Nation States Olympics - Applications to host the NSO 2003
28-10-2003, 06:32
In an ambitious new plan the Kingdom of Meulmania this evening announced the need for something to unite the many factions of the present day world we live in, it was with this in mind that Meulmania has decided to organize the Nation States Olympics 2003 with the help of other great nations.
The first step is to hear in about 4-5 lines why your nation/region should host the NSO 2003 Olympics. Then after about a week or two the best ten will be put into a poll.
When we know who will host the games they with others input will organize other important factors (ie sports etc).
So prove who should host NSO 2003!!!
The Wonderfulest City, Georgio. A packed city of 3 million people, plus the finest hotels. Hotels have the Beaches, Swimming pool, Inviting rooms, most comfortable beds and shower.
This city has a Famous College, with the Top 5 Best Basketball, Football, Baseball, and Soccer. This college has the best players. Our Sports Coverage is the #1 for Public, 2nd is Welfare!
Georgio is nearby a wonderful beach, called Huji Beach. Named after Huji, a famous president of ATA that once lived near the beach, until a horrible tragic death due to a heart attack.
The Gulf States
28-10-2003, 07:31
Our Urbanlympics of fine amateur inner city sports failed. But well, Bardista City still wants to host fine international sports competition.
Bardista City - the largest city in our mainland and 4th in the country (behind Sao Paulo, Rio de Janiero, and Brasilla) - is home to 7.1 million residents. The surrounding metropolitian area has another 16.7 million. Our city is clean, friendly, well-organized and easy to nagivate. Our roadway system is the envy of other nations. The Bardista City area is home to many sporting venues and plenty of professional teams.
we dont want to host it but will help finantially by sponsers etc.
it sounds like good fun!
28-10-2003, 10:48
Moontian's capital city, Auburn, will bid for the olympics.
Auburn is a very large city of 87 million. As befitting a city of such large proportions, there is an extensive public transport system, including an airport, seaport, spaceport, hoverskid taxi and skidbus system. Several stadia, artifical lakes, gymnasia, and aquatic centres are within the city, as are many hotels for officials and a small 'village' capable of holding 200,000 people.
Boa Vista
28-10-2003, 15:37
The President of the Commonwealth, after consultations with his cabinet, has decided to submit a bid to host the Nation States Olympics 2003. Our capital city, Praia, boasts many fine sports and entertainment facilities. Also, other cities such as Marceio and Beira also have excellent facilities to host such a great event. In addition, our country has a fine aviation and ground transportation network that can transport anyone to any place in an efficient manner.
The Commonwealth Government hopes the NSO 2003 will be hosted in Boa Vista.
Joao Ferreira
Presidential Minister for Public Relations
The Commonwealth of Boa Vista
28-10-2003, 19:54
We do not have the facilities to host such a huge event however we are keen to be involved with sponsors or building work etc. Please keep us informed.
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Commisar of the Revolution
29-10-2003, 18:15
We have decided to offer our services in building, if you like we can send our best workers to begin to construct the Grand Stadium designed by our very own Mikhail Sergeyvich Markov, Master Architecht of the State.
Comrade Machenzilek, Leader of the USSK, Commisar of the Revolution
Kyotia would like to apply for hosting the NSO 2003. We believe we should host the olympics for the following reasons:
We have been here long enough, and we are a big, fair, educated nation, that is very open-minded. We are a peaceful nation, that believes in "Justice for All". We also have the facilites required in our capital city of Cetius. Cetius has a population of 10 million. Also our anti-terror division of the militart is strongly trained, and knows how to handle situations, such as hostage, and bomb situations.
We hope your accept us :)
Prime Minister Hikaro Hakashi
The Principality of Idleminded offers to host the NationStates Olympics 2003. Our capital, Shuko, has alot of room for not only athletes but for the events as well. The air is clean throughout the city as cars are not allowed (however we are willing to allow other countries to arrive in cars, should we be chosen). We appreciate being considered and if not chosen for this year, perhaps next year.
Kaze Progressa
02-11-2003, 18:07
Quarua, Kaze Progressa, are willing to bid for the Olympics.
The country's second biggest city, over 15 million people living in the metropolitan area, is situated ideally on a large lake with steep mountains to the south-west. These mountains are snow-covered for large parts of the year and the winter events would be held here. The track and field events would be held at the new Quarua Island arena, to be built on an artificial island in the lake, close to the airport:
The cycling will take place at the Quarua Velodrome:
Boa Vista
05-11-2003, 06:50