Tensions Build: Republic of Jace Begins Moblizing
After the nation of Evopia refused to destroy technology clearly deplicated from that being develeped by a joint venture between Jace and the Lowland Clans, Jace has begun moblizing it's military and stepped up to DefCon2.
The exact intentions of Jace remain unknown at this time, reporters have however seen officals of Jace arriving at the Palace in Century City for what appares to be a military conference.
Ravea is keeping watch on this situation and will dicide what side it is on later.
What technology did they duplicate?
Havin kept an eye on the situation, Exetonia supports the actions of Jace although, will not become involved unless attacked.
The Republic of Evopia would Now like to announce a Statement made by Evil Twin(Evopias Leader)
Firstly i would like to make it clear that i did not Duplicate the design we Funded Research by Independent means.
But most importently the matter of these Hostilities, The Republic of Evopia would Usaullly Readily Go to War over this matter, for we knoiw we are not in violation, but we thought Jace had backed down in this matter and the bulk of our militia and defense force are currently involved in defending the Free Land of the Stonies
Our Decision on Your Demands to destroy The Drop Pod technology
is curretnly under debate by our Council in the halls of Justice
The original thread, announcing the complete of the first Phase of the Apollo Space Station, and revealing plans for the completed station to the international community given them a fair chance to see what was coming to avoid future backlash.
The thread created by Evopia after viewing our thread, designed to sell the duplicated technology on the world market, which would not only have let Evopia make money off Jace/Lowland Clan technology but would have devestated the entire Jace/Lowland Clan research project, he also openly admits that his version is a copy of our own.
ns copyrights and patents are so ludicrous
We took OUR product off the market when we realised your had disconserns about this matter
ns copyrights and patents are so ludicrous
You damn right!
He stated he was "insipired" by the project. Plus he made little to no money off it. I would say demand compensation for lost profits at the VERY most, but not go to war over it, which this is leading to. The Commonwealth of Wintrees supports Evopia but will not go to war over the matter.
ns copyrights and patents are so ludicrous
Then I assume I am free to create technology "Inspired" by yours Rumania?.
We took OUR product off the market when we realised your had disconserns about this matter
As clearly shown here...
The Empire of Urda thanks the Nation of Evopia for allowing us to use your drop pods. A personal Jet will be coming at 1200 hours. The man in the jet will give you our plans for our mechs. Please allow 2 Escort Fighter jets to escort this plane.
Again, The Empire of Urda thanks you.
You have tottally disregarded your above statement and have gone ahead with spreading the technology as you please, probably just to spite us.
The Armed Republic of Jace has jsut shifted to DefCon3, major military task forces are assembling and missile silos are coming online...
Lets have Xerlox tech Jace a little lesson, eh? Im afraid Im busy with the UNAOTO morons at the moment.
Lets have Xerlox tech Jace a little lesson, eh? Im afraid Im busy with the UNAOTO morons at the moment.
Beat it, you have no part in this, and considering the way you three act I'd ignore anyway, much less have a mod remove all posts in my threads.
26-10-2003, 15:40
Jace i hate to say it but so far the only post you have put up shows that Evopia was interested in a stake in your station(and his post evidenses that he had been looking into the matter previosly) which it turned out they didn't need as someone gave them an old disused station and others gave them the funding to bring it back up to operational standards (ie myself and others).
As to the drop pods while you may have a slight case there but... i do see them mentioned fairly regularly (but tend to ignore them so no idea on specifics). but since this seems like a fairly established concept (and a rahter straight forward one at that) then i don't see how you can imgine having a case, if you have tested your tech at all, we will all know about it, orbital manouvering and orbit to surface movement is rather visible after all.
its a concept the only way to have a real case is his are blindingly identical to yours (which so far is unclear).
Jace i hate to say it but so far the only post you have put up shows that Evopia was interested in a stake in your station(and his post evidenses that he had been looking into the matter previosly) which it turned out they didn't need as someone gave them an old disused station and others gave them the funding to bring it back up to operational standards (ie myself and others).
As to the drop pods while you may have a slight case there but... i do see them mentioned fairly regularly (but tend to ignore them so no idea on specifics). but since this seems like a fairly established concept (and a rahter straight forward one at that) then i don't see how you can imgine having a case, if you have tested your tech at all, we will all know about it, orbital manouvering and orbit to surface movement is rather visible after all.
its a concept the only way to have a real case is his are blindingly identical to yours (which so far is unclear).
1} Your a direct ally of Evopia and are naturally trying to shield him, and out of this alliance you will be gaining access to the stolen drop pod technology.
2} Evopia created his drop podding tech almost immediately after seeing ours, which is enough grounds to declear his a copy of ours, if I had of seen him do some proper research into it it might have been a different story altogether, but since his tech magically appared after he showed interest in ours links the case, and when you think about it how can someone magically spawn the tech without researching it...
It is your choise, if you desire to support Evopia's thief, then you will suffer his fate.
Dying Camels
26-10-2003, 15:52
NS copyrights are rediculous. for instance, i made my own mig-45, a direct copy of FR's, and gave it to my regional defense. he can't care, because i could make the mig-47, and say it is my own :)
26-10-2003, 16:07
And why would i want the drop pod tech? i find it to be hideously expensive to be of any real use (while the ability to drop men anywhere is nice the sheer logisitics of getting a useful amount of men into space and keeping them there far out weights the benefits) and if i really wanted it i would have gone for it weeks (if not months) ago.
And you are worng on the ally statement (although that might change). At the moment we are simply an investor but one who wishes to quite rightly seem soem return on thier investment (we aren't after the DP tech but raher shuttles and a space station).
Well we still return to the idea of concept vs execution, the DP concept is an old and well entrentched idea. Evopia may have been thinking of it for some time or perhaps The tech is convered under my funding agreement as it's an idea i don't want but he felt he could use. in both cases your post may have just be a trigger for him to get around to posting his ideas. you have no proof otherwise.
but in the end i suppose we all see what you really are, a bully who simply wants to throw his weight around by crushing one of the few newbies who is actually putting some effort in.
Personally this would go better if you RPed it out in a sensible fashion but you seem too close minded for that.
ns copyrights and patents are so ludicrous
Then I assume I am free to create technology "Inspired" by yours Rumania?.
People do all the time, DT, ADK, Omz, etc. I don't need to go to war with them, I don't even care if people do anymore.
Ahem, and now the offical Jace comeback (I can image you where all sitting there feeling smug thinking you'd won an arguement...)
Now let me make this clear that this is OOC.
Firstly, this entire scenario with Evopia was supposed to be IC, although just about everyone attempted to drag it into OOC and confused the issue.
Secondly, one major point people seemed to miss entirely is that I was not complaining as such about him duplicating an brand new paint and patented concept, but instead the actual version of the technology Jace and the Lowland Clans had created, which Evopia (From the IC interpritation of the Jace Goverment mind you) used as the basis of his tech, based on the IC circomstances at which Evopia created his tech, which being immedaitely after he showed interest in the Jace/Lowland Clan space program then went off to develep his own (Although I have yet to see anyone present other implimentations of drop pod tech, so with iggnorance being bless and especially from an IC standpoint I may as well have created the first use of this tech for all I know).
Now hopefully this will bring things closer to what I origanally intended before the attempted flame war.
I assume then that since no one has attempted to counter my latest statement in an attempt to shield Evopia or start a flame war, I am free to proceed with the decimation of Evopia.
27-10-2003, 09:15
Whatever happened to just sueing the offending party? It seems a rather absurd reason for war, from a real life perspective. True, you may have a point in taking action for blantant plagiarism but a war? It's obviously hinting of imperialism and that my friend is something most people here would not like and will take full military action upon. Given the amount of peacekeepers in NationStates.
27-10-2003, 21:52
Jace: First oof let me appologiuse i was in a bit of a mood yesterday with things and that post wasn't one of my best.
If i may, let me ask you a question straight up: Did you agree this Evopia? did you lay things out for him?
Just springing this on a newer player likely isn't the best way to bring interesting people into the game and it might have scared off one of the few newer players who have actually tried, would you be happy to stay with the game if roles were reversed and some one stomped you for what is likely.
A message explaining what you were about and encouraging them to take part by offering incentives ie: "hey if you take part and this works out interesting we'll rebiuld your nation and give you our eternal protection and advice" would have been a perhaps better and bicer way of doing it.
Once again i apologise for the tone of my post it came out a bit more personal that i had intended (but IC and OOC Crookfur does get a little hot headed when people accuse him of doing thigns for reasons other than the real ones ie i really didn't want to see another newbie squash).
Anyway now that things are calm (and i'll ignore the whole time factor thing) perhaps you can restart in a more controlled method.