Bruneau's mechs (storefront)
The site for this equipment has been moved to
here (
Is this a MechWarrior 4 store??
:lol: :D :lol: :wink:
One hundred of each of the following: Black Knight, Fafnir, Daishi, Templar, Gladiator, Mad Cat MkII, Thanatos.
*Total of 40.5 billion wired*
30-10-2003, 12:43
What no Jagermech!!!!!!!
You can't have a proper mech store without soemthing from the rifleman/ jagermech/ galahad family.
We would like to place an order for 20 Flea units. Their high speeds and light design should make them ideal for ruin exploration, as well as a possible mech racing sporting event in the future.
Sytris would like to purchase some of these units, but we are still lack the technology to build these mechs... we have the mynomer muscles, but still lack the weaponry, materials used to build the structure and armor, and fusion plants.
If you will sell us the schematics of the fusion reactor in return for giving us unarmed versions of these mechs, please TG us.
Crimson blades
30-10-2003, 20:29
nice stuff, could use some pics though...
30-10-2003, 20:35
These prices are pretty bad. You shouldn't base it on weight class, because some mechs have exceptional abilities, despite their weight. Case in point: Timberwolf (or as you call it, the Mad Cat).
Crisom blades I could not get Pics because the people that make the game have a secured sight and I don't want to start my own page, sorry.
Also I don't have the Jaggermech cause I wanted to go with what most peopole would know, by the way I have 2 throught 4