The Empire of Scientism is looking for allies...
The Emperor of Scientism (Dr. Diablos the Despot) speaks:
The Empire of Scientism is looking for allies for it's cause. Our main agenda is scientific research unrestrained by moral concerns. War is also on the agenda.
The United socialist States of Fulovit is also looking for allies. We will join you if you will aid us in our new Military Program: Naval Prowess. We will accept investments in which you will recieve a Destroyer if you provide 300 Million USD and a Battlecruiser for each 1.5 Billion USD.
Hmm... Indeed. We will aid you in you naval program, and will send you 4 billion minds (3 billion USD) for 10 Destroyers. The pact is made, so be it.
Research in anti-matter technology allowed us to construct a Ground-Air Antimatter missle, which has enormous destructive capabilities. They will be perfect for your Battlecruisers, we will sell each for a price of 10 million USD
Awaiting your reply.
let us conduct these affairs through telegram
"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past."
I'll be your ally.
Most excellent, let our plans and forces converge in victory!