War on Drunk Pirates!
Nano soft
27-10-2003, 06:37
The nation of Nano Soft has declared and decleration of war agianst the nation of Drunk Pirates. For to long now have i sat around and watch Drunk Pirates spam and try to crash regions one being my home! This evil will end! I will no longer sit on my A** and watch this go on! Also the region of Conador may help me for they also know what i am talking about.
Troops are getting ready, bombers and aircraft are also getting ready along with Bots.
OOC:hehe hit send by mistake. :oops:
Nano soft
27-10-2003, 06:42
Speech from Cherry Lunny:
" For to long has it been my people! I have watched Drunk Pirates come to our fine region spam it then leave! Then he walks up with his friends and take MY place as delegate! They wanted to crash our fine homes! I will not stand around as our enemy walks over us like we are grass! They shall pay for what they have done! They most be stoped! They will be stoped! This evil small come to a halt! We shall march in proud and high! They will not get away with this!"
do you always declair war for the same reason or was it just this 1 and the stonies
do you always declair war for the same reason or was it just this 1 and the stonies
I agree,
use democracy,
and the amount of battles you get into your millitary will crumble,
you cant always pick on smaller countries,
ill help the drunk pirates by sending aid,
im keeping a close eye on this.
Chief of the armed forces of Hotdogs4,
and PR General Ben.
imported_Foolish Pesants
27-10-2003, 12:23
I find this call to eradicate Drunken Pirates from our lands to be totally unsubstanciated! Yes, these people have been terrorising people, using torture and other such practisaces(sp), but really it's all just some harmless fun. You cannot look down on these people simlpy because of their chosen career. These Pirates are a vital source of income to many industries such as, the rum trade, prostetics, tourism. I feel it necessary to stand up for the rights of this downtrodden community and their rights to pillage and murder in the name of Davy Jones.
Conrad Reinhart, Trade Assosicate