NationStates Jolt Archive

1st in Weaponry

24-10-2003, 02:39
all types of weapons for sale or trade, including WMD, also all types of security needs...covert wars...special ops...assasinations
24-10-2003, 02:41
Y'know, a key element of a storefront is DESCRIPTIONS, or at least a list, of the things you are selling. It is also considered polite to inform people of the time period you are set in.
Har Land
24-10-2003, 02:45
We need a "slap the godmodder" game :D :P
24-10-2003, 02:45
Board game or card game?
24-10-2003, 02:57
card game.
The Macabees
24-10-2003, 03:00
Alright let's open a card game storefront

OOC: I lack anything better to say.. maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all :lol:
27-10-2003, 14:16
Y'know, a key element of a storefront is DESCRIPTIONS, or at least a list, of the things you are selling. It is also considered polite to inform people of the time period you are set in.we do not care what you think...back off and mind your own business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27-10-2003, 14:19
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
27-10-2003, 16:20
Y'know, a key element of a storefront is DESCRIPTIONS, or at least a list, of the things you are selling. It is also considered polite to inform people of the time period you are set in.we do not care what you think...back off and mind your own business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a buisness. It has 23 pages I belive. It has made me over one hundred trillion dollars. I have a second buisness, I build planets. It has made me over two sales. It has three to four pages. I think I am entitled to give buisness advice.
27-10-2003, 16:46
Y'know, a key element of a storefront is DESCRIPTIONS, or at least a list, of the things you are selling. It is also considered polite to inform people of the time period you are set in.we do not care what you think...back off and mind your own business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on now... how do you expect people to buy stuff if they don't know what to buy???

*shakes head*

I also have a very successful storefront, and so here's some free advice: the best way to get customers is to include as many details as possible and make it look real.