Galicia in Flames
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 03:21
This morning Cartagena, captial city of Galicia, rose in flames as fascist rebels stormed and burned the imperial palace, home of the governer, to the ground.
The battle for the palace was bloody and long, a tragedy that could not have been avoided. At 0400 hours the palance's 400 men garrison with a signe Pz. VIII were awoken as three RPG's slammed into the gate.
Out of the smoke 2,000 grey clad figures with the 4 arrows of the falange party charged the garrison. Quick crossfire machine gunning by the imperial guards forced the falangist to the ground.
Then another massive attack swept from the opposite side as about 2,000 rebels stormed the palace. The panzer was knocked out by seven RPG's in quick successions.
The governor ordered his men to surrender but the bodies of 30 of them could still be seen. But another 300 rebels lay dead also.
30 minutes later the leader of the Falange, General Largo Caballero, then on public television declared Galicia independent from the Macabean Empire and then declared a revolution against the "pro-communist government of the emperor".
Just 4 minutes later the empire came on with the following words.
I refuse to allow a prestigous part of my empire to fall in timbers and devolve into petty fascist dictatorship. All socialism that swept this empire was done by democracy and contraty to what he said DOES NOT AFFECT MY DECISIONS WHICH ARE FOR THE BETTER OF THIS EMPIRE. Thus I will quickly put down the rebellion and restor order!
It was going to be a tragic war...
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 03:29
Later that day Chief of General Staff Eric von Manstein spoke to the public:
As of right now 200,000 infantry protected by 500 Pz.VII's and 2,000 SS-101's (dive bombers) are marching to put down the rebellion. Only minimal resistance is thought to be found.
The contigent marched on and on and soon reached the borders of the Galician province. The general had said it would be a breeze...but would it really?
The Sword and Sheild
28-10-2003, 03:32
The Allied Government is startled at this turn of events, especially since we have so recently delivered the final shipments of the Macabean Fleet based at Barcelona (I think the last ship, a CVN was delivered 2 days ago), and that we have a major naval base in the city of Sevilla (How far away is that from Galicia?). Following these events closely the Government has dispatched a Fleet Carrier and battlegroup to reinforce the Sevilla base, and a large Marine and Army force to seize (Possibly, decision will not be final unless we see the rebels win several victories over Government forces) the rest of the city and declare it Allied Territory until the civil war is over.
Forces en route
Ark Royal Battlegroup
Base of Supplies - Sevilla
Commander - Admiral Carter
1 Ark Royal class Fleet Carrier (98 Aircraft, 24 Rotary, 74 Fixed Wing) - ANS Ark Royal
1 King II Class Battleship
1 Athena class CVE (45 Aircraft, 12 Rotary, 33 Fixed Wing)
2 Ticonderoga class Cruisers (w/AEGIS)
2 Spruance class destroyers
3 Arleigh Burke class destroyers
4 Gearing class destroyers (Modernized)
1 Oliver Perry class frigate
1 Sacramento class FCS (Ammo) ship
Army and Marine force en route
II Army Corps (65,000 Soldiers, not at full strength)
2nd Marine Division (20,000 soldiers)
Travelling in large convoys
TWS2 - 12 Large Freighters, 9 Light Freighters, 2 Gearing class Destroyers, 1 Spruance class destroyer, 1 OHP class frigate, 3 Benham class destroyers, 1 Maija class Escort Carrier (8 ASW Helicopters)
The forces are kept in supply by the same convoys running to Sevilla currently
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 03:35
From: Finegold III
To: Sword and Shield
Your base will not be in danger. It is about 500km from Galicia and even if the rebels attempt an attack in that direction the possibilities of a breakthrough is slim. If it one does develope we will warn you immediately.
The Sword and Sheild
28-10-2003, 03:40
To: Finegold III
The Allied States trust your judgement, however the Fleet Carrier and accompanying battle group will remain on station once there, and the II Army Corps (The part we sent anyway) has been recalled just before boarding, but the 2nd Marine Division will proceed to Port Royal Naval Base (The closest I think I have to Sevilla) to react quickly should the base be in danger and the Fleet Carrier forced to withdraw to open waters
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 03:51
The 55th Infantry Division with 10 tanks detached from the 1st Panzer Division advanced into the city of Saladin, just 10 miles from Cartagena. The advance into falangist territory had been anti-climatic. No attacks had developed as of yet.
Suddenly the yell of over 200 enemy soldiers could be heard as the rushed upon the head column going into Saladin. Two Pz.VII's opened fire with their machine guns as their large 133mm L/70's searched the rooftops for machine gun nests.
The battle grew as more rebels attacked and more imperials were being killed. Finally all 10 tanks came up and opened fire scattering the attackers. The imperial infantry dug in and a pincer attack quickly caught the rebel attackers off gaurd.
The rebels slowly retreated into the center of the city only to be caught by a rear attack created by the flanking 71st Infantry Division.
Two hours later 10 survivors surrendered and the Imperial troops continued the advance at a cost of 133 of theres.
We applaud the actions of the nationalsitc rebels; their actions are just.
We applaud the actions of the nationalsitc rebels; their actions are just.
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 04:04
Dusk the following day----
"It is our time to strike, men of the fascist overlords breakout to rule the world!!"
With those words 3 million men, contracted from the villages in Galicia, stormed the Imperial troops creating a ring around the provence. The fight was hard, it was the untrained versus one of the best militaries in the region.
With no air cover the imperial SS-101's made chop of the rebels but yet their massive numbers proved more than enough. In the 110th Infantry Division's region some 80,000 rebels broke through the tenacious defenses and unveiled themselves in the rear of the "iron ring". The 457th Infantry Division, 20 miles from the breakout region, quickly deployed to parry the threat and were able to contain the breakout.
Imperial troops held tightly although casualties were mounting. In the horizon another 2,000 tanks were on their way to aid the troops holding the rebels in the pen.
Tortuga's great Leader Adam Hirself, made an electrifying speech in Tortuga city these evening, saying the world was now seeing the right way of life, and that Tortuga should stand beside it's brothers overthrowing the imperialist dogs in The Macabees.
He did mention that the Rearmament, with the aid of other nations, has been going more then well, and the time to prove to the Allies who so recently embarrassed Tortuga, that Tortuga was now a viable force.
Here is a quote from his speech
"Now is the time, we must rise and strike, the Allies hold our citizens hostage in Port Royal, and even now they send a huge force under the pretense of ensuring protection of their farther out Naval outposts, THESE ARE LIES, they come to begin the invasion and re-occupation of Tortuga, we must show them they cannot so easily push us around. As of now I recognize our Nationalist brothers in The Macabees as the legitimate government of that nation, and I shall enter talks with them to supply arms and volunteers, it's time for the world to tremble before the righteous again"
Our glorious leader did not make further mention of the "Allies" in his speech, but feild reporters say large armored and mechanized forces are moving in the North.
In other news.....
*In Tortuga Harbor, a group of MKVDIV Submarines slid out of the port heading North, days earlier troops transports and the newly constructed cruisers and destroyers had been spotted leaving, what were the Fascists up to?...*
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 04:18
Spies in Tortuga City gave a copy of the speech to emperor. Finegold III reacted quickly giving a counter speech:
Ha! In Tortuga they threaten to help the rebels, why? Well if they do our fleets will sink their ships and once this war is over, which the finale in not far away...we will annex Tortuga!! The fascist will not win and our empire will expand!! For the empire! For the motherland!.
OOC: You are aware the Panzerkampfwafen VII is the King Tiger tank?
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 04:20
5 Iowa Class Battleships, 20 Ticonderoga Cruisers, 13 Minelayers, 2 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers and 40 Manta Class Submarines were unleashed through the waters which touched Galicia. They were prepared to hunt all enemy vessels in the area...
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 04:21
OOC: You are aware the Panzerkampfwafen VII is the King Tiger tank?
OOC: You are aware that I use my own technology? The Pz. VII stands for Tank VII... in my empire its known as the Cougar with a 133mm L/70 gun.
Oanzer in German does not mean Tank, it means Armor. Panzerkampfwagen means tank, and the german series is as follows:
Pkfw I: Panzer I
Pkfw II: Panzer II
Pkfw III: Panzer III
Pkfw IV: Panzer IV
Pkfw V: Panther
Pkfw VI: Tiger
Pkfw VII: King Tiger
Pkfw VIII: Leopard
Pkfw IX: Leopard 2
Adam Hirself, Tortuga City Square
"HA! These false bolsheviks believe they can stop our brethren from acheiving greatness, their armies are being slaughtered by their righteous citizens as we speak. I urge all citizens in The Macabees to join the fight, and together you can defeat this "Emperor""
OOC: No, that's not right either. Pzkpfw VII was not Tiger II, it was Lowe (Lion) project never finished. Tiger II was VI, same as Tiger I, and Pzkpfw VIII was Maus, not "Leapard", and Pzkpfw IX was a fictional tank made up to confuse the Allies on German tank development. And there were no Leopards I & II, there were two seperate Leopard designs designated VK3001(P) and VK1602, both prototypes. And it doesn't matter, like whatshisface said it's his own creation. But alteast get it right. :wink:
OOC: The Leopard 1 and 2 are in use in germany and MANY countries. And its Loewe (taking into account the umlaut over the o), not Lowe.
OOC: Then say modern Leopard I/II when talking about them with a bunch of WW2 tanks. And do you mean Löwe? Don't try to correct me when you just butchered the 3rd Reich's tank heirarchy.
The Macabees
28-10-2003, 22:02
OOC: OMFG!!! The point is that each nation can start its own panzer line. Thus I have my own beginning at Pz.I.. is that so hard to believe!! And trust me, I know my WWII tanks..Im a second world war expert.
Also, the Pz.VII as the King Tiger varies from source to source. Most sources claim the King Tiger merely as a Tiger II but Panzerkrieg:The Rise and Fall of Hitler's Tank Divisions claim it as another panzer in the line (Pz.VII).
With the blockade of Cartagena finished the Imperial troops began to draw the knoose in tight.
The 113th Infantry Division along with the 14th Panzer Division which had just arrived from Pamplona striked into a nearby village dispersing some 4,000 rebels and taking 200 prisoner.
The Rebel counterattacks had petered out and they had not reached a breakthrough. Thus by the eleventh day of the rebellion the rebels were losing and the war was just an afterthought.
Manstein expected the pocket to be destroyed by the following four days.
Back in Madrid the emperor's people began to spread anti Tortuga propaganda and in various provences nationalistic feelings spread like wildfire as citizens chanted for war against the Tortuga upstarts.
The Macabees
29-10-2003, 02:16
The final attack into Cartagena was massive. A total of 600,000 infantry, 2,000 tanks, protected by 500 SS-101's and over 10,000 350mm howitzers began their progression into the city of 8 million people.
Intelligence had picked up a total of 1.3 million rebels dispersed among the buildings so it would be hard to pick them out. The panzers were some of the more weary as history had proved that tanks did not go well with cities.
Spies inside Cartagena picked out positions for the artillery strikes as the dive-bombers circled the city looking for unaware rebels proding the streets. In the rubble of the Imperial Palace the falangist flag wove in the air but a SS-101 quickly rattled and destroyed it.
Finally the battle for Cartagena began. The 71st Infantry Division rushed into the suburbs sorrounding the capital of Galicia and ran into tense resistance. Three soldiers were picked off by a single sniper but a dive-bomber killed him off.
The bloody battle ensued for three hours and finally the city itself had been reached. The banners and flags of the empire were raised to full mass as tanks entered the streets firing at distant targets.
The center of the city was continously shelled and the rebels, obviously with moral shattered, were fast to surrender. The infantry advanced quicker than the armor but still at a slow pace.
Six hours later, at 2300 hours, the last rebel stronghold, the falangist "fortress", or the old meeting place, capitulated after a long firefight resulting in 200 Imperial troops dead and over 400 rebels killed.
Back in Madrid the government did not halt working... the rebellion was soon to be carried overseas...