Zefyrz Reintegrated into People's Republic of Galdania
28-10-2003, 19:35
"I, Commisar General Mikhail Zputrykov, shall be the new Premier of Zefyrz. We are laying down our arms to Galdania, and are ready to return to being a province of Galdania's vast and glorious land."
-Commisar General Mikhail Zputrykov, Puppet of Galdanian Premier Milka Dynestravich.
The Zefyeren police and the Zefyeren army have pledged that they shall not follow Dynestravich's puppet, and that they shall fight Galdania "until the breath is taken from our bodies", says renegade Zefyeren General Patzhoy Yurimov.
28-10-2003, 19:52
"Galdania's power cannot be matched. Grunge-France, even with the backing of Aoe2, is no match for us. Galdania alone has sufficient power to cripple them, but with Comintern behind us, what can stand in our way of taking back Zefyrz, and even taking our borders farther? The will of the People cannot be stopped."
-Premier Milka Dynestravich, speaking in a (secret) meeting with several high-ranking Galdanian politicians and military officials.
OOC: It's in secret, so you can't quote me on it.
28-10-2003, 19:55
Secret IC:
"But perhaps the Fuggolians will join the Grunge-French? Even with the Leninist Workers behind us, Zefyrz could certainly fall."
28-10-2003, 20:11
Fuggolia has long opposed Galdania, we will not rest until Galdania is but a footnote in History.
To this end we commit ourselves to the Grunge-French cause, the Region of Weed nations is soon to join Aoe2.
In other news Prince Maulan has been named the new commander in chief of the Fuggolian Military, at least until Valdus recovers.
29-10-2003, 00:31
"So the Fuggolians wish to annihilate every man, woman and child in Galdania? Such aggressive threats from such a kitten."
-Premier Milka Dynestravich
Red Scandinavia
29-10-2003, 01:22
"Acting on independent orders from Red Scandinavian high command, 500.000 soldiers already deployed to Galdania from the 1st Danish Sentinel Company spread out through the thick terrain and lay out a nigh-inpenetratable central front over the Galdanian-Grunge/French-Front. Mines have been spread in the middle, and the soldiers are using camouflage and decoy drones to keep G-french forces off guard."
"In other military newscasts, Red Scandinavia has reacted to Prince Maulans initiative towards Galdania, and has committed another million troops(in contrary to the conscripts defending Galdania, these are Scandinavian professional troops, top-trained and top-equipped) to be ready to invade Fuggolia in case hostilities break out. Before this happens, the elite troops of the People's Republic are preparing for the worst...."
29-10-2003, 13:01
Prince Maulan has issued a statement-
"We advise Red Scandinavia to back down. Any action towards Fuggolia will result in the death of many of your citizens, ask yourself, do you value the lives of pitiful Galdanians over those of your own people? Withdraw your statement, and never seek to bother the Empire of Fuggolia ever again."
29-10-2003, 13:42
An Addittion-
"Why support a nation that swallows others into its fold under the guise of liberation?
We are prepared to crush your measly military, if nessessary, We have our Clysdale Heavy bombers ready to launch, Our Cavalier and Crusader fighters are ready to engage any immdiate threat, Our reservist pilots are ready to pilot our older stored Vixen fighters at a moments notice and our Army and Navy, are on 24 alert"
29-10-2003, 13:57
Following these alarming threats, The United Socialist States of Kamerovia have placed our military on emergency standby and three squadrons of Su-17s and two squadrons of Su-27s have been deployed over Galdanian airspace to maintain the security of Galdania. Any aircraft without the correct authorization in this area will be warned to leave and if this is ignored, fire upon.
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Commisar of the Revolution
29-10-2003, 14:07
Prince Maulan- "We shall not fire unless fired upon, but know this, we do not take kindly to threats, Fuggolia will now be detaining any citizens of any nation that has threatened Fuggolia in anyway"
29-10-2003, 14:26
At dawn, three large black jets crept silently towards the capitals of Galdania, Kamerovia and Red Scandinavia loaded with Anti-communist literature, correctly translated into the repective languages, amougst the texts are George Orwells "Animal Farm" and "1984".
Red Scandinavia
29-10-2003, 17:15
We should heartily hope the Fuggolians realize what they are placing themselves against here. Although it has yet to happen, the eleven states of the fourth Communist Internationale will soon be mustering forces to place in a joint expeditionary force against our enemies - Make no mistake, dear prince, our strength is that of brothers in arms and the enemy of one is the enemy of us all. Civilian massacres in violation of International law will but result in even griever losses among you.
That being said, our Minister of Culture had a jolly laugh regarding the Danish copies of George Orwell's literature dropped over København. As your intelligence might have informed you, they can be bought at low prices or rented here, so we hoped you didn't exert yourself too much. While your little drop has increased support for conservative and radical parties by a few percents, we do not dictate whom our citizens vote for. On that note, would you want to do it again, do send it to us by mail - Had our AAA systems noticed your cleverly camouflaged bombers, they would have been destroyed at once.
Now, on to more serious matters. While SAM systems, air patrols and reserve has been set in highest readiness, we do not wish be embroiled in this sort of conflict - And we do believe it CAN be avoided. We would like to know if there are ANY sort of concessions we can give Fuggolia to avoid their attack on Galdanian and allied forces? We kindly ask you to consider this offer, that we may avoid being remembered with derision and resentment for starting a senseless and bloody conflict
Written with the authority of the Scandinavian people and state,
by Commander of Danish Forces Svend Åge Jensby and Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft.
29-10-2003, 17:55
We have no interests in starting a war, merely maintaining justice, and we would ask that our precautions are not misconstrued as threats. Needless to say, if any Kamerovian citizens or those of the Comintern region are detained without reason or harmed, we shall be forced to take serious action on this breach of the geneva convention, and I am sure that much of the international community will feel the same. Please do not act stupidly.
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Commisar of the Revolution
29-10-2003, 21:45
Four squadrons of Plenzonian MiG-29 fighters were sent into Galdanian airspace to help protect it from any incoming threats as well as an undisclosed amount of Mi-8T choppers being loaded with unknown materials. All other Plenzonian fighters currently patrol the airspace around Plenzonian cities and are given strict instructions to destroy any craft that does not belong to a Comintern nation.
Along with these actions came an offical statement from the Plenzonian Premier.
"We do not wish war, but if we must we will protect our gracious allies in their time of need. Any actions taken from this moment forward by Fuggolia will be taken as acts of aggression and ultimately declaring war against the Comintern. We will not be blamed for starting this war.
We are aware of propaganda being distrubuted in the capitals of our allies and would like to point out that not all the countries in the Comintern are oppressive regimes. Plenzonians are already required to read most of the books you would be dropping upon their heads. Propaganda does not work on a highly educated population and while I cannot speak for my allies, Plenzonians will see this as an act that is insulting their intelligence. Plenzonains are socialist because they want to be, not because we force them to be.
Perhaps our enemies should realize that the majority of communist and socialist nations detest the (historic) U.S.S.R. as fascism painted red and therefore any anti-soviet propaganda such as Animal Farm would certainly have no effect on the people.
With this said we will assume any planes over Plenzonian cities will be there to institute a war of terror bombing upon our people and measures are being taken to prevent this.
The people are ready for war, I personally suggest backing down on your ludicrious crusade.
Premier Vladimir Kaust of the People's Republic of Plenzonia"
30-10-2003, 01:50
Galdania laughs at Fuggolia's 'propaganda'. It is mandatory that Grade 8 Galdanians read both '1984' and 'Animal Farm'.
Galdanians take oaths when they reach 16. Those here are here by their choice alone. And they know their responsibilities.
OOC: To RS, and others: Grunge-France and Galdania do not share a border. Galdania has been attacked twice throuigh amphibious assualts. Our borders are encircled by vast unclaimed wilds, and by fellow communist nations.
30-10-2003, 03:49
OOC: BTW, RC, Galdania does not have conscription. Though all adults must be members of Community Militias, soldiers are different. They carry guns. Some might say that Galdanians 'lack freedom', simply because we have soldiers on every street. But it is because of the capitalists and their 'freedom' that we must have soldiers on every street. Besides, our soldiersa are mostly just members of the community who keep a watch on everything, to make sure nobody commits crime.
30-10-2003, 13:27
30-10-2003, 14:03
Offical Statement from Fuggolian Grand Council-
"Prince Maulan has been placed under house arrest by the council, until his father is well enough to reach an agreement with the appropriate partys, we apologise for his behaviour towards all nations in this flare up.
However, Maulan is very popular amugst many sections of the Fuggolian armed forces and his supporters are very good at, keeping there true alligences underwraps, even now we have reports of rouge military units disobeying higher command. Please keep this under advisment. A coup cannot be ruled out."
-Council Spokesman Hampton
Red Scandinavia
30-10-2003, 16:24
Apology accepted. The entire nation is much relieved that we do not face armed struggle against the massive nation of Fuggolia.
Mogens Lykketoft,
Foreign Minister.
01-11-2003, 06:46
"Fuggolia is weak like kitten with no arms!"
-Some Galdanian Tactics-dude
Volstik would like to make it clear that any anti-galdanian forces may use Volstik's airspace and airbases as staging grounds.
*Volstik is an island 100miles off Galdania's coast
01-11-2003, 07:08
Volstik would like to make it clear that any anti-galdanian forces may use Volstik's airspace and airbases as staging grounds.
*Volstik is an island 100miles off Galdania's coast
If planes are launched from Volstik, we will destroy air strips and military stations.
01-11-2003, 13:29
Kamerovian Air Force units are maintaining a no-fly zone over the 100 miles between Galdania and Volstik. We advise you not to attempt to test our defences.
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Commisar of the Revolution
Kamerovian Air Force units are maintaining a no-fly zone over the 100 miles between Galdania and Volstik. We advise you not to attempt to test our defences.
Umm, Galdania owns the airspace 40 miles off his coast, then there is a 20 neutral zone we both agreed on, then I have 40 miles of airspace. If you cross into my airspace with so much as a bumblebee it will be taken down before you can say "commie pinko". ANY aircraft crossing into Volstik airspace will immediately be dealt with. Su-30MKR's are currently airborne patrolling for any intrusion.
SM-3 and MEADS launchers along the coast also have clearance to take down any aircraft or missile deemed hostile.
Following these alarming threats, The United Socialist States of Kamerovia have placed our military on emergency standby and three squadrons of Su-17s and two squadrons of Su-27s have been deployed over Galdanian airspace to maintain the security of Galdania. Any aircraft without the correct authorization in this area will be warned to leave and if this is ignored, fire upon.
For some reason I think you couldn't afford Su-27's with your economy. All you could afford would be some broken down MiG-21's and MiG-23's
01-11-2003, 20:11
Well, if Volstik wishes to get involved in this matter, then the armed forces of Plenzonia would have to consider them as an enemy as well.
Due to the current allogation that you are executing political dissedents, we must admit that we are not sorry at this development....an additional squadron of MiG-29's have been dispatched and has begun patrolling Galdanian airspace.
01-11-2003, 23:27
When we said the 100 miles in between Galdania and Volstik we meant, between the 100 miles, and I can assure you that we will not cross into Volstikian airspace. Oh and I like the "commie pinko" remark, especially from a nation that operates Sukhoi aircraft......a word beginning with H springs to mind.....
01-11-2003, 23:30
Following these alarming threats, The United Socialist States of Kamerovia have placed our military on emergency standby and three squadrons of Su-17s and two squadrons of Su-27s have been deployed over Galdanian airspace to maintain the security of Galdania. Any aircraft without the correct authorization in this area will be warned to leave and if this is ignored, fire upon.
For some reason I think you couldn't afford Su-27's with your economy. All you could afford would be some broken down MiG-21's and MiG-23's
Why do you think we operate Su-17s as our frontline bomber aircraft? Su-27s are quite affordable these days, especially since the 30 range came into operation.
especially from a nation that operates Sukhoi aircraft......a word beginning with H springs to mind.....
You think there are no countries in RL that operate the Su-27 and aren't communists?
These are the current operators of the Su-27:
Angola, Algeria, Belarus, China, Ethiopia, India (Su-30), Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam
Out of those how many are communists? Angola, Vietnam, and China are the only ones.
Red Scandinavia
02-11-2003, 18:23
the Red Scandinavian F-16 fleet is ready and operational to engage Volstik and Rumanian fighters should they follow up on their presumptious threats against our fellow ComIntern allies.
Republic Defense spokesmen.
07-11-2003, 11:00
Valdus and Maulan in main chamber:
"Father, we must strike now! Kill them all"
"And risk the lives of Fuggolians? No my son, our time shall come, just be patient"