civil war (Open RP)
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 21:45
In the past months, tensions have grown between devout Christians, and the majority of the country, Athiests. In an event that shocked the country, the president of the Carpathian States announced that Christianity will be the official religion and that there will be references to the Bible in the Constitution. Athiests were outraged in this act and began rioting in New Carpathia (the capital). Buildings were burned down, and Christians, and athiests alike, were killed along with the arson of Christian churches. The army of the Carpathian States has looked to supress this rebellion, but failed to, and in turn, it has led to a civil war between the two sides. The government has been ripped apart due to the beliefs of each person, and an all out war has begun to eliminate one of the two beliefs once and for all...
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 21:48
OOC: (how's that for a newbie, heh.)
The Finnish Crusaders is sending over their 4th Infantry Division of 10,000 troops, along with the 3rd Armored Division, consisting of 250 M2 Bradley tanks with support vehicles, to help secure New Carpathia from the evil atheist forces. They should arrive in about 2 weeks (2 hours RL).
We offer 10,000 Strike Infantry, 1000 Strike Tanks, 700 Light Strike Tanks, and 150 Heavy Artillery to act as peacekeepers. We also send 50 Attack Helicopters as support.
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 21:54
As of right now, the Athiests hold the capital of New Carpathia. But the Christians have launched an offensive that may overtake them. The Christians are well out-numbered, but they have more efficient weapons from the former government, which gives them the overall advantage.
From: The Chancellory of the Dominion of Handschar (CDH)
To: Carpathian Atheists
The Government of Handschar wishes to send to you our condolences over this barbaric forced institution of Christianity. Handschar is a small country with as-of-yet a small military but we wish to lend our hand to the Atheist cause in whatever way we can manage. We have at our disposal one of our Un-Conventional Warfare Divisions which has been mobilized in light of the troubles within your borders and are available at your request. The UWD is a force specializing in un-conventional warfare, such as guerilla tactics, terrorism (against military targets only), and attrition. The UWD is a loan-force but as they are not engaged in any operations their services are open. End Transmission.
Camera turns to two Elarian Reporters.
Welcome to TEN The Empire Now! Your number one Elarian news station!
John: Well today the Emperor addressed the Empire via audo transmission today regarding the outbreak of civil war in the Carpathian States. Cindy tell us about it.
Camera turns to Cindy.
Cindy: Thats right John , the Emperor stated that he would be making a decision regarding this conflict and that it is likely Elara will get involved. Elara is neither Christian nor Atheist so it leaves many wondering which side we will be joining. Emperor Roland did state that we would not try to push the Elarian Religion on either side of this conflict.
Camera turns back to John.
John: Well everyone watches and wait as conflict is almost imminent.
Video goes to Elarian Military marching in the streets and then cuts back to John.
John: And now for the stock reports. Stocks have taken a sharp rise today....
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 21:57
From: The Chancellory of the Dominion of Handschar (CDH)
To: Carpathian Atheists
The Government of Handschar wishes to send to you our condolences over this barbaric forced institution of Christianity. Handschar is a small country with as-of-yet a small military but we wish to lend our hand to the Atheist cause in whatever way we can manage. We have at our disposal one of our Un-Conventional Warfare Divisions which has been mobilized in light of the troubles within your borders and are available at your request. The UWD is a force specializing in un-conventional warfare, such as guerilla tactics, terrorism (against military targets only), and attrition. The UWD is a loan-force but as they are not engaged in any operations their services are open. End Transmission.
The Athiests of The Carpathian States would like to request these special forces to help us defeat the evil Christians.
The Holy Empire of the Lost Wind sends 200 mediators with a guard of 5,000 Phoenix-Guards as well as 2,000 Phoenix-Wraiths to act as peace keepers and mediators for the atheists and christians
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 22:00
The Christian military has launched 2 missiles into the capital before thw actual invasion to try and confuse the athiests about their tactics. The missiles hit a suspected military site and a school that was suspected of holding weapons for the Athiests. Luckily, school was out of session..
Off the coast of Carpathian States a massive Imperial Naval Force is seen.
In orbit several Elarian Warships take up orbit above Carpathian States.
But what side will Elara fight on? Only the Elarians know as of yet as they sing their songs of war and chants of battle.
The Pepoles Republic Of Chao2 while currentley unable to offer military support due to political trouble will send ammunition and fuel to the Athiest states. However We May Become active one our political problems are sorted out
The CDH had acknowledged and the 2nd UWD is en route to Carpathia. 5,000 soldiers equipped for urban guerilla and attrition warfare will arrive in the capital to help garrison the city from Christian counter-attack.
Also, we do request formal up-to-date accounts of the war so that operations can be made without fear of accidently hitting your troops, and we request housing and ordnance storage for the 2nd UWD.
The Finnish Crusaders have changed the rules of engagement for their forces:
1. Finnish Crusaders forces will only defend Christian-controlled areas from atheist forces, but will NOT launch offensives.
2. Finnish Crusaders forces will only fire if fired upon or if other Christians are being fired upon.
ETA moved up to 1730 EST.
NEW CARPATHIA--The peacekeeping troops sent by the President have formed a ring around the capital, declaring it an "international zone, non-religious zone." 5,000 of the infantry have begun patrolling the streets, attempting to stop terrorist activity.
Rules of engagement for the JAC peacekeepers have been affected by this decision:
1. They will now attack any non-JAC personnel carrying a weapon
2. They will not be allowing entry to or exit from the city.
OOC: Sorry about the speed, this will be happening at maybe 1500 today (RL).
the mediators have left, due to inner political struggle, more Phoenix-Guards have arrived bringing their number up to 15,000 and the Phoenix-Wraiths take to the air in their Phoenix Flight Battle Suits (not godmoding just some technology that has been recentley discovered) to find possible stategic points around the capitol.... but for what? To defend it or possibly attack atheist leaders
Tom Joad
28-10-2003, 22:08
This rapidly developing situation requires the most careful decision making, as such the nation of Tom Joad shall not commit to any factions.
In the interest of peace an open non-negotiable offer of a secure location to discuss the possibility of peace.
If a representative from both sides would make themselves known perhaps more loss of life can be prevented.
From: CDH
To: Johnston Arms Corp
The Handschar government wishes for an explanation and clarification of your forces in Carpathia. Do they fight for the Atheists or the Christians?
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 22:11
OOC: its ok, im kinda rushing it too.
Christian forces have moved into the capital with no regard to peacekeepers and have fired upon them as well as the Athiests. Tanks have rolled into the capital, and rocket launchers have been launched to destroy the Athiest armies before it has mobilized. Luckily, minimal damages were announced by the Athiest side; only a few outdated tanks were destroyed, and a few dozen killed. They are preparing to launch an all-out offensive upon the Christians.
the Phoenix-Guards march into the city, with all weapons holstered.
the Phoenix-Wratihs circle the city in formation
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 22:13
This rapidly developing situation requires the most careful decision making, as such the nation of Tom Joad shall not commit to any factions.
In the interest of peace an open non-negotiable offer of a secure location to discuss the possibility of peace.
If a representative from both sides would make themselves known perhaps more loss of life can be prevented.
The Athiest side wishes to negotiate peace, but the Christian side refuses to send a diplomat.
The 2nd UWD reacts quickly in accordance with their alliance with the Atheist Carpathians. Strike teams disguised as citizens fleing the beseiged city strike at command headquarters, rallying yards and ammunition and fuel depots behind Christian lines with rockets, mortars and explosive devices. 100 105mm Artillery moved in with the 2nd UWD begin bombarding an area believed to be the location of the rockets launched by the Christians.
The 2nd UWD reacts quickly in accordance with their alliance with the Atheist Carpathians. Strike teams disguised as citizens fleing the beseiged city strike at command headquarters, rallying yards and ammunition and fuel depots behind Christian lines with rockets, mortars and explosive devices. 100 105mm Artillery moved in with the 2nd UWD begin bombarding an area believed to be the location of the rockets launched by the Christians.
From: JAC
The peacekeepers are there to keep the peace in the city. They fight for no faction.
JAC troops see tanks rolling towards them.
Squad Leader: Ah, time to try these out.
[Pulls out heavy gun, lifts to shoulder. Selects GRENADE on a dial and pulls the trigger. The grenade flies out, exploding on the nearest tank. Other soldiers do the same, using flash and frag grenades.]
Radioman: Can we get a tank squadron, we are taking tank fire on the way into the cit----
[Radio crackles as operater dives into the nearest building]
Tanks and helicopters arrive, firing on the tanks. Three of the eight squadmen were wounded, and a tank destroyed while turning back the enemy onslaught.
The Pepoles Republic Of Chao2 now orders all transports to fire on Christian troops brandishing wepons in range of fire due to convoy ambush on way down river by Christian troops .
however they will not continue too attack once enemy has disengaged
the Turanic empire is sending in 2 of its ranger units to infiltrate Athiests Command and control centers. they will arive Tomarrow (RT Sorry must logout)
the Phoenix-Guards march into the city, with all weapons holstered.
the Phoenix-Wratihs circle the city in formation
The Pepoles Republic Of Chao2 now orders all transports to fire on Christian troops brandishing wepons in range of fire due to convoy ambush on way down river by Christian troops .
however they will not continue too attack once enemy has disengaged
Transmission Opened to all in Carpatian States area:
"Elara believes that Christians will hold better morals than the Atheists and therefor ensuring a greater future for Carpathian States." "Whilst we ourselves have our own religion , we do believe that believing in something is better than believing in nothing , and so we join this war on the side of the Christians." "The Blue Tide cometh!"
(Incase you dont know what "Blue Tide" means , Elarians are blue with pointed ears.)
On the beaches massive ground forces land and prepare to charge into battle.
Elarian Warships charge their weapons and open volleys from orbit onto the Atheists positions around Carpathian States , more heavily in New Carpathia itself.
The ground rumbles and hundreds of thousands of Elarian Warriors march to battle.
Ground Forces:
-500,000 EIA (Elarian Imperial Army)
-100,000 EIM (Elarian Imperial Marines)
-3,000 Imperial Guards
-5,000 Valkyries
-2,000 EIS (Elarian Imperial Stormtroopers)
-1,000 ESD (Elarian Sniper Division)
Naval Forces:
45 Elarian Naval Battleships.
20 Elarian Naval Carriers.
35 Elarian Attack Submarines.
25 Elarian Naval Destroyers.
10 Elarian DarkSea Gunships.
5 Elarian Poseidon Heavy Cruisers
-1,000 Gentari Fighters
-500 Elarian White Tiger IV Bombers
Imperial Space Fleet:
-10 Elarian Battleships
-12 Elarian Destroyers
-5 Elarian Carriers
-6 Elarian Cruisers
-3 Mwto'ar Class Frigates
noticing gun fire, and large armies of tanks and missles, all weapons are drawn and the elves in the sky pick targets
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 22:23
With the recent Athiest offensive upon the scattered Christians, they have withdrawn to a smaller town called Lawrence to re-group after suffereing massive losses. Over 1,000 have been killed in the bloodiest battle of the day.
Tom Joad
28-10-2003, 22:26
The position of Tom Joad remains the same as before and we hope that both sides, including their supporters, will take their place at the negotiating table.
I am pleased that at least one side has taken the oppertunity to use peace as an alternative to war.
From: CDH
Handschar armed forces high command requests withdrawl of your troops from Carpathia; your peacekeeping may be seen as occupation against both sides and with our alliance with New Carpathia it may lead to fighting between the UWD and your peacekeeping forces. The Handschar government formally condones your military actions and warns further occupation will result in action being taken, should New Carpathia wish it.
Carpathian States
28-10-2003, 22:26
OOC: Im leaving for class from 440-6, so feel free to RP a continuance of the war, especiallyyou Elara. But no one can decide the outcome of the entire war. I will be back to announce casualties and troop movements.
We help will the Christians . I will send 15,000 troops, 500 tanks, and 1,000 aircraft.
the Phoenix-Guards open fire on any who are atheists or simpathizers
the Phoeni-Wraiths begin firing at anyone who is visibly controlling tanks or WOMD or missles etc.
From: JAC
The peacekeepers will stay unless they begin to take large losses.
The 2nd UWD soldiers attempting to leave the city disguised as citizens are stopped by the tank squadron and infantry squadron on the road. "Where do you think you're going?"
After the Christians repeatadley attacked and tried to destroy the convoy boats the Pepoles republic of chao2 has landed in the main port and is holding the port for the protection of it's supplies and is readying to deploy on the river banks.If anyone tries to attack we will return fire. note that this is not ment as an act of agression but is there to protect our boats. Once the conflict is resolved we will withdraw leaving the area to Atheist forces.
Elarian Groundforces enter Lawrence and Elarian Generals shake hands with their new Christian friends.
The Imperial Space Fleet above Carpathian States continues firing onto Atheist positions.
Imperial Naval Forces fire barrages at enemy poisitions in range.
Imperial Airforces make black clouds in the Carpathian skies from their numbers as they target , bomb and strafe Atheist Positions.
Imperial Ground Forces leave Lawrence and march to the outskirts of New Carpathia where they engage the Atheist enemy.
100,000 EIA Troops Stay in Lawrence to help defend their Christian friends.
300 'White' Anti-Missle Missle Trucks are deployed to defend the city from missle and air raids.
From: JAC
To: The Lost Winds
We welcome your troops to join ours in our positions, given our similar goals.
From: JAC
To: Elara
We will not tolerate continued attacks on civilian targets inside the capital.
OOC: Have to log off for a while, my troops will be placed under the control of The Lost Winds (if they wish it so.)
a cease fire is ordered among the Phoenix Forces as Phoenix Lord Barras himself appears to include his ideas during the peace conferences, he makes his way to the location of the meeting, with a wave of his hand he dismisses any of his troops he sees along the way
Number of Troops left:
2,000 Phoenix Guards
500 Phoenix Wraiths
We will watch the port, but not attack it.
the johnston arms corp. are stationed throughout the city to patrol and prevent any battles from occuring in the city itself, they will reamin there until the corp. takes control of them again or the war ends at which point they will return to their homes.
Transmission Opened: Target - JAC
"This is Admiral Hester of the Empire of Elara." "We have not and will not fire on civilian targets." "Only armed Atheists are targeted , do not attempt to dictate the terms of war." "Elarian are a warrior race , killing unarmed people is dishonorable to us , the mere thought that you question our honor furiates us." "If you fire on our troops it WILL be considered an act of war , since we see you as peacekeepers you may not fear our troops for we will not attack peacekeepers." "Heed my warnings."
Transmission Ended.
The 2nd UWD infiltrators inform the JAC checkpoint soldiers that they are fleeing the city under continual bombardment by Elaran forces.
From: CDH
As you may know our forces, the 2nd UWD, specialize in tactics and warfare which is meant to obtain the highest casualties amongst the enemy. We do not wish to enter into conflict with you but if you insist on your forced-peacekeeping of New Carpathia the 2nd UWD will have no choice but to act against your forces -- given that Handschar is acting to protect New Carpathia, any preventative actions by your forces will be seen as acts of war and dealt with as such. We suggest you limit your operations to protecting civilians and civility, not trying to drive a wedge between to increasingly large sides in this war.
From: CDH
To: Elaran forces
It is regretable that you have sided with the Christians and Handschar requests you withdraw your forces. It is the Christians who are trying to take over the country and impose their views and their views alone upon the population. The Atheists are merely trying to maintain some sort of freedom of belief and expression. We do not wish a war with such a powerful force but your actions are clearly negative in relation to morality and civil rights.
The 2nd UWD has made it's decision; open guerilla and terrorist warfare against the occupying forces of the JAC and The Lost Wind will begin immediately if the two forces do not withdraw from their occupation. Handschar will not however act against Elara.
Meanwhile, the 2nd UWD begins to de-militarize; abandoning military gear for civilian clothes and hiding their weapons throughout the city in preperation for opening guerilla/terrorist warfare should JAC and the lost wind not withdraw and if the city becomes occupied.
(OOC: My internet connection is really on the fritz. I may have to disengage from this.)
28-10-2003, 23:07
we will send:
Attack carrier battle group, consisting of:
10 cruisers (AEGIS)
10 frigates
15 destroyers
10 tankers
1 battleship
1 carrier, with:
40 su37K carrier launch fighters
5 sea stallion helos
10 F/A 18E hornets
10 Prowlers
10 Intruders
10 Hawkeyes
3 modified wasp, with
20 Sea Stallions
2,000 marines.
10 LSDs. (not involved with wasp) each with
5 TD-3000
10 modified hummers
to help our ally, the lost wind. in addition, we will send
800,000 infantry with M16’s
1,000 Abrams tanks
2,000 modified hummers
to keep the peace.
mess with lost wind, you mess with me, my puppets, my region, and my allies. just a little warning
Transmission Opened: Target - CDH
"Whilst we do not agree in some aspects of what they do we believe strongly in belief of something." "I hope you can understand this , our ways are different from yours , we know that Atheists believe in nothing , this is something we disagree with." "Perhaps if the Atheists were mixed with people of all different religions working peacefully together that would be different and we would most likely be on their side." "But unfortunately they seem to all be Atheists , we fear if they gained rule they would become very prejudice against all religious peoples in Carpathian States." "We respect that you have courage to ask us to remove , something we cannot do now." "Since you will not fire on our troops , we ill not fire upon yours."
Transmission Ended.
By Order of the Emperor more sectors of the campaign are opened.
In the north 100,000 Elarian Paratroopers Drop down from the sky and prepare to make offensives around the entire northern front.
Under a barrage of fire from the Imperial Air and Space Fleets 50,000 Elarian Imperial Stormtroopers hit the beaches and engage the Atheist Forces by the main port in an attempt to take it. The battle is fierce and rages on.
We issue the demand that all the representatives from each nation come foreward and discuss PEACE!
Phoenix Lord Barras
Backed by Arribastan and Johnston Corp.
NO! We must leave this nation, the authority of Barras is being challenged!
We must return to the homeland!
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 01:27
With the reinforcements for the Christians arriving, their moral skyrockets. They now feel that they can overtake the Atheists in this civil war. Now that they have superior technology and more men, there's nothing that can stop them. A new offensive has been launched for the capital. Seige tanks have pressed forward to bombard the Atheist artillery, while secret special forces are slowly taking out each soldier one by one. The moral of the atheists is quickly dropping as they have been torn to pieces, and are no longer in a formal army. They have been scattered so much that it's not every man for himself.
OOC: Carpathian States , if you would not like a Christian type government to take control tell me now. Is there a third faction that I could turn to that you would like more? Tell me now before I continue with more bombardments.
BROADCAST-We (and I hope, the rest of the Coalition of Peace) will withdraw most (or all) of our troops if a single, non-religious government is set up. Otherwise, I fear we will have to call on our allies to become involved in this peacekeeping mission. Tanks, infantry, artillery, and finally, planes from the three Duke class airborne carriers which have been dispatched are preparing to repulse any Christian offensive which fires on them. Troops are flying blue peacekeepers flags and will not intervene in any conflict more than 10 km from the capital, which is under Coalition protection.
Tom Joad
29-10-2003, 02:02
I ask all parties to consider at the least a 24 hour cease-fire to allow much needed talks to begin without continual development on the battlefield. Most pressing of all to discuss is the nature of all parties involved and to arrange safe areas for civilians, regardless of their faith, to retreat to.
Another concerning point is the lack of caution shown bye foreign parties intervening in this situation, in future it would be advisable to consider the nature of your involvement before commitin the lives of those that serve under you.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 02:04
While the Christian offensive continued to press forward, a third party emerged, filled with rage against both sides. These people are citizens of Carpathia who only wish to have peace, and a government who recognizes all religions. It consists of people of all different religions including some Christians and some Atheists. It also contains people who aren't religious, but are totally against war, especially over religion. They have called for a peace conference, but with no assistance from other peacekeeping nations, no one will listen to them.
Transmission Opened: Target - JAC:
JAC You will not enforce your will on these peoples. If you fire on Imperial troops it will be considered an act of war against the Empire. Now you may be considering bringing in allies , but I can guarantee I have many allies as well. If your true mission is peace then you will remove your forces , or at least choose a side. If you are a true government of peace you would bring in humanitarian aid and set up hospitals and the like to provide medical assistance for all those hurt in this war as well as supplies for the suffering civilians of this terrible conflict. Heed my warnings for this is the only time you shall recieve them.
-Admiral Hester
Imperial Navy
Transmission Ended.
From: JAC
To: Elara
Cc: The Lost Winds, Carpathian States (Christian), Carpathian States (Atheist), Tom Joad, Arribastan, Handschar
We have now chosen a side. We will withdraw, as we support the side that wishes for peace. In addition, we will send this group $760,000,000 (almost all of our military budget) to rebuild the nation. We will also be sending 2,000 trained medics (regrettably military, but we have no civilian doctors to spare) and the necessary materials and tools for the construction of 20 new hospitals. We will be shipping in necessary food and medicinal supplies for our medics and for the general populous of the Carpathian States, regardless of their religion. Troops withdrawal should be complete by 1800 tomorrow.
OOC: 1800 tomorrow is about 5 minutes, RL. Also, I may not have chosen a side, but I thought that was all around not bad RP. I thank you all for your suggestions, etc.
Suddenly Elarian troops surround Christian positions and order them to lay down their weapons or die.
Transmission Opened: Target - Open Frequency (All can hear):
"Seeing that a third faction more to Imperial liking has arisen , the Empire under orders of Emperor Roland Meridius hereby join this third faction in their quest and are arming all who volunteer to be Carpathian Militia for their new government." "We will fight both the Christian Faction and the Atheist Faction , we are willing to talk peace only if the third Faction which we are now supporting wishes to." "Until that time we continue our war with our new allies." "Admiral Hester of the Imperial Navy out."
Transmission Ended.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 02:17
We would like to host a meeting for a possible cease-fire, and peace terms. Any nation that has been involved, or would like to help with the peace process can come.
As of right now, the Christian offensive has withdrawn because of the possible chance of a solution to the war. They will continue to mobilize though, in case of the peace process breaking through.
From: Garenthas
To: All concerned
We are watching developments in this country with some frustration. It seems that everyones attitude is that peace can be brought about through force of arms. Surely you see the futility in such an argument.
If anyone is willing to act as a spokesperson for the christian movement I must ask them why they feel it is so important that people be forced into their religion by law.
If you are right then these people will recive an eternal punishment at the hands of your lord and your violence is at best a waste of time.
If not then you are killing for no reason, either way you must accept that this violence does not aid your cause. The aetheists are willing to talk and have sent an envoy to a secret meeting in our country where the issue can be discussed without the threat of violence.
If you are truely the sons of god then please, for your own sakes, attend the talks, work towards peace through negotiation rather than intimidation.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 02:23
As the troops of Elara surround the Christians and send them into a surrender, the Atheist side sees this as an opportunity to create their own government without the approval of the 3rd side. This could lead to a second part of the civil war between the 3rd coalition and the Atheists.
To: Carpathian States
From: Garenthas
The atheists and the 3rd coilation are fighting for the same thing! The atheists want a govornment under which they have the freedom to choose their religion. The coilation simply exists as a means to end this war. These goals are not mutually exclusive, for you to fight now would be a massive waste of human life!
We extend our invitation to an ambassador from the 3rd coilation and hope that the people of this country have the sense to end this war now.
Imperials noticing the Atheists rise in morale increase bombardment of Atheists military positions and continue arming the 3rd party.
OOC: Garen , no they are not the same. Atheists believe in nothing. The 3rd is a mix of Atheists and different Religions all working together.
Tom Joad
29-10-2003, 02:41
Seeing the arrival of Garenthas, we no longer feel it is important for potential peace negotiations to be conducted by Tom Joad and so hand over responsibility to Garenthas and all those who seek a peaceful resolution to this conflict.
The 2nd UWD joins Atheist forces in counter-attacks against Christian forces. Several infiltrators, posing as regular nuetral Carpathian citizens, are dispatched towards the areas where Christian mobilization is taking place. Their aim, to slow down the mobilization process, hopefully.
From: CDH
To: Atheist Carpathian States
"Handschar forces wish to know if the Atheist government of the Carpathian States wishes to continue attacks against Christians, the new party, or the occupying forces of the JAC, or if it is your decision to halt attacks in hopes of a peace process."
From: CDH
To: Elara
We thank you for choosing not to attack our forces.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 15:56
OOC: This is the Atheists.
We wish to halt the war, but we must set up a government as quickly as possible before the Christians have any chance to stop us. The government will become anti-religion, and there's nothing the Christians, or the 3rd party can do about it for that matter!
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 19:14
A huge spaceship enters the athmosphere, escorted by five smaller vessels and heads towards the Carpathian States.
To all parties involved into the carpathian civil-war.
This is Commodore Vliesser aboard of the hospital-ship "Gnade von Terra" of the NG Spacenavy.
We are on a humanitary mission to give those medical aid who need it. We ask you to accept us as a neutral party and not to attack the "Gnade von Terra" or our personal.
This ship is not armed but every act of violence against the "Gnade von Terra" will be counted as an act of war. The aggressing forces will imediatly be destroyed by the NG Defense Force.
I reiterate: We are on a humanitary mission and ask you not to attack the ship or the personal.
Commodore Vliesser over.
Transmission ends.
The "Gnade von Terra" and the armed escort vessels land near the beach, waiting for response.
From: CDH
To: Atheists
"As your allies we pledge our support in your decision.
We will continue undermining the Christian and 3rd party forces and the JAC occupational forces should they not withdraw."
29-10-2003, 19:39
29-10-2003, 19:43
Elarian Imperial Forces begins a massive offensive on all three fronts against Atheist Forces.
Imperial troops train 3rd Party (or Coallition whichever they prefer to be called) forces in the arts of war. Each 3rd Party Militia member is handed AK-47s with Bayonets and fragmentation grenades. Elarians dont give their own technology away , old rules and traditions , Elarian tech stays with Elarians.
Elarian Gentari Fighters fly over the NG Vessel.
Transmission Opened:
"Northern German vessel , Elarians will not engage you fear not friend." "We are glad to see you arrive , these poor people needed the help." "If you require assistance of any kind , open a transmission , we will be there ASAP." "Best of luck , Admiral Hester of the Imperial Navy out."
Transmission Ended.
The Turanic units embeded deep in the city that began there infiltarion yesterday(RL) have infiltrated the atheist lines and procede to shut down the civil and milatary power grids. Throwing the military into chaos! disrupting all lines of ground communcation. we then signal to all Peacekeeper force to begin taking hold of the now chaotic blacked outcity.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 19:51
We all welcome the assistance of northern Germany into The Carpathian States for humanitarian aid, and will not attack you.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 20:03
With the reinforcement of both the 3rd coalition and the Atheist military, the Christian side seems dim. In a final meeting today among the Christian leaders, they have decided that if they can't have this country, then no one can have it. They have sought out a country to lend them chemical and biological WMD. They would rather see this country destroyed rather than see the Atheists or the 3rd Coalition rule.
realising that christian forces are weakened by recent attacks the pepoles republic of chao2 decides to attack enemy forces at the scource in an effort to destroy attacks against the river banks. as of now assasins and deathwatch kill teams have been deployed and are heading towards the christian camps.
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 20:16
Elarian Gentari Fighters fly over the NG Vessel.
Transmission Opened:
"Northern German vessel , Elarians will not engage you fear not friend." "We are glad to see you arrive , these poor people needed the help." "If you require assistance of any kind , open a transmission , we will be there ASAP." "Best of luck , Admiral Hester of the Imperial Navy out."
Transmission Ended.
High security communication between "Gnade von Terra" and escort vessels:
Commodore Vliesser: "Disengage the weapons-targeting on those fighters. They are elarian vessels.
Colonel Frenz, order your men to build up the M.A.S.H. next to our current position and make sure that it is well protected.
Captains of vessels:" Aye, Sir.
Colonel Frenz: "Aye, Sir. The marines will do so. The M.A.S.H. will be ready in 2 hours."
Comodore Vliesser: "Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen. Vliesser over."
Transmission ends.
Transmission to elarian forces:
Greetings elarian friends, thank you for your generous offer. If you need any medical help don't hesitate to ask for it. We will take care about those who need it.
Commodore Vliesser over.
Transmission ends
Transmission to CS (all):
Thank you in the name of all who need medical aid for not attacking the "Gnade von Terra".
Commodore Vliesser over.
Transmission ends
Transmission to all parties:
If you need any medical help don't hesitate to ask for it.
Sourgeon Commodore von Barling aboard of the "Gnade von Terra" over.
Transmission ends
Five Civilized Nations
29-10-2003, 20:18
The Five Civilized Nations's spy satellites observe the civil war intently, informing the Citadel of the civil war... Already, the Five Civilized Nations are mobilizing to intervene in the civil war.
The Turanic Empires Ranger unit1 now move to defend the CS leader from the Deathwatch teams of Chao2. The secound unit proceeds to begin ferrying injured bystanders towarrads the M.A.S.H units location carrying many of the wounded in an old school bus. in hope of get the poeple to safty in time.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 20:36
Breaking News: A bomb has gone off in the capital of Carpathia in a tank factory which builds them for the Atheist side. Over 100 people have been killed and more injured. The Christians claim responsibility for the attack and pledge that they will be a "thorn in the nations side" until it is all destroyed.
Also, 3rd Coalition diplomats along with Atheist diplomats have met in an undisclosed area and have discussed peace terms, and a possible alliance against the Christians and anyone else who opposes them. Their forces have now joined sides in an attempt to bring a peace-loving and stable government to The Carpathian States.
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 20:38
The Turanic Empires Ranger unit1 now move to defend the CS leader from the Deathwatch teams of Chao2. The secound unit proceeds to begin ferrying injured bystanders towarrads the M.A.S.H units location carrying many of the wounded in an old school bus. in hope of get the poeple to safty in time.
Aboard of "NGNS Walküre":
Sensoric officer: "Sir, we've got multiple land based units approaching the M.A.S.H."
Capt. Stainer: "Com., inform the "Gnade von Terra" and the next security guard post about this!"
Com officer: "Aye, Sir."
SGP Delta (25 marines, 4 light defense crafts, 1 doubble-MG-tower):
Transmission from Walküre:
"Vessels are approaching, crossed point 2. Get ready to stop these vessels. Let's see what they want. Everybody be on guard. Let them pass if they are carrying injured people."
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 20:46
Breaking News: A bomb has gone off in the capital of Carpathia in a tank factory which builds them for the Atheist side. Over 100 people have been killed and more injured. The Christians claim responsibility for the attack and pledge that they will be a "thorn in the nations side" until it is all destroyed.
As an reaction to the explosion in the capital several emergency crafts have been prepared to support the rescue teams if necessary.
Transmission to atheist CS:
[b]Do you need any assitance to help the victims of this bomb attack?[b]
Transmission ends
Rangerunit all broadcast.
To the MASH unit setting up down the road. we will comply with searchs. We are bringing in injured persons if nesasary we will hand of th wounded to your units but we will continue to bring in more wounded. we are here to aid those who should not be harmed.
Our other squad is perserveing the leader of the C forces an atempting to convince them to enter the peace talks. in hopes of setting up a government that handle ALL the needs of its people.
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 20:50
to turanic Ranger unit:
"Alright, hand the wounded to our units. We are sure you understand that we can't allow any weaponed troops within the boarders of the M.A.S.H. without NG troops."
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 20:51
Breaking News: A bomb has gone off in the capital of Carpathia in a tank factory which builds them for the Atheist side. Over 100 people have been killed and more injured. The Christians claim responsibility for the attack and pledge that they will be a "thorn in the nations side" until it is all destroyed.
As an reaction to the explosion in the capital several emergency crafts have been prepared to support the rescue teams if necessary.
Transmission to atheist CS:
[b]Do you need any assitance to help the victims of this bomb attack?[b]
Transmission ends
yes, we need assistance clearing the rubble of the building and finding any survivors.
Turanic unit withdraws from Christian lines broadcasting
We will not Aid Mad Bombers You ARE ON YOUR OWN Christians!
Ranger1 begins to aid the fleeing poeple of the city.
commidering serval apc'(C's) to ferry people out of the city to Ranger2s pick up point.
kill teams take up position and watch exits on towns scanning them for christian activity
Ranger 2 Broadcast
This is ranger 2 we comply. Here they are. take them to safty. we will continue to bring down more wounded from the battle lines.
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 20:56
yes, we need assistance clearing the rubble of the building and finding any survivors.
45 Emergency crafts are on the way. They are signed with the usual REDCROSS. Any acts of violence against these crafts will result in military reactions. The crafts are escorted by 15 Light Defense Crafts.
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 20:58
Ranger 2 Broadcast
This is ranger 2 we comply. Here they are. take them to safty. we will continue to bring down more wounded from the battle lines.
Alright. We thank you in the name of all those who need the help.
(sorry Must log out) ranger units continue to help bystander out of the city and wounded to the northern gremaqn lines.( besides if they only move a short distance they move faster.)
The turanic government pledges to aid the rebuild of this city once the war is over.
Carpathian States
29-10-2003, 21:55
in a finaly telegram from the Christian side, they have chose that it isn't worth destroying the country anymore. They have decided to retreat to an undisclosed nation, leaving the Atheists and the 3rd Coalition to prepare a new government and to rebuild what has been lost. Over 10,000 people have been killed in this civil war, and we thank everyone who helped to bring it to an end. But now is when The Carpathian States need help the most. This new government must be strong enough to stand up and take charge in light of what has happened.
We also ask for all the countries involved in the war to keep a small amount of troops in our country to keep order and to prevent any type of attacks on civilians. Thank you for your help.
Elarians seeing the Alliance between 3rd Coallition and Atheist groups stopped firing on Atheist positions. An eerie calm fills the air.
Elarians have constructed POW Camps for the captured Christian Troops.
In accordance to the wishes of the Empire's newfound allies Carpathian States , we have set up several military bases around the nation for our troops.
Elarian Peacekeepers enter Carpathian States by order of Emperor Roland Meridius.
Elarian Troops remove themselves from Carpathian States with the exception of a certain number of troops that will be staying.
Imperial Forces staying in Carpathian States:
-100,000 Elarian Peacekeepers
-50,000 EIA (Elarian Imperial Army)
-10 Elarian Naval Battleships
-5 Elarian Naval Carriers
-5 Elarian Attack Submarines
-10 Elarian Naval Destroyers
-500 Gentari Fighters
-50 White Tiger IV Bombers
Transmission Opened:
[b]"This is Emperor Roland Meridius of the Empire of Elara , we are proud to see the Civil War in Carpathian States has finally ended." "We wish your people an eternity of happiness and prosperity." "We are sending aid teams along with 50 Billion Imperial Marks to help get you back on your feet." "I hope that in future we can work closely together , and one day even become more than friends , but allies." "You have my best wishes , the Empire will aid you all it can in these troubled times."
Transmission Ended.
Imperial Losses:
-647 EIA
-281 EIM
-32 Imperial Stormtroopers
-46 Valkyries
-7 Imperial Guards
Northern Germany
29-10-2003, 23:10
The "Gnade von Terra" will stay until the last victims of this war are cured.
The escort vessels will stay too, to protect the "Gnade von Terra".
Each vessels carries 250 NG marines and 100 Light Defense Crafts. Most of them will help to protect the "Gnade von Terra". The others will help to secure critical areas if wished by CS.
Transmission from Comodore Vliesser in the name of President L. Insinger:
"Our President would like to congratulate you to this peacefull ending of the war.
We hope that the people of the Capathian States will live in peace from now on. If you need any assistance to rebuild your country feel free to ask us. We'll help you as good as we can.
Comodore Vliesser, Republic of Northern Germany, over."
Transmission ends
Carpathian States
30-10-2003, 05:40
Elarians seeing the Alliance between 3rd Coallition and Atheist groups stopped firing on Atheist positions. An eerie calm fills the air.
Elarians have constructed POW Camps for the captured Christian Troops.
In accordance to the wishes of the Empire's newfound allies Carpathian States , we have set up several military bases around the nation for our troops.
Elarian Peacekeepers enter Carpathian States by order of Emperor Roland Meridius.
Elarian Troops remove themselves from Carpathian States with the exception of a certain number of troops that will be staying.
Imperial Forces staying in Carpathian States:
-100,000 Elarian Peacekeepers
-50,000 EIA (Elarian Imperial Army)
-10 Elarian Naval Battleships
-5 Elarian Naval Carriers
-5 Elarian Attack Submarines
-10 Elarian Naval Destroyers
-500 Gentari Fighters
-50 White Tiger IV Bombers
Transmission Opened:
[b]"This is Emperor Roland Meridius of the Empire of Elara , we are proud to see the Civil War in Carpathian States has finally ended." "We wish your people an eternity of happiness and prosperity." "We are sending aid teams along with 50 Billion Imperial Marks to help get you back on your feet." "I hope that in future we can work closely together , and one day even become more than friends , but allies." "You have my best wishes , the Empire will aid you all it can in these troubled times."
Transmission Ended.
Imperial Losses:
-647 EIA
-281 EIM
-32 Imperial Stormtroopers
-46 Valkyries
-7 Imperial Guards
We thank Elara for all of the help it has done for the welfare of the Carpathian States. We also welcome the Elarian military into the country. My people praise your country and its brave soldiers for saving our nation. if it weren't for you, we don't know where we would be right now. Your nation will be marked down in Carpathian history for saving the entire nation from disaster. We look forward to becoming great allies with you and we give you permission to seek out any type of materials from my country that you need, such as iron, copper, or any mineral you wish.
Carpathian States
30-10-2003, 14:49
Carpathian States
30-10-2003, 17:59
bump, again!
The Garenthas negotiators seeing that (finally) these people have come to their senses pack up and leave quietly.
Ozymandias IV
30-10-2003, 18:09
The Republic of Ozymandias IV offers financial aid to the Carpathian States as they attempt to rebuild following the recent hostilities.
In addition The Republic of Ozymandias IV Ministry of Defence would be willing to send troops to a multinational peacekeeping force.
30-10-2003, 18:31
The nation of Kihameria will open its borders to ANY Christian refugee's,however we will not allow any atheists on our borders,if there is any anti-Christian attacks within our borders we will take military action against the culprits.
The Turanic empire vows that the carpithan states will reicve trade agreements and one unit of our 15 Elite ranger Sqauds. Unit # 12 is at you command.
-Turanic Rep
Carpathian States
30-10-2003, 21:44
The Republic of Ozymandias IV offers financial aid to the Carpathian States as they attempt to rebuild following the recent hostilities.
In addition The Republic of Ozymandias IV Ministry of Defence would be willing to send troops to a multinational peacekeeping force.
we thank you for your offer of financial support and we welcome a peacekeeping force from your country.
Carpathian States
30-10-2003, 21:46
The Turanic empire vows that the carpithan states will reicve trade agreements and one unit of our 15 Elite ranger Sqauds. Unit # 12 is at you command.
-Turanic Rep
we thank the nation of Turanic for its help in the war, and you will be remembered, along with Elara, as the countries that saved the Carpathian States. You are welcome to visit my country anytime you want, and i look forward to better relations with you.
Transmission Opened:
"Dear Carpathian friends , we are honored by your kind words." "It was a pleasure to aid your people in such a terrible time , no doubt our two great peoples will grow ever closer as friends."
Transmission Ended.
the johston armed corps have informed us to send in peacekeepers. Them being a regional ally we do plan to send them in. The exact figures aren't ready yet but when they are we will post them.
our borders are open to all refugees, they will be housed and treated well
Dark Phoenix Magaen Rae
The pepoles republic of chao2 will keep 100 soldiers to protect the river links and will offer trade agree ments once the goverment is organised