The Protectorate of Sytris is in the need for a new power source. Our combustion and solar-powered engines are outdated and need to be replaced... we were looking along the lines of fusion power or better. We are willing to negotiate a suitable price.
Kurai Nami
28-10-2003, 21:32
Well i don't have fusion, but i have Hydrogen/Oxygen. Just as nice i think, and renewable :)
Domion of Kurai Nami
We can sell you atmospheric fusion. It uses the gases in the atmosphere for cold fusion.
For technology: $100 billion
Generaters: Depends on size, $5 for a AA size battery.
Johnston: For the technology... that would amount to approximately 30 billion A-Bills... acceptable, considering how much we would save using this technology.
I just hope my council doesn't have my throat...