Sorrender 1 billion dollas or I will declare war, desposing of your weak nation, the grand dutchy of edge line
Who are you blackmailing and why are you blackmailing them? We're watching you.
27-10-2003, 02:30
Sorrender 1 billion dollas or I will declare war, desposing of your weak nation, the grand dutchy of edge line
We declare war on you if you do not stand down.
27-10-2003, 02:30
My nation has more dogs than u have soldiers, so I wouldn't talk bad.
Big Long Now
27-10-2003, 02:31
It's rather sad for you to blackmail a nation, when you are so young yourself.
27-10-2003, 02:50
Directed at: M-pire
Congratulations your name here! You have been chosen to recive the SIRF, because of some really stupid thing you posted. Please, read the following lines. After reading these lines, take the advice shown. If you are incapable of taking the advice shown because you:
Cannot read
Are quadrapaligic
Have fewer than 5 braincells
Cannot count to 5
Or other problems.
Please simply refrain from posting. Ever again.
Thank you for your time.
You are a: (check all that apply)
[X] Clueless N00b
[X] Lamer
[ ] Flamer
[X] Loser
[ ] Spammer
[X] Troll
[ ] Warez Monkey
[ ] Me too'er
[ ] Pervert
[ ] Freak
[X] Nerd
[ ] Racist
[ ] Rules Lawyer
[ ] Fanatic
[ ] Satanist
[ ] Homophobe
[X] Twit
[X] (attempted) Bully
[X] Waste of Skin
[ ] Crybaby
[ ] "Expert"
[X] Unbearably self-righteous person
[X] Rabid chimpmunk
[X] Person who obviously cannot type, but has been trained to respond to certain charecters displayed on a monitor
Your post was: (check all that apply)
[ ] Horribly goddmoded
[X] A declaration of war as your first post, or on the first day you came here
[ ] Launching of nukes as first post, or by nation with under 100 mil pop.
[X] N00bzi'ish
[ ] A 'Would this be goddmodding topic?'
[X] A waste of bandwidth
[X] Lame
[X] Stupid
[X] Abusive
[X] Clueless
[X] Idiotic
[X] Arrogant
[X] Malevolent
[X] Contemptible
[ ] Libelous
[X] Ignorant
[ ] Fanaticle
[ ] Boring
[X] Dim
[X] Cowardly
[X] Deceitful
[X] Demented
[X] Self-righteous
[ ] Crazy
[ ] Weird
[ ] Hypocritical
[ ] Loathsome
[ ] Satanic
[X] Despicable
[X] Belligerant
[ ] Mind-numbng
[ ] Maladroit
[X] Much longer than any thought of which you are capable
Your attention is drawn to the fact that: (check all that apply)
[X] You posted what should have been e-mailed or private-messaged
[ ] You self-righteously impose your religious beliefs on others
[ ] You self-righteously impose your racial beliefs on others
[ ] You self-righteously impose your political beliefs on others
[X] You posted something totally uninteresting
[ ] You flamed the Standardized Idiot Reply Form
[X] I don't like your tone of voice
[X] What you posted has been done before ten million times
[X] Not only that, it was also done better the last time
[ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply/ didnt break pic links
[ ] You bumped an aged topic which should not have been
[ ] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[ ] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread
[ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it
[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[X] You posted low-IQ trollery
[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[ ] You made no sense
[ ] You must have spent your life in a cardboard box to be this clueless
[ ] You posted in t3h 7331z0rz to look k00wL
[ ] You posted a message in ALL CAPS
[X] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet
[X] You are a loser
[X] This has been pointed out to you before
[ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed on general principles
It is recommended that you: (check all that apply)
[X] Get a clue
[X] Get a life
[X] Go away
[X] Grow up
[ ] Never post again
[X] Have your medicine adjusted, if you dont have medicine, get some.
[ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[ ] Find a volcano and throw yourself in
[X] Actually post something relevant
[X] Read the Stickies
[X] Consume excrement
[ ] Consume excrement and thus expire
[X] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea of what you are doing
In closing, i'd like to say: (check all that apply)
[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help
[ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[ ] *plonk*
[ ] I hate you
[ ] Most of the above
[ ] All of the above
[X] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form
[ ] You should find a time machine, go back to the date of your birth, and kill yourself.
*bing* Dontgonearthere gets the U.S.K 5 star seal of approval! Here's the sign: good job :) Wear it with pride.
27-10-2003, 03:10
This is the second best day of my life...the first being when I was awarded five tons of flax my somebody whos name I cant remember.
*breaks down crying*
Your welcome. And to stop you from crying again have a real pet seal. He's domasticated and housebroken :)
consider me have stood down, I don't remember posting that and I can't begin to immagine what I was thinking :oops: , but I would like to take this oppratunity to fix what has been done.
Bowing head in shame
Shut up, you weren't drunk or anything. He just pwned you so badly that you have no choice but to shut up.
I may not ahve been drunk, but my older brother may have said that, but I do not remember it at all.
Civil Disobedients
18-02-2004, 22:31
The idiot reply form is against the rules to use now, is it not?
20-02-2004, 06:23
Yeah, but check the date on my post, I think M-Pire has the honour of being the first SIRF victim :D