PFBS for sale
Our extra Phoenix Flight Battle Suits are being sold off. Now your marines can reach altitudes of 3,000 km, and have their physical strength enhanced 1.7x.
100 suits/1000 soul feathers
26-10-2003, 20:12
We at Kihameria would like to purchase some of youre suits,but we are not aware of what youre currency equals to the dollar bill,please tell us and maybe we can arrange something.
our currency matches the dollar bill exactly 1/1
26-10-2003, 23:48
ok then,we would like 100 suits,would you like it in 'soul feathers' or dollar bills ?
it does not matter our bankers can swap currency easily, whatever is best for you
27-10-2003, 00:02
Ok,we will have our bank wire 1000 american dollar's to your acount.
many thanks, i hope you will be satisfied with our product
You realize you are selling these advanced suits for ten dollars each, then? A little bit of a godmod, don't you think. Perhaps 100 to a million, but 100 to a thousand?
27-10-2003, 00:11
It has been a pleasure doing buisness with you.
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send me the money i give you the suits
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
100 suits please.
*money wired*
we have so many suits in excess we can afford to give them at 10 each, would you like some?
thank you all for the money, your suits should have arrived
it has been a pleasue doing business with you all
May the Phoenix light guide you to the answers you seek
we'll take 1,000 *money wired*