S-S Tech Dpmt. Begins Cyborg Research.
26-10-2003, 19:14
As POW's in our custody die, the government, demands new cyborg reaserch begin. UNSC had their own Cybog project, but that went down the horrible path, so we bought some of their research papers so we won't make that same mistake.
Head Researchers: Dr. Rex and Dr. Martinez
Forcing Cybernetics on POWs? hmm... that's gotta break some treaty...
26-10-2003, 19:18
Here we see Dr. Rex looking at a warrior that died in combat, that was just implanted with the cybog tech
26-10-2003, 19:18
Forcing Cybernetics on POWs? hmm... that's gotta break some treaty...
No there dead POWs.
26-10-2003, 19:23
As many people think this is "Godmodding", but the estamatied cost per cyborg transformation it 350 million.
Actually, cyborg transformation shouldn't cost that much.
26-10-2003, 19:27
First successful cyborg was created today. He has no personality, and is controled by a non-AI program. He kills effecently and takes mutipule hits with no physical reactions.
26-10-2003, 19:29
Actually, cyborg transformation shouldn't cost that much.
Well to prevent the mistakes that you occured, it does.
After making those mistakes, we have been able to correct them. So actually the cost of making those mistakes are about that price. So, you are correct. But, making them now is cheaper since we don't make those mistakes anymore.
26-10-2003, 19:37
The S-S government will sell cyborgs, but you have to provide the bodies and 360 million. It costs 350, but we donate 10 million to educational funds so that our youth don't have to fight, but develop machine that will fight for us.
We congradulate the Sebeceans on their recent development.
26-10-2003, 19:41
We congradulate the Sebeceans on their recent development. We thank the UNSC for their papers that probably saved thousands of lives.