looking to buy biotoxins
we are currently looking to buy biotoxins and nerv agents and their delivery systems.
here is a short list we would like to purchese:
vx nerve gas
Mustard Gas
Cyanogen Chloride
Hydrogen Cyanide
Botulinum toxin
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
if you have any of these please contact us
ooc: i know that i am a young nation but we have a budget of thirty million$ according to the thread i saw the other day that told you how to determin how much cash your nation has.
25-10-2003, 01:39
talk to "super american vx man" he has some of those
We have access to all of the previously listed products, however the price for them will be rather high as they are dangerous to transport.
List those products in the order in which you desire them from most wanted to least wanted and we will deliver what is within your capacity to buy. Also we want to know how much of each you require.
We have a new version of anthrax on sale called anthrax GAMMA. Its a million bucks per barrel.
we mostly want four (4) 55 gallon drums or sarin gas
and ten (10) 55 gallon drums of vx gas
both in liquid form, as for the other chems and agents we will take them as a secondary option, should the former become too expensive.
i just need to know the prices, and will wire the money in you nation's currency.
Great Mateo
25-10-2003, 01:55
What idiot sells WMD to a newbie nation?
What idiot sells WMD to a newbie nation?
if we can't buy them leagly, we will have to research them and make them our selves. if we make them our selves we cannot determine how stable they will be, as they would become more dangerouse then initialy intended.
will get back to this on Monday...
25-10-2003, 14:04
Wonder who he is going to use the stuff on?
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
OK, we'll make this nice and simple for the 30 Million you have to spend we'll get you the Sarin Gas, The VX gas, a couple hundred doses of Smallpox, a couple hundred doses of Plague (I assume you mean Beubonic), and Some Anthrax. Deal?
The Armed Republic of Rhonar officially denies ownership of such illegal Weapons of Mass Destruction as they violate countless International Treaties, as well as bringing UN sanctions against countries in violation.
(unofficially, we can offer everything on the list at half the price of your lowest bid).
Pain and Misery
29-10-2003, 20:56
I can get you all that stuff. Telegram me