Boomness Attacks Rebels
In response to the perimeter set up by the rebels, Boomness has readied a force of 5,000 troops, 10 tanks, 10 planes, and two ships to invade the perimeter. This attack will begin in 15 days (15 rl minutes). Any assitance from nations is requested
Free for all on 2 feet will send 1 billion dollars in finacial aid, 100,000 troops, a squadron of 20 planes, and 5 warships to aid the rebels
Ssakura will assist you in your troubles. 5 SsD1 Dropships will be there (100 troops, 10 snipers, and the ships have a heavy arament), and should be able to take back the perimeter. The troops should arrive in 8r.t. minutes.
Super American VX Man
31-10-2003, 02:02
If you're interested in complete eradication, we're willing use the area as a test site for some new weapons.
-General Irving Ramel
Minister of Law and Defense
Free for all on 2 feet will send 1 billion dollars in finacial aid, 100,000 troops, a squadron of 20 planes, and 5 warships to aid the rebels
OOC: I commend you for helping, but isn't that a little steep. 100,000 troops would be almost all of your nations militarty, and that's way too much for a nation 2 days old
we recently purchased almost an entire military from another country (thoguh outdated) and we have no use for the troops here
If you're interested in complete eradication, we're willing use the area as a test site for some new weapons.
-General Irving Ramel
Minister of Law and Defense
If you plan on doing that, tell us so that are troops aren't destroyed
Super American VX Man
31-10-2003, 02:10
Then, assuming he accepts my offer, make sure your soldiers have NPC suits and aren't too close. There will be a multitude of munitions tested, so that's for a variety of safety precautions.
-General Irving Ramel
Minister of Law and Defense
Our troops have been made aware.
OOC: This is complete BS. Especially your other post. who did you buy your army off of?
Since you are unable to deal with these rebels with any amount of sucess, perhaps we should install a government that can. :twisted:
We thank you for your offer but are not ready to make this section of our country a wasteland. we will try to deal with them in conventional means, but if this does not end the problem within 1 or 2 (ns) years, we will contact you again.
Thank You
You may take it as you wish.
OOC: Just joshing you.
The Order of Reptiles
31-10-2003, 03:19
TOR, now having recalled all troops on away missions, is willing to send 20,000 troops, to be used however Boomness wishes. Also, one hundred or so transport trucks will be sending in medical gear, food, and munitions to help quell the rebellion. In addition, we're sending $50 million to help begin repairs.
Sorry we can't do more.
What are the rebels fighting for, we would like to know so we can judge the situation
Free for all on 2 feet will send 1 billion dollars in finacial aid, 100,000 troops, a squadron of 20 planes, and 5 warships to aid the rebels
Steep is an understatement! You have a populaion of 7 mil. Do you even have $1 billion in your defense budget? And 100,000 troops? Scale it back a little.
We will extend whatever aid you need to crush these rebels. Our 1st Army is standing by if needed.
King Memnon the Great
Super American VX Man
31-10-2003, 05:23
We thank you for your offer but are not ready to make this section of our country a wasteland. we will try to deal with them in conventional means, but if this does not end the problem within 1 or 2 (ns) years, we will contact you again.
Thank You
Only one of the munitions we wanted to test would do that, so we can postpone the test until a designated time, assuming that time occurs. Beyond that, we can use our other methods to completely eradicate the rebels without causing heavy damage to the area. We await your response.
-General Irving Ramel
Minister of Law and Defense