Rebels in Boomness
OCTOBER 26- There was a massive riot and demonstration today in the city center of boom, Boomness's capital. the riot consisted of over 5,000 people. The protesters were protesting the lack of democracy, voting and civil freedoms. The march started out peaceful but when the Boomness National Gaurd came to break up the protest, all hell broke loose. The protesters began assalting the National gaurd, throwing rocks, beating them with sticks, some even had knives. The National Guard came in with tanks and dispersed the rioters. 1 National Guardsman was killed, 100 rioters were killed, 300 were injured, and 1,000 were arrested. Politicians fear this will spark a civil war in Boomness
I will help you if it is needed
I will help you if it is needed.
Pres. Sengai
The Armed Republic of Boomness extends thanks to pres. sengai and kazquim
Freedom Countrt would like to send a commando task force, and a USDT spec ops team
At the moment the rebels are nothing but idle threats but we will keep you in mind if the nees arises
Thank you
Like hell, we will send em in anyway.
Both specialise in Urban.
As the protestors (sp) are demonstrating against the lack of democracy which is evident in your nation, we urge you not to use violence to end any further protests. If violence is used, we will be forced to intervene.
we did not start using violence to end the protest we simply tried to arrest them (since protesting is illegal without proper permits and approval in boomness) but they attacked the police. The rebels are violent, not us
I see. In that case, as long as you do not begin a violent confrontation, it will be fine.