Evopia is Looking for a partner in Space Scheme!
The Republic of Evopia is embarking on a new scheme of space exploration; Evopia is currently constructing a space center in our capital and when that is complete we will start on a state of the art space station.
If any nation would like to help with the backing of this Scheme please post a reply, all benafactors and partners nations will recieve total use of the station which will feature Drop podding and missile silos
The Exetonian Government would like to point out that missile silos would be in contradiction of UN policies and wants nothing to do with this.
(ooc: you seem a little young for a space project)
i am a little too long that is whay im looking for a partner.
is it really against the Un policy even non-WMD missiles?
Exetonia is giving a lot of BS. And even if the UN has any such policy, no one abides by it.
By order of:
The Holy Druzian Prince
Living in exile in the Island of Froktue
i am a little too long that is whay im looking for a partner.
is it really against the Un policy even non-WMD missiles?
With the first Space shuttles kitted out all that is left for the Republic of Evopia to go into space(modern age) is a Partner/Contractor to help with the funding of building.
i state again that any Nations helping will be given Full use of The space Station, When Operational!
24-10-2003, 20:44
We will donate our ancient station still in orbit of NS earth to your cause, it should more than fit your needs.
Might I recommend:
http://www.bateshome.com/jordan/ccsig.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=69082)
CC Technology:
Vehicles and Vessels (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=69082&highlight=)
Farad Technology (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=64664)
Chlorophusion Technology (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=66190)
LiquidMetal^2 Armor Technology (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=74364&highlight=)
Chloro-Borg Technology (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=74141&highlight=)
FTL Technologies (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1882087#1882087)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We, The Republic of Evopia Are Greatly in your dept we will Refurbish the Station; You may have full use of the station(Blademasters).
24-10-2003, 20:49
The Republic of Evopia is embarking on a new scheme of space exploration; Evopia is currently constructing a space center in our capital and when that is complete we will start on a state of the art space station.
If any nation would like to help with the backing of this Scheme please post a reply, all benafactors and partners nations will recieve total use of the station which will feature Drop podding and missile silos
If you still require modern tech funding then the Kingdom of Crookfur will happily aid you (we have our own space program but it concentrates on satelites for all sort of things (maybe even a SDI at some point). We have some rather wonderful launch facilities on our equatorial island holding of Stewartland which may be of use to you.
24-10-2003, 20:49
We really don't need it, and you should find everything in working order (including the automated shipyard)
News Report----------------------------
With The First Evopian Shuttles Heading For The Newly Named space Station, EVE OF DOOM :twisted: , The miltarization and refubishment shall began but still lacking funds The Republic of Evopia are still Looking for partners in the Venture.
The Republic of Evopia is embarking on a new scheme of space exploration; Evopia is currently constructing a space center in our capital and when that is complete we will start on a state of the art space station.
If any nation would like to help with the backing of this Scheme please post a reply, all benafactors and partners nations will recieve total use of the station which will feature Drop podding and missile silos
If you still require modern tech funding then the Kingdom of Crookfur will happily aid you (we have our own space program but it concentrates on satelites for all sort of things (maybe even a SDI at some point). We have some rather wonderful launch facilities on our equatorial island holding of Stewartland which may be of use to you.
The Republic of Evopia is intrested in this but we dont understand exactly what your are offering us and what we can do for you???? :?
24-10-2003, 20:59
Basically we offer:
All the funds you require (unless you need some really big amounts then parlimentary approval would be required).
Full use of our space launch facilities if you require them
Anything useful from our rocket and satelitte research (but not our Strategic Defence Iniative at the moment.
In return from you we would hope to get:
A Crookfur citizen into space (we have put a couple up but that was all rather hush hush and a alrge soft drinks company stole the limelight).
Access to a space station for research.
More varied launch facilities
Perhaps access to different space vehicles (basically we went to rockets and putting stuff into orbit but not much further, think the european space work in RL, lots of bits going up on decent rockets but not until the ISS did they even think of doing much else).
I hope that helps.
All your demands have been met by our goverment with much approvel
and we look forward to much future co-operation
The Republic of Evopia is requesting funds to buy a space shuttle from the
Ell storefront the total amount of money is half a billion with combined funding; but we intend to fit it with research and *cough*spy technology*cough* and we will be more than willing to send you the data from our findings
24-10-2003, 21:11
*hackcough*Evopia, your realize that you can use that space station to produce space ships, yes? Just thought I'd make i clearer.
Thank you for the reminder i will still require funding from cookfur but this will be reduced to 2million; the idea is still the same i shall create a shuttle with research and spy technology and our findings will be shared
The Dominion of Skager will offer unlimited funds to your project in return for use of your space station's docking facilities and the previously mentioned drop pod technology.
We currently have three ships in orbit, 2 cargo ships and one combat craft, and seek to enlarge our fleet. Hopefully we can do so from the facilities of said space station.
The Republic of Evopia would like to announce that the new research/spy shuttle The Eve of Dicovery has been launched from THE EVE OF DOOM :twisted: and is now fully operational; but due to lack of funding this will be the last venture of the space program evopia shall embark on for some time untill futher funding makes itself avialable.
The republic of Evopia recongnises the Nation of Skager and will allow use of the space station and the use of drop podding although the use of such a drop pod is expensive in such an early stage of develpment and the charge shall be 500,000 per drop pod or 10million for unlimeted unbarred use of all the stations technology
24-10-2003, 21:56
As we said any funding you want is there unless you need more than say S5billion (sorry i had to go off line for a while).
Due to recent Funding the Republic of Evopia has re-opened it's space program and has spent all its remaining budget on the drop podding technology and the instillation of missile silos;
on a further not i woul like to sell this drop podding technology to cookfur who could place it on his storefronts
The Republic of Evopia is embarking on a new scheme of space exploration; Evopia is currently constructing a space center in our capital and when that is complete we will start on a state of the art space station.
If any nation would like to help with the backing of this Scheme please post a reply, all benafactors and partners nations will recieve total use of the station which will feature Drop podding and missile silos
i have no problem with a new spacestation being put up but please make sure that it is not in the way of my nuclur missles in space for i do not want neclur explosians going on with anothere country thanks
North Encarta :D
This project that i would the nation of N. Encarta would like to make would be a place where astronaughts or however u spell it go to space and learn more based on new things in space CO.
The nation of N. Encarta however needs some money to help put this project up.
The nation has also set up there new s.h.a.n.e space center.
please help with the money to put this new program in space to make space more better for everyone :D :o :lol:
24-10-2003, 22:34
Due to recent Funding the Republic of Evopia has re-opened it's space program and has spent all its remaining budget on the drop podding technology and the instillation of missile silos;
on a further not i woul like to sell this drop podding technology to cookfur who could place it on his storefronts
I would require some pretty heavy techie stuff for it to get into my store front, i strive to use things that are vaguely possible and that i understand reasonably well, no offence but it's part of standing practice.
We will purchase unlimted useage of the station. 10 million wired.
By the way, the unlimited funding we offered is not be be used for anything other then the space station. To ensure this we would like to get a copy of your expense reports. It is not that we don't trust you, but since we have never had dealings together, we feel that certain precautions be taken.
In other news, our first cargo ship will be expected to dock at the station within 24 hours. It carries personal for standard jobs (janitors etc.) as well as scientists and engineers. They will assist in any buillding that may be needed.
Country Infomation:
Population 7,000000
Civil Rights: Average
Econemy: Strong
Political Freedoms:Superb
GDP per Capita:$3000
Budget Spent on Defense/Militia:$92,260,607
EVE OF DOOM :twisted: Expenses -------------
Space Staion Construction: Free (It was given to us by the blademasters)
Research:42mil (Joint Funding from cookfur and Skager)
Research Shuttle, Eve of Discovery: 18mil (Joint Funding, all research shared between Partners Cookfur and Skager)
Evopian Arms Manfc.: 22mil per annual (this is taken from the Evopian treasury all expenses paid by the Republic of Evopia)
Current war Costs:None
If there are any more expenses that you would like to know about please post
I hope the research pacts with Wintrees is counted as an partnership by Evopia.
Yes all research will be shared by our partner this includes Wintrees
Evopia has been accused of duplicating technology which is thus far exclusive to the goverments of the Armed Republic of Jace and The Allied States of the Lowland Clans.
Jace wishes to offer a warning to those dealing with Evopia, and warns those who attempt to support thief of Jace/Lowland Clan technology will be provoking military action.
Due to Coflicts with Nano Soft The space Station Will be doing reagular checks over the Nation of Nanosoft with its shuttles;Missiles are also primed
05-11-2003, 11:17
Credonia has a great space program, in fact we have just unveiled our Convoy Nuclear Powered Space Shuttle. Check out the thread: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=87988
The armed republic of Shing-Lo will hlp you in any way you require.
Osaki, on behalf of
http://www.abinante.org/gabriel/shinglobanner.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=73226)
With The Drop Poddding Technology Fully Implemented ON our Space Station EVE OF DOOM :twisted: The Republic of Evopia is Now Beggining the Lengthy and Expensive task of Shipping Up 500 Evopian Manfc. Tanks
and 15,000 Evopian all Terrain Troops, They will be shipped up to the Space Station Using Conventinal Space Rockets, although thanks to funding by Other Nations this is possible.
The Republic of Evopia Will Effectilvy Soon have a Standing Army in Space
The Evopian Standing Army on The Space Station EVE OF DOOM :twisted: , from this point on called the Evopian Space Corps
Are Now fully operatinal onboard THE EVE OF DOOM SPACE STATION :twisted: