Bloody Tank Testing.. (WW2 RP S. American front)
OOC: If my knowledge is correct, walmington should end up RPing COlombia which will hopefully declare war as Hvan smashes into Chile and I finish it off
Hainan sends military advisers to oversee the defense of Hvan from the imperialists!
Haikou, Hainan- After the Republic of Hvan requested help in defending itself from Colombia, recently equipped with Walmingtonian equipment and obviously planning a criminal invasion of Hvan, Hainan responded by generously donating 140 or so T-42 tanks (OOC: T-26's with better suspension), tens of T-28's (uhmm from 1933 but nevermind), and T-35 "land battleships". In addition, around 100 KC and MS tanks (definitely the bast tanks of.... ww1) are being sent to be modified to fire 45mm guns and be dug in as pillboxes. Scores of Zis-2 57mm guns have been sent, as well as some ZIs-30 light tank destroyers. Several new 85mm anti-tank guns have also been shipped. Hvan has undertaken production of T-34-57's, T-50's, and indeginious ETB series tanks with the help of Hainan. Hainan stresses to note that this is a purely defensive measure against the imperialistic Colombians. Exact details remain classified (OOC: basically, dig in everything except the T-34's, T-50's, and T-42's. Use those as plug gap forces should a hole be made.)
Dug in MS-3 tank with 45mm anti-tank gun
Zis-2 high velocity 57mm anti-tank gun in Hainanese service
At the crack of dawn, several thousand and dozens of EtB I Maq A crossed the border with Chile. Hvan offically declared war on Chile as of 7am this morning. all Forces are converging on Arica.
Walmington on Sea
25-10-2003, 20:28
Great Walmington
"Well that's it then. It's unavoidable if they've crossed the Chilean border. War on another front.
"They'll not get far. There's two major rivers blocking their narrow path of advance within the first fifty miles. No room for manouver thanks to the Andes." Mainwaring remained confident in his ability to judge affairs of military-bent despite his assertion that Maginot would keep-out Jerry..
The Defence Ministry couldn't quite figure it out. Hvan couldn't mean to take Chile- it would take so long. Perhaps they would make landings further down the coast? Would they be capable of such large operations? Perhaps a Hainanese fleet would become involved? But could they keep it up at such range, and with the Iansislian and Calarcan fleets in the Pacific?
There must be some less direct intention. They wanted someone else to make a mistake in their response, perhaps? Who was this aimed at?
Walmington was on edge.
Latin America
Walmingtonian ambassadors were inclined to deliver speeches in their Latin American posts in which they spoke of the need to put aside old regional squabbles in the face of what was now truly a global crisis.
La Paz was unhappy at Uruguay's receipt of so many arms, Montevideo wasn't delighted at Bolivia's lot, Panama City was no doubt less than happy at the ammount of diplomatic traffick between Great Walmington and Bogota, but frankly Mainwaring couldn't care less about what any Lati.. any American nation besides perhaps Canada thought. Walmington didn't take a one of the new-world's states seriously, and was only really interested in Canada because it got in the way of Iansisle.
Ambassadors were essentially asserting that failure to unite against the anti-democratic and jingoistic forces of the Axis and their Asian and Peruvian shadows would make South American border disputes seem especially petty.
Attempts to encourage Bolivia to assist in the defence of Chile were met with mixed responses in that nation. La Paz presumably wanted to avoid angering its Vanian neighbours, despite Walmington's insistance that Hvan's neighbours clearly did not need to offer provocation before being invaded.
(this post is vague and rambling, yes. Walmington is not sure what to do- any action made too swiftly could have consiquences later.)
The Advisors were at a loss. They had been assured by the Hainese Government that Colombia would declare war by now. It was decieded to hold the advance at Arica, not wanting to expend any more lives on that front. The would have to deside a new strategum.
However, it was not a complete failure. The short lived campaign did expose many weakness's in the EtB II. Work has already begun on designing a new replacement for the tank.
The 1st through 4th Armoured Divisons began the offencive campaign against Colombia with a thrust into the Colombian Province of Narino. The force rushed right past the coastal town of Tumaco, making use of the roads nearby to gain quick ground. 4 Thousand men of the 9th Rifles moved in afterwards and captured the small town. There was no resistance, to early in the campaign for any defence to be organized. The Armoured Divisons are currently pressing on to their projected objective of a key location 25 Km from the City of Cali. Several T-35's are being dug in as moveable bunkers, with earthworks in the process.
The 2nd Fleet moved out of the Harbour today. They have set sail for Colombia, and should arrive at their destination in a day. They are to be stationed 50 miles from the coast.
60 miles north east of Iquitos
The 2nd through 10th Armoured Regiments (YEAH REGIMENTS!) moved across the border with Colombia. They moved at full speed moving northly. To the West of this thrust, 50,000 Men also crossed the border, heading for the nearby foothills.
Quito, Ecuador/Hvan
Several dozen SB-2 Bombers have been conducting massive bombing runs against many Colombian cities, namely Cali and Bogota. The planes are escorted each time by D.520 Diamond Backs.
Ministry of War, Haikou, Hainan
The Hainanese Minister of War, Ho Wuin, was at the forefront of the group eagerly awaiting the latest news from South America. While only the idea of digging tanks in had been adopted by the Hvanian army from the advisors stationed there, the T-34-57 was making an excellent showing, but then again, if Walmingtopian pictures from the African front were to be trusted, the Walmingtopian army still used vintage Medium Mk2 tanks. That the Colombian army was merely a rabble being bombed anywhere it accumulated did not discourage the officers from making lovely propaganda pictures of knocked out Colombian Cruiser Tanks.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jumping on an opportunity to create yet another front against the Colombians, hainanese diplomats had been dispatched to Panama in an attempt to bring Panama into the war, against their former masters (OOC: Panama won independence from Colombia in the early 20th century), with promises of aid shipments and Hainanese intervention should things go wrong. At the same time, Hainanese diplomats were trying to negotiate a treaty between Paraguay and Hvan, which would come in play during the upcoming partition of Bolivia. Deals between Uruguay and Walmington could not bother anyony less.
((I'll give Colombia another 2 hours to reply, otherwise im going into phase 2.))
The 4th Vanian Fleet set out from Manta today, setting sail for the Caribbean.
Included in the fleet was the Battleship, HMVS. Chimbote, the two Cruisers, HMVS. Puira, HMVS. Ica, Four Destroyers, HV-15, HV-16, HV-17, HV-18, and Several small motor boats/river boats. Roughly 3000 Heavily Armed infantry accompany the force. Rumours are circulating about the 'Vanian carrier, HMVS. Lima accompanying the fleet, along with about half a dozen U-Boats, however these are unconfirmed. The fleet is expected to reach its objective in under a week.
Walmington on Sea
28-10-2003, 02:26
WoS propaganda seemed to be working well- it was a pity that nobody in Walmington was in a position to know that.
It would have amused WoS government and military men to have been able to hear Hainanese speak of how little anyone cared for Uruguay.
My dear, no one who is anyone cares a damn for any of that sticky continent.. General Sir Jack Jones may well have remarked.
Meanwhile Walmington flew-in to Colombia, Chile, and Bolivia a few more colonials versed in the inticacies of guerrilla warfare. Southern Africans, mainly.
"Get them design specifics for Leech-Grenades too Wilson, good man!" The PM called after his departing deputy after having returned from an afternoon in Norbray viewing SOW agents demonstrating the anti-tank grenades. "You'd be surprised, Wilson, what happens when they're dropped from trees on to vehicles."
"I suppose they'd explode, sir.."
[cue Mainwaring's look ]
The 'Vanian government is fed up with Walmington Interference with matters not of their own. A official letter is sent to the WoS government informing them of anymore help to the Colombians and Hvan will declare war. It may not seem like Much, but when you lose upwards of 40,000 Tons of shipping each month, it will be.
As Hvan's armies move further into Colombia, they are experiencing heavy guerilla attacks. Tracks blown off, firebombs dropped onto tanks and so forth. So far casualties were minimal, but it was demeed a high priority. Several recon groups made forays into the Jungles, searching for enemy camps, then preceding to have it attacked with bombers armed with Incidiary bombs. The jungle would not protect from those vicious flames.
Along the western coast, the order came. Several dozen landing craft, numbering roughly 40-50 set out for the chosen beaches along the Colombian coast. 10 minutes before the landing took place, the defences were subjected to huge naval bombardments and airstrikes, surely devistating. The 1st through 4th Armoured Divisions had begun their intial assault on Cali, supported by thousands of men and artillary pieces. 20,000 Men are being called up from Hvan to support this attack, and a further 10,000 to support the attacks on the eastern side of the country. 24 Transport of all varieties took off, all carrying atleast 15 Paratroopers, set out for an area roughly 10-15 miles east of the target beaches. Their ETA, 15 minutes. The planes had a heavy escort of D.520's that were also fitted for a ground attack role, to attempt to take out any AA guns.
As the armoured fist moved through into Cali, they turned on loud speakers, broadcasting messages such as: "Do not fight for Colombia, Hvan is here to protect you. Walmington just wants your resources and cares little for you! Look at Ecuador, they are happy! We are not the enemy, the Colombian Government and Walmington on Sea are the Enemy!"
"This past month," Marqo Delivente announced over the microphones, "We have freed our neighbors to the North from their chains of oppresion!" He paused for a moment to draw suspense. "However, the fight is not over. Some do not realize they are enslaved, but we will show them the light. Under 'Vanian rule, they will see the light." Marqo peered out across the platform at the churning mass of people, each man woman and child following every word he said with a sort of awe. This is what true power meant.
Major Jack Mancias was nervous. This was a first for him. His landing ship swayed back and forth against the heavy ocean waves. "Prepare for landing!" The Troopship's operator yelled over the sea spray. Shells were whizzing past, far off from his transport, but you never could know when that lucky shot would come. He heard the bottom of the boat scrape up against the beach, then the grinding sound as the front loading door ramp dropped to the soft grey sand of the beach. There was only enough room for one man to exit, maybe two if you squeezed. Pvt Perez moved through the ramp, only to be met by a hail of lead and fire, almost disintigrating under the hail of enemy fire. Jack watched Perez fall to the ground, then the man to his right was sprayed with Machine gun fire. They were being butchered. Jack couldn't send his man through that small doorway into hell. "Over the sides! NOW!" Jack yelled to his men, there were only about 12 of them left now. They immediatly began climbing over the sides into the cold ocean below. The water was low enough for them to kneel in and keep their head above the water, which was good, otherwise Jack might have drown under his equipment. He wasn't much of a swimmer. The MG across from his squad immediatly opened up on them. Bullets skimmed along, hitting several of his comrades, the water turning an ugly red. There was a loud thunderclap to Jacks left. Rolling off a transport was a EtB I tank. Smoke wafting lazily from the end of the 40mm cannon. Jack looked back at the Machine gun nest, he had noticed the distinct MG chatter had died away. The nest was gun, replaced by a large black crater with bodies strewn about. "Tango squad, Advance! Get to the ridge, and rally with the rest of the squad!"
Jack watched his men follow his orders loyaly. He began a low run towards the ledge himself, rounds buzzing by his face, pounding into the soft earth behind him. He reached the Ridge and took an observing glance down the line. It seemed the force sustained minimal casualties taking the beach so far. He could see several tanks had gotten Mired in the sand, unable to move. They were either abandoned by there crews or firing off the last of their ammunition. The tanks that were not immoblized proceeded over the ridge only to meet a sea of Dragons Teeth preventing their advance. They began opening fire on small bunkers and trenches that they could see. Jack thanked god that they had Tank support. Jack was preparing to give an order to begin a charge, when he heard the distinct whine of a mortar shell. "Everyone down! Incoming!" He shouted over the sounds of warfare. The shell impacted further down the line, but Jack could feel the heat come from the impact, could feel the debris and... other objects pepper his body. 4 of his men had been killed in the blast. He checked himself over, but he seemed ok. There was another soft cough of a mortar firing and the distinct whinning of the shell coming down again. "Incoming!" Jack screamed. The shell exploded again, this time a bit further behind them, no one was hit, but everyone was rattled. Jack heard another whinning sound, but it sounded like an engine. He looked in the air to see two D.520 Diamond Backs screaming through the air. They sped past his position, Jack had to look over the lip of the Ridge to see what followed. The two D.520's began to dive, letting loose their 20mm nose cannon and heavy machine guns strafing furiously. As they began to pull up Jack could see four small black objects hurdling towards the ground. The four 250lb bombs hit with a loud explosion, dust plooming up into the sky. As the smoked twisted and danced in the Air, Jack noticed something. It was alot quieter. No cough of mortars, and there was less MG fire. He made a mental note to find out who had been piloting those D.520's.
"Tango squad, CHARGE!" Jack fixed his bayonet to his rifle and lept over the ridge.