is still evading police and military forces.
01-11-2003, 13:30
We have a squad of Alpha Fighters for you to use at your disposal (while under our command of course)
We will send:
5,000 SWP (Special Weapons Police) Officers
1,000 SWP Armored Personnel Carriers
300 SWP Anti-Armor/Infantry Vehicles
50 P2H1-Rattlesnake Attack Helicopters
50 P2F1-MAG Light Strike Fighters
We hope these assist you in putting down the revolt.
OOC: SWP is effectively SWAT, just a little heavier, hence the APC's.
The Khanates
01-11-2003, 15:00
We are willing to send 5000 troops to aid your battle against the rebels. And if you think it really necessary, I would gladly divert one of the nation's spy satellites to help spy out rebel hideouts.
OOC: A little odd, a spy satellite to be used to spy on barns and cabins...
If you would like we could send our 1st Infantry division(10,000 men) and our 1st air cavalry division(5,000 Tek 2's and 3,000 KH-4 Raptor's).