Special Forces Playground (PW) (Open RP)
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***Dreghorn Barracks - Freedom City***
A firing range, at the back of the barracks. It is a chilly day, and some of the ground is covered in a thing layer of snow. Shots can be heard, ringing out across the land. Helicopter rotors can be heard in the distance, and the clatter of machine gun fire and boom of grenades can be heard nearby.
Several men in combats are lying prone, at the end of a firing range. They are firing alternate single shots from their M-16A3's, down range at short range. One man is firing an FC-21 machine gun on its bipods. Rounds clatter off targets. The guys with the M16's are hitting a target the size of a two pence piece everytime.
The guys here are part of the elite, Freedom Countries Commando's, and are training in a variety of well used weapons across the globe. They normally use FC-57's, but today are goofing around with common weapons across the world. They are the best of the best, FC's finest. They are few, with only 2,000 in FC. They are laser accurate with weapons.
It is just another day for them. Nothing special is happening. The guy firing the big gun is after a promotion, so is trying hard. His name is Mike, but they call him Shark. He could have been an olympic swimmer, but got kicked out of his school because of a crime problem. He got caught with drugs a few months later, and was sent to court.
The judge gave him a choice between prison and the armed forces, so he packed his bags and rode of to military camp. He was one of the few guys who got let off from two years compulsory service, so he started from scratch. So here he was, an olympic athlete, firing an FC-21, covered in mud at a firing range far away from home.
Several helos buzzed over, ut the guys didnt look up. They were damn used to it, just another day. Tommorow they might be paradropping.
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*Dreghorn Barracks, Freedom City*
It was early in the morning. The sun had not yet rose too high, and nothing moved. A few birds tweeted, but everything else was still. HMMV's sat still in the campus. Lights in the other barracks were out, no-one moved. Yet in one barracks, all the lights were on.
Inside the Commando Team 3 was systematically stuffing all their gear, clothes etc. in bags. Some guys stood around. All wore full combat fatugues. Several more clenched weapons.
Sargean Sizemore in Rosport, War on Jaceria
They in fact werent going paradropping today. They were getting shifted in an EA-80 to Broxburgh Air Base. That was FC's official outer engagement force base, where all stuff leaving the country leaft from. They might be getting an outside assignment, said their General, but they had learned never to believe him.
Mike "The Guru" Smitt
When all the bags were packed, they all headed out to the base runway, on foot for about a mile. There, there was an EA-80 sitting waiting for them. An HMMWV was being loaded into the back. 'Thats where we are going' though some of them.
[This is my first try at a story line. I am sick of seeing all this space crap, so I am doing a strictly modern one. Please, keep posting to a minimum, and no IC responses. This is my thread alone. Preciate it.]
OOC: That kind of sounds like you wanted to go it alone.
[This is my first try at a story line. I am sick of seeing all this space crap, so I am doing a strictly modern one. Please, keep posting to a minimum, and no IC responses. This is my thread alone. Preciate it.]
OOC: That kind of sounds like you wanted to go it alone.
Yeh, he meant no IC comments from spcae nations.
He says this to us mod techies:
BuMp - I need people invloved...if no one does, I will pretty much cancel this whole thing.
United Elias
30-10-2003, 18:18
The four men waited behind some rocks, angry their covert recon mission had been pointless, angry the FIB (Federal Intelligence Bureau) had sent Army special forces on yet another wild goose chase. The 'terrorist training camp' that had been identiifed from recon photos turned out to be a horde of satanist guerillas who while not being particulay nice people posed no threat to UE.
They looked down the sights of their sub machineguns, secretly hoping for some combat but in the other hand apprehensive that their extraction, la ocal informant and his truck might not turn up.
Ranger five to Auburn Squad aporaching drop point on the count you jump from the Plane a pull the red cord on the right strap of your pack this deploys your chute. good luck men its Been fun. meet up with your forces in the field.
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(Oh, the pain!!! My husband-to-be logs me off mere words from my posts completion :x )
The Commando's never got a break. They had been training, moving, relocating and planning for weeks on end, with little break. They were tired and annoyed. And this new relocation, only to find they weren't being sent on active duty was painful. At least they were doing airborne on the remains of the old airfield.
Currently they were being lectured by some jumped up 2-star General about some conflict in far off Sniper Country. Some of the guys knew SC guys, so they listened. The SOF-D were well known, to the point that some of the guys used their tactics and trained with their rules.
They were doing some fast roped the next day. That day, the were just unpacking, and putting together some form of a room from a large empty cavern.
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United Elias
01-11-2003, 18:03
Sergeant Weinberger gave a hand signal to the other men, he held his weapons tight and flicked the safety off. Just the other side of the rock he heard foot steps approaching...three guys...plus more in the two trucks.
He didnt quite know what the dimplomatic situation was here although he guessed the troops were from SC. In a split second tactical evaluation he made a decision.
He sprang up quite slowly his hands raised calmly in the air, the magazine in one hand, gun in the other. "Don't shoot, Elias Army. Sergreant Second Class Weinbereger, Covert Recon Team 6, Special Reconassance Service."
The other emn followed and the moment which would decide their fate seemed like hours.
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02-11-2003, 08:54
Somewhere On A Darkend Airfield Whithin Klabistan
Ok Men We Have Authorisation To Move Out Into Sniper Countrys Borders And Help them Flush Out The Rebels, You Know Your Orders Now Move Out!
The men from 23rd gearing up
With That The Men From The 23rd Special Forces Diversion Started Loading Thier Equipment And Preparing Themselfs For The Flight To Sniper Country They Were Going As To Gain Better Fighting Experience Since They Were The Only Squad Not To See Any Action, All Other Forces Were To Busy To Attend Sniper Country's Call Because They Were On Highend Alert Due To An Invasion Threat In The USSR And As The Preimer Put It He didnt need soft targets for the invasion
The Men Didnt Like That Comment They'd Certainly Show The Rest What They Were Made Of When They Got To Sniper Country
There Leader Captian Mike "Cobra" Snorgendiv Was One Hellva Leader, With At Least 25 Confirmed Kills, The Men Respected Him And Were Well Lead And Trained By Him
Captian Mike "Cobra" Snorgendiv
It Would Take Time Before There Squad Was Reconized Though To Fight With Other Special Forces And Now There Time Had Come
Western Asia
02-11-2003, 10:09
At a minor Delta Triumvirate base somewhere in SC
The 32 'Operators' of Sayeret Egoz, Detachment Bet, 18th Direct Force Platoon (18th DFP - The 'Silent Foxes') sit in their barracks. It has been their 'season' in SC and, until today, they'd met with the expected utter lack of necessity.
But that was before the reports began to stream in through the office of the base's CO--bandits in the desert.
Now the men are not sitting idly, but waiting for their transports to be ready for the mission. Most of the 14-man Command Section was already being moved to meet up with friendly coordinators but the 'fighting crew' was left behind until Western Asian Pavehawks assigned to the group could be prepared for the mission.
In another part of the base, 6x6 Desert Raiders and Militarized ATVs from the motorpool are loaded into a group of four massive Pave Low transport helicopters, in addition to the gear for the Platoon's base camp and other group supplies.
Now is the time.
The men hear the engines of the four Pavehawks and of the UltraCobra escourts revving up at the pads and finish off their preparations.
Now is the time to act.
By the time that the Flight Control Officer has arrived at the barracks, the four Strike Teams have already begun to walk out of the doors and the Majors in charge of each team are closing up the rooms.
A few minutes later, the Pavehawks rise off of their landing pads and begin to move towards the desert...their UltraCobra escourts leading the way as the hulking Pave Lows follow behind with the teams' equipment.
United Elias
02-11-2003, 12:06
The sergeant, relieved he hadnt been shot answered quickly.
"I cannot give you that information, this mission was of a classified nature and I am prohibited by military law to tell you anything other than name, rank, serial number, unit and anything not directly associated with this operation."
02-11-2003, 14:30
DayTime 06:00 Hours
Light was begining to light the airstrip the men were now ready to move out they began to load on to the transport plane for the flight to sniper country they would land at aprox 13:00 hours later that day. They had no fear, it wasnt allowed they all knew there task and this is what they had trained for, they were klabistans elite. Even though they hadn't seen combat, they were still ready for it many of them knew that some would not return. But they would live on in history as fighting for freedom against the rebels that planned to attack Sniper Countrys Cities, Snorgendiv Gave The Order And The Hatch Closed Up on they Plane. Soon They Would Be Airbound For Sniper Country, Most Of The Men Slept They Would Need The Rest. The Plane began to move down the runway and soon it was heading for Sniper Country.....
The Transport plane In The Air Heading Towards Sniper Country
*FCAF Broxburgh*
As it turned out, the Commadoes were getting some foreign action. Except they didn't know where. Some said they were going to Brunei, others said they were getting a 'recon' in Sniper Country. After all, it would be great for FC if they managed to root out the rebels.
Anyway, they were to again pack up their stuff and get on a plane.
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United Elias
02-11-2003, 21:27
Sergeant Weinberger followed the instructions and placed his colt commando and his Sig P226 sidearm on the ground his other men folowed suit. They then under the watchful eye of Bug, Swatch and Scribe walked over to the truck and boarded it.
"So where you guys takin' us, anywhere nice?"
Western Asia
02-11-2003, 22:03
20 minutes from the LZ
The men of the 18th DFP sit in their helicopters. Each team in its own aircraft. The Majors in charge of the teams order weapons and equipment checks and receive updates on their groups' equipment in the Pave Lows.
The men know something of their mission but in these cases, no amount of information is sufficient. A few of the men read through their manuals--one member of each team has been deployed with a new 6.8mm-capable upper receiver on their M4A2s and others review the material on the other new systems.
The UltraCobra pilots fly onwards, sometimes executing special maneuvers with the other AH-1Zs to pass the time until they've reached the drop site.
United Elias
02-11-2003, 22:19
didnt they change the AH-1Z to 'Kingcobra'?
02-11-2003, 23:02
Rodger That, The Pilot said we will proceed to AO-101 airstrip
CDW-13-K thanks for the escort boys, just to let you know we are here to help, not to hinder. I Thought we had permission from your goverment asked the pilot, he was sure that this was the truth, but he had no other option but to follow the two F-13B Bearcats To The Air Field.
"Ok ladies, we just recieved news from the top," Second LT Billingsly told the team of Rangers.
The Rangers just got back from a week-long field training exercise to keep them in shape.
Since Airborne Rangers has been created, none of the men have seen any real action, only minor problems within the country that the Guardsmen could not handle themselves.
"I know you guys read about all that space crap in the papers, but we finally have some action on the ground. A couple of days ago, Sniper Country Special Forces have been looking for action themselves, and were supposed to come into contact with enemy forces. No news yet on what has come out of the mission, but other nations have been activating their troops to the region and as far as the top knows, we could end up there soon," 2LT Billingsly went on.
The men in 1st Ranger Platoon, Buffalo Batallion, all looked at each other with eager eyes. Each of these men are Airborne qualified, Air Assault qualified, at least a sharpshooter, and Scuba qualified. Airborne Rangers needs no others, these are the best around.
"General Perkins has sent a message to the head of Sniper Country, asking if they could use an extra hand. Since others have already mobilized there, we might only see clean-up, so don't get your hopes up." 2LT Billingsly said.
After only a matter of hours, two transport planes were readied for a long flight to Sniper Country, awaiting orders to move out.
Western Asia
03-11-2003, 00:59
OOC:didnt they change the AH-1Z to 'Kingcobra'?
As far as I know, no.
The AH-1Z was assigned the title "KingCobra" for the variant that was being sought by Turkey back in 2000. The main confusion seems to come from the fact that the Flight Sim crowd has taken up the "KingCobra" title. The USN and USMC disagree.
To date, I've seen the AH-1Z called the SuperCobra (as is the W variant. This is the most common title and is seen in some USMC and USN literature.), the UltraCobra, the KingCobra, the ZuluCobra, and the Zulu (in most official documents, say from Bell Helicopter Textron, it is not provided with a name at all). The proper designation for the majority of the 'Z' models is actually going to be the 4BW since most of the models will be Four-Bladed AH-1W upgraded units.
It seems that "Zulu" will be the call sign/group designation sign for the AH-1Z and the call sign for the UH-1Y will be (accordingly) "Yankee."
If it comes down to actual radio communications then those are the terms that will be used. Otherwise, it is at the discretion of the characters as to what name will be used.
The Israelis are reportedly trying to obtain the AH-1Z and will/would call it the "Viper" (as they have with other Cobra-series aircraft). I am considering re-christening my various systems to the official Israeli designations as online sources for the Hebrew-based adaptations of the standard names but this is still just a minor thought (and would probably be problematic for business...not that that matters a hell of a lot).
As far as NS goes, the UltraCobra was a title that was likely to be significantly noticed and, when I intro'd the AH-1Z to NS (the first example around here), it seemed like a name that could be "Branded" to WA, much as Trimaran Warships were.
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03-11-2003, 07:16
The Pilot, looked out the window, looks like we have company boys, lower your weapons and go out slowley and in a non-agressive manner. the hatch slowley went down and the men moved into formation their weapons lowered, there captain led them down the ramp
His Hands Held High As He Walked Down The Ramp He Shouted To The waiting "welcoming party"
" Im Captain Mike Snorgendiv, From the 23rd Divervison Of SKSF ( Secret Klabistan Special Forces) We Were Sent To Help In Your Fight Against the Rebels.
He awaited a more friendley reply.... This was not what he expected
The Transport Landing
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03-11-2003, 08:57
"We Sir Are Not Rebels, We Are SKSD Sent Here To Help Your Elite Forces Out, I Thought That We Had The Authorisation To Be Here We Got A Call From Somebody Asking Us To Be Here, Some Highly Classified Mission Was Going On And We Have Responded To That Call Other Then That I Dont Have Any Idea Of What Is Going On Here, We Assumed It Would Be A Rebel Group That Was Attacking
Mike Was Not Enjoying Where This Conversation Was Going, Everybody Was Tense And he Now Had No Idea What Was Gunna Happen, But He Certainly Didnt Want To End Up In A Bodybag And Bad Realations With Sniper Country And Klabistan... Hopefully the GRUNTS Would Take Him To Talk With A Special Forces Chief
"CORPORAL!!! Weekly report please."
"Yes, sir!!!!"
"Well, we got riots in*randomnationhere*, and n00ks falling on *randomn00b*."
"Nothing different there then."
"Well, we got some action with us in Igsnoc Provinces and new home fleet beginning construction in Rosport."
"What else?"
"Well, intel says something might be up in Sniper Country."
"Well, they think they might have rebels. We had some guys fly into our airport at Freedom City, andwe stopped 'em cos their passports were out of date. We asked 'em what they were doing here. Turns out they are taking refuge from rebels in their region."
"Well, they say there have been rebels in SC. Intel syas its probable. people going missing, a sharp increase in SOF-D recruition, stuff blowing up for no reason, and smoking convoys in the middle of nowhere. Strange things, General."
"HOW COME I DIDNT KNOW SOONER!!! Get ALL of intel on it. And ask to send in the commandoes."
"Why so frightened, General."
"Well, considering we almost got annexed by Jaceria a while back, they ought to be worried."
"Yes, sir!!! We got some ready to go out in Brox."
United Elias
03-11-2003, 19:22
The sergeant and the other three men weasted no time, jumping to out of the Humvee and dashing, heads ducked to the equipment. They grabbed their colt commandos injected magazines, pulled cocking handles, switched to automatic and flicked the safeties off in about five seconds. The sergeant then leapt up firing a burst towards the rebels before advancing some ten yards to take cover behind a rock he gave a signal to of his coporals who promptly grabbed a smoke grenade form one of the packs and lobbed at the stream of hostiles charging them.
The smoke bought them a few seconds and some more Sniper Country soldiers managed to disembark and engage. The fifties on the vehiles seemed to be doing an okay job of keeping them at bay but they clearly were outnumbered.
Sergreant Weinberger looked at what was left of Bug and even though he didnt know his name or anything about him, he felt partailly responsible for his death.
Suddenly he heard the loud rumble of a beaten up truck and coming along the road behind them was their extraction plan. He didnt quite know what the SC troopers would do but he hoped that their local contact may have brought at least somebody else with a weapon. Even befroe he finished thinking about it an RPG streaked high above them, uinclear whether it was aimed at one of the humvees or the truck.
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03-11-2003, 23:34
The terrorist car bombing last week still echoed in their minds and hearts. The terrorist group, the Islamic Jihad of Allah and Mohammad, struck with force and fury like none other. Their mission was success, destroy the car of a UN diplomat with him inside. Parts of him are still being scraped off the traffic lights overhead. They recieved their mission only hours after the bombing from their CO, General Arthur Handley. It was simple and to the point: "Infiltrate the mountainous regions of Enoph and eliminate two IJAM camps and assassinate their leader, Abuld Omar Shiek Mohammad Nibel Bin Mullahem. And then egress to Sniper Country to assist with operations there."
They were part of the 1st Special Forces Division, the most highly trained and elite division in Layarteb's military. They were the best of the best, hand-picked and sent through rigours training. For this mission three squads were sent to the region via MH-60L Black Hawk.
It was there, on the tarmac that everything began. It was night-time, around 50 degrees, which was rather warm for the time of the year, with a light breeze gusting in from the northeast. Three Black Hawks and four Littlebird's sat ready. The thirty men loaded up on the three Black Hawks, packed with gear, weapons, ammunition, and supplies. Nobody spoke.
The helicopter force lifted off the ground at 2200 for their sixty-six mile flight to the drop point, about twenty miles south of the first terrorist camp. Overhead, RQ-1 Predators were flying high, watching if IJAM terrorists were near in the drop zone. They were lucky, it was a holy day. IJAM members were praying and feasting to their God Allah.
The flight was about an hour long but when they reached the drop zone, it felt like years. The helicopters went into a hover immediately, about fifty feet off the ground and descended down to four feet. The rotar wash slammed the tall grass blades down and sent ripples across the valley. Thirty men exited three choppers in seconds, taking immediate cover in the grass, their weapons raised and their NVGs on.
The choppers departed as quietly and as quickly as they came. Now it was up to them! The three squads knew their mission and nothing needed to be discussed. They went their three separate ways and thus it began: Operation Enoph Pass.
"Sir, any word from higher?" Sergeant Major Pickford asked.
"The Generals have been talking and have decided we move out. They have not recieved word from Sniper Country yet, but intel reports a transport plane was stopped at a military airport. We may not be invited after all." 2LT Billingsly replied.
SM Pickford seemed to get excited..."We going in covert?"
"As of right now, we are officially on a flight exercise for our pilots. Our presence on that plane is not official. However, we will be on that plane, and we will have HALO gear if needed...thats all I know," Billingsly said.
At 0900, the two transport planes lifted off, heading in a general direction of Sniper Country, but with no real purpose yet. The first plane is loaded full with an entire platoon of Airborne Rangers, while the second is nearly empty, only random crap fills it.
...two hours later...
"Eagle 1 to Alpha, come in, over."
"This is Alpha, go ahead Eagle 1, over."
"Target Destination two hours out, any word on plans? Over."
"Negative Eagle 1, proceed as planned. Over."
"Roger that, Eagle 1 is over and out."
As the planes soar thousands of feet high, the team of Rangers begin to ready their gear, both HALO and normal landing gear. All men aboard are hoping for the best...a HALO jump into Sniper Country's isolated desert region. Right now, they are not worried about an un-authorized entrance...thats for others to worry about.
United Elias
04-11-2003, 01:02
For a few moments theere was a lull in the fighting and the Sergeant ran over to Coporal Eversmann, who was trained as a corpsman, "Hey Get over there and see what you can for those guys."
As the coporal rushed over and crouched next to one of the wounded SC troopers syringes in hand, the three other team members fell back to the humvees and prepared for the second wave of rebels. They just hoped that chopper would be on time, this was going to be close.
The Corporal had examined the soldier and now went over to 'Pearl'. "Sir," he said using military formalities even though the sergeant was from a different service, "That guy over there he's hit kinda bad, if we don't get him outta here dman soon he's not gonna make it."
Western Asia
04-11-2003, 02:25
As the helicopters bearing the 18th DFP begin their final approach, not far from the landing site, an urgent call is picked up by the Cobras:
"AO-101 this is Pearl of Orion. Under heavy attack. Need air support immediately. Requesting heavy ground support at location Omega Nova Honor Nova, Two Three Two Two Four. Do you copy?"
A short while later, the response from AO-101 is heard but the lead 'Zulu' captain isn't ready to accept things at that.
"They're just too far away for this." He mumbles to himself, before opening the radio channel. "Pearl of Orion, repeat, Pearl of Orion. This is Whiskey Alpha squadron Zulu Niner. We're on our way. ETA at your location in under one-zero minutes."
And with that, 4 of the 6 escourting UltraCobras turn towards the given location and take off at top speed, the rest of the group following after but watching out for other forces.
The fight isn't hard to find--a number of cars and a truck stuck in the middle of the desert stand out pretty clearly.
The Zulus find themselves moving parallel to the road, near where the enemy fire seems to be originating.
The helicopters spread out and the gunners activate the 2.72" rocket systems and fire off several ripples of rockets along the ridge, loaded with M255A1 Flechette, M261 MPSM, and M229 HE "17 pounder" warheads, as they fly over, raking the area with machine-gun fire from the nose-mounted three-barrel 20mm machine guns.
Explosions rock the area and shrapnel flies about the enemy positions as the helicopters finish their pass.
The fire has not gone without reply, however, and the pilot of the last aircraft over is alerted by onboard systems of incoming fire--an RPG.
The pilot pulls hard on his stick and revs up the engines as he pulls a quarter-roll off and out to the side, placing him over and behind friendly lines as the RPG explodes, sending shrapnel across the attack helicopter.
The crew is lucky, however, for they'd escaped the blast enough that only minor damage noticable after the initial, shocking, concussion.
By this time, the other UltraCobras have throttled-down and are now sitting behind the friendly forces, guns and remaining rockets at the ready (not to mention the as-yet-unused Hellfire II missiles), as the gunners await some further response from the ground.
The "Zulus" can also see the rest of the helicopter convoy approaching, low to the ground. They're now comming in behind the friendly forces and far from the estimated enemy positions.
***Message to Sniper Country***
[i]We understand that you may be in trouble. We have detected in your country what could be rebels, as we know the signs. We have had them before, and inly found out until something audacious happened. We have decided to risk exposing our intel and let you know we are ready to help.
You may not have rebels, but we are sure you do. There ahve been dissapearing people, stuff exploding in the middle of no where, and no-one to do these acts on their own. We wish to insert a Commando team, to help root out the rebels. It seems this may help, and we want to assure your countries safety.
FC out.
04-11-2003, 12:27
Captain Mike Heard one of the GRUNTS Radios say
"AO-101 this is Pearl of Orion. Under heavy attack. Need air support immediately. Requesting heavy ground support at location Omega Nova Honor Nova, Two Three Two Two Four. Do you copy?"
"Well Major Looks Like some Of Your Boys Are In Need Of Some Ground Forces And Quickley Too, Can I Offer My Mens Assistance To You?
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05-11-2003, 00:13
"Ok Men Put Your Weapons Down And Fall In'
the men slowley put their weapons down and fell into formation
"Well Major I'm Captain Mike Snorgendiv And These Are My Men From The 23rd SKSF, Secret Klabistan Special Forces We Are From The Nation Of Klabistan In The Region Of The USSR"
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Western Asia
05-11-2003, 02:54
The crew in one of the helicopters begins to fast-rope to the ground.
The men in the helicopter, with guns slung behind their backs and wearing standard Western Asian desert camo, wave to the Sniper Country soldiers. The co-pilot of the hovering helicopter switches on a speaker system to greet the SC troopers, "Hello. This is Western Asia's Sayeret Egoz....We're back up. Do you have injured?"
Meanwhile, the landed soldiers rush to establish a perimeter around the make-do LZ.
The other helicopters set down a bit back, kicking up a good deal of dirt and sand in the process--a temporary "brown out"--before the transport helicopters have all set down as the other Cobras circle overhead--keeping an eye out for more enemy forces.
Behind the four Pavehawks, the loaded Pave Lows come in, carefully setting down away from the other choppers.
The men inside the other choppers look out at the remnants of the ground convoy.
OOC: I'm taking it that you didn't get the radio message.
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Western Asia
05-11-2003, 03:47
[OOC: No, they're landing near the remnants and the soldiers are looking at your convoy...or what's left after all of those RPG rounds.]
05-11-2003, 03:50
Our Leader Is Preimer Bouskski, and he's better then our last leader who he ousted in the rebellion earlier this year
ooc: this history is currently being written by me on my home site
And Who May Your Leader be??? Not That This Is Getting Us any Closer To Helping You guys Out, We Would Have Been Better Off Staying In Our Own Nation, Insted Of listing to your wild acusations
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"Eagle 1 to Alpha, 15 minutes to Sniper Country airspace."
"Eagle 1, this is Alpha. No reply from Sniper Country has been recieved. Continue on predesignated route. If necessary, drop any excess cargo immediately."
"Roger that, sir. Dropping excess cargo into nearby international waters 15 klicks from Sniper Country... SIR, I'VE GOT READINGS INDICATING AIR DEFENCE SYSTEMS ACTIVE."
"Eagle 1, drop cargo and ask for emergency landing in nearby Military Airport. Keep Eagle 2 nearby, over."
"Copy that, attempting comm with Sniper Country."
As the pilot talked on his radio with Alpha base, the co-pilot relayed to the team of Rangers to immediately jump.
"Alright, here we go. Move out troops," 2LT Billingsly yelled at his men so they can hear them over the planes engines.
One after the other, the men quickly jumped from the plane, HALO gear and wet gear on, ready to pull their chutes in a matter of minutes.
"Sniper Country, this is Eagle 1, tansport team from nearby Army Infantry. Requesting emergency landing at nearest airbase. We are losing cargo to save on fuel. Do you read me? Over."
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Deep in the jungles of Momun, the second largest island in the region of Army Infantry, owned by the nation of Green Berets, a small band of six men slowly crept towards a small clearing, where suspected terrorists operate out of.
First Sergeant Varner, the most experienced vet in the team of Green Berets, readied his specialized M-16 and signaled the rest of the team to do so as well.
1SGT Varner has served in nearly all of the major conflicts of Green Berets. The fight for independance from the dictatorship of Cameril, the expansion to nearby Army Infantry, the invasion of Mantle, as well as the current fight against the newly found terrorist group within Green Berets boarders.
As the team was about to begin their ambush, a wild pig about ten feet to their right began squealing for no apparent reason. This caused the terrorists to spot the team of Special Forces.
"ENEMY CONTACT, FIRE AT WILL." 1SGT Varner yelled to his team.
The team began firing at anything that moved in the camp, while attemting to duck from the incoming bullets. Sudden explosions erupted all around the team, tearing off the leg of one of its members.
As two of the members grabbed the wounded man, three others covered them on their retreat. They reached the point with no more injuries, and no apparent pursuit by the enemy.
"SHIT, where the hell did my leg go?" Sergeant First Class How began to panick.
"Bush, get on the radio and give a SITREP to HQ. Request immediate MEDEVAC." Varner said
"Victor One, this is Delta Two, come in over."
"Delta Two, this is Victor One, go ahead."
"We've got a man down, mission failed, requesting immediate MEDEVAC."
"Negative on the MEDEVAC, complete evacuation of team is ordered. Move to extraction point Bravo. Helos will be there in 30. Over."
"Copy that, over."
The team hurridly got their stuff together and headed as fast as they could to the extraction point. It would take at least 25 minutes to get there...without anyone being injured.
When they reached the extraction point, exactly 29 minutes after they left, one helo was already attemting to land. As the team jumped onboard, 1SGT Varner asked the pilot, "What gives? We could have gone back and finished the mission."
"All I heard was that Airborne Rangers might need some help. They are near Sniper Country, swimming to shore. My guess is that if anything hairy happens to them, you might be needed to help get them out."
The Helo lifted off, heading back to base. On the way, the team recieved an order to immediately prepare for movement to Sniper Country.
"Omega Landing, this is Eagle One. Proceeding to landing zone. Refuelling requested. ETA, 5 minutes."
As the team of Rangers fell into the water, they quickly unhitched their chutes and sank them to the bottom of water. They regrouped rather quickly for an air-drop into water. Within two minutes they began their long swim to the nearest shore.
"Sir, why couldn't we pack an inflatable raft? That would make my job much easier," Sopyla said.
"Cus you almost failed your last swim test," replied Billingsly.
"Sir, I don't think a 95 out of 100 is near failing," Soplya said in defense.
"So I like to give you a hard time, is there a problem with that?" Billingsly replied jokingly.
After 15 minutes of swimming, the men gathered to take a quick break. From where they were, they could easily make what appeared to be a naval base. Peering through long range binoculars, Minary began to scan the area.
"Sir, we may have a snag. From what I can see, a couple of boats are being revved up," said Minary.
"Clinger, get your ears on and ask if we got permission to walk on their soil," Billingsly said.
"Yes sir."
"Boys, after he gots off, either double time to shore, away from the base, or if HQ allows, we will wait for our rescuers," said Billingsly.
"Sir, nothing from HQ, I can't even raise them. Too much interference," Clinger said.
"Lets double time it then, move out!" Billingsly ordered.
The team swam as fast as they could towards a shore that poked out near them, hoping they would be welcomed with open arms, not weapons.
Western Asia
05-11-2003, 05:03
The Major that Pearl spoke to waved to the soldiers near the Pave Lows, who immediately ran to the rear doors of the beasts and began to drive out the militarized All Terrain Vehicles and Desert Raiders to carry everyone.
The Major, meanwhile, loaded some of the group gear into the donated Tacoma and made a quick radio call to the Cobras.
Soon, the Pave Lows had finished unloading the group gear and it had all been packed onto the DRs or ATVs.
The 18th DFP's 4 teams were now ready to move with the SC soldiers for the remaining operations, 2 DRs and 2 ATVs per team loaded and ready.
The same Major then walked towards Pearl...
05-11-2003, 05:16
"Look this is getting us nowhere major, my men have surrendered their weapons to you and we are no threat to you, i really dont see the need for your actions i think we all need to take a break and calm down before this situation grown out of hand, and i know that you dont want this ending up as a bloodfest so lets go inside and talk things over"
Mike Sure as Hell Hoped this worked, the major was getting pissed off, but mikes years of training told him not to push him any futher otherwise this airfield, would soon be covered in blood.
SC, did you get my asking to insert Commadno's for your....problem :D
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
07-11-2003, 00:57
Mike looked in horror as the major was blown back by the blast; he quickly dived and rolled looking for cover from the fire. At least several or more of his men were down; as the sirens blared he looked over what had happened surely this was no accident. Medics were now arriving on the scene quickly and professionally treating the wounded and taking them to the on-base hospital. He then looked over his own wounds, he had cut his head and his left leg when he dived onto the ground, a medic came over and started patching him up. Mike was concerned for the major but couldn’t see him in all the confusion.
United Elias
07-11-2003, 01:34
Sergeant Ezzra Weismann saluted the Major and looked relieved at least seeing soldiers of the same religon if not the same nation, he even thought that his squad might even leave SC alive and without creating an international incident. Checking that his corporal was still attending to the injured soldier he gathered his team around and told them to safety their weapons.
United Elias
07-11-2003, 01:35
United Elias
07-11-2003, 01:37
Sergeant Ezzra Weismann saluted the Major and looked relieved at least seeing soldiers of the same religon if not the same nation, he even thought that his squad might even leave SC alive and without creating an international incident. Checking that his corporal was still attending to the injured soldier he gathered his team around and told them to safety their weapons.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
07-11-2003, 04:17
Mike saw him coming from a mile away ahhh Christ not another one he thought to himself bet he recons we were the ones who caused this mike gained his composure and got ready for the argument he knew was coming from the officer with the gun.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
07-11-2003, 05:03
"No I did not, you have any idea what caused the explosion yet???
mike looked around at the scene he didnt know how many men he had lost, but he saw three of them being put in body bags, some of his other men were being attened to by the hospital staff he wondered what had caused the blast
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
07-11-2003, 05:23
07-11-2003, 05:23
07-11-2003, 05:24
Hey What the Hell Do You Think Your Doing? I Told you I Didnt Cause The Blast And Now Ur Forceably Taking Me Somewhere? This Is Getting Crazyier By The Minute. We are not the ones who caused this blast!!
ooc: how can i resist when they have no weapons, remember you took them and i dont want a war with your nation just because my guys get cocky and try something stuipd and end up getting slaughtered.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
07-11-2003, 06:46
oc: ok sniper i trust you hope our forces will work this out somehow i gave you a suggestion, maybe i'll rp it if you like
As the men from the Ranger team finally reached the shore, the watched as two boats searched the area they were first dropped into. Taking cover and concealment, they watched the boats until they left.
"Thank God," 2LT Billingsly thought to himself. "Alright guys, we take a 30 minute break here, move inland for two clicks, drop rucks, then patroll the area for a good place to get our radio to work."
The men grouped close together, attempting to keep each other warm from the freezing water, as they took out MRE's and began to clean and prepare their weapons.
"Orion landing, this is Eagle one. Successful landing. If fuel could be provided, we will be out of your hair in no time. We will log it in our books for the fuel you supply for repayment later. Over."
Once the team of Rangers were ready to move out, they began their journey into the unknown area of Sniper Country. They were sent with no maps, they expected a warm welcome from Sniper Country. Fanning out in a wedge formation in open areas, and a file in smaller areas, they took their time marching, moving at about 100 yards an hour. They werent about to get themselves killed from moving too fast and missing something. So far the march was uneventful. Random small game ran back and forth, afraid of the weapons the men carried. When they reached one click, they took another short break, checked weapons, and decided to make camp there.
A small hill was located about 75 yards to the northwest. From what 1SGT Minary could see, the only thing that occupied the hill was two large bushes. A good place to hide while attempting radio contact, Minary was thinking. Minary told Billingsly the situation.
"Rangers, form a 360 perimiter around the rucks, RTO and Sergeant Major come with me," Billingsly told the men.
The team of Rangers formed a circle around the rucks, not going to allow even a rabbit to make it past their perimiter. As the three man team made their way to the hill, Billingsly began to wonder if patrols were being sent out to find and kill them. He had no idea, but he was hoping somebody at home would know something more...
When the Green Berets made it to the airport, they were given a quick Op-Order.
"Green Berets, approximately 3 hours ago, a team of Airborne Rangers were covertly dropped into waters near Sniper Country. Radio contact with the team has come up negative since their incursion. Some possibilities: 1) the team scattered too far on the landing and never made it to land. 2) The team swam to a nearby shoreline and took position in the area near there, with radio problems. 3) The team was spotted when they landed in the water and are currently being held prisoner. Given the last possibility, nobody from Airborne Rangers will attempt to ask for them back unless their captives confirm they have them. Right now, we will assume that the Ranger team made it to shore unseen.
Your mission will be to aid in either: an evacuation of the Ranger Team; rescue the Ranger Team from their captives; or assist in primary mission of Ranger Team...which is to conduct surveillance on the current situation in Sniper Country.
Enemy forces are unknown to be friendly or hostile.
You will leave NLT 1830 today, which is one hour from now, in low flying helicopters. You will all be issued scuba gear and be inserted into the last known position of the Rangers. You will gather intelligence on the area, and swim to the most likely position the Rangers would swim to, gather more intellegence, and proceed inland until contact with the Ranger team is made.
You will be issued better a water-proof radio, as well as a radio that works rather well against interference. Standard weapons will be issued. Jungle equipment, scuba equipment, and regular LBE equipment will be issued to each member.
If no contact is made with Ranger Team, they will be presumed captured and you will remain in the area until you recieve instructions on your next mission. Any questions?"
"Sir," SFC House said, "given the possibility of running into Sniper Country forces, what is the standard procedure?"
"If at all possible, avoid contact. If contact is made, shoot first, ask questions later."
"Sir," 1SGT Vaskey said, "does the Ranger Team have any challenge/passwords?"
"When they first went in, they were given the challenge: Buffalo; the response is Missouri."
No more questions were asked and the team of Green Berets went to supplies to get the gear that they needed. When the team was ready, the loaded the helicopters and waited for approval to move out....
United Elias
07-11-2003, 11:40
Pearl called over to the Elian Sergeant. The Sergeant ran over, and met with Pearl, who was talking with the Major.
"You alright to work with this guy?" Pearl asked the Sergeant, not really concerned if he could or not.
"Yes Sir, good to go."
14-11-2003, 06:55
OOC: is anybody gunna continue this thread or is it dead?
OOC: is anybody gunna continue this thread or is it dead?
OOC; Damn, guys, is there any way I can join this?
19-11-2003, 07:53
freedom country i say we start our own special forces thread or something simular. what do you think???