28-10-2003, 06:55
Breaking news from Edenstein!
(OOC: That's an innovative post format; do you usually do them like that?)
28-10-2003, 07:27
OOC: Thank you very much.
I wish I had the time to do it like that more often, here is some of the other things I did,
I only do it when I have time to do it.. lol but during the summer, I'd come home from work and then sit on the computer and do this. lol it was an all consuming thing.
28-10-2003, 18:55
*Official Statement from the office of Emperor Edward Mikhael Romanov*
Re: Scandal
The claims of a relationship between General Sianoodle and myself are completly and totally fabricated. Although Ms. Sianoodle is a very wonderful and talented young lady there is no basis for these allegations. I feel that it is more likely that someone at the LETI News organization had to much time on their hands and was itching for a story.
Futhermore, I feel that this is a complete waste of time on the part of LETI News, considering the more important things that are happening in our great region.
Emperor Edward Mikhael Romanov
Henceland Omega
28-10-2003, 21:45
::HO Channel 2 News::
Diane: And now, breaking news! SCANDAL in LETI!
Tom: Hey now Diane, I thought we weren't going to speak about our...
Diane: Shh! No, this scandal concerns Emeper Ed and General Siannodel. The Emperor has already made a statement, and now we bring you to a press conference in Yggdrasil Square where General Siannodel is making a statement.
::The screen flashes to the balcony in Yggdrasil Square. Laura is standing at the front, with Holy Emperor Corran and General Yamamoto behind her::
Laura: Ladies and Gentlemen of LETI, friends from other regions, and CoC. Rumours of my having an affair with Emperor Ed are completely false. Nothing has ever happened between myself and him. I can imagine that the story was fabricated sometime while the Emperor was incapacitated in the hospital after the tragic shuttle explosion in Edenstein. I personally stayed in his hospital room while his orderly was away and watched over him. Since when does this turn into an affair? I believe the story was fabricated by Tom Brokejaw in an effort to get himself another Pulitzer. One need only view an old press conference in which questions of ourselves were followed by his mention of said prize.
I am appalled that LETI News, a usually respectable organization, has printed this story without verification. ::She shakes her head sadly:: With so much going on in the region, did they really have to resort to such a farce. A story such as this may be 'news' in a tabloid, but it has no place amongst a real news source. I will field a few questions now. Right, Corran said to start with you. ::points to Elly::
Elly: Elhaym van Houten, HO Channel 2 news. Who would've fabricated those photographs. Our own lab technicians looked at them and they appear to be real. I admit that they aren't as good as true specialists, but it does seem to be authentic.
Laura: Good question. It's no doubt that whoever made the photograph took the time to go over all the details. I am very certain however that when our own specialists analyze the photo they will find it to be a fabrication. Next, how about you?
Reporter 2: Sy Phil Liss, for the Cripple Chronicle. From observatiosn made by most people you and the Emperor seemed to be very close. Something like this seems like it could very well be true.
Laura: Well of course. That's why people are believing the story. The Emperor is a good man, and I have the utmost respect for him. I've worked with him on many occasions. But that's where things stop. And next, how about you?
Dark cloaked reporter: Yes. What about the person who supposedly walked in on you guys?
Laura: What? What are you talking about?
Reporter: My sources tell me someone walked in on you guys.
Laura: Well they're full of *bleeped by tv station* And who are you anyway? You didnt' identify yourself. Hey, where are you going? ::The reporter begins to run away:: What the hell? ::shrugs:: Well that's all the time we have for now. I'll make another statement later when the lab results come back... ::She exits. The screen flashes back to the studio::
Tom: Well I certainly see where the reporters could get their ideas from. I'd hit that!
Diane: So would I! ::The two look at each other with wide eyes, then shake their heads::
Tom: And now sports!