Moving To Space
The Nation of Nakjo is moving into space,we will be in sector b-12 section 3. all donations for the expenses would be greatly appreciaed
El Quakdo
President of Nakjo
How far from Sol is this sector? (In light years)
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CC Technology:
Vehicles and Vessels (
Farad Technology (
Chlorophusion Technology (
LiquidMetal^2 Armor Technology (
Chloro-Borg Technology (
FTL Technologies (
Sol is the name of Earths sun, and it is the common name for Earths solar system.
itll be 20 light years from sol then
itll be 20 light years from sol thenNot too bad... do you have an FTL System already? (FTL= Faster Than Light)
let alone space ships? :)