Last night, just as game one of the boomness world series was about to begin, explosion rocked the stadium. A car bomb went off and an entire half of the stadium collapsed. hundreds were killed. Numbers are still fuzzy at this hour but there are and estimated 500 killed and 650 wounded and many are still missing. The group responsible for this explosion is still unknown, but the rebels in Boomness or maybe even Free for all on 2 feet supporters may be at fault. Whoever is responsible, one thing is for sure, they will be punished. Any and all humanitarian aid is requested.
Thank You
Once more concrete evidence is established, the Dominion of Eredron would be willing to take military action against those responsible, for a price.
The Armed Republic of Boomness thanks you very much for your support
29-10-2003, 02:49
We donate 200 of our construction robots ( to help clear wreckage and find survivors.
We hope for swift justice and closure to these events.
-King Viktor Sileetris XIII (
29-10-2003, 02:50
We donate 200 of our construction robots ( to help clear wreckage and find survivors.
We hope for swift justice and closure to these events.
-King Viktor Sileetris XIII (
who do you believe did this?
As a member of the Anti-Extinctionist party, President Abraham Patricks, of the Commonwealth of Anti-Exctionism, pledges troops for the inevitable military strike. This terrorist act could have happened to anyone, and we will make sure that it never happens again.
Liberty for all creatures!