Should alchohol be aloud tobe sold to teenagers over 13
I think that alchohol should be sold to teenagers over 13 because i think they wouldnt abuse it and it gives something to do and as long it doesnt turn into heavy drinking its ok.
Danial blonde
The Government of exetonia is issuing it's final warning to the state of Fir Blondes. retort your statement against the inccident in our country or face the consequences. You have 4 days (4 hours) This is your FINAL warning
Man, Exetonia is pissed. And no, the drinking age should be at 19.
Big Long Now
20-10-2003, 18:54
The legal limit of alcohol should be 18, and nothing less than that. 13 year olds, if allowed to buy alcohol, are sure as heck going to abuse the use of it. While we're at it, lets go ahead and sell cigarettes to 6 year olds, because hey, they've got to look cool.
I think that alchohol should be sold to teenagers over 13 because i think they wouldnt abuse it and it gives something to do and as long it doesnt turn into heavy drinking its ok.
Danial blonde
The leagle drinking age in Trasa is 35. and it's NOT SUPPOST TO BE 13!!!!!!
Takes out a MP5 and shoots fit Blondes
20-10-2003, 19:00
Man, Exetonia is pissed. And no, the drinking age should be at 19.
As opposed to 18 or 17? What makes 19 the special age?
Because i like the number 19?
The drinking age should be as in most European countries, 16. Now shut up or I n00k you :twisted:
This has been an OOC post.
Should alchohol be aloud tobe sold to teenagers over 13
Looks like you've had a few too many :roll:
(OOC: I trust you are 13?)
The legal drinking age in Ernestgrad is 20 years. Since they are adults, they understand the dangers of alcohol. 13 year olds, however, do not.
Still in puberty, those beings are still embyroes. The USSE government is against your policy.
USSE Representative Trevor MacGregor