28-10-2003, 21:45
Radar Operator: Sir, we have detected a large fleet of unknown armed ships in the Iron Sea, just off Mapalgetia.
Lieutenant: Do we have confirmation?
Radioman: We should be getting a report from the MAG we just sent out...Now. Hmm...Holy s***! "At least 7 capital ships and 13 destroyers. May be additional subs. Firing on group of trawlers...sending out boarding vessels."
Lieutenant: Pirates. Captain Andrews?
Captain: Yes?
Lieutenant: We have pirates off Mapalgetia.
Captain: I'll dispatch a small battlegroup.
Lieutenant: Sir?
Captain: One North class, three Dragons, a Waterloo, and four Staffs. Oh, and send a Duke class over there as well.
Lieutenant: Do we have confirmation?
Radioman: We should be getting a report from the MAG we just sent out...Now. Hmm...Holy s***! "At least 7 capital ships and 13 destroyers. May be additional subs. Firing on group of trawlers...sending out boarding vessels."
Lieutenant: Pirates. Captain Andrews?
Captain: Yes?
Lieutenant: We have pirates off Mapalgetia.
Captain: I'll dispatch a small battlegroup.
Lieutenant: Sir?
Captain: One North class, three Dragons, a Waterloo, and four Staffs. Oh, and send a Duke class over there as well.