25-10-2003, 20:02
Earlier this year, the Andorician State announced its plans to begin construction of the Tormpson Military Academy, which was to serve as the main training academy for Andorician Soldiers and Officers and the base of operations for the Andorician Military. Today, the State announced that it has also included plans to build an attached shipyard, naval academy and naval base, which should be completed in three years. The Andorician Premier Ivan Shtanzbeck had this to say, "We would like to stress the exclusively defensive purposes these new components to Tormpson will feature, our neighbors have nothing to worry about, as we are a peaceful nation, only wishing to defend ourselves." Along with this announcement came the news that an official constitution will be set up in Andorice, and that construction has begun on the Andorician National Airport, which will serve as the very first blacktop airport in Andorice, and that ANA will serve as the home of Andorice's 5 new Ultraliner aircraft, destinations for the new aircraft have not been released yet.